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Realistic or Modern BioPhage: Zombie Apocalypse RP (Open/Accepting!!)

The sun began to rise,the light beaming through the glass of the mechanic shop. Theos bag now full with rubber hoses and some engine pistons. Giving his bag a hefty weight.

Being awake for almost a day now wasn't really a challenge for Theo. His background made sure of that, however now wasn't the time to dwell on his past. His though was broken by a lone infected banging violently on the door he locked with the chair.

The door rattling as it was about to give out, Theo put on his glasses, pulled his gun out and took aim. Soon after the door broke, a African American male wearing a torn open shirt ran full speed towards Theo. He squeezed two rounds hitting it on the chest and nose.

Theo quickly checked his sectors, two more running from down the block. Theo began to run out, quickly turning into one of the apartments. We're people still in there? It didn't matter it was do or die. As Theo turned into the hallway of the first floor of the apartment building he shot another two rounds. Hitting one of the infected on the shoulder, the other round barely grazing him. The two infected now turned to four. Theo began to run up the stairs, as he climbs up the stairs, the infected trip over each other. He quickly decides to turn and smash open a door with his shoulder,falling into the room.

Here he blocks the door with a large bookshelf and some other assorted furniture it became obvious the sound attracted more so shooting again would prove to be more damaging than beneficial. Thinking quickly he cracked open the refrigerator door of the apartment , almost cleaned out he did find a almost empty bottle of water. Fully emptying the bottle he began to look for tape.

The door was still being banged on by the infected however the reinforcements proved useful holding the door back. As he kept looking he did find scotch tape allowing him to tape the bottle to the muzzle of the gun giving him a temporary silencer. Placing the gun on what he calculated would be the position of the infected he squeezed out one shot, a loud thud was heard shortly after, the door still being banged.

@Mayhem @XxLuluxX

Max awoke from his slumber for the first time in weeks feeling as if he had actually slept. Things had been quiet most the night which meant no one was around to stir up the infected. He decided it was best to be thankful for that. Walking through the kitchen, he looted the cupboards finding a surprising amount of box meals (add water and heat) and cans. Max carefully rearranged everything in his backpack as well as a small pipe and containers of kush he had made from the ready marijuana plants. Days were cold, it would last long. Digging through the horrendous smelling fridge, he found bottled water and powerade as well as batteries in the adjacent drawer. He decided to treat himself and his comrades a can black beans before they set off west to Ohio.


"Yeah thanks..." Aisling responded awkwardly, surprised by the child's caring and kindness. Why would she care. Once Jordan started the fire, the group could sleep in the warm toasty one-room shack without worrying they'd freeze in their sleep. Aisling slept next to her brother as usual as they roled out their sleeping back, scooting closer to him to share warmth. Her sleep was plagued with nightmares disguised as dreams. She saw her mother's smiling face, her and her brother as young teens running around at the beach with their mother, laughing and throwing the frisbee to one another. However, as quickly as it begun, everything turned to chaos and terror as colors faded and sounds dulled, echoing sickeningly in her mind. She saw Aidan and tried to reach for him, but he turned into an infected in front of her eyes and attacked her as she heard her mother screaming in her mind. She couldn't do it, she couldn't kill him, she ran away and hid in a room where Max's dead, decaying body was propped up in the corner.

In reality, she was jerking around and mumbling in obvious distress. Aidan and Jordan had already awakened, Aidan was preparing everyone good with the supplies he'd found.

"Aisling." Jordan placed his hand on her shoulder. She jerked awake, eyes wide and heart pounding. She was breathing heavily. Jordan raised an eyebrow, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah," Aisling wiped the sweat from her face, "I'm fine..." she looked over to Aidan alive and well preparing food, relief washed over her.
If she had to be completely honest, it wasn't the first time Cassandra found herself in some stranger's bed regretting her choices…except this time the "stranger" in question was actually some drug dealer who had turned to be a zombie, and was now lying dead in the bathroom. And if THAT wasn't hitting rock bottom, then what the fuck was?

So now she was sitting in the bed, her face buried in her knees, as she tried to analyze her choices, because now that she had managed to get some sleep she was REALLY starting to question them. Sure, the idea of joining a group of survivors seemed great last night when they were all sitting in a circle, sharing stories and smoking. But now…now that the sun was up and she was fully awake, she could feel the dread creeping up her spine.

"Así es como comienzan las malas ideas…" She whispered weakly as she closed her eyes, fighting the urge to remember for the 50th how it all had gone to shit.

Because there were three of them at the beginning. Three roommates who were never really the best of friends…but what can possibly be a better foundation for real friendship than the incoming doom of human kind as a whole? So they had started traveling together (and they said "traveling" because "running" made them sound desperate, and like they had no idea where they were going…which they didn't).

And it was fine at first, they were alive somehow…they even joined a survivor's group. It wasn't like in the movies, were you would bond with a rag tag group of like minded individuals, and then you would all travel together. It was actually more of a "you guys aren't trying to eat our faces so we might as well stick together or something" scenario. And that's just how bad ideas start.

Cause it HAD been a bad idea…it had been a bad idea when they had gone scavenging for some food, and Liz got dragged away by some infected. It had been a bad idea when Cassandra turned around and saw Sol clutching her bleeding arm. And it was SPECIALLY a bad fucking idea when Cassandra had finished cleaning the wound, and then said "they would figure something out".

But there wasn't much "figuring out" involved, in fact they just covered the wound…and then pretended they weren't scared shitless.

Cassandra had told Sol she would take care of it, that if things got bad, if things got REAL bad, she would take care of it. And yet, "it" never came, Sol's wound was still bleeding and yet there was no fever, no paleness, no nothing. And somehow that was even more terrifying.

But Cassandra soon learned that maybe she had been using the word "terrifying" too much, and maybe she had forgotten it's true meaning. Because one day the leader of the survivors saw Sol's wound, and Cassandra was almost relived…cause the secret was up, now they could explain, they could tell them that somehow nothing was HAPPENING.

But that's not how it went at all. Suddenly everyone was screaming, and Cassandra kept trying to explain.

They didn't listen though, instead they just held her down...and then they dropped Soledad to her knees.

Terror, Cassandra would learn, had a bitter taste, it was a big lump in your throat that stopped your breathing and made your heart beat 20 times faster. And it was almost as if Cassandra's terror could only find voice in her first language…because she heard herself begging and screaming in spanish. But it wasn't like in the movies, though. There was no trigger being pressed in slow motion, there was no countdown. There was just a single shot. And Cassandra didn't get to close her eyes fast enough.

Cassandra clenched her fists till her nails were digging in her palms, and the pain was enough to bring her back to the present. She took a deep breath to steel herself before she got off the bed. She quickly combed her hair till it looked presentable, applied some lipstick (she called it her last bit of normalcy) and hid her trusty switchblade in her boot.

"Fuck it" She hissed, as she grabbed her backpack and opened the door.

Basically, she still had no idea what to do.

"Morning boys" she announced.

@Stormee Fae @XxLuluxX
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Hadley jumped up the moment she heard the sound coming from the apartment next door. Her heart begins beating faster, she grabs her Katana and dashes to where Lennex is. She looks up at him with fear in her eyes, but her body signifies that she is ready, she holds her breath and closes her eyes. When she opens them, she looks up at Lennex, she waits for him to say something... Anything that will let her know that she should go. But she gets tired to waiting and climbs out the window, she slowly makes her way to the window next door and climbs in through the window. She sees a man, pointing his taped gun at the door, she pulls out her Katana, ready to grab the dagger from her boot. She stealthily walks up behind the man, she holds the Katana to his throat and her dagger to his wrist, a trick Lennex reminded her to do.

"Put the gun down." She growls, Hadley's eyes are filled with fear, but her expression is hard. She stares at the man, studying his features. She glares at him, pushing the dagger to his wrist, holding her Katana to his throat. Any movement other than dropping the gun would result in his death or wounding.

Hadley thinks back to when things were simpler, when she was laughing with Kyson... Smiling... Kissing...

She shakes those thoughts away and focuses on what's in front of her now, and now, it's a threat.

(Mentioned: @Gui @shadowz1995
RandomFoodGirl said:
Hadley jumped up the moment she heard the sound coming from the apartment next door. Her heart begins beating faster, she grabs her Katana and dashes to where Lennex is. She looks up at him with fear in her eyes, but her body signifies that she is ready, she holds her breath and closes her eyes. When she opens them, she looks up at Lennex, she waits for him to say something... Anything that will let her know that she should go. But she gets tired to waiting and climbs out the window, she slowly makes her way to the window next door and climbs in through the window. She sees a man, pointing his taped gun at the door, she pulls out her Katana, ready to grab the dagger from her boot. She stealthily walks up behind the man, she holds the Katana to his throat and her dagger to his wrist, a trick Lennex reminded her to do.
"Put the gun down." She growls, Hadley's eyes are filled with fear, but her expression is hard. She stares at the man, studying his features. She glares at him, pushing the dagger to his wrist, holding her Katana to his throat. Any movement other than dropping the gun would result in his death or wounding.

Hadley thinks back to when things were simpler, when she was laughing with Kyson... Smiling... Kissing...

She shakes those thoughts away and focuses on what's in front of her now, and now, it's a threat.

(Mentioned: @RandomFoodGirl
Lennex jumps at the tell tale sounds of a door being bashed in followed by the sound of muffled gunshots. Lennex was in a daze before but as soon as he jumps to action, Hadley is also on the move drawing a smile from Lennex. Alright let's do this then. Lennex quickly grabs his Berettas and follows suit behind Hadley. As she hops in the window, Lennex vaults through as well and both pistols snap up to the intruder's torso. Lennex knows better than to aim for a headshot with pistols. It's practically begging to miss unless you are a sharpshooter of some sort. Conviction fills his features and Lennex thumbs the hammers back for added measure when Hadley delivers her threat, "Do as she says. Even if you can get one of us, you can be damn sure you won't get both before you drop dead. So why don't you go at this quiet like ey?"
Theo feels the cold Steel against his wrist and neck. This was irrelevant as he had another task at hand. As he closed his eyes to concentrate on the sound coming from the door he heard another voice, a man's.

"Do as she says. Even if you can get one of us, you can be damn sure you won't get both before you drop dead. So why don't you go at this quiet like ey?" The man barked

"Shhhh, be quiet." He replied to both of them.

With his eyes closed he cooked his head sideways aiming his ear the the door, the gun with the water bottle taped slowly moving lower a few degrees. Theo squeezed out 3 shots, the first 2 were muffled enough to only be heard from maybe the next two rooms the third was significantly louder signifying the water bottle had reached its use.

"I'm going to take my glasses off to adjust them,then I'll holster my weapon. This isn't up for negotiation." Theo carefully replied in a slow and calm demeanor

His left had with a blade to it, and his right hand holding his gun he slowly moved his right hand to his head grabbing his glasses and taking them off. His sunglasses provided the reflection of his assailants two young adults, the one holding him was obviously female the other some kid who thinks himself a gunslinger.

With his new information, he slowly holstered his weapon, into his right side concealed holster. The male slowly turned around with both hands up.

He wore a green jacket with a patch on the left arm, the patch displayed a yellow spade with a lion on it, a grey Navy shirt underneath and khaki cargo pants with brown boots. His glasses a dark orange tint.

"So where do we go from here cowboy?"

Asked Theo his voice deep and slightly raspy.

The kids looked young no older than 28 or at least he figured. He had tangled with survivors before some jumper than this lot others alot more helpful. Each ended the same way him going home alone.

"Fuck it, nobody's coming." He says to himself as his phone runs out of batteries, he takes the flashlight batteries from the radio and pops them back into the flashlight itself. He presses the butt of the gun to his shoulder and walks out with it raised, ready to shoot at a moments notice.

As he walks he approaches an apartment complex, where he hears a shot go off. He decides to investigate, trying the door and finding it barricaded. He flips the rifle over his back and looks around before noticing a fire escape, most apartments in cities had them. He finds the ladder and jumps, catching the first rung before hoisting himself up, it was almost like the confidence course in boot camp. He climbs up the ladder before moving through a window, moving from room to room until he peers through the bashed in door, seeing two males and a female, the male looks Navy, and he's being held hostage. He aims his rifle at the male with the guns.

"Drop it!" He yells. "United States Marine Corps, get on the ground or lose your life!" He yells, his finger wrapped around the trigger of his rifle.

Hadley turns and looks at the man, what had he yelled? She didn't know, she looked back at the other man. Too many weird strangers. But this new guy had his gun fixed on Lennex. She couldn't let him get hurt. She just..

Hadley does something she normally wouldn't do. She sheaths her weapons. She then takes Lennex's wrist and lowers it, she gives the man, the idiot near the door, an evil glare.

"Keep that gun holstered." She growls. She then turns to the new guy, she tries to smile sweetly, but it comes out bitter. She moves in front of Lennex, holding her hands up.

"I don't know who you are, or who you think you are... But I can tell you that, just because you are a marine, well, that doesn't mean shit to me." She slowly steps foreword, holding her hand out. "Please put your gun down."

Her mind races, he had his gun aimed at Lennex's head, or at least, that's what it seemed, but she would rather get shot than lose him.

"Look, my partner and I are just trying to survive, and y'all are making that pretty freaking hard." Hadley crosses her arms, "Now I'm sure none of us want all them Roamers to come and tear us to bits. Even if you shot my partner or I, I'm sure you wouldn't be a match for both of us. Because, honestly, if you shot him, you wouldn't have a head for much longer. Yes, that's a threat." Hadley glances at Lennex, she half smiles before turning back, "a threat I intend to keep unless you lower your weapon and keep your voice down."

Hadley holds out her hand, motioning the lowering signal.

"Look..." She sighs when he doesn't move, "I'm just a college student, ok? I'm 23, I've been studying Anthropology for a year. I'm not a threat. I used to be just any normal girl, ok? I was a dancer, I took self defense, hot yoga... I don't want to hurt anyone. This man," she motions to the idiot at the door, "was making a commotion, he's putting us in danger, much like you are now. And if you shoot me, that's fine, but then you have to let Lennex live. I'm not having another death on my head. So please, beg of you, to lower your weapon."


(mentioned: @Gui @shadowz1995 @rskde )
Lennex hears a Bang! Coming up the fire escape but it was incredibly faint over the muffled gunshots, Hadley, and the stranger's voice. The thief simply brushed it off but it was clear he shouldn't have as a man suddenly comes through the window and is holding a rifle to Lennex's back. He almost twitches to turn but Hadley puts a hand on his wrist and pushes his hand down. He stares at Hadley for a moment before nodding his head and turning slowly to the newcomer. The thief had his weapons down but they were not holstered and the hammers were still thumbed back. Lennex did not like this situation at all and now stuck between two armed men, a sweat was building up under his shirt. He stays relatively quiet as Hadley speaks. She had looks going for her so it would prove better if she did the talking and he just looked threatening behind her just in case.

When Hadley turns to towards Lennex for a moment, she gives him a small smile and Lennex gives her a quick wink in return before returning his gaze to the rifleman ahead.

@RandomFoodGirl @rskde
"Get down on the ground, or else one of ya'll won't have someone to return to tonight." He says cooly. "You do realize it's illegal to keep members of the United States Navy held hostage, right?" He asks. He listens to her speak, genuinely concerned about her opinion on the matter at hand.

"Listen here, the Marine Corps has been working on a cure for the last three weeks while ya'll are here making out and sitting on your lazy asses, the fact that you're telling me you don't give a shit isn't exactly helping your cause." He explains. "Now, if you don't put your gun down I will not hesitate.
The looks at the door one last tike, no sound being emitted,feeling like it's clear, he unholstered his weapon. Checking the mag to see his ammo count. 8 rounds left,and no resupply in sight.

With his gun still in his hand he raised his hand signaling the marine to stand down then proceeded to salute him.

"Stand down Lance Corporal. These people are just trying to survive in the Martial Law status were in." Theo orders the marine as he salutes shortly after.

"Commander Theo Cantinelli, US Navy. I appreciate the assist. Said Theo as he slowly moved over to the windows next to the marine.

Leaning over he whispered to the marine.

"I'll need a status update when we get out of here."

Looking at the two Theo smirked, they both looked like a hot mess. It was nice to see blind loyalty in this turmoil going on today but even that would die off at some point.

"Idk what your plan is but all this is temporary, the running water,electricity,armed forces. It's all going to dissapearing and become non existent. This apartment wI'll be a death trap. Your only option at this point is to run until a cure is found or find a better place to live. It's just logical, I will be stepping out, the Lance Corporal might follow based on his stationary duties both of yall are welcome to come with me as well. Know this however, where we are going is my domain, my home, my kingdom a set of rules will follow, follow those simple rules and we ALL might just make it out of here.

Theo ended his speech as he peaked out the window, the streets empty for now. Perfect, he had to check if the parts he has would work, and for now it seemed like he could get help.

"I don't have a gun" we're the first words that sprang from the girls mouth. She eyes the other man, "and I don't care what you are. Or if you have been working on a cure. That won't bring Kyson back, now will it?" She growls, tears spring to her eyes, she wants to just hide, bury herself in pillows and blankets and cry. The other man begins talking, the idiot by the door. She turns and looks at him, he mentions something about my apartment being a death trap. Hadley nods, "I know that. But for the now, it's better than nothing..." She whispers to herself. The man advances to the window. She watches. Nobody would be stupid enough to go with him... At least, not Hadley.

The only important thing now, is the man pointing his gun at Lennex.

Hadley walks up to him and smiles sweetly, it still comes out dull and mean. "Look. I get that you were some sort of official at one point, but, as you can see. It's either kill, or be killed. It's us, and them." Hadley steps closer, to the point that if he were to shoot, the shot would blow right through her chest. She reaches out and takes the tip of the gun in her hand, "You don't want to kill him. He hasn't done anything wrong. He follows what I do. He saw me raise my sword. But we have good reason..."

We don't want to die.

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995 @Gui @rskde )
Gui said:
The looks at the door one last tike, no sound being emitted,feeling like it's clear, he unholstered his weapon. Checking the mag to see his ammo count. 8 rounds left,and no resupply in sight.
With his gun still in his hand he raised his hand signaling the marine to stand down then proceeded to salute him.

"Stand down Lance Corporal. These people are just trying to survive in the Martial Law status were in." Theo orders the marine as he salutes shortly after.

"Commander Theo Cantinelli, US Navy. I appreciate the assist. Said Theo as he slowly moved over to the windows next to the marine.

Leaning over he whispered to the marine.

"I'll need a status update when we get out of here."

Looking at the two Theo smirked, they both looked like a hot mess. It was nice to see blind loyalty in this turmoil going on today but even that would die off at some point.

"Idk what your plan is but all this is temporary, the running water,electricity,armed forces. It's all going to dissapearing and become non existent. This apartment wI'll be a death trap. Your only option at this point is to run until a cure is found or find a better place to live. It's just logical, I will be stepping out, the Lance Corporal might follow based on his stationary duties both of yall are welcome to come with me as well. Know this however, where we are going is my domain, my home, my kingdom a set of rules will follow, follow those simple rules and we ALL might just make it out of here.

Theo ended his speech as he peaked out the window, the streets empty for now. Perfect, he had to check if the parts he has would work, and for now it seemed like he could get help.

rskde said:
"Get down on the ground, or else one of ya'll won't have someone to return to tonight." He says cooly. "You do realize it's illegal to keep members of the United States Navy held hostage, right?" He asks. He listens to her speak, genuinely concerned about her opinion on the matter at hand.
"Listen here, the Marine Corps has been working on a cure for the last three weeks while ya'll are here making out and sitting on your lazy asses, the fact that you're telling me you don't give a shit isn't exactly helping your cause." He explains. "Now, if you don't put your gun down I will not hesitate.
RandomFoodGirl said:
"I don't have a gun" we're the first words that sprang from the girls mouth. She eyes the other man, "and I don't care what you are. Or if you have been working on a cure. That won't bring Kyson back, now will it?" She growls, tears spring to her eyes, she wants to just hide, bury herself in pillows and blankets and cry. The other man begins talking, the idiot by the door. She turns and looks at him, he mentions something about my apartment being a death trap. Hadley nods, "I know that. But for the now, it's better than nothing..." She whispers to herself. The man advances to the window. She watches. Nobody would be stupid enough to go with him... At least, not Hadley.
The only important thing now, is the man pointing his gun at Lennex.

Hadley walks up to him and smiles sweetly, it still comes out dull and mean. "Look. I get that you were some sort of official at one point, but, as you can see. It's either kill, or be killed. It's us, and them." Hadley steps closer, to the point that if he were to shoot, the shot would blow right through her chest. She reaches out and takes the tip of the gun in her hand, "You don't want to kill him. He hasn't done anything wrong. He follows what I do. He saw me raise my sword. But we have good reason..."

We don't want to die.

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995 @Gui @rskde )
"The fact whether we stay or go isn't really up to me soldiers. I'm her partner but this is her place and she's made this place a pretty solid home. So, Hadley. Up to you on what we do. Your call." Lennex speaks but never takes his eyes off the marine with rifle. As Hadley approached him, Lennex's eyes only focused further and he watched him more carefully. Even if this whole cure was a good idea....."Marine there is no law out here any more. It's been long gone for a long time. Not to mention, I've never really agreed with the law. What makes you think mentioning what WAS illegal is going to help you convince us?"
He starts to stand down before she grabs his rifle, he pushes the barrel into her chest. "Both of you, against the wall, backs facing me and the Commander." He orders coldly, he obviously isn't messing around.

"This whole epidemic hasn't been happening for very long, martial law is still in place and that means you do not interfere with military operations, penalty is death." He informs Lennex.

He looks over at the Commander. "Downtown is overrun, this place'll be overrun by morning, they're moving towards the center of the city and very fast, we ought to get out of here." He explains to the Commander.

"Well then it seems this place is a lost cause. Do you have any contingency plans set in motion after the overrun?" Theo stroked his beard as he asked, keeping an eye on both of them. He knew they weren't a threat and at their current state they'd be dead in weeks of that.

"I have a plan, it'll work but I need time. You all are welcome to help and join me , as long as their is no contingency plan the military has put in place. Well the Navy hasn't at least. "

Theo chuckled as he made his quip.

Without breaking eye contact he grabs a cigarette from the pack in his outside pocket of his bag. Placing the cigarette on his lips he searched for his lighter on his jacket, still keeping eye contact. Lighting his cigarette with his gun still on his hand.

"So what's it gonna be kiddos?"

Asked Theo as he puffed out a cloud of smoke.

@RandomFoodGirl @shadowz1995
Will's eyes snapped open and he quickly sat up in the reclined seat of the truck, whipping his head around to either side as his mind still struggled to overcome the fogginess of sleep. The ghouls he'd expected to be scratching at his windows didn't materialize. He let out a sigh of relief.

Leaning forward, he rubbed one hand against the back of his neck to massage the muscles before unlocking the doors of the Chevy and stepping out into the cool morning air. He'd taken first watch the night before but luckily managed to grab some shuteye over the last several hours. Dressing and donning his gear, he made his way over to the driver's side of Sadee's truck and lightly tapped the side of it. The last thing he wanted to do was startle armed, paranoid, and half-asleep people.

@Stormee Fae


Hadley's eyes shine brilliantly, "Go ahead. Pull the trigger." She positions the barrel of the gun to her heart, "Do it and end my suffering." She looks straight into the mans eyes, "Please. Do it. And then take Lennex and make sure he is safe!" Tears begin to run down the girls cheeks, but she smiles.

Let me join Kyson. She thinks, let this be over.

She closes her eyes, but opens them to discover the man is still just holding the gun.

She nods, "I didn't think so." She reaches for her dagger and smiles softly before backing away. "I've never been too happy with your laws. I mean, I'm just a girl, trying to survive. So go ahead. Leave us to be over run. Why are you still here? To save us? For fuck sakes, I wouldn't go with you even if you were the last men on the earth. I will go down with the home I have built." She turns to Lennox and holds her hand out, she takes his, "I want you to go with them, Lennex. I don't want you to end up dying because I'm an idiot..." Hadley hugs the man, burying her face into his chest, "I ant you to be safe, okay?" Tears begin pouring from her eyes. Had,ey had become attached to the man, even if she hasn't known him long. She smiles through the tears and pushes her hair from her face. She uncovers the scar from the car accident all those years ago. She smiles softly. "Be safe." She whispers.

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995 @Gui @rskde
His hand shakes around the trigger when she presses his rifle to her heart, he feels like a complete idiot when she makes a fool out of him like she does. "Lady, I'm not taking no for an answer here, if you don't want to go with your boyfriend, I don't give a fuck, we're getting every civilian out of here while we still can." He says to her.

"My brilliant squad leader had the same brilliant idea as you do, go down for what he believes in or whatever, and you know where he is now? He's a walker, he's one of them, and if there's one thing I learned from the stupid ass scientists that got us all killed it's that you don't die when you become one of them, you suffer, you see yourself in third person, I don't wish that on anybody." He says to her.

"So we're getting the fuck out of Dodge and going to the northern side of town, it has the least amount of walkers and a large airport that might have the vehicles to get us out of Boston, by my count this place will be overrun by next week." He explains. "Nobody is getting left behind. Not again."

Gui said:
"Well then it seems this place is a lost cause. Do you have any contingency plans set in motion after the overrun?" Theo stroked his beard as he asked, keeping an eye on both of them. He knew they weren't a threat and at their current state they'd be dead in weeks of that.
"I have a plan, it'll work but I need time. You all are welcome to help and join me , as long as their is no contingency plan the military has put in place. Well the Navy hasn't at least. "

Theo chuckled as he made his quip.

Without breaking eye contact he grabs a cigarette from the pack in his outside pocket of his bag. Placing the cigarette on his lips he searched for his lighter on his jacket, still keeping eye contact. Lighting his cigarette with his gun still on his hand.

"So what's it gonna be kiddos?"

Asked Theo as he puffed out a cloud of smoke.

@RandomFoodGirl @RandomFoodGirl
Lennex holds Hadley while she cries into his chest. Painting her sorrow into his shirt with her tears. He stands there for a while and strokes her head before leaning down to whisper into her ear, "Hadley...girl listen. I know you have memories here. I know you lost people here. You don't have to say it I could already tell. You move around in this world like you have a death wish and what you just did right now confirms it. Listen....I don't know what happened alright? I wont ask either. Pero no tengo que ser adivino. Alright? I dont have to be clairvoyant. I know the people you lost would never want you to die for no reason. I know that these people you care about so much would never wish a dog's death upon you. They would want you to live on. Be as happy as you can possibly be and I know that wont amount to much in this world we live in now but its better than nothing. Their memory lives on with you. You have to live for their sakes on top of your own. Even if it hurts. And Hadley....by what these guys are saying it seems like staying here is the wrong choice for that. Let's just go with them alright? Live to fight another day. When this whole epidemic blows over I will escort you back myself. I promise you." The male takes a breath before continuing. "If you really are adamant on this then I'm not gonna leave you behind blondie. You are the only halfway decent human being I have met in a long time and I'll die a thousand deaths before I see you die for nothing. If you stay then....I guess you wont die alone."
Theo chuckled and shook his head as he heard the two bicker with their affection. He took another look out the window, a few cars driving away from Boston. Time was running out, they still have daylight and they have to move.

"If yall wanna stay here that's fine I'm not one to beg. It just makes more sense to save people,the less people out there the less of THEM that exist. However if you two want to die in your shifty apartment go ahead I'm just trying to do my civil duty, martial law is still in effect and that means the military is out there doing the best they can to help people like you who want to sit in your ass and do nothing. So yeah go for it, as a matter of fact stay here, it's better this way maybe if you turn into one of them you'll just sit on your ass too and sob. " Theo explains to them in a condescending tone.

"Let's go LC it's obvious these two have more important matters to attend to. "Theo tells the Marine will still keeping an eye on the couple. Still looking at them , he backs up to the window still open from the previous entrances and slowly and carefully he backs out onto the fire exit.

As he stood on the fire exit he grabbed his pistol with two hands scanning his sectors now on the fire exit behind the wall he was unable to see the situation inside. Waiting on the marine he softly whistled to coerce him to come out.

@RandomFoodGirl @rskde
He bites the bottom of the lip as he watches the couple. He steps out of the fire escape before sighing. He grabs his M9 from his side holster, offering it to Hadley. "If you're gonna stay in this hellhole, you're gonna need something more powerful than a bigger version of a knife.

He places his pistol on the window sill before walking down the fire escape with the Commander, stepping back down into the alley with him. "Do you know the current status of the military? Because you're not gonna like it when I tell you." He says to the Commander,
Theo takes another puff of his cigarette, checking his sector making sure it was clear. Truth is he had no idea, everything happened so fast his instincts came in and he barricaded himself at work.

Theo turns to the Marine offering him his cigarette.

"Truth is I'm retired, we'll for the most part I still stay active in the military community but when everything happened I just barricaded my self. I've been working on my ticket out and hopefully this is the last piece. "

Theo says as he pats his bag.

In retrospect it seems like he took advantage of the Marine but in that circumstance it was a situation that worked hand in hand.

"That doesn't matter, we need every single able bodied man here, the military has been scattered throughout Boston, we have no communication and last I heard Hugh Command is holed up in some bunker with the President, but they're leaving us all out here to die either way, we need everyone." He explains.

"Which is why I hope that couple will come down here when they realize they don't want to die." He says, raising his rifle and looking up the street for any infected that might be around.
Hadley takes a deep, shaky breath. She nods, maybe she is being irrational. She looks up at Lennex and nods, "One more night... Then we gather our stuff and we go...." She watches as the man sets a gun on the window, they both leave, and she is left alone with Lennex. She looks up at him, her blue eyes had turned a bright green from crying, and are now settling down. She walks to the window and carefully picks up the gun, she looks at Lennex, "I don't know how to use these so..." She carefully walks with it in her hand, she sets it on the ground in front of him, unsure of what could happen if she gave him the gun, would he shoot her? No, he seems to care about her...

"Why wouldn't you leave with them? I mean, I'm just a silly girl... I mean... I did, after all, just ask that man for death.. Wouldn't it be easier to leave me behind and not watch me turn into a roamer? She fiddles with her hair, she sees the stains she had left on the mans shirt with her tears and looks down, "I mean... It would have been easier to lose Kyson if he werent around so much..." She starts to cry again. Who could blame her? This was the first time since he died that she has actually just broken down. For the past hours she had been going through a lot. Between Lennex to these men. And now she has to decide between killing Lennex by staying in her home, or leaving her memories.

But she can't decide.

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995 @Gui @rskde

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