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Futuristic BioGenesis Safe House: Surviving the Post-Apocalypse.

She laughed weakly at his constant mumbling, and jumped out from the safety of the dumpster, wielding her blade and revolver. With no intention of grabbing the Compromised's attention, she let it walk past her. "It's okay, why don't you go and see if there are more behind him?" She replied to Ruka, the Compromised was a few feet from her reach. Vladimir was on the ground, aiming his sniper* at the man's head. Cally held up a hand, signaling him to wait, and ran to the dumpster in front of her.

Carefully planning out her next move, Cally stealthily jumped out in front of the tall man, and plunged her blade into it's chest, sending it's wail throughout the empty streets of the city. "Shoot, shoot!" she yelled, as if to set off a cue for Vladimir. Waiting for bullets to plunge through it's head, Cally jumped out of the firing range, only after plunging the blade into the Compromised's lung. Jumping out of the scene, she lay on the ground, looking up at the night sky. Her previously injured hand was now an open wound again, dried and fresh blood mixing together to create an infectious syrup. Apart from that, she had several scrapes and scratch marks over her porcelain face, and her lip was cut and dribbling blood onto the gravel. "Ruka.." she said, trying to grab her ally's attention.
Ruka got up to check for any more behind the building "nope we're clea-" she stopped when she saw the blood on Cally. "are you alright??" she asked with wide eyes. "Is clear out here as far as I can tell, but we need to get back inside." She wrapped the bag around her arm and pulled Cally inside.

Vladimir had fired the shot into the compromised's neck blowing his never stem. He knew if he were to blow the head, the virus my spread into the underlying region. It was wise of him, but all in his find was to take out a knife and stab the compromised over and over and over not given heed or respect to the death and their soul. One could notice some change in Vladimir's facial looks. He seemed to be driven by rage and hate. Vladimir's mumbling had even stopped. the patching at his neck had opened up due to the fast pace movement. As he pulled the bolt out of the sniper automatically loading the next, he could smell the burnt gunpowder. A wicked smile came to his face. He had the feeling that he was now in a war.

Vladimir hurriedly got up. He had no intentions of going to the two but instead he rushed up upstairs to the tower. The tower seemed to house some amount of water still. Soon his sniper was aimed at the couple. He yelled from there, maybe even grabbed the attention of few compromised, but to him he would like more and more of those beast to come, Vladimir seemed to wish to kill as many as possible " WHO ARE YOU! " he had yelled, his sniper was facing the brow-headed girl's face. Surprisingly his finger laid at the trigger, surely he had the intention of killing if needed

Victoria sighed sitting on the dirt road setting her sword on the side of her as she ran her fingers through her sweaty matted hair trying to remember the last time she sleep or even ate. Looking around she tried to figure out where she was, what town this was before everything went to crap.

Tilting her head up she glanced at the sky she fixed her bag son it wasn't cutting into her shoulder blades. She stood up dusting

her self off waiting to find a place to stay

before she got some unwanted company, so she began to walk after glancing around once more.

Walking for she doesn't know how long her legs started to ache she desperately

wanted to find a shelter she'll take anything about now. She swung her bag so it was in her hands in front of her she opens it looking in side she sighed she only

had five lollipops left from the bag she

managed to find in the two before this one, she takes one out unwrapping it she popped it in her mouth, putting the bag back on her back.

Soon she finds a little shelter. It wasn't fancy but it do a almost smile is on her face as she walked in and began to settle in.
Chana watched Takai go. She shook her head, almost sadly. She may have found him to be exceptionally irritating, but at least he spoke his mind. And he was a survivor. But Takai was already gone, disappearing into the horizon. There was nothing left to do. Chana clicked her tongue and focused back on Mel. She was done cleaning the wound, she laced the needle with dermal thread. Kneeling down close to the girl's arm, she made a row of neat and even sutures, sewing the gash cut cleanly.

"Almost done,"

She attacked the rest of the cuts, making a total of five rows of stitches on Mel's arm. She broke the last thread and tied it off, beginning to tuck things back into the medical kit. Quickly, she pressed cotton dressings on the arm, sealing the wounded area. Glancing at the cut on her own arm, she winced. She needed to get back to her little brother, to the other survivors. Otherwise she would probably sew up her cut then. Instead, she stood and shook out her hair. Reaching into her bag, she fished out 2 aged beers. Using her knife, she popped the tops and handed a bottle to Mel.

"Beer for your trouble. Make sure you keep those stitches clean. I can look at them again tomorrow. Now, are you coming back to the safe house with me?" Chana asked, taking a swig of her beer.
Pushing off Ruka's help, she smiled, and got up herself. "I'm okay, just a little.." her head began to spin, "blood-deprived. I need to go to-" Cally didn't use the chance to finish her sentence, instead, using the last of her adrenaline to push her way up the stairs to the tower, where Vladimir was getting trigger-happy. "Hey, Hey!" she yelled at him, getting his attention away from the situation that was playing on from downstairs.

"Stop, hey," she said, remaining in the doorframe, "You're getting crazy. Stop shooting, before you hurt someone that is just as capable of doing things as you." Cally said, nearly exhausted from bloodloss. "You're not in war. This is reality, this is now, and if you go insane, you could very well wipe out the last of the surviving population."

She reached out, in an attempt to lure him downstairs, and retreated to the Atrium.
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Ruka slowly followed Cally throught the darkness. as dizzy as ever, she was now out of sight and Ruka was lost in the lightless hallways. Stomach knotted up and her throat tightened from water depravity before she fell to the ground and lost all consciousness.
Mel sat there aghast, her shoulders slumped in defeat, as Takai walked away from the three other survivors without so much as a glance back, the bullets from his revolver rolling around on the rough terrain silently. She knew that it was irrational for her to feel so bad because, either way, he would have left. But if Takai somehow wounds up dead then Mel's going to feel as if it was her fault and would undoubtedly take the blame for the death.

She occasionally winced as the needle repeatedly pierced her skin and sewed it back together, leaving an ugly and jagged path in its wake. As the slow process was continued, Mel watched with a sick sort of satisfaction as little by little each clawed line was put back together until Chana had finished, wrapping up the wound as an extra precaution.

Out of the corner of her eye she could make out Chana glancing at her own arm which Mel's eyes followed, stopping to inspect a long cut on the smooth surface. It wasn't nearly as bad as Mel's had been but in their current predicament anything could be deadly, no matter how small. She was about to say something about helping to clean and dress the wound but was interrupted by a beer being shoved into her hands.

Her eyes looked down at the alcohol before looking back up at Chana. She gave the dark-haired girl a small smile and took a sip of the lukewarm beverage herself, wishing the bitter drink to wash away all of the dark thoughts that were currently plaguing the forefront of her mind. Unfortunately she had no such luck.

"I think I'll come back with you. I'd be nice to at least enjoy a night away from the streets for once." Mel finally conceded as she took another swig of the beer, her eyes casting a cursory glance in the direction that Takai had walked off in. On a spur of the moment thing she gingerly walked over to the abandoned bullets and picked them up, spinning them around in her hand. After a moment she placed them inside a small pouch she'd attached to her holster and closed the item up, turning back to Chana and Jaden afterwards. The cylindrical pellets would probably come in handy sometime later and, as she always told herself, it was better to be safe than sorry.

"I'm basically all ready to leave now, assuming you two are as well. Time to lead the way Oh Wise One."
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Taking a sip of her beer, Chana adjusted her pack. It hadn't tasted as good as she hoped, her guilty conscience probably had something to do with that. She glanced out at the path where Takai had walked away. She shook her head, feeling a twinge in her gut. She shouldn't have let him leave. It wasn't like her. But he wouldn't have listened to her anyway. Still, the guilt pressed into her belly. It was strange to think the two were out in the streets not even an hour ago, working in sync to tag-team electrocute a mass of Compromised. And now he was gone with a possibly infected bite.

Chana touched her side, fingers grazing at the disfigurement just beneath her shirt. She winced, feeling the twisted flesh beneath the fabric unnoticeably. She remembered that fateful night so long ago...when everything that had happened. All of it was locked away within her mind, the only others who knew long gone. She clenched her teeth and tried to push the memory out of her mind. Everyone has a past they don't want to talk about, not just you.

Chana finished up the drink, and tucked the bottle back in her bag. She picked up the jar of Ibuprofen and stowed it in the medical kit. Throwing her hair behind her shoulders, she tightened the tie she had placed over the deep gash that ran up her arm, caused by that sharp and rusty hubcap. Whatever. They just had to keep moving now.

"Alright. We have to go straight left if I remember," she said as she unsheathed her knives and held them between her knuckles. Extra protection necessary. "And let's hurry. My little brother is probably having a fit."

As they walked forward, Chana tossed a look at Mel. The little spit-fire reminded her a little bit of her own self. She ignored the thought, not really one for sentiment at the moment.

"So. I think this house might be the key to it all. If we can fix it up and get protection going...the key to safety."

Vladimir was tempted to shoot the girl at her very place but paused upon hearing her say about the war. The expression on his face changed. He had been in a war and it was not pretty. All his comrades dying the surviving ones without limbs some with eyes. Vladimir remember nearly losing his leg during a battle when a grenade had popped into his tent. He soon came to his senses slowly shaking his head. Apparently he had no memory of how he had got up there. He could see Cally under in a nearly unconscious state. He just rushed down the stairs and put her hand over his neck. He would have been hard for Cally so he titled a little bit. " What had happened ? " he asked in a low tone. " Are you okay ? " he added. He assisted her to the walk back to the white building. he did not feel like mumbling like normally for no apparent reason.
Skye decided it was time to give up, and head back to the room she had been in previously. If she were to pass out again, was it really the best idea to be roaming the halls? After all, she did only want fresh air.

She spotted Noctis and her eyes widened, yes! Someone who could lead her back.

"H..hey!" She called out, stumbling to him.

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While Chana seemed to down her beer in only a few gulps Mel settled for a few sips here and there. She could have gulped the bottle down if she really wanted to but, after the first few tastes, she found that the bitter nature of the alcoholic beverage seemed to distract her. If only a little.

Although since the group had to start going on their merry way, she took a few more drinks of the beer and gently tugged open Chana's bag, placing the now empty bottle besides the other one already stuffed inside. On a faraway sort of level Mel mildly entertained the idea of making the empty beer bottles into some handy-dandy Molotov's and stored the thought away for later. Fire was always an excellent weapon choice, right?

Mel, out of polite courtesy for the women, pretended not to notice the way Chana touched her hip and winced, getting a general idea of what laid underneath the clothed surface. It seemed as if no one had been unscathed in someway and was reminded of the ugly turn the world had taken. Where had the life she grew up in, blissfully naive and unaware of the world's antics, gone? It shouldn't have been able to disappear so suddenly.

As Chana began talking, the brunette couldn't help but feel a thin tendril of hope slither through her veins like a wildfire, the emotion almost instantly being quenched. She desperately wanted to believe that their was still a place on earth which could safely accommodate survivors but the petite girl learned fairly early on that hope could be pretty deceiving.

Hope... such a useless and faulty emotion. The only thing it seems to be able to do is bring people up before ruthlessly knocking them down.

"The key to safety... that's such a trivial word." Mel hadn't meant to put any sort of damper on the girl's parade but harsh experience throughout her life had made her jaded; bitter. Most of her sarcasm stemmed from those feelings, becoming a way for her to mask her emotions and seclude herself from others. There's only so much a person can take all by themselves.

The brunette grabbed a knife from her holster and placed the hilt in her hands, the item familiar and comfortable. It made her feel a bit more resourceful and productive, having a weapon in her hands. And, while she would have preferred to use her duel pistols when out in such an open space, she knew that stealth was the better route to take right now.

Mel always tried to be armed with something on all occasions, which is why she also had a few extra knives tucked against her hips and legs, dark jeans easily hiding any bulky outlines. Mel had two daggers in each of her boots as well, one being strapped to the side while the other was tucked tightly away inside the inner sole of the shoes. So, all in all, she was pretty prepared.

Treading in light steps that barley made a sound Mel slowly began following Chana to the supposed Safe House, the moonlight being the only thing left to illuminate their path.
After they got to the safe house, Jaden stopped in at the gates. After he helped the others inside, he stood still for a few seconds. "Hey! Chana! I'll come back later... I have something to do back there. Take care!" and saying this, he turned back, and started running.

Jaden seemed a bit happy, but it was unclear what he could be thinking about. After a while, he saw a lone man. He ran towards him. "Takai! Wait for me!" After he got next to Takai, he stopped a bit, and rested a bit. When he finished with it, he put his hands on Takai's shoulder, and started: "Hey Takai do you want to grab some drinks? I've seen a bar around here. Let's go and have some fun. We deserve it!" Said as he smiled at him. The bar was not too far, maybe only a few streets away. It seemed to be in a good condition, and Jaden was sure there would be something to drink. "Oh and I have something else too" Said while he reached for his pocket. He pulled out something small metal thing. "I still have you lighter" He said while he reached his hand to give it back to its real owner. After handing it back, he asked Takai again: "So what do you say? I'd bet that a good cool drink would cheer you up."
Everything from that scene on, was a blur for Cally. One moment, she could feel the fire inside of her, burning and trying to stay awake, trying to stay strong, and the next, she was put out. After she had grabbed Vladimir's attention, she collapsed to her knees, a migraine headache pounding through her head. Although still conscious, she had no control of what her limbs would do. Her eyes were about to close, when she suddenly felt her body lift. "Wha-?" She said, her eyes now fully open. She was running, or at least someone was.

"What had happened?" she heard, and bits of memory flashed in and out of her head. Speaking in fragments, she managed to say, "Compromised, Ruka, shoot." Turning away from the fire she lay next to, she grabbed her head and moaned, waves of vertigo and nausea overcoming her. Finally, she fell asleep on someone's lap, her heart pounding in her ears.

About an hour later, she woke up, hitting Vladimir in the chin. "Oh, my god! I'm so sorry." She said, grabbing the top of her skull, which now sent another pulsing wave of vertigo through her body. However, this time, her memories were intact. Hoping he would listen, she said, "I don't know how much you remember, but we went out to the dumpsters, to you know, have a little fun. I found Ruka, who was uncertain that you were good, and then I turned around, with a Compromised behind me. You were suddenly on the ground, about to shoot with the sniper rifle, and I said to wait, getting in front of the person, and stabbing it's chest. Then, you fired your gun, which somehow automatically triggered some kind of alter ego,"

"You were up in the water still tower, about to shoot pretty much everything. I guess your mind changed everything living, everything moving, into an enemy. I had scratches on my face," Cally said, touching her forehead, and looking at her fingers, which were now wet with blood. "And a deep cut on my hand from before. I would have gone in and fixed myself up, but.." She struggled to recall what had happened next..

"I guessed I put my own survival at risk to find you, and stop you," she said, confused, knitting her brow into a fine line across her forehead. "And eventually, I passed out." She sat up, her entire body aching with a manageable, but annoying throb. "Ruka, I have to find- Ruka!" She suddenly was crying, because she had lost her partner.

"Where could she be? I didn't- I didn't follow her, and she- she might still be out there!" Cally gasped, grabbing her face in her hands. "Promise me, promise me she'll be alright." She chanted, over and over into his chest, tears leaking out of her hazel eyes.

When she was finally done crying, Cally sat up, inspecting her own injuries. Holding up a fragment of a mirror, she could see 3 minor cuts across her cheek and a scrape on her forehead, which was bleeding still. Looking down at her hand, she saw that is was swollen and puffy, dried blood caking her palm. However, the pain was gone, and the blood wasn't flowing, which when both factors work in harmony, usually means something good. When she was done, she finally said, "I'll be alright. I'll have to ask Chana for some more gauze and a small bottle of peroxide, until I can find some more supplies." She concluded, meeting his gaze.
It was still dark, but the when Ruka woke up, she could see enough to find her way back to the group. she had to do something about those busted lights in the ceiling. there had to be more somewhere in a place as big as this. She was relieved to find that the bag or cans was still with her. But she was still thirsty and distraught from the heat. Ruka knew that someone in the Atrium could help her, as there was always someone there.

She pushed herself up and tied the bag around the belt of her shorts. Uncertainty rolled over her as she realized her situation. Stumbled across a strange building and decided to live with strangers, half of which, she didn't even know the names of. She swallowed hard, in a place without water, she was going to have a hard time convincing herself to stay. But it was luck that she came here, and it seemed like her fate belonged to the other survivors. after all, she had to learn to fight somehow.

She was definitely lost now, and the only reasonable option if she ever wanted to be found was to call for help "Chana! Cally!...Noctis!" she listed off the names of the only Survivors she knew and began walking again, repeating the names every few minutes in hope someone would hear her cry.
A bit of time had passed before Takai reached another stopping point, a small bench on the side of the road, its lacquer now peeled and cracking. He sat down quietly once he felt the area was safe, and reached for his bag to get a bottle of water.

Oh... right. Forgot I lost it...

Hand falling back to his side, the man began mulling over the different events that had happened within the past few hours. Images of the people he'd met during that time passed through his mind. Chana and her brother, Mel, Jaden, the irritating Russian, the snippy bookworm... So many different personalities, and they all pissed him off. Come to think of it, how long had it been since Takai had been angry like that? And didn't he normally kill people who pissed him off?

Maybe it's because they're all a bunch of dumbsh*ts...

He chuckled at the thought of how Chana and the new girl Mel would respond to that.

After a few minutes, Takai then thought of the infected child he executed earlier. For some reason the memory stuck with him, unlike with most of the people and infected he'd killed before. He wondered if he'd be able to feel pain when he turned into one of the monsters. Would there be anything human left of him?

Heh... as if I'm human to begin with.

Finally, Takai's boredom caught up with him, and he left his seat. But before he could continue walking, he heard a shout from the opposite direction. It was the kid Jaden from earlier. Frowning, he kept walking, but stopped when the boy caught up to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Takai do you want to grab some drinks? I've seen a bar around here. Let's go and have some fun. We deserve it!"

Takai didn't respond for a few moments, letting Jaden catch his breath. Shrugging of the hand that gripped his shoulder, he spoke the kid in a derisive tone.

"First of all, I don't drink." His voice began to shake with irritation, "Second... Do you have a death-wish? Running and shouting through the streets with all the infected hanging about is one thing, but sticking around me is sure to get your a** killed."

He took a few steps forward.

"And didn't you hear me before? I'm infected now, which makes me your enemy."

Takai eyed the silver lighter that was offered back to him. It had been a gift from his second-in-command, back when he was the leader of the Hell Slayers. That was before the bastard Yamato had betrayed him, however.

"You can keep that lighter," he said, his anger subsiding, "I won't be needing it any more."

Once again he continued his stroll, hoping his words would send Jaden away.
"I have your lighter, your revolver. You mean no harm. Well... Except your machete. Come on now! What kind of yakuza doesn't drink at all?" Asked Jaden from Takai after he got scolded by him. Despite being infected Takai seemed alright. His skin seemed still normal except at the wound, but Jaden couldn't hear him having issues with breathing, and seeing how Takai scolded him, his brain still worked well.

Jaden was on the edge of cheekiness and cockiness on purpose. Somehow he enjoyed making Takai angry. "Come, come! Let us have a little bit of fun while the others at not here. And even if the infection were to get you, I as one of the last humble human beings can not let you die without getting at least a bit tipsy!" Jaden grabbed Takai, and started walk in the direction of the Bar. Arriving there, he went behind the counter, and waited until Takai sat down onto a chair.

"Welcome! What may I serve you?" Asked with a cheeky smile on his face.
Takai was infuriated.

Most people avoided pissing him off to such a degree, or avoided being near him altogether, but this persistent brat was doing everything he could to get on the man's nerves. Despite his anger, however, he allowed himself to be dragged along to the bar.

I'm getting too soft. Becoming infected has made me pretty pathetic hasn't it?

He thought about the situation for a moment.

Well, I suppose it will give me a chance to get some water.

As Takai sat down, his agitated fingers dancing on the hilt of his machete, Jaden moved behind the counter sorting through different bottles on the shelves to see what was left.

"Welcome! What may I serve you?" the kid asked him.

Takai frowned at him.

This kid is way too happy, I don't get it.

"I told you I don't drink, moron... but I'll take a water if there's any back there."

Placing an elbow on the counter, Takai continued.

"And don't bother asking me to drink alcohol. I'm a rotten drunk, and you'll probably wind up with your head cut off if I get to that point. Besides, one of us has to be alert for Compromised... So go ahead, knock yourself out kid. Drink enough for the both of us."

He watched Jaden for a few minutes as he pulled out the bottles that weren't empty and set them on the counter.

"So why the hell did you follow me? Did that broad Chana put you up to this?"
Noctis looked in the kitchen for something to eat until he started getting cold and went to close the window. He jumped back when he saw the face of a Compromised right outside the window. He got so scared that he just had to scream

"Ahhhhhhh!" Screaming so loud that you could hear it from miles and miles away. He struggled to close the window since the Compromised was trying to get in. "How the hell did it get in here?" He asked himself and ran to get something to defend himself with. He picked up a kitchen knife and started stabbing the infected several times. It was hard to keep a close eye on where he was stabbing the compromised, he kept on panicing and couldn't believe that these wild monsters use to be humans.
Seeing that Takai eventually accepted the situation made Jaden a bit happy. Seeing what drinks were left he looked at Takai with a great smile, but in the beginning he did not say a word. He wanted Takai to realize the situation. Mere seconds later he got two glasses, and started to clean them with a piece of cloth that was there next to them.

"Too bad Mr. Yakuza. We can serve only alcoholic drinks. We have whiskey, beer, vodka, some tequila, and some Jäeger. Which one would you like to choose?" Asked Jaden from Takai.

"No, it was not really Chana's plan. What's more as we got back to the building, I just left them without getting any replies out from them. But you know I just wanted to get some freedom from them, and a buddy to talk to. I'm not really keen on the introduction, and as we got near the gates someone else just came out. There are so many of us. It's simply incredible. I have to admit though that I did not expect them to be mostly females."
Indie heard a scream come from one of the rooms. Sprinting past the faces of confused people, she gripped her machete. She could smell the creature before she found them. As she rounded the corner, she was hit by a wave of smell. She gagged, but held it back, plunging her sword deep between the Compromised's shoulder blades. It slumped, falling back, and Indie recognised the person it'd attacked. "Sh*t, are you ok?" she muttered, hands on her knees. "God, I thought it got you." she added, looking up at the boy. He was the thief. She glanced at him, Eh, maybe he isn't so bad...
Noctis saw Indie and dropped the kitchen knife on the floor. "Where is everybody?" He asked looking up to Indie. He couldn't stop but look at the dead corpse that was laying on the floor. "This infection is making the people tear their own city apart, It's hard to believe that these monsters use to be people just going on with their everyday lives." He walked a bit closer to the dead compromised and pulled out a card he found in a pocket. "Food Market" it read. Noctis handed it to Indie and sat on top of a counter petting the cat.
Indie shook her head. "I think they headed out." she murmured, looking down at the dead body. She felt a lump in her throat. She'd killed someone. "I... I can't look at this... We should move it." She explained. She slipped off her jacket, covering the top half of the body. "Can you help?" she asked, picking up the top half of it. Once they'd dumped it over the wall, Indigo stayed outside. "Hey, Noctis, did you find this in it's pocket? Can you read that address?" she handed it to him.
(that was so loooooong, i don't know how to catch up now. But i will try)

After the meeting with the survivors in the house Daisuke left after a hour, he looking for somewhere else to sleep. And there he is inside a ruined house but at least it's far from the compromise. The place is all mess even there was hole in the wall, but he can't complain about that. He sit there and grab a canned soup from his backpack. "tomorrow i try to meet them again" he though. After finish eating he go to sleep.

He woke up late, luckily there was no compromise lurking around, he wipe the dust on his clothes then stood up. He did not have breakfast because he still does not know when he will find food again.

This day he hope he can be friend with the other survivors in that house, is not too far from here he will arrive there shortly

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