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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

NeverBetter said:
Fia Strast, Karyx "Conflux of Darkness", Aurelius, Eclaire, Jenna Soloven, Caesar Vorenus, Fia Strast,Hektor, and, 5Y1A5.
haha, fia's in there twice! and what an advantageous place to be, for someone who can control flames... or a very bad one - flames in that sort of environment would be a bad idea, certainly. but what a start! i can't wait to we're up and going! !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

EDIT: ooo, but it's night. poor fia's gonna have a Bad Time.
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rusticyawn said:
haha, fia's in there twice! and what an advantageous place to be, for someone who can control flames... or a very bad one - flames in that sort of environment would be a bad idea, certainly. but what a start! i can't wait to we're up and going! !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
EDIT: ooo, but it's night. poor fia's gonna have a Bad Time.
I'm writing a spreadsheet at the same time as writing RP posts right now, they may be a tad flawed xD .

VioletShadow said:
I apologize for the small start, I didn't have time to implement my idea. I need to sleep, I will reply tommorow.
Totally fine, just making sure the word gets out that we're up, nothing more.
NeverBetter said:
I'm writing a spreadsheet at the same time as writing RP posts right now, they may be a tad flawed xD .
no problem at all! i've already edited my introduction post a few times because of mistakes made out of being sleepy and overexcited, so i have no room at all to talk, haha.
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Me: *mentions shipping Krika and Hektor*
Scumbag NB: *puts them in separate groups*

There's mah intro. A bit late and rather lengthy, but an intro nonetheless. Loving the characters so far. Very excited to see where this goes. Btw been busy this afternoon and will continue to be tonight. I probably won't respond as frequently as some of you guys until tomorrow. Just a heads up.

(btw I posted this just after my first post but I only just realized I posted this in character sign up accidentally. xD . Deleted it there, moved it here.
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Scrapmaster said:
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Me: *mentions shipping Krika and Hektor*
Scumbag NB: *puts them in separate groups*

Worst part is that NB knows Scrap's terrible luck with shipping and that makes it so...ouch. xD
I like how you take control of events and what roleplayers find. It's very helpful in order to keep the story going. It prevents us from posting short replies as well, as we need to reply to the events occurring. I am seriously looking forward to this roleplay, nice job.
VioletShadow said:
I like how you take control of events and what roleplayers find. It's very helpful in order to keep the story going. It prevents us from posting short replies as well, as we need to reply to the events occurring. I am seriously looking forward to this roleplay, nice job.
I agree. It's a gm approach I've never seen anything like before, but I like it a lot.
NeverBetter said:
Jennifer notices that there are a number of bones on the ground, they look very thuroly chewed, but by teeth not made to bite bone specifically. Whatever they were facing likely was normally a herbavore. However, the teeth are rather large, another thing that can be seen by her on the marking that only two of the teeth marks actually fit on the bone due to how large the teeth themselves are...

Muro, despite insisting on the water being safe, has begun feeling very slight affects of alcohol on him, his stats are slightly hindered until he takes a rest. Not strong enough to impar him on a function level, but actions take a small amount of time to process.

Ceaser wonders if anyone in their group looked decent in swimwear, completely dosing and losing focus on the situation at hand for a moment. (Critical failure)

(On a side-note, I live how Karyx has yet to even say anything and he has been the most successful rolling a double critical check, and then critting a critical check. Most useful team member 2k16)
to recap - forest cove party has now pissed off a bunch of weird deer and has successfully gotten a dinosaur drunk. dying plains party is

- being chased by what is potentially the same rabid deer in greater numbers - and is losing it's priorities to a short screaming girl yelling about the sun, someone thinking about the potential beach episode, and someone who by sheer luck knows best about what's going on, but is technically still sleeping(?). good work, @NeverBetter.
VioletShadow said:
I like how you take control of events and what roleplayers find. It's very helpful in order to keep the story going. It prevents us from posting short replies as well, as we need to reply to the events occurring. I am seriously looking forward to this roleplay, nice job.
in all seriousness, though, really! thank you! this is so far the most interesting roleplay i've ever done and we've realistically only started. it definitely makes me want to seek out more games that follow a format like this in the future - it's got a really good balance of flexibility in terms of what can be done, and forced action to keep things from going stagnant. it's really cool to be sure, and i hope we can manage to do some interesting and fun stuff with it!
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rusticyawn said:
to recap - forest cove party has now pissed off a bunch of weird deer and has successfully gotten a dinosaur drunk. dying plains party is

- being chased by what is potentially the same rabid deer in greater numbers - and is losing it's priorities to a short screaming girl yelling about the sun, someone thinking about the potential beach episode, and someone who by sheer luck knows best about what's going on, but is technically still sleeping(?). good work, @NeverBetter.
in all seriousness, though, really! thank you! this is so far the most interesting roleplay i've ever done and we've realistically only started. it definitely makes me want to seek out more games that follow a format like this in the future - it's got a really good balance of flexibility in terms of what can be done, and forced action to keep things from going stagnant. it's really cool to be sure, and i hope we can manage to do some interesting and fun stuff with it!

In combat, even those non-initiated are given a Stat Check when thy are considered involved. Just so happens sleeping beauty won the lottery.

I'm still kinda laughing that people already rolled a Critical Success and a critical failure. But this is sort of the standard luck when it comes to my RP's.

But no, the rabid creatures Plains is facing are diffrent. The clues so far have only determined it's a quadaped a bit bigger than your normal car with very dull looking but impressively thick claws and spotted fur. Such a beast almost reminds me of a lion and a bull being mixed, I wonder what it is.
NeverBetter said:
In combat, even those non-initiated are given a Stat Check when thy are considered involved. Just so happens sleeping beauty won the lottery.

I'm still kinda laughing that people already rolled a Critical Success and a critical failure. But this is sort of the standard luck when it comes to my RP's.

But no, the rabid creatures Plains is facing are diffrent. The clues so far have only determined it's a quadaped a bit bigger than your normal car with very dull looking but impressively thick claws and spotted fur. Such a beast almost reminds me of a lion and a bull being mixed, I wonder what it is.
oh, doh', i must've rolled a critical thinking failure. i just realized how embarrassingly flawed my thinking must've been on all fronts - the fact they had claws and such hadn't even registered, and i had only taken their size into account. (spoiler: i have no idea what size deer are.) not even mentioning the fact i read 'quadaped' as 'quadrupled'. damn my adhd!

a lion and a bull mixed though, huh... whatever it is, let's hope it tastes good well done. :')
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rusticyawn said:
oh, doh', i must've rolled a critical thinking failure. i just realized how embarrassingly flawed my thinking must've been on all fronts - the fact they had claws and such hadn't even registered, and i had only taken their size into account. (spoiler: i have no idea what size deer are.) not even mentioning the fact i read 'quadaped' as 'quadrupled'. damn my adhd!
a lion and a bull mixed though, huh... whatever it is, let's hope it tastes good well done. :')
The average deer, for future fact checking, is generally not much bigger, but slightly bigger than the average human, not counting if they're male and have horns that otherwise wouldn't be there.
NeverBetter said:
Negative impact: the next approximate twenty-five feet in all directions and the land you're standing on is currently on fire.
Wait how is plains group not gonna all die to this massive fire? Lucky thunderstorm?
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[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]"Just by the way, does any one have a swimsuit on them? There's just a few things I wanted to check out." Caear commented loudly to the whole group, bringing his eyes away from the piece of ground that he had been staring at for the previous several moments, his mind having wandered elsewhere. Of course, they immediately landed towards where he thought he could see a silhouette. And then there was a huge flash of light from somewhere,causing Caesar to cry out in surprise and fall to his knees, rubbing his eyes and blinking repeatedly until he gained sight once more. Fortunately, he did manage to regain his eyesight right before the area all around him burst into flames. "What the HELL IS HAPPENING!" He yelled, leaping to his feet as the flames encircled him. His mind was wheeling, progressively attempting to put together the clues of what had happened, unfortunately his brief time in the Water Park AU clouded certain critical ideas. "Does anyone have a huge tub of water perhaps? That would likely be a decent idea when it comes to you know, putting out the forest fire that someone decided would be a good idea to start." He commented sarcastically, leaping through the flames towards a currently unburnt area before he was trapped in the bonfire.

(I'm not going to watch you misspell Krika as Kirika the whole RP NB. GET IT RIGHT IT'S KRIKA NOT KIRIKA)

Red continued to hunt through the forest, completely oblivious to the problems currently going on back in the camp site. She was still feeling the primal desire for blood and meat, and for now, it seemed like hunting would be the best way to get such things. Getting frustrated with the amount of leaves, she began to use her spear as a machete of sort, cutting through the vegetation as best she could in order to get through faster. Red sighed loudly, and decided that this was going nowhere, and fast. She needed something that would help out in her hunt. And so she gave in to the wolf. Her senses sharpened dramatically as fur replaced her dress, and she grew taller, larger, stronger. The forest was hers now.

Blame autocorrect for messing up your name, hon.

rusticyawn said:
Why in the world does your autocorrect shift Krika to Kirika? Neither of those are words, and Kirika isn't even that common of a name.

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