Beside the Library Fireplace


Yes, this is dog
This here's the OOC thread for chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool.

Talking 'bout some lore not discussed by the school~
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So does my official Tome count as one of my cool items?

Are you giving out XP instead of or in addition to Background Points?

When I know these things, I will spend XP and come up with items.
Well, Silver's internet has crapped out on him for the rest of the month, but I've been told to relay the info that your extra background stats are Lore, Investigation, Awareness and Academics. And then have your xp points to spend too~
Your Tome does count against your existing items, but only counts as a Medium Power item. You know what it does, though if you'd like to alter it, just PM me the details. The Tome are most likely not entirely uniform.
Just gonna say, Andran shouldn't be able to craft Manatech since she's not a Magus. Arcanotech, sure, no problem, but only Magi can work mana into devices.
I can't wait to use her in interactions. She was so much fun in Akuma, I can only imagine the hijinxs we will get up to.
Right, stuff added, Davore is almost about ready to go or what. Anyone suggest a fourth Expression?

Also, Silver, what exact effect do his current Expressions have?
For a final Expression... um... I'm not actually sure. Pheromones, sentient hair or prehensile not normally prehensile organs, extra limbs, extra orifices, detachable organs/limbs, one hell of a digestive system, peristaltic reflex that goes off with the force and speed of a gun, virulently acidic vomit, a tail, tentacles, horns, porcupine quills, feathers, you name it. Lybar are based in an organic base, so you really have the entire natural world to choose from, as well as any bizarre ideas you can get from porno.

For your existing expressions:

1st: +2 to any rolls that would involve twisting yourself into strange positions, including Combat Rolls.

2nd: +2 to an rolls regarding dealing with poisons or drugs at will, and the second part is exactly what it says on the tin.

3rd: +2 to social rolls, and if you ever decide to pretend to be someone by morphing your features, well, you'll get a +2 to imitating their movement patterns.

Finally, if you can find any inventive uses for these kind of things, go crazy.
Expansions of earlier Expressions, or Expressions that modify your existing Powers are also options.

I had really intended for the third Expression to be more of a physical synergy than a social one.

May I propose a thing? Obviously, at complete discretion of GM.

New (fourth) Expression: Living Pharmacopeia

Davore's mastery of his own biology allows him to shift and alter his scent. If need be, he can smell like roses in the afternoon, sandalwood in the evening, and damp earth at night. (Apply a +2 to social rolls with people who have a sense of smell and who will actually care about whether things smell soothing/stimulating/pleasant.)

Alteration to existing third Expression: Immediate Synergy

Davore has a supernatural ability to attune to another person's biological and physical rhythms. He can synchronise his breathing, his gait, his movements and reflexes, to that other person, slipping right inside their natural suite of movements and responses. It makes him a superb partner for dancing, sparring, and similar activities. (Apply a +2 to rolls involving physical cooperation, such as dancing with a partner, or teaching someone else a dance or a martial arts style, as Davore really just gets inside the other person's natural movements. Also functions to allow combative adaptation. When in close combat [never ranged] with a single opponent [no other enemy combatants in position to pose a threat] Davore attunes to them and adapts to them. Apply a +1 to his Offence and Defence ratings in the second round of combat, as he takes several seconds to pick up their rhythm.)

How do we feel about those modifications? I wanted to make it so that none of his Expressions are visually obvious, that they're all something internal, something he does. If it should be the case that Expressions start simpler, and become more impressive as the Infernal grows in Ascendance, then I'd order them like this:

Ascendance 1: Hypermobile Frame

Ascendance 2: Living Pharmacopeia

Ascendance 3: Internal Crucible

Ascendance 4: Immediate Synergy
Yeah, they're good. Say, are you going to spend that experience, or are you just going to bank it until you figure out how you want to spend it in game?

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