SHSL Pungeon Master
Karcen Kasarin @KodomoYamiya @Wildwy5 The Darkling JulesX @Isune @Lunaria Silver BecToTheFuture Kyrenka
Hey, guys... So maybe it's 'cause I'm new to this RP, or maybe it's because I am holding everyone to too high of a standard, but the posts I saw on the last page were kinda... Hard to read. Not everybody's posts, mind you. For example, Kyrenka's post was very well crafted. That being said, the main issues making posts difficult to read were (1) a lack of punctuation and (2) a lack of proper nouns. It's okay to use "he" and "she" fairly frequently, but it becomes an issue when you have zero actual names in a paragraph. Pronouns are like a bacon-bits garnish on mashed potatoes: to be used sparingly, despite how good they look. And trust me, I know EXACTLY how good they look.
I know it's probably a bit, well, rude of me to ask you to change your writing styles, but if you wouldn't mind just reading through your post once before you submit it (in order to catch mistakes and whatnot) it will make reading your writing so much easier and more enjoyable for everyone in the role play.
I'm sorry I'm coming out of the gate too harsh, guys... So... Here's to our future friendship?
*raises a wine glass uncertainly*
Understood! Don't hesitate to let me know if I'm even a touch off grammar-wise, guys.