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BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Shine post still coming? Still awaiting a Rachel post too, please! @PlusUltra

Question for the group! What D&D class and species would your character be?

Yeah sorry for radio silence I got food poisoning this weekend and only feeling better now. Will try to finish post for tmrw.k?

Idk about question only played once and it's kinda annoying with rules and like a gajillion dice. The little plastic monsters and people are cute tho lol
Post will slightly delayed, got a cold so not feeling super great D:

Yeah sorry for radio silence I got food poisoning this weekend and only feeling better now. Will try to finish post for tmrw.k?

Idk about question only played once and it's kinda annoying with rules and like a gajillion dice. The little plastic monsters and people are cute tho lol
Ah geez, I'm sorry to hear that, you two! I hope you make a speedy recovery Jigajig and I'm glad you're feeling better, Buggaboo.
Ah geez, I'm sorry to hear that, you two! I hope you make a speedy recovery Jigajig and I'm glad you're feeling better, Buggaboo.
Tysm! Bruh. yeah was nasty business. but like sleeping all day helps alot lol

Does anyone want to make a post before I post for Levina?
go ahead and post. imma have to post late late tonight. catching up on irl stuffs then will finish post. but like just as a heads up any hint as to what happens next for your charrie?

so far i have:
- Shine and Dread rocket down at debriefing.
- Xenolith is creating a rock checkpoint that will seal them in from the chaos.
- Wither and deluge are zapping the hell outta prisoners out there in general population
- Pixie and Veil will be picking up the therapy crew
- Killtoy is a cyborg dude thats keeping the inmates outside from escaping.
- The rest are deserting the guard squad.
Roger that!

Levina is more or less heading to the debrief and tackling anything that gets in her way. Should she meet any of the squad then it will be a join up :3

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