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Realistic or Modern BioPhage: Zombie Apocalypse RP (Open/Accepting!!)

@Safton @ShadowSketches @Raydog90 @Tictacguy123

Once everyone was safely, I'll be it uncomfortably, nestled in Sadee's truck, she looked back at her caravan and spoke, "I hope y'all like Montgomery Gentry." as she hooked in her iPod classic to the auxilery cord hooked up to the fairly new stereo system installed in the truck. She plugged in the iPod to the car charger and did a U-turn and headed back the way she'd came, "I don't remember if I introduced myself to all of you." Sadee said leaning back so that even Flynn in the bed of the truck (which had a plastic, detachable canopy over it, sleeping bags, a cooler, lanterns, batteries, a portable fire pit, a small camping grill, and other useful camping items in it) could hear her through the open back sliding window, "My name's Sadee, I'm from Brunswick, GA headed up to Boston. How about y'all?" She looked briefly back to William crammed onto a jumper seat in the back with all her gear, car batteries, and more, "Tell me when to turn." She didn't know where his truck was, but having a caravan would be nice, more supplies if one breaks down, and she was damn sure it wasn't going to be her truck! Sure, the newer Fords were plastic pieces of shit but not her solid steal 1978. She was surely convinced it was going to run forever, especially thanks to her nana and papa's mechanical skills. Suddenly, a moving figure she was driving toward caught her eye. It didn't move like an infected. They actually tended not to move much at all until a stimulus drew them. This was an apparently normal human, walking forward with a goal and a purpose. Sadee pulled up the truck next to him and wound down the driver's window trying to get a better look at the man. Was everyone heading up to Boston? It was one of the last camps she had heard of before the Silence, perhaps others had hopes for the place as well, "Hey there... need anything?" she asked. She would feel bad if she kept driving without at least checking if the man was alright. It would be wrong.

What the truck looks like except green and rusty and a small space for side jumper seats behind bench (not extended cab though).


Here's similar to how the truck looks from the front

Fiddling with the zipper in her jacket, Cassandra listened to them talk about the people they wanted to find...the places they wanted to go. And for a second, she was almost jealous. Because while they talked about Ohio and New York, all she could think about was her mother's voice in the phone, telling her to come back. Telling her to buy a plane ticket, that it would be okay, they would figure it out...

"Regresa mija"

Cassandra closed her eyes and took a deep breath, almost as if dragging herself back to the present and to the current conversation. And then, almost as if rebuilding a crumbling wall, she felt her lips curl up into her trademark smirk, until she felt like herself again. "Ohio?" She mused as she reached toward the bong and grabbed it. "I've been thinking of getting out of the city" She said, before she inhaled deeply until her lungs cried out in protest. She opened her mouth slowly, barely pushing out the smoke so that it came out in thick swirly patterns.

"...my name's Cassandra. But you can call me Cece big guy" She said, as she decided she would give this whole "survivor's group" another try. Because she needed to fucking survive this. She needed to go home.

@Stormee Fae @XxLuluxX
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Aidan smiled at the young girl walking next to him as she complimented his sister. She was a very lovely young girl, however, she never wanted anyone to see it. She put little effort into her appearance, hair, clothes, makeup, and always focused on the things she saw to be more important in life, more eternal such as: knowledge, enlightenment, art, education, science, books. Things that would be here after we die and change lives hopefully for the better. Unfortunately, the future of society seemed pretty dim now. Still, Aidan hadn't lost hope. While Aisling was anchored in the mindset of survival, Aidan couldn't help but let his mind wander to the rebuild. Who will survive? What new societies will form? What governments? What will the shared values of these new societies? Technology? How long until it reaches where it was? Aidan couldn't help himself, he couldn't help but wonder, "Yeah. That's kind of you to say, you're a lovely young lady as well, Raven," he said kindly as they reached the shack. Raven's stuttering caught him off guard. As Jordan and Aisling figured out how to get into the building, Aidan looked down to Raven and asked, "What's wrong?"

Aisling looked uncomfortably from Aidan to Raven before shrugging,

"Aisling, I need your help here to clear the room." Jordan said chambering a bullet in his handgun.

"Right." Aisling replied before turning to Raven, "hold on just a sec, okay?" Jordan fiddled with the door a few seconds before she was able to push it open. As soon as the door flew open, Jordan and Aisling rushed inside with their flashlights ready. Aisling scanned the room carefully with her light, searching for any potential threats, the light piercing the blackness of the room. Finally, her light landed on a pair of glowing eyes reflecting the light as the pale, sickly face of an infected man appeared. He stood hunched at the shoulders, still dressed in his security guard uniform, growling softly as foaming droll dripped from his mouth. Within a second after the light locating him. He screeched and jumped forward grabbing Aisling and slamming her against the wall he tried to pull her in to take a bite out of her shoulder. However, Aisling kept her hands pressed up under his chin, she knew she wouldn't be able to reach for the lead pipe in her bag. If she moved one hand away, she wouldn't be able to hold him back. Desperately, she began to kick at his chins hoping to get him to fall to the ground. Frustrated, the infected simply gave up his attempts to bite and instead began to shake her, slamming her body against the wall multiple times. Aisling punched the infected in the face giving Jordan a chance to rush in and throw the infected to the ground. It got up, growling loudly. Jordan went to reach for his gun, but stopped, this infected was already attracting enough attention. He had to kill it now and kill it quietly. Aidan rushed to Aisling side, a hand on his crowbar, ready to swing. Aisling leaned against the wall, the wind had been knocked out of her and she slowly tried to regain breath.
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Hadley smiles softly, "well," she mumbles, "I'm going to relax, drink some Pepsi, and watch the sunset, you are welcome to join me..." She fiddles with her shirt, suddenly self conscious about standing in front of the man, no makeup, no sword, just her, some skinny jeans, and a blue tee..

Hadley chews her lip, "I'm sorry if I come off a bit harsh... Lennex, was it?" She confirms the name, "I just... I lost a lot of people... And I don't think I'm ready to lose anyone else...." She looks down, letting her dirty blonde hair fall in front of her face. Specks of blood, here and there splatter in her hair, causing slight discoloring, not enough that you would notice with her neatly brushed hair.

Hadley, on the outside, once cleaned up, looks almost as if she hadn't stepped a foot outside, like she is well fed and takes a shower every night. She cleans the apartment quite a lot too, to make sure that she doesn't get sick, and so that it looks livable. Of course, with that being said, all of her valuables are locked up.

"And I'm sorry for threatening your life... And leaving you alone... And anything else I have done and will do."

Hadley tries desperately to make everything right between herself and others, because she never does know when someone will pass, or when she will pass. So, she tries to keep the peace. As she always says, it's better to have loved and be loved, then never love at all.

And she believes it. She follows it.

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995

Max reached for the bong for his next turn after Cassandra's hit and said, "Nice one." referring to the large volume of smoke she had gathered. He replied to her comment about getting out of the city, "Aisling said the base was set up in a small farming town outside of um... Liverpool? I think. Small farming town on a river." he explained, "I think last we talked, we planed to get there in about 30 more days. Seems good, farming town, river, small population. I never heard any broadcasts about it before, just a sign Aisling and Aidan's mom left for them at the base here in Boston, telling them where to go. Seems legit." He shrugged.

"...my name's Cassandra. But you can call me Cece big guy"

"Oh, okay." Max said jokingly placing his hands on his hips, "So you just tell this guy he can call you Cece, but you make me work for it." he shook his head, "Hey, it's alright, maybe I was like your warm up, your practice for using your people skills." He grinned teasingly.
"We all have Hadley. We all have. It's just the reality we live in now. So...no harm, no foul. You were looking out for yourself and while that didn't end up well for me...I can respect that. But, lucky for you, I don't die easy girl. If you'll have me. I'll be around for a long time hahaha." She looks shy when she speaks to him. It seems like Hadley can't even meet Lennex's eyes and it draws a smile from Lennex's face. Not a complete badass warrior chick after all. There's still a woman under all that. Thinking about that, the thief's eyes can't help but wander down for a brief second. It was quick so hardly noticeable. He sighs internally before chuckling to himself. She was quite the looker. If he was 2 or 3 years younger, he wouldn't have been able to resist trying something. Especially being as shy as she was now. Damn shame. Maybe in another life hahaha. "Lennex is my name. Lennex Mesa. Trust me, you won't lose this bad ass."

Cassandra winced a bit at the whole small-farming-town thing, she had seen enough movies to know that's usually were shit went down in the States. But it was SOMETHING...more than she had had in weeks. "It's all very horror-movie like, but we can give it a try. I've been surviving in this city for weeks...so surviving in the wilds? That should be fucking easy" She said, a light hint of sarcasm in her voice.

And when Max mentioned the whole name thing she couldn't help but laugh, silently glad that the somber and depressing mood from a few minutes ago was slowly vanishing. "Don't get fresh with me Romeo. You almost got us killed, the least I could do was make you work for it" She said jokingly "Besides, I don't need people skills...I'm too pretty for that shit"

@Stormee Fae @XxLuluxX
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Raven walks in slowly and sees Aisling on the ground and sees Aiden dealing with infected, ( Raven takes out her knive and stabs it throw the infecteds head, Helping Aiden, after Raven walks over to Aisling and reaches her hand out to her.)

@Stormee Fae
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Max shrugged, "I'm a city boy myself but with high population density, there's more of them and cities don't really have many natural resources. I mean, I don't know shit about farming or anything, but if the government set up a safe place there, we might have fresh food. We went through some farming towns in south New Hampshire... that didn't go too good." he shrugged off the memory of the hospitable survivor who let them stay in his farmhouse only to suddenly fall ill after their arrival and turn in the middle of the night. He didn't have time for those thoughts. He was feeling hopeful. Max was a hopeful person. The kind that would get his hopes up and run on pure excitement and dreams. It made it that much harder if they were ever dashed. Max smiled and buried his face in his hands as Cassandra called him "Romeo" once more. He really didn't like that nick name, then again, he couldn't really be mad. He was too easy going and appreciated humor far too much, "I don't know, Man. Only stupid guys fall for that shit. I know pretty girls like you are the craziest ones. You got to look out for them. They'll play you like a fuckin' harp if you let 'em." Max was half joking, partly to poke at Cassandra, but also because he had met some crazy chicks and watched his friends completely bend to their every will. They girls would bat their eyes and bounce up and down a little and just like that his friends would be spending all their time and money on them.

"Weed makes your reactions slower, thought processing also slows, so I'd rather not. In any case, at least my withdrawal'll keep me awake." He chuckled, shaking his head lightly. "Well, Cece, Max, been a delight to meet you. As said, I'm Harrison. But if you have want, call me Haz." The survivor explained, making his way over to scoop up his rifle leisurely. Gun looking as if it'd seen better times. Which in this case it had. Setting himself down in a chair, Haz leaned back crossing one leg over the other in a lax fashion, his hands fishing a packet of cigs from within his forest shaded jacket. He drew one from it, perching the tobacco between his lips before fetching his lighter to set the embers glowing. Drawing in the nicotine infused smoke, before expelling it from his lungs.

"Someplace out in the country? I used to live out in Mississippi myself, my grandaddy had a farm. Might be like home, but either way, when the shit hit the fan, farming communities cut themselves off or died with the rest. Most places are abandoned now, no doubt the livestock is dead or wild too." The burly man commented, drawing out a pad of notes from his rucksack. Mostly reminders, food counts and helpful memoires to avoid killing himself.

@Mayhem @Stormee Fae
Hadley draws a smile and looks up at Lennex, trying to avoid his eyes, she bites her lip, "I didn't think I would, not that I wan't to get rid of you or anything." She gives herself a pat on th back for making her voice sound less shaky than it really is. Hads turns and prances to her bag, its filled with goodies, feminine products, and things to help her keep going.

"The cupboard is stocked, help yourself. I went scavanging, you could make some beans, the power still runs a bit, not much, so don't go using the stove for too long. Don't use the microwave, it doesn't work." She calls out as she takes her girly things to the bathroom.

"oh!" She pops her head out of the door, "And the apartment next door, their shower works. Sort of. The water runs cold really fast, but I think they have a generator or something. Uhm.. The toilet flushes, no worries about that. I have toilet paper, soap, anything you really need." She smiles softly, "Am I missing anything?" She thinks, "Don't forget to go out the window, the next window down is open for your use, if you want to scavange, or chill, its up to you. Just... Don't break my door again, and expect that if you are staying, there will be chores."

And with that, Hadley turns back into the bathroom and begins putting things away, when she walks to her room, she sits on the bed.

Her room, is the typical teenage room, a matress on the floor with dozens of pillows, blankets, etc. She also has a string of christmas lights hooked up to a battery operated generator, that also hooks up to a laptop that is hooked up to a dvd player so she can watch movies, listen to music, or just plain old turn off and read a book. The girl had thought everything out... Well, with help from Patch and Kyson, she had everything she needed. There was even a black canopy over her bed, that hung down until it covered the bed, except for one part on the side where you go in. The rest of the room was neat and organized, to the point where you could eat off the planked floor. She had her closet and dresser stocked with clothing, a dagger resting on the dresser is sheathed and sitting there in case of an invasion. And then a rack of shoes. Heels, sneakers, uggs, combat boots. everything a girl could want, she has.

She even has an ipod, stocked with music so she can plug in and listen to it all day.

And even though she has all of this stuff, she still was missing one thing. One thing she had before, when nothing else mattered.

Someone to share it all with.

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995
Ben watched as the truck came closer, noticing the number of people it held, including those in the bed. They weren't looking to run him down, which was in some ways a relief. Still, he had his reserves as it slowed and the girl inside spoke to him.

"Hey there... need anything?"

Oh. Well that's...pleasant. He cleared his throat and looked at the group, then focused on the driver. "Hello. I was living this whole thing out in my home, but I'm out of food...so I'm just kind of...going. I don't want to be a burden, but if you'd let me just chill out, I can...I dunno, lift stuff for you guys?"

He shifted his weight around as he stood, looking around. He wasn't exactly comfortable standing around in the open, especially with strangers. At least the lady driving seemed psuedo nice.

@Stormee Fae
RandomFoodGirl said:
Hadley draws a smile and looks up at Lennex, trying to avoid his eyes, she bites her lip, "I didn't think I would, not that I wan't to get rid of you or anything." She gives herself a pat on th back for making her voice sound less shaky than it really is. Hads turns and prances to her bag, its filled with goodies, feminine products, and things to help her keep going.
"The cupboard is stocked, help yourself. I went scavanging, you could make some beans, the power still runs a bit, not much, so don't go using the stove for too long. Don't use the microwave, it doesn't work." She calls out as she takes her girly things to the bathroom.

"oh!" She pops her head out of the door, "And the apartment next door, their shower works. Sort of. The water runs cold really fast, but I think they have a generator or something. Uhm.. The toilet flushes, no worries about that. I have toilet paper, soap, anything you really need." She smiles softly, "Am I missing anything?" She thinks, "Don't forget to go out the window, the next window down is open for your use, if you want to scavange, or chill, its up to you. Just... Don't break my door again, and expect that if you are staying, there will be chores."

And with that, Hadley turns back into the bathroom and begins putting things away, when she walks to her room, she sits on the bed.

Her room, is the typical teenage room, a matress on the floor with dozens of pillows, blankets, etc. She also has a string of christmas lights hooked up to a battery operated generator, that also hooks up to a laptop that is hooked up to a dvd player so she can watch movies, listen to music, or just plain old turn off and read a book. The girl had thought everything out... Well, with help from Patch and Kyson, she had everything she needed. There was even a black canopy over her bed, that hung down until it covered the bed, except for one part on the side where you go in. The rest of the room was neat and organized, to the point where you could eat off the planked floor. She had her closet and dresser stocked with clothing, a dagger resting on the dresser is sheathed and sitting there in case of an invasion. And then a rack of shoes. Heels, sneakers, uggs, combat boots. everything a girl could want, she has.

She even has an ipod, stocked with music so she can plug in and listen to it all day.

And even though she has all of this stuff, she still was missing one thing. One thing she had before, when nothing else mattered.

Someone to share it all with.

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995
Lennex returns the smile warmly and nods his head. "Sounds like a plan Hadley. I'll be waiting on the balcony for you. Been awhile since I enjoyed the sunset with a woman." Lennex teases. He grabs the Pepsi she had offered him earlier from his pack and cracks it open. He pulls a chair from the inside to the balcony and takes an exhausted load off while he waits for the young lady.

(Sorry for the short post. Going in to work and on mobile.)
Hadley sighs softly, she pulls her hair back and dutch braids it, she takes a deep breath, brushes her teeth, then makes her way to the balcony. She has a bag of goldfish crackers and her pepsi.

"Do you know how long it's been since I actually sat with a living human being?" She smiles softly, "It's been a while." She answers then smiles softly again before taking a sip of her pepsi and popping a cracker into her mouth.

"you can have some, my treat." She smiles, "a once in a lifetime offer." She giggles before popping another little, orange fish into her mouth and smiles. She chews then looks out at the sky as it turns pink, "It's beautiful, no? I do this every night at sundown."

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995 )

(It's allg, I takea while to reply, so, I don't mind.)
Cassandra shook her head lazily, almost as if that was an argument she had heard thousands of times...which she had. "No, it's not craziness. Society tells you your looks are all that you're worth, all you'll EVER be worth...so you either learn to use it to your advantage or you become a bitch. Or BOTH. Otherwise you're fucked" She said as she shrugged, and then said half jokingly "Besides, you guys...with your dicks and your privilege, you guys are no fucking prize either Romeo". But as she watched him cringe at his nickname she decided she might as well be nice for ONCE. "But just to show you how crazy I AM NOT and just how fucking caramel sweet I can be..." She said as she even stopped to bat her eyelashes charmingly to prove her point "Be smart from now on, and I swear I'll stop calling you Romeo" She promised before she turned toward Haz. "As for you...I'm gonna keep calling you "big guy". Mostly because you keep using words like "ma'am" and "grandaddy" and I find that somehow endearing. Maybe later we'll discuss the idea of me calling you Tiny" She stated. "Also, just so we're all in the same page, I'm neither city nor country. I lived all my life in the coast" She announced matter-of-factly as she smirked softly "But at least that means out little ragtag group of survivors has a bit of variety".

Yes, maybe she was being a bit more talkative that usual...though still the same little shit as always. But it was kinda nice to just sit around and pretend that they weren't in the middle of the apocalypse...at least just for a few minutes.

@Stormee Fae @XxLuluxX
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"Well then." He replied, raising both brows with slight surprise. "Excuse me- if you don't mind, but I hope that wasn't really directed at me hintingly. The only privilege I remember getting, was driving my pa's car." Harrison stated in a calm, bass tone of his accent. Void of opinion. Yet filled with a playful and almost subtle humor, layered thinly by a sly wit. Haz continued on with his scribbled ramblings; glancing up once again to meet the females gaze. "Big guy I can live with. The wording? Well, you go and live down in the deep south a while. We'll see how you act then" A grin stirred his lips before fading, taking another puff of his cigarette.

"You could almost believe that nothing happened. Till you see those flesh eating abominations." He murmured, his large, calloused and scarred hands fiddled with the corner of his notebook. "First day of the collapse I, well I tried to pretend it wasn't happening. Pulled my covers right up over my head. Like it'd go away. My parents went to church, worst mistake to have been made, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I never really fully has faith in any guy up in heaven, but no one would sentence their worst enemy to this." Pausing, he mulled over it with a scowl.

"Anyway, I'm bringing the mood down, so Romeo and Juliet, whats the deal? You gonna get a room together?" Haz snickered, stroking his unshaven face like some proud philosopher. "Then again, that ends in murder if I'm correct?"

@Mayhem @Stormee Fae
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"Now I know you're shitting me big guy. People can't go around saying "pa" just like that...but then again I haven't been long in this godforsaken country" She said as she chuckled in amusement. But when he brought up the collapse

her smirk seemed almost to fade...almost. "...if it makes you feel better (but I highly doubt it will) I think we all pretended nothing was happening" She said as she tried to make her voice sound as nonchalant as possible, but even she had to admit it wasn't a complete success.

So when Haz quickly tried to lighten the mood again, Cassandra was more than willing to play along. She clapped in victory and gave Haz a playful smirk, cause with that joke he was now basically speaking her language. "Ah, here's a man that gets Shakespeare" She said, before giving Max a reproachful glance. "Now don't get me wrong big guy. I wouldn't choose to be Juliet for all the money in the world...the poor girl gets the worst end of the deal. Besides, Max here thinks I'm too crude...so I'm guessing I'm not his type" She said jokingly as she shrugged "But to answer your question...a) he climbed upstairs were I was minding my own business, b) proceeded to fuck shit up and c) kinda died afterwards in the spot...so I thought Romeo was fitting".

@Stormee Fae @XxLuluxX
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Will slowly stepped out of the truck, slinging the M4 onto his shoulder. "I'm just up the bend here," he explained to the others, gesturing to his truck, still idling, about seventy feet away. He eyed the man in the road: well-built and athletic no doubt, probably a few years older than Hendrix. Still, he wasn't giving off any particularly alarming vibes.

"I can't speak for everyone, but I don't mind another set of hands so long as you mind yourself," he said. "Where're you from?"

@Stormee Fae


RandomFoodGirl said:
Hadley sighs softly, she pulls her hair back and dutch braids it, she takes a deep breath, brushes her teeth, then makes her way to the balcony. She has a bag of goldfish crackers and her pepsi.
"Do you know how long it's been since I actually sat with a living human being?" She smiles softly, "It's been a while." She answers then smiles softly again before taking a sip of her pepsi and popping a cracker into her mouth.

"you can have some, my treat." She smiles, "a once in a lifetime offer." She giggles before popping another little, orange fish into her mouth and smiles. She chews then looks out at the sky as it turns pink, "It's beautiful, no? I do this every night at sundown."

(Mentioned: @shadowz1995 )

(It's allg, I takea while to reply, so, I don't mind.)
"Hey do you know how long its been since I held an actual conversation with another human being? Really long. Like very long hahaha." The male nods and reaches in to the bag and grabs a few of the cheddar flavored fish snacks. He pops them into his mouth and Chews them slowly. It had been so long since he had eaten goldfish. He remembered how much he loved them as a kid and how great they still are. Lennex washes it down with Pepsi and chuckles at Hadley's comments. "Gorgeous. It's hard to find such beauty in the world nowadays but it's there if you look hard enough. You can find some diamonds in the rough." Lennex glances at her before looking back to the sunset with a smile on his face. Beautiful scenery, beautiful lady, and a hard gfought day. What could be better?
shadowz1995 said:
"Hey do you know how long its been since I held an actual conversation with another human being? Really long. Like very long hahaha." The male nods and reaches in to the bag and grabs a few of the cheddar flavored fish snacks. He pops them into his mouth and Chews them slowly. It had been so long since he had eaten goldfish. He remembered how much he loved them as a kid and how great they still are. Lennex washes it down with Pepsi and chuckles at Hadley's comments. "Gorgeous. It's hard to find such beauty in the world nowadays but it's there if you look hard enough. You can find some diamonds in the rough." Lennex glances at her before looking back to the sunset with a smile on his face. Beautiful scenery, beautiful lady, and a hard gfought day. What could be better?
Hadley watches the beautiful scenery pass before her as she chew on her crackers, "I miss airplanes. You know? Like their beautiful streams and the feeling you get?" Hadley smiles, "I guess I just... don't want to forget the small things... Or else I might forget what the world was once, when we were all happy and free.." Hadley looks down and closes her eyes, letting the cool air rush over her as the night slowly approaches. "When I was younger, I used to think about how it would end. I mean, when I was like, 13. Back then I wanted to know if I would survive. If Patch would be around, if my mum, my dad. I din't think my mother and sister would die. And that Patch would be taken away... Or that Kyson.." She shakes her head, "It's hard to think that I'm alone now. I have nobody from my life before. Nobody." She looks over at Lennex, "And, when I wanted them gone, now I want them back."
@Mayhem @XxLuluxX

"Hey, I've got pretty good reactions skills high. Had to drive my roommate to the ER once after he got bit..." Max didn't like that memory, he decided to pick a lighter example, "I used to get high sometimes when I played baseball games. I was still one of my university's best players." Being on the baseball team was how he even got to college in the first place. Max was born and raised rather poor in section 8 housing. He could have never have dreamed of college. He was thankful for the scholarship. Max took another hit as Haz introduced himself, the high reaching his head as the corners of his vision began to blur, "Nice to meet you, Haz." he said as he blew the smoke out of his lungs as quickly as possible. He felt the warm, tingling release of ultimate relaxation as everything focused in on a single focal point. This was good shit.

As Cassandra went off on her feminist tirade, Max watched her talk, smiling slightly as she did. He knew many girls like her in college, and while they were right, he still couldn't help but chuckle at her claiming he was privileged when she didn't know the life he lived. If he wasn't high, he would have actually gotten angry, and that is a hard thing for anyone to do, make him angry,
"The only I priviledge I have is being male. I am a minority born from a single mom living in south end Boston. Since the apocalypse happened, let me tell you, my neighborhood don't look any different, Man. It was always on fire and crumbling like that. The fucking zombies are an improvement." he laughed, remnants of smoke coming out of his mouth as he did.

"My parents went to church, worst mistake to have been made, but desperate times call for desperate measures"

"Shit, dude... I'm sorry, Man." Max got quiet as he processed the tragedy. Everyone was damaged goods now. Max turned his head to the side, cracking his neck before smoothing his long, dark brown hair back and saying, "My mami did the same thing..." he Latino ring present on the corners of his voice, "She and mi abuela went to church when this whole thing started. Catholics. And when shit got bad, they were gonna go there to stay. There was a help center set up there. I was away at school. I just had a run in with... my rommate at the hospital and a bunch of other screaming mad people trying to kill me. I begged them to go to my aunt's out in the country side. She owned some land in Rhode Island. I don't think either ever made it... I don't think my Aunt made it either." He had told Aisling this story, and he remembered what she had replied with,

"It's always the hardest not knowing."

To which Max had replied,
"I don't want to know. If I don't know... maybe I can pretend they didn't suffer, that they're still at home ya know?"

Aisling simply stared off into the small, golden sliver that was the approaching sunrise and said,
"I wanna see it. I have to see it." She was the one who shot her father.

Max took one more hit as he reminisced their conversation a few weeks back before putting the bong on the table, most the bowl gone. His tolerance had lowered since his time in the apocalypse. He seemed almost distracted until one phrase pulled him out of his head.

"...Romeo and Juliet."

Max looked up from his day dream and asked,
"Que dijiste?" he glanced over at Cassandra as she responded to Haz's playful remarks with remarks of her own,

"Max here thinks I'm too crude...so I'm guessing I'm not his type"

Max shook his head,
"No, no, it's not that. I just..." True Max was taken aback by the way Cassandra had talked to him upon first meeting. It rubbed him the wrong way, but he was growing used to it now. He was able to see she was using it as a face to hide a more vulnerable part of himself. Everybody was putting on a face now days, "I have a... a girlfriend." he finished.

After meeting such a strange man earlier who acted aggressively and made threats, Sadee could feel the distrust growing in the pit of her stomach. However, she so far had no reason to distrust this man, as he genuinely seemed to be walking alone, hungry and wondering.

"I don't want to be a burden, but if you'd let me just chill out, I can...I dunno, lift stuff for you guys?"

@Safton @Raydog90 @ShadowSketches @Tictacguy123

Sadee found the response cute. Surely only a humble man would feel the need to justify his self worth. This relaxed her slightly. Before she could respond, Will said,

"I don't mind another set of hands so long as you mind yourself,"

Sadee nodded at Will's reply, "I am okay with it. We could use every pair of hands we can get. We're forming a caravan. I was about to take Will to his truck. Then we're headed up to Boston. I'm Sadee. You're welcome to sit in the bed with Flynn. It's fairly protected from wind there." She waited to hear where the man was from and if he wanted to join.

RandomFoodGirl said:
Hadley watches the beautiful scenery pass before her as she chew on her crackers, "I miss airplanes. You know? Like their beautiful streams and the feeling you get?" Hadley smiles, "I guess I just... don't want to forget the small things... Or else I might forget what the world was once, when we were all happy and free.." Hadley looks down and closes her eyes, letting the cool air rush over her as the night slowly approaches. "When I was younger, I used to think about how it would end. I mean, when I was like, 13. Back then I wanted to know if I would survive. If Patch would be around, if my mum, my dad. I din't think my mother and sister would die. And that Patch would be taken away... Or that Kyson.." She shakes her head, "It's hard to think that I'm alone now. I have nobody from my life before. Nobody." She looks over at Lennex, "And, when I wanted them gone, now I want them back."
"Hubris. Be careful what you wish for. Old teaching and an old warning. You might get what you wish for but not in the way you'd expect. I can't tell you how badly I wanted to get out of prison. I tried to find every weakness in the correctional facility in hopes that I could find an escape. I just didn't think my escape would come at the cost of everyone I knew and loved on the outside. When the world finally fell to chaos and the electricity died out, the locks on the cells deactivated. Didja' know that? They were all electronically controlled. Ironic. When the cells opened it wasn't hell that swarmed out. Hell swarmed in. I don't know how many infected came sprinting in attacking everything in sight. Easily over the hundreds. It looked like a small army. Between the guards, the convicts, and the infected it had become a three-way war. I made out it out by using every enemy, ally, and friend I had made in their as a meat shield. True to my thief ways, I slipped out relatively unharmed. But the world that greeted me wasn't the one I remembered. My friends were gone. My family. My girl. My daughter.....I thought I had nothing to lose and tried desperately to escape my prison. Life has a funny way of showing you just how wrong you can be." The thief's eyes glazed over as he told the tale. As if narrating the events that unfolded from an outside perspective. Lennex's distant gaze returns after a moment of silence and he turns to see Hadley looking at him and Lennex smiles at her. It wasn't the warm smiles he had given before but the smile of a very tired man, mentally well beyond his years."

Jordan pulled out his hunting knife, heart pounding in his chest as he reared back his arm ready to stab the infected in the chest when a knife came flying from his four o'clock and sliced through the infected's skull. The infected crumpled and fell to the ground in front of Jordan. His eyes wide as he turned to see the child had thrown the knife. Killing your first infected was hard. Most people had to kill someone they knew first: a neighbor, a friend, a family member. The cruel realization that you just ended a life, took the breath out of an otherwise breathing individual (sick, rabid, mad, or not), it was traumatizing to any sane person. Jordan wondered who the girl's first kill was and what it had done to her.

Aisling slowly stood up with her brother's help. Aidan held took her arm as he lifted her and sat her down on a chair. Aisling continued to try to breathe as her wind slowly came back. She cherished every breath she was able to pull in. Finally, she got her breath back and glanced over to Raven and spoke,
"Damn. How'd you learn to do that?" she asked. Maybe the kid wouldn't be a liability after all.

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