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Fantasy Bermuda Academy - Courtyard/School Halls/Clubs

Location: Hallway
Interaction: Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver sprouhtt sprouhtt Kyrenka Kyrenka JulesX JulesX

Vienna saw someone from down the hallway walking towards them, she didn't know who he was, but his presence seemed nice. Vienna looked at the new guy and she decided that since he needed to go to the library, she would go and help him and leave the others to whatever they are doing. Vienna looked at the new guy and she made way to him, "I heard you were looking for the library correct?" Vienna said as she tilted her head to him. She saw his pointy ears and how crazy his beauty was, she knew he was an elf. "My name is Vienna," she introduced herself with a smile.

Rielle was quickly greeted by the Dragon girl who was very nice, which he was glad for. Not only that but she was beautiful too. "Ah yes I want find the library, could you help me?" Getting closer to her, Rielle realized how tall he truly was being 6'6''. "My name is Rielle Lor, this is my first time away from my people. It's nice to meet you Vienna", Riele said with a smile.

sprouhtt sprouhtt
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Location: Halls/Cafeteria
Interacting with: The Darkling The Darkling Wildwy5 Wildwy5

Kent shook his head at the thought: someone willingly being a walking blood-bank for a vampire. Talk about insane. He sighed and muttered,"Just....forget it, alright?" The two seemed fine, and the human didn't really seem all that uncomfortable with his current situation. Beginning to walk inside, Kent was met by a monster of a man who appeared to be standing guard? Weird. He looked like a full grown man in that outfit, and Kent made sure to address him as such. "Excuse me, sir? Could you please move so I can just...squeeze by really fast?" He asked, trying to be as polite as he could.
Location: Hallway/cafeteria
Interacting with: Isune Isune Wildwy5 Wildwy5

She felt a twinge of sadness as Kent started to walk off, she really didnt know when not too spout off like she did. Did she upset him?
"I-im sorry Kent.."
She went to catch up to him and figure out what was wrong when a very tall gentleman stood in the doorway which had her stopping in her tracks an almost frozen in her tracks. She looked up at him and then back to Kent. Was he trying to block them for any reason? Maybe cause an issue?
"Excuse me is there um..something wrong?"
She stood her ground and watched the stranger, not being able to tell what kind of person he was. Was he human? Or wasnt he? She was pretty good at telling but so far he has been the second person she has met here that she couldnt quite read.
Location: cafeteria
Interacting with: The Darkling The Darkling @isune

"Oh sorry of course, I just heard you distressing and some old habit kicked in, I'm sorry about that." He moves out of the way "I really am trying" he mutters. "Uh, have a nice day, and sorry again for, uh being in the way I guess." He trys to stamp the embarrassment out of his voice. This place wasn't very much like Rimsky.
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting with: The Darkling The Darkling Wildwy5 Wildwy5

Kent looked up at the massive man as he moved and smiled as he saw how nervous he was. "No worries." He said while heading inside and getting himself a small meal before taking a seat. He wasn't mad at Hecate, but he just wished she hadn't of mentioned the whole thrall thing. It just didn't sit well with the young summoner at all.So long as he was able to get some food in his belly, all would be fine in the end.
Location: cafeteria
Interacting with: Isune Isune Wildwy5 Wildwy5

As he moved his tone of voice changed her demeanor quickly as she smiled.
"Its not a problem at all, you havent bothered either of us if you wish to come sit maybe? Unless your busy going elsewhere. I myself am trying to break past the barriers of my nervousness to get to know others and Kents been very kind so far im sure he wouldnt mind if you joined us?"
The smell of food was growing on her, not like the smell of food she had been used to but it still smelled appetizing. She was used to what her mother or her could hunt or scavenge in the forest the week before and then spend the time making meals to last them awhile.
Location: cafeteria
interacting with : The Darkling The Darkling Isune Isune

After waiting in the line for what seemed like forever Neferati was content with her two huge platters of raw fish even more happy that this school catered to creatures of all types and their diet , looking content she turned around. She saw some people she knew , that being hecate and the human boy she was with , and a super tall man , She stood there for 30 seconds before walking to them . "hello hecate! , and friend of hecates ! " she said smiling , "do you mind if i sit with you ? , it's okay if not however. "
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting with: Isune Isune The Darkling The Darkling

" Well if you and your friend don't mind I would like to sit with you, I kinda need to work on the whole social aspect of life." He tried to smile but it kinda just turned out into a goofy grin. " Thank you for offering." Dovah goes to sit with her and as he's presumed to be kent. Just as another woman comes over saying what he presumes to be the girl who he just met's name.
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting with: Wildwy5 Wildwy5 The Darkling The Darkling Smaaycheese Smaaycheese

Kent had already began eating by the time Hecate and the others came. When she asked if he would be fine with the warrior-esque male joining them, Kent simply smiled and said,"Of course, can't be rude." He said while also motioning for the other female to join as well. Opening up his book once again, Kent continued to read. Everytime he read this book, he felt like it was written just for him, it just answered every question he had and seemed to be going off what he knew or wanted to at least.
Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver Kyrenka Kyrenka BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Isune Isune

He caught the glance of what smelled like another human. The boy kept on walking, otherwise there may have been an issue. When their gaze broke, he looked back at that dryad girl. He took her hand, shaking it, but narrowing his eyes at the very obvious mocking. "I suppose it would be difficult for a tree to come up with an original way to introduce themselves. Other than that, Ms. Ashford, I could see the prejudice towards me before I took sustenance from a perfectly willing human." He said, still keeping the small smile on his face.

Then it was time to turn towards the one who claimed he was a prince. "A prince? I am not obligated to bow to any royal except the ones of my race. And as much as Queen Sayako enjoys shapeshifting, I would sense her presence." The thought of the small, ruby-eyed girl with the grin of a fox on her face at school was almost hilarious enough to make him laugh.

"Other than that, my lord, any man who has to call himself prince is no prince at all." He drawled, looking rather bored with the situation. "Speaking of manners, it's awfully rude to impose one's rank on others when they behave in a way that one does not approve of." He continued, looking to Arata for a moment. He allowed him to speak, knowing it would be useless to try and stop him. "Arata volunteered for this job, he's completely willing. I assure you, I do not take unwilling victims like a savage would. Although, I suppose if one wanted to know about taking an unwilling victim, one should ask a demon. They are the masters of possession, after all." He finished, rubbing the back of Arata's neck as a reward.
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting with: Isune Isune The Darkling The Darkling Smaaycheese Smaaycheese

"Well I suppose when meeting new people, we should introduce ourselves, at least I feel I should since I'm the particularly new one in this, uh group. My name is Dovahmiin, people just call me dovah. I am what is known as a dovahkiin, I essentially am a warrior good at killing dragons. My favorite color is orange and I like cheeseburgers. I'd try to shake your hands, but so far I haven't been so lucky with that."
(Im currently playing MTG right now so apologies if im not posting as much)
Location: cafeteria
Interacting with: Isune Isune Wildwy5 Wildwy5 Smaaycheese Smaaycheese

Hecate nodded and smiled as she caufht up to kent at the table, though she wasnt quite sure what to do aboit the food or where to go. At least when she heard a familiar voice it brought her ease.
"Neferati! Im pleased to see you again my friend."
She for the moment sat down next to kent and looked at dovah with a smile.
"Its ok im not very good at it yet either"
She chuckled.
"I like the color purple a lot and as for food i guess...deer? Deer meat soup with some native plant life"
Dovah remembers the times when he would have similar meals. He misses it dreadfully, but that's why he's here. He looks up at Hecate, and gives a smile. She seems nice, and he hopes he'll be able to count her as one of the friends to make. He finds himself curious as to what Nefarati might be. This places wasn't familiar but it was very curious.
"I also like deer, it reminds me of home" He found himself opening up just a tiny bit.
Interacting With: JulesX JulesX Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver Kyrenka Kyrenka Isune Isune kind of

He'd noticed another person walk past, seeming at least quietly distressed by what was going on just nearby. At least the guy hadn't said anything, which would have led to even more trouble (Arata at least had a sense for that much). Looking between the dryad and the prince and his friend, he quieted after making his point; although, honestly, he'd had half a mind to tell the demon (who seemed to be making quite some assumptions) that his involvement with Mako was completely of his own volition.

Snorting, though, as he watched all of this unfold, he shifted and looked up at the vampire; then back to the demon prince. His concerns, while ultimately for nothing, were valid. Nodding as though in agreement, he couldn't help it; a small grin cracked his features. Hearing Mako lay into someone like this - in that particular way he had about him - was always entertaining. He was better at tearing people down with more subtle words than Arata himself, who was always fond of getting into fights.

Speaking of which. While it was tempting, he didn't want to get into it with someone who meant well and, besides, probably would have been able to wipe the floor with all five feet and two inches of him anyway. He was rather irritated that people seemed to be speaking less to him and more over his head, though. It was cooled just a bit by the neck rubs he was given; half paying attention, he scooted just a bit closer, leaned into them, made a noise that was almost a purr. They could say whatever else they wanted, but his friend gave some of the best neck rubs.
Location: Hallway
Interacting With: JulesX JulesX Kyrenka Kyrenka BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture Isune Isune

Callisto frowned at Makoto's response to her taunt, and felt slightly insulted at being called a tree. Before she could respond, however, Arata began talking. He introduced himself as a vampire pincushion, which in truth didn't bother her. Then Lucas pulled rank on him, but evidently wasn't effective based on Makoto's reaction to it.
Personally she agreed with Makoto's comment about a prince who had to remind people he was a prince wasn't really royalty, but as she wasn't that big of a fan of Makoto at the moment, she wouldn't voice her agreement.
"First of all, I am not a tree...not exactly, anyway." Callisto stated. "And second of all I could care less that you drank his blood; willingly or otherwise. I called you a savage because you drank from him specifically to get a rise out of us; not because you required sustenance. I apologize if you believed me to be prejudiced against your kind upon our meeting, but that is no excuse for your behavior." That being said, Callisto turned on her heel to begin advancing to the cafeteria. She completely ignored Arata's response to his friend's neck rubs. "I'll see you all in the dining hall."
location : Cafateria
interacting with : Wildwy5 Wildwy5 The Darkling The Darkling Isune Isune

Neferati smiled as she sat down . "And i as well!" she said, happy to see her friend again. She heard dovah introduce himself . "i've never heard of a dovahkiin before.. that's very interesting!" she exclaimed.
Well.. i am a world breaker.. we aren't very common anymore.. i suppose my aunt , the queen sent me here. "she looked away for a moment before resuming "but i love the color purple too! and i love to eat fish , but i'm willing to try to other foods , i've never eaten a deer or anything like that. my kind is carnivorous so i think id like how it would taste!"
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting with: The Darkling The Darkling Smaaycheese Smaaycheese Isune Isune

"The tale of what a, I mean the dovahkiin is, is a story for another time if you are truly interested." This was a subject he particularly liked to talk about. He found he liked telling about his adventures and most people liked listening. "And I have never heard of a world breaker, just the name sounds pretty cool."
Rielle was quickly greeted by the Dragon girl who was very nice, which he was glad for. Not only that but she was beautiful too. "Ah yes I want find the library, could you help me?" Getting closer to her, Rielle realized how tall he truly was being 6'6''. "My name is Rielle Lor, this is my first time away from my people. It's nice to meet you Vienna", Riele said with a smile.

sprouhtt sprouhtt

Location: Hallway
Interacting: Lunaria Silver Lunaria Silver Kyrenka Kyrenka JulesX JulesX

"I would be more than happy to help you. Just so you know, their library is rather grand." Vienna said as she looked up at him and realized how tall he was. Before Vienna left the group, she said goodbye to the rest and that she'll see them later. Vienna didn't want to leave and not say goodbye, that would be rude. "It is this way," she said to him as she moved to the side of him and began to walk. "You tell me that you are away from your people? So am I..." Vienna said, to be honest, she was homesick just like most people around here, she hoped.
Location: Hallway
Interacting with: sprouhtt sprouhtt Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais BecToTheFuture BecToTheFuture JulesX JulesX

After Callisto countered Makoto's taunts, she left and Lucas suddenly found himself alone. Vienna had gone aside to greet another newcomer that he hadn't noticed. Good. They've all left. "You deem my actions rude?" Giving the vampire a dark grin, felt adrenaline pump through his veins at Makoto's blatant challenge. At least he isn't a coward. "Good. I would've hated for it to have gone over your head. After all, you seem to have mistaken me for some other species of demon. Who knows what else you might've been mistaken about?" Lucas let his eyes slide back to the human, making his implication clear. At this point, he accepted the fact that Arata was Makoto's...pet for lack of a better word. Arata was too far into this vampire's web to see that he was being used, and would most likely fight anyone that tried to help him. Lucas couldn't help the painful twist in his heart at that realization. This was why he hated vampires. Most species, including his own, had members of various abilities. Even a demon could be a raging idiot or a bleeding heart. However, vampires were a much more uniformed species. Their need for blood made them easier to identify by the human populace, especially during the centuries of his childhood. Those that weren't smart, died. Those that weren't strong, died. Those that weren't willing to kill, died painfully. Vampires needed to be cunning and ruthless, otherwise they were as good as dead. Any attempts to help Arata now were useless, Makoto had made sure of that.

Even now, Arata seemed annoyed that Lucas had been talking over him rather than to him. Oh dear, I hadn't meant to do that. He had let his attention be consumed by Makoto, a mistake he'd have to keep in mind in future interactions. Switching his focus from vampire to human, Lucas offered Arata a friendlier smile. "I assume that you're hungry, correct? If you would be so kind as to forgive my earlier rudeness, perhaps we can locate the dinning hall together?" He flicked his eyes back to Makoto to gauge his reaction. While he'd rather have the human alone, he knew that these two wouldn't separate so easily. Either they'd reject his offer, or he'd be stuck in an awkward search with this glorified mosquito. It'd be worth it though if he could get a chance to know his classmates better.
Location: Hallway
Interacting w/: sprouhtt sprouhtt

"Thank you Vienna. I love reading so knowing that this academy's library is a sight to behold is pretty awesome." Rielle waiter for Vienna to say her goodbyes, and then she stepped beside him and showed him the way to the library. Hearing that she also was away from her people was somewhat comforting to know; at least he wasn't the only one who was experiencing something new. "Yeah, it's definitely a new experience for me. My whole life I lived in my people's city of Hectahame, which in my people's tongue means "Home of the Exiles". My people are not from this world. From what my father told me, he's the king of our city, there was a great cataclysm that occurred on our homeworld and a small group of my people managed to escape." Thinking about it, Rielle always wondered if maybe, just maybe, there was a way to return to his people's homeworld, just to at least see what the aftermath is like.

Seeing as how he was rambling on, Rielle asked Vienna, "In a way I'm relieved I'm not the only one who is experiencing being away from the place they've known their whole life. Tell me, where do you come from Vienna, I'm very intrigued. I've never seen a person like you before." Rielle looked at Vienna up and down, taking in every detail as they walked towards the library.
Location: Hallway > Library
Nearby: sprouhtt sprouhtt Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais

After Andrew finished putting away his stuff he figured he should do some exploring. Remembering the books on the shelf he felt like doing some reading. Unfortunately the books in his room were either in a language he didn’t understand or he had read them many times. Figuring that the academy had a library, Andrew pulled out the campus map that he had been given. After confirming that there was a library he found that it was pretty close to his dorm. So he left the bedroom, locking the door behind him. The hall outside was now empty as it seemed the other students had moved on. Andrew was slightly glad that he wouldn’t have to interact with his fellow creatures right now. As he began to walk toward the library he gave himself a mental pep talk that he would force himself to face the unknown.

As Andrew turned a corner he spotted two students talking in the hall, walking toward the library. One was a beautiful woman, the other a tall man with pointed ears. Andrew assumed he was an elf of some kind, though he wasn’t sure if elves were even a real thing. Andrew gave himself that mental pep talk again before approaching the pair.

As he caught up with them he asked, “You guys wouldn’t happening to be going to the library? I think it’s just down the hallway?”

Andrew then realized that he had been staring at the possible elf’s ears, and inwardly chastised himself for being so rude.

“My name is Andrew by the way, and…sorry this whole supernatural thing is still new to me, I didn’t mean to stare.”
Location: Locker
Nearby: Xale Xale sprouhtt sprouhtt Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais

Sammy Chills usually skidded through the halls, unnoticed. She was a very quiet person, and didn't like noise. Of course, her favorite place was the library, where she could mess around on Reddit, along with draw. She glanced at the people walking near her, which looked as if their route was to the library, and started walking faster. Her gray-ish hair flowed behind her. She was so caught up in trying to avoid being seen that she tripped over someone's dropped textbook!

"O-oh jeez... Not now..."
She groaned, trying to pick herself up.
Location: Hallway
Interacting w/: sprouhtt sprouhtt

"Thank you Vienna. I love reading so knowing that this academy's library is a sight to behold is pretty awesome." Rielle waiter for Vienna to say her goodbyes, and then she stepped beside him and showed him the way to the library. Hearing that she also was away from her people was somewhat comforting to know; at least he wasn't the only one who was experiencing something new. "Yeah, it's definitely a new experience for me. My whole life I lived in my people's city of Hectahame, which in my people's tongue means "Home of the Exiles". My people are not from this world. From what my father told me, he's the king of our city, there was a great cataclysm that occurred on our homeworld and a small group of my people managed to escape." Thinking about it, Rielle always wondered if maybe, just maybe, there was a way to return to his people's homeworld, just to at least see what the aftermath is like.

Seeing as how he was rambling on, Rielle asked Vienna, "In a way I'm relieved I'm not the only one who is experiencing being away from the place they've known their whole life. Tell me, where do you come from Vienna, I'm very intrigued. I've never seen a person like you before." Rielle looked at Vienna up and down, taking in every detail as they walked towards the library.

Location: Hallway > Library
Nearby: sprouhtt sprouhtt Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais

After Andrew finished putting away his stuff he figured he should do some exploring. Remembering the books on the shelf he felt like doing some reading. Unfortunately the books in his room were either in a language he didn’t understand or he had read them many times. Figuring that the academy had a library, Andrew pulled out the campus map that he had been given. After confirming that there was a library he found that it was pretty close to his dorm. So he left the bedroom, locking the door behind him. The hall outside was now empty as it seemed the other students had moved on. Andrew was slightly glad that he wouldn’t have to interact with his fellow creatures right now. As he began to walk toward the library he gave himself a mental pep talk that he would force himself to face the unknown.

As Andrew turned a corner he spotted two students talking in the hall, walking toward the library. One was a beautiful woman, the other a tall man with pointed ears. Andrew assumed he was an elf of some kind, though he wasn’t sure if elves were even a real thing. Andrew gave himself that mental pep talk again before approaching the pair.

As he caught up with them he asked, “You guys wouldn’t happening to be going to the library? I think it’s just down the hallway?”

Andrew then realized that he had been staring at the possible elf’s ears, and inwardly chastised himself for being so rude.

“My name is Andrew by the way, and…sorry this whole supernatural thing is still new to me, I didn’t mean to stare.”

Location: Locker
Nearby: Xale Xale sprouhtt sprouhtt Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais

Sammy Chills usually skidded through the halls, unnoticed. She was a very quiet person, and didn't like noise. Of course, her favorite place was the library, where she could mess around on Reddit, along with draw. She glanced at the people walking near her, which looked as if their route was to the library, and started walking faster. Her gray-ish hair flowed behind her. She was so caught up in trying to avoid being seen that she tripped over someone's dropped textbook!

"O-oh jeez... Not now..."
She groaned, trying to pick herself up.

Location: Hallway ~ Library
Interacting: Xale Xale Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais ListlessEvie ListlessEvie

"Home of the Exiles, I have heard tales of your kingdom. The kingdom that sought refuge because their home was destroyed by an unspeakable force. I am sorry for what happened to your homeland and people," Vienna said to him in the most sincere way possible. Vienna thought that was a myth about the city of Hectahame, she thought that the people were extinct, but clearly, she was wrong. Vienna could feel his eyes on her as they walked, she wondered why he was staring at her so much. Not that it bothered her, but she was curious to know why he was so she looked back at him. "I come from a kingdom called Vahalia, a land only inhabited by dragons. On our land, we are protectors of the gods and I am the queen of the dragons. My people were not always so inclined to help the gods, but when I was born...my birth unified the two together into one. No one knows of my land since it cannot be seen by human eyes nor others. It is well hidden," She tells him as she looks away from him. As she and Rielle walked, she came in contact with a student who looked to be human. He looked shy and weak to her, but who is she to judge, right? "Yes we are," she said to him answering his question. "Also my name is Vienna." She said introducing herself. Vienna stopped in her tracks when she heard someone trip behind her, "Are you alright?" She asked the girl who was now laying on the ground. Vienna helped the poor girl up from the floor and looked to see if she was injured anywhere.
Location: cafeteria
Interacting with: Isune Isune Smaaycheese Smaaycheese Wildwy5 Wildwy5

She was pretty interested in what this man could be, since nmshe had never before heard if something quite like it.
"Id like that, i will always jump on the opportunity to learn new things"
She looked over at kent who was frivolously reading still and had already gotten his food. Her stomach growled and she couldnt help but shyly ask.
"Uhm...so how do i go about the food here? What is good to eat? Ive never hears of most foods around here"
Location: Hallway ~ Library
Interacting: Xale Xale Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais ListlessEvie ListlessEvie

"Home of the Exiles, I have heard tales of your kingdom. The kingdom that sought refuge because their home was destroyed by an unspeakable force. I am sorry for what happened to your homeland and people," Vienna said to him in the most sincere way possible. Vienna thought that was a myth about the city of Hectahame, she thought that the people were extinct, but clearly, she was wrong. Vienna could feel his eyes on her as they walked, she wondered why he was staring at her so much. Not that it bothered her, but she was curious to know why he was so she looked back at him. "I come from a kingdom called Vahalia, a land only inhabited by dragons. On our land, we are protectors of the gods and I am the queen of the dragons. My people were not always so inclined to help the gods, but when I was born...my birth unified the two together into one. No one knows of my land since it cannot be seen by human eyes nor others. It is well hidden," She tells him as she looks away from him. As she and Rielle walked, she came in contact with a student who looked to be human. He looked shy and weak to her, but who is she to judge, right? "Yes we are," she said to him answering his question. "Also my name is Vienna." She said introducing herself. Vienna stopped in her tracks when she heard someone trip behind her, "Are you alright?" She asked the girl who was now laying on the ground. Vienna helped the poor girl up from the floor and looked to see if she was injured anywhere.

Location: Hallway
Interacting: Xale Xale sprouhtt sprouhtt Twyllvarlais Twyllvarlais

"Y-yeah, I'm okay..." She stuttered, as if she had forgotten how to speak. She knew that something wouldn't go her way, she might as well freeze herself into her room. She thought about running away, but she decided that it was time to make a friend. "I'm Eva, erm, nice to meet you!" She said, a bit more confident in herself. Eva gave her a quick smile, and began to pick up her books.

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