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Realistic or Modern BioPhage: Zombie Apocalypse RP (Open/Accepting!!)

Raven looked at Aisling, "I had a Martial Arts, Trainer, my older sister before all this happened we escaped our home after everything happened they got my mom and dad and then my sister got bit and I had to put her down it was the hardest thing I had to do" Raven has tears run down her cheeks"

@Stormee Fae
Cassandra tried to stop herself from commenting on Max's words, she REALLY fucking did...but at this point it was obvious she had NO filter whatsoever. So a very blunt and shocked "No me jodas..." escaped from her lips.

Being an objective person, she knew that her surprise didn't come out of disbelief...it was more out of guilt. Because now she could kinda understand why he hated the whole "Romeo" thing, and despite the fact Cassandra was not the most "empathic" person in the world, even she felt a bit shitty at that.

On the other side, she had to admit the guy was on a mission to dump every depressing story on them...and he was kinda succeeding.

"Shit man..." She started awkwardly, silently reminding herself to start using his real name before he told them "Man" was actually the name of his dead dog or something. "I am DEFINITELY not calling you Romeo again" She offered awkwardly, which was the closest think Cassandra Muñoz could get to an actual apology.

She tried to make it better...."tried" being the key word. "I'm guessing it's the Aisling chick you mentioned" She mused, only to remember he probably didn't want to talk about it...or maybe he did, considering Max was...well Max.

@Stormee Fae @XxLuluxX
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Flynn looked through the window and he could clearly see the man was clearly well built, if he wanted he would be able to easily overpower Flynn if he wanted. Flynn could feel nervousness in the pit of his stomach and he held his axe in a tighter grip. But other than his initial nervousness, he had no reason to think this man would try to hurt him. So he just let Sadee decide what to do with him, closing his eyes he just listened to the music playing from the truck.

@Stormee Fae @Safton @Tictacguy123
"I am okay with it. We could use every pair of hands we can get. We're forming a caravan. I was about to take Will to his truck. Then we're headed up to Boston. I'm Sadee. You're welcome to sit in the bed with Flynn. It's fairly protected from wind there."

"Cool. Thanks. I'm Benjamin. You can call me Benny if you want."

He looked around towards the bed of the truck, noticing the man who he assumed to be Flynn. He looked back to Sadee and then nodded, making his way around to the bed. He carefully hopped up, sitting with his back against the window. He looked around a bit, still uneasy of just sitting in the open. In the back of his mind, it slightly irked him that no one had recognized him yet. It was the apocalypse, sure, but that didn't mean the previous world meant nothing.

@Stormee Fae @ShadowSketches
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shadowz1995 said:
"Hubris. Be careful what you wish for. Old teaching and an old warning. You might get what you wish for but not in the way you'd expect. I can't tell you how badly I wanted to get out of prison. I tried to find every weakness in the correctional facility in hopes that I could find an escape. I just didn't think my escape would come at the cost of everyone I knew and loved on the outside. When the world finally fell to chaos and the electricity died out, the locks on the cells deactivated. Didja' know that? They were all electronically controlled. Ironic. When the cells opened it wasn't hell that swarmed out. Hell swarmed in. I don't know how many infected came sprinting in attacking everything in sight. Easily over the hundreds. It looked like a small army. Between the guards, the convicts, and the infected it had become a three-way war. I made out it out by using every enemy, ally, and friend I had made in their as a meat shield. True to my thief ways, I slipped out relatively unharmed. But the world that greeted me wasn't the one I remembered. My friends were gone. My family. My girl. My daughter.....I thought I had nothing to lose and tried desperately to escape my prison. Life has a funny way of showing you just how wrong you can be." The thief's eyes glazed over as he told the tale. As if narrating the events that unfolded from an outside perspective. Lennex's distant gaze returns after a moment of silence and he turns to see Hadley looking at him and Lennex smiles at her. It wasn't the warm smiles he had given before but the smile of a very tired man, mentally well beyond his years."
Hadley smiles sadly, she leans against Lennex, "I'm still here, and I'll stay here with you until you don't want me around, okay? There's no getting rid of me." She closes her eyes and let's her body relax. For the first time in weeks, Hadly is finally fully relaxed, her muscles no longer tense. Her breathing calm. She reaches up and holds the mans hand, "Thank you for not killing e when you saw me." She whispers.
Lennex can't help but arch an eyebrow when she leans upon him but manages to suppress the smile that wanted to creep on to his face. Wasn't the time for any kind of shenanigans right now. The man simply returns the gesture and holds her hand back and leans his head against the top of hers. When Hadley thanks him, Lennex nods against her head and replies, "Don't worry about it. Thank you for not killing me as well. Things were tense weren't they? Hahaha."

RandomFoodGirl said:
Hadley smiles sadly, she leans against Lennex, "I'm still here, and I'll stay here with you until you don't want me around, okay? There's no getting rid of me." She closes her eyes and let's her body relax. For the first time in weeks, Hadly is finally fully relaxed, her muscles no longer tense. Her breathing calm. She reaches up and holds the mans hand, "Thank you for not killing e when you saw me." She whispers.
shadowz1995 said:
Lennex can't help but arch an eyebrow when she leans upon him but manages to suppress the smile that wanted to creep on to his face. Wasn't the time for any kind of shenanigans right now. The man simply returns the gesture and holds her hand back and leans his head against the top of hers. When Hadley thanks him, Lennex nods against her head and replies, "Don't worry about it. Thank you for not killing me as well. Things were tense weren't they? Hahaha."
Hadley giggles and nods, "I didn't mean to threaten you, I was just scared... I wouldn't have killed you...." She looks up at Lennex, "Not if you are alive. I couldn't do it.." She looks down and holds her breath. Trying to hold tears in, her mind races with past thoughts about her family, all gone. And Kyson? What would Lennex think if he knew she killed him?
A low rumble of a chuckle passes through Lennex's chest and he uses his free hand to pass it over Hadley's hair in a soothing manner. At such close proximity, Lennex can hear the girl practically choking on her tears as she tries so desperately to hold them back. Whatever was going through her head was deeply troubling her. Lennex being the man he was, wasn't going to ask. He wasn't going to pry about it. He simply stayed silent and comforted the young lady. She'll tell me when she trusts me enough. We have got nothing but time in this life now. "It's ok. It's ok. I've got you. Don't worry. Not alone anymore Hadley."

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Hadley takes a deep breath before burying her face in the mans chest, she starts to silently sob. She knew she would cry eventually, but now? In front of Lennex? Is she crazy?

Hadley calms herself down before wiping her eyes. She looks out at the moon as it shines, she sighs and pushes her hair back just for it to fall in front of her face again.

"It's not easy anymore, you know?" She looks at him, hoping he would just forget her little breakdown. "I mean, I don't think I'm the same girl I used to be..."

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995
"Cool. Thanks. I'm Benjamin. You can call me Benny if you want."

William frowned, something clicking inside his head. He stopped walking toward his truck, turning briefly to glance over his shoulder at the man. It was too late; Benny had already climbed into the back of the vehicle where Hendrix had been sitting moments before. Will shrugged, shaking his head before making his way to the truck. He set leaned into the still-open driver's side door, unslinging the M4 and leaning it against the passenger seat before climbing in. He checked the fuel and other gauges as a force of habit, eliciting a satisfied grunt.

Shifting the truck into park, he allowed the vehicle to amble down the road until he came up even with the driver's side of Sadee's Ford. He rolled down the window, rubbing the back of his neck. "Where to from here? There's a gas station down that way if you're running low," he gestured back the way he had come. "But I'm open to suggestions."


Just imagine it with a truck bed cover.

@Stormee Fae


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His Dream :


Theodore squirmed in his bunk as he remembered his past. His dream always hunting him. As his dream ended he woke up with a small painful moan. His eyes quickly scanning the cabin of his plane.

He was inside his airplane cabin.

(His plane)


When everything happened he found himself on the way to his local airport. Not large enough for transcontinental flights but enough for private national flights. In the airfield were several hangers one belonged to him, or at least he rented it for now. Inside was his pride and joy. His plane, Minerva, named after the Roman goddess of wisdom and War. On the side of his plane was a woman painted clad in armor with a spear ready to be thrown. The plane unfortunately was not in working condition, not yet.

Theo rose from his bunk, checking the windows of his cabin scanning the hangar the small barricades he created seemed to hold. As he walked out his plane, he grabbed his bag,making sure his items were still in order, a canteen,extra jacket,mechanix gloves,a beanie,glasses and a pack of cigarettes. He reached to his lower back, grabbing and checking his pistol a glock 14. Being a concealed carry member and given his former military background le way was given to him at this particular airport.

He grabbed his jacket and bag and head out. He was missing a few parts for his plane to run smoothly, seeing as he had scavenged what he could from other hangers he made it his mission to head towards the city and check the local Mechanic shops in hopes of finding something close to what he needs.

As he opened the door removing the barricades the wind chill knocked him back a few bit the fresh air was a good surprise. Putting on his glasses he pulled out his pistol and began to make his way out the airfield. Everything seemed quiet but for how long.
@XxLuluxX @Mayhem

Max looked curious, confused at the soft words that Cassandra muttered. She was hard to read, no doubt a complex person. That fascinated Max. While Cassandra put up an aggressive, apathetic front; but she was probably hurting on the inside. Max was similar. He put on a happy face. The more peaceful and joyful he appeared, the more put together he seemed, the more emotionally stable he felt. Although, things were coming to a head. The added stress of not knowing if his little stunt left Jordan, Aidan, and Aisling alive was getting to him. He had to get it out. It's not healthy to bottle things up, and Max knew that. The strong women in his life taught him well.

"I am DEFINITELY not calling you Romeo again,"

Truth was, Aisling wasn't his girlfriend. Max was usually a very honest person, however, if he told them he felt he had to get back to these people he had only met since the apocalypse because they had quickly become his family and he owed it to them, he was worried that wouldn't understand. Both were traveling alone previously. Max sighed a little, feeling guilty about the lie, but playing it off rather successfully due to his high, relaxed state,
"No, that's not what I meant. I'm fine. If you want to call me Romeo you can. It seems to bring some sense of joy, and who am I to take that away. Doesn't this world do it enough?" he forced a grin and gave a friendly wink before answering her question about Aisling, lying again. He didn't know why he felt it was better to make them believe she was his girlfriend, he just liked the thought perhaps. It gave him more motivation to find her maybe,

"Yeah, Aisling. She's in my group I was traveling with. We were in the airport. We heard there was a center set up there and we were hoping to scavenge supplies. We tried to sneak through the horde when we got trapped and something happened and I tried to distract them to lead them away from the others. I got separated. They're going to Ohio thought, so that's where I'm going." Max explained. He closed his eyes before beginning to giggle silently. He placed a hand to his lips, "Dude, I'm so high..." he chuckled.
Cassandra decided that that was probably enough "bonding" for one day, because she officially couldn't keep up. One second they were sharing fucking depressing stories and the next they were laughing like idiots (probably the weed's fault). Basically, the whole scenario was just too ridiculous...and before she could stop herself, a small snort escaped from her lips and then she was giggling.

"No...actually you know what? No more nicknames for you" She said as she shook her head "The whole Romeo thing just got depressing and I think we got enough depressing stuff to last us for a while".

She got up and did a little bouncy dance to wake herself up (smoking weed always left her feeling sleepy) "I think it might be time we got into survival mode again" She suggested before she gave them a teasing smirk "...we've been together for less than 5 hours and we are already getting dangerously close to the "braid each other's hair and share our darkest secrets" stage".

"At the very least we should discuss what's our favourite apocalypse canned food, or how do we deal with the lack of hot baths before we get to THAT"

@Stormee Fae @XxLuluxX
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Aisling listened to Raven's explanation. Martial Arts? How lucky was that. Aisling used to do gymnastics as a sport, and then dance, and then fencing. Because of that, she was in good physical shape, strong, had good stamina and at least new how to hold her own against a group of infected. She was surprised she had never been bitten at this point. Most of the predicaments she got herself into were melee situations with multiple infected. They didn't always resort to the bite right away. They tended to grab and hit first and then bite as the opportunity arose. Max was bitten, but he never got sick. He was the only person she'd ever met who had been bitten and didn't turn into one of those. It made her question whether or not her dad was a going to turn, No... he looked sick. She told herself.

"and then my sister got bit and I had to put her down it was the hardest thing I had to do"

Now this was something she could relate to. Aisling felt responsible for shooting her father, especially because she knew part of it was out of aggression. Somewhere deep down inside... she was angry at him, and blamed him for most the problems she and her mother faced. She remembered those grim, surreal weeks back in the beginning when her, Aidan, and her father were held up in the attic. Their house becoming overrun with infected. Their water heater had broken, gas was escaping into the house. The risked being burned alive if they didn't venture out to turn off the gas. It was Aisling and her father. He was bit protecting her. He began to sneeze and cough afterwards once they were back in the attic. When they tried to leave, being out of supplies. They attacked her father again, grabbing him and pulling him down the stairs. He was screaming for them to shut the door. Aisling pulled out her gun, and without a thought, without hesitation, shot her father between the eyes. Aidan was destroyed, confused, and furious. Aisling wondered if he had forgiven her yet, and glancing over to meet his green eyes, identical to hers. She could see Raven's words brought up the same painful memory.

Aisling sighed, closing her eyes as Raven began to cry. She wanted to open up, just a little, show the child she wasn't alone. Everyone had lost those they loved and had to make hard decisions, due inhuman things a person should never have to do, still, she couldn't bring herself to expose that level of vulnerability. She put on a stern face and spoke coolly to Raven,
"Stop crying. This is the way the world is now. No amount of crying is going to bring your sister or your parents back."

A strong look of disapproval and shock at her uncaring attitude plastered on his face. He didn't like what this world was doing to his sister. She was always quiet and distant, not sociable, but this world was making her cold and calloused. It saddened him to see. Making her smile was hard, and seeing a real, genuine smile was rare. Then again, she had been slowly becoming this way since their parent's divorce.

Jordan looked up from setting up the perimeter to keep their small shack warm when Aisling spoke. He let his rest on her a bit too long, her strength and realism was so sobering. He then glanced to Raven to see her reaction.


Sadee nodded, "I'm full on gas. If you're good I say we just drive through the night until I can't anymore. We can pull over and camp out in the bed of my truck. Since I got that canopy, and I got a heater inside, it makes for a pretty good tent." She giggled, "We can rest and eat then. Follow me." she tapped the side of her steel truck before taking off down the highway full of hope that Boston may be the safe haven she needed.

((Sorry for short reply. Getting ready for timeskip))



Everyone get ready for time skip to next day because it is night time now! I am going to Time skip tomorrow night so everyone get ready!​
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He sprints across the road, his rifle in his hands as he moves cover to cover, his gear making small noises as his boots hit the ground. Around him is Boston, the Old Church to his left and Boston plaza to his right.

He wears the United States Marine Corps combat uniform, stamdard urban issue. In his hands is an M16A4 rifle with a magazine loaded hot and ready, at his side an M9 Beretta. Of course, they are just for show, the pistol has two and a half magazines left and the rifle has half a magazine.

Ever since the military checkpoint was hit, he's been alone on the streets. What was once a safe haven for survivors is now overrun, infected individuals everywhere. The checkpoint had originally been set up to defend the Boston Institute of Science and Technology, which held the smartest scientists on this side of the planet, hope had risen that they could cure it.

They were very wrong.

Now those scientists who had dedicated their lives to curing the virus had obtained the virus, and they had personally helped overrun the Marine Corps.

He ducks into a building and jogs into cover, his eyes scanning the street for any infected, which there seems to be none of. He jogs into the heart of the building, walking into a bathroom and locking the door behind him. He pulls his gloves off and allows his rifle to hang from his chest rig by the hook, he stares at bimself in the mirror before washing his face.

He has a buzz cut with a black tint covered by his helmet, his green eyes evident because of the two clashing colors. He has a clean shaven face. He wears the Marine Corps urban combat uniform, completed with a helmet, boots, goggles, chest carrier, and backpack, all containing supplies that would help him and him alone survive for about three days before getting his throat cut by infected.

After taking a second to breathe he steps out of the bathroom and walks back to the lobby of the building, sitting by the door and staring at the street.
Raven looked at Aisling and smiled sightly, "your right." she said as she wiped her tear's from her eye's, eyes fixed on everything going down. She looked at Aisling, "are you ok?" She looked around the room, It's hard... It's just so hard... Raven looked at Aisling, "I am sorry, but if you every need anything I will be here for." Raven looked for a door to see if she could found a room to go be alone...

@Stormee Fae
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RandomFoodGirl said:
Hadley takes a deep breath before burying her face in the mans chest, she starts to silently sob. She knew she would cry eventually, but now? In front of Lennex? Is she crazy?
Hadley calms herself down before wiping her eyes. She looks out at the moon as it shines, she sighs and pushes her hair back just for it to fall in front of her face again.

"It's not easy anymore, you know?" She looks at him, hoping he would just forget her little breakdown. "I mean, I don't think I'm the same girl I used to be..."

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995
"It never is.......Heh.... And Who is Hadley? The only ones that remained the same after the apocalypse are the insane or the malevolent. If you were any kind of decent person before everything went to hell then you had to change. You had to become harder and colder. You wouldn't survive otherwise. It's why I said I respect the fact you ran when you did in that alleyway. The people you can trust are few and far in between." Lennex strokes the young lady's hair softly as he speaks, making his voice take a soft, compassionate tone. Lennex understood her quite well. He was never the best human being but he was never out for blood in the past. He was a thief not a psychopath. Granted, Lennex had a few screws loose but nowhere near insane. "Comeon then. You should get to bed sweetheart. It's been a long day." The thief gently nudges her as he stands up and makes his way into the room once more. He grabs a large, rugged cloth that serverd as a blanket from inside his pack and sits down with his back against the wall near the repaired door. He figured the girl would need her space for now. To be alone with her thoughts. Lennex says a quick good night before letting his body enter it's semi-conscious state. It was a form of sleeping similar to dolphins where Lennex slept but stayed conscious enough to react to outside stimulus. However, dolphins aren't humans and doing this does have its repercussions. Achieving only the bare minimum amount of REM sleep takes a major toll on the body over time and whether Lennex was aware or not, it was beginning to wear him down.
As Theo left the airfield the sun nestled it's way into western horizon, it was dusk. Theo had been out in the night before though he didn't prefer it. Taking his glasses off he put his gloves on and cooked his gun once more to make sure everything was in order.

The airfield was a couple miles outside of Boston which surely held a plethora of parts he might need,but the trek and voyage was too great a risk. Though he's had training in survival and combat experience his limited amount of supplies,ammo and not to mention lack of transportation were hindering him.

As he wandered through small pockets of trees and roads he began to see the beginning of a town,Halifax to be exact. Just a few miles away from Boston and surrounded by a few lakes, it was home to a small public airport where Minerva was parked.

Going through a few alleyways, Theo saw a small mom and pop Mechanic shop around a corner across from a gas station. The taillights of a truck quickly becoming to dots in the distance. Checking both corners ,he ran across the street slamming into the door of the shop, busting it open.

Falling on the ground, he quickly aimed towards the direction he was coming from,then switch to aim behind him, both clear. The loud sound didn't seem to attract any of the infected, either they've all moved to Boston or the truck that just left cleared some of them out. It didn't matter at this point, he grabbed a chair from the shop lobby and placed it on the door,as a make shift lock.

Placing his bag on the counter he jumped over, quickly,shuffling through the shelved looking for parts that would suffice.

@Stormee Fae
shadowz1995 said:
"It never is.......Heh.... And Who is Hadley? The only ones that remained the same after the apocalypse are the insane or the malevolent. If you were any kind of decent person before everything went to hell then you had to change. You had to become harder and colder. You wouldn't survive otherwise. It's why I said I respect the fact you ran when you did in that alleyway. The people you can trust are few and far in between." Lennex strokes the young lady's hair softly as he speaks, making his voice take a soft, compassionate tone. Lennex understood her quite well. He was never the best human being but he was never out for blood in the past. He was a thief not a psychopath. Granted, Lennex had a few screws loose but nowhere near insane. "Comeon then. You should get to bed sweetheart. It's been a long day." The thief gently nudges her as he stands up and makes his way into the room once more. He grabs a large, rugged cloth that serverd as a blanket from inside his pack and sits down with his back against the wall near the repaired door. He figured the girl would need her space for now. To be alone with her thoughts. Lennex says a quick good night before letting his body enter it's semi-conscious state. It was a form of sleeping similar to dolphins where Lennex slept but stayed conscious enough to react to outside stimulus. However, dolphins aren't humans and doing this does have its repercussions. Achieving only the bare minimum amount of REM sleep takes a major toll on the body over time and whether Lennex was aware or not, it was beginning to wear him down.
Hadley's face twists at the thought of him calling her 'sweetheart.' She wants to tell him that she's 23 and can handle herself just fine, but as he grabs an old, ragged, blanket like thing and sits against the door, her heart sinks. She paces to her room before coming back and gently tucking him into a soft, fluffy, blue blanket. She smiles softly and kisses the mans forehead. She then walks to her room and lays on her bed amongst the dozens of girly things that scatter on her bed, she soon falls into a light sleep. Her mind goes through scenarios of the day, the fear that ran through her as she stayed those beasts. Then her heart aches at the thought of Kyson.

And then there is the shock of the new man, Lennex. Is he good? Will he stay with her? Several days ago she would have killed him. No doubt about that. But something in Hadley had clicked, like a mental note saying, 'Don't shut everyone out, some people are good.' Hadley always listens to her mental self, because she keeps her feelings intact.
He finally decides that nobody is coming.

He walks out of the building, allowing his gun to hang by his chest rig as he takes in the city around him. He walks up the street, away from the Institute and towards one of the major roads leading into Boston.

He finds a wrecked armored truck, probably on its way to a bank or something. As he steps inside, the groan of an infected inside alerts the Marine. He grabs his cobat knife and approaches before aiming the knife at the central nervous center of the infected man. The infected's legs are broken, it just lolls his head at the Marine and tries to make another noise, but it is silenced by the knife going through its brain.

The Marine walks to the back of the truck with the body before throwing it out. He then closes the doors of he truck and locks them tight, preparing himself to bunk down for the night. He looks around before nodding and setting his rifle down on one of the safe's. He takes his pack off and props it up against a wall before laying down, resting his helmeted head against the makeshift pillow.

It had been a long day, and now is the time for rest.

He makes sure to take advantage of it.
RandomFoodGirl said:
Hadley's face twists at the thought of him calling her 'sweetheart.' She wants to tell him that she's 23 and can handle herself just fine, but as he grabs an old, ragged, blanket like thing and sits against the door, her heart sinks. She paces to her room before coming back and gently tucking him into a soft, fluffy, blue blanket. She smiles softly and kisses the mans forehead. She then walks to her room and lays on her bed amongst the dozens of girly things that scatter on her bed, she soon falls into a light sleep. Her mind goes through scenarios of the day, the fear that ran through her as she stayed those beasts. Then her heart aches at the thought of Kyson.
And then there is the shock of the new man, Lennex. Is he good? Will he stay with her? Several days ago she would have killed him. No doubt about that. But something in Hadley had clicked, like a mental note saying, 'Don't shut everyone out, some people are good.' Hadley always listens to herself, because she keeps her feelings intact.
As the man comes out of his half-slumber, notices the new blanket on top of him. "So that's what I felt. Haha wow." Lennex smiles despite himself and rises from his position on the door. The man could swear he was feeling more and more tired every time he slept. Was he not eating right or something? Nonetheless, he stretches out his sore body. The joints in Lennex's body crack And pop with the strain put on them by the stretch and LORDY did it feel good. He loosened up a bit more and cracked a few vertebrae before popping in to the bathroom next door to brush his teeth and wash his face off. Lennex takes a good look at himself In the mirror and notices the shadows under his eyes getting deeper. "Yep...definitely a problem. What's going on?" He muses for a moment before deciding to disregard it and head back to Hadley's apartment. Lennex sets to his regular routine of checking everything before Hadley wakes up.
He wakes up in a cold sweat, images of his team flashing through his mind before he shakes it off, getting up and getting all of his gear back in check before searching the truck, only finding half a magazine of bullets for his rifle. He shoves each bullet into the magazine he already posses before letting out a breath, unlocking the back and raising his rifle as he peeks out, sweeping the road with his eyes before stepping out, taking up a combat pace as he walks back towards the heart of the city.

It doesn't take long for him to find what he's after, the news station. He walks in and clears it before barricading the door, he then walks around, looking for any radio equipment he might be able to use. He finds a small ham radio, he grabs a small phone from his pocket, the battery at 50%, he swore he'd only use it for emergencies. He speaks into it softly. "To anybody out there, my name is Lance Corporal Shrake, I am holed up in the CNN News Station, I am here to tell you all I know about the infection, so listen carefully." He says before letting out a breath. "The world's greatest minds have left us with an experimental cure, but it doesn't work, there is no cure to this virus. There are two different strands, it is contracted through blood and through the air." He says. "Anybody out there, if your friend is wounded, if his or her blood is even exposed to the air, you need to take cautious steps to avoid infection."

"Secondly, if you haven't figured it out already the best way to kill them is through their central nervous system, ANY damage to the brain will stop the infected individual dead in its tracks." He explains. "The safest places in the city of Boston is the northern sectors and the western sectors, everything else is overrun." He then stops recording, placing his phone against the microphone of the ham radio and broadcasting his message on every channel he has access to, using batteries from his flashlight to power the small radio.

He sits against the wall and aims his weapon at the door, ready for any scavs to attack.

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