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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN - OOC {Open }

Lightning God? Raijin would beat Jack up if he called him that, lol. He doesn't like to be confused with Zeus, who has the title of god of Lightning. Raijin is the god of Thunder. Just a bit on how the Storm gods are organized:
There are six Storm gods who control the elements of: Rain, Hail, Mist, Lightning, Thunder, and Wind. Everyone of them hates it when someone mistakes them for another Storm god. XD

You don't have to change it. Your character can remain ignorant and be one of Raijin's less liked comrades.

So, wait, Raijin is like, buddies with random Earth deities of dead religions from a different dimension? Or does Zeus just happen to have the same name as our Zeus?
Okay. But just to be clear, they're not literally supposed to be the same gods from our mythology. They just happen to have the same names. Is that right?

That's a pretty enormous coincidence that all the storm gods would be named the exact same way as characters from mythology who cover the same territory on a world that no Aetherian has supposedly ever gone to before. Really, what are the chances?
Okay. But just to be clear, they're not literally supposed to be the same gods from our mythology. They just happen to have the same names. Is that right?

That's a pretty enormous coincidence that all the storm gods would be named the exact same way as characters from mythology who cover the same territory on a world that no Aetherian has supposedly ever gone to before. Really, what are the chances?

More like the Aetherian versions of the gods in the the real world. Both have their variations, but are fundamentally the same. The whole multiverse dealio.
Few questions:

Regarding 1, are we going to be paired with this other character immediately on landing, or will we stumble upon one another by chance after some time?

On 3, we don't come to Earth from Aether with any money or any quick way to get money to start with, is that right? If that's the case, we might be homeless for a few months. Even if we got a job on the very first day we arrived, it'd take a while to save up enough to buy an apartment, I'd think. If we had enough to start with to pay the initial costs of getting a place to stay, though, like maybe we could sell stuff we took from Aether or whatever cash we had from Aether is transformed into real world currency, we'd be able to get the apartment and then have some time to get a job before rent is due for the first month. Presumably.

About 4, what if our characters do something on purpose to make themselves more recognizable to people from Aether because they WANT to be recognized? I intended to do something like this for Roland, which would lead directly into him acquiring a job.

1) Either/Or. Ends in the Same way so.
4) I suppose so? Might make it a bit hard to find one of the Dark characters if they recognize you tho.
More like the Aetherian versions of the gods in the the real world. Both have their variations, but are fundamentally the same. The whole multiverse dealio.

You're not actually Gods though, you seem closer to elementals. It's more of a title than anything.
Aether does actually HAVE Gods and Goddesses, but they're far beyond this sort of thing. And it's not really relevant for this RP.
Few questions:

Regarding 1, are we going to be paired with this other character immediately on landing, or will we stumble upon one another by chance after some time?

On 3, we don't come to Earth from Aether with any money or any quick way to get money to start with, is that right? If that's the case, we might be homeless for a few months. Even if we got a job on the very first day we arrived, it'd take a while to save up enough to buy an apartment, I'd think. If we had enough to start with to pay the initial costs of getting a place to stay, though, like maybe we could sell stuff we took from Aether or whatever cash we had from Aether is transformed into real world currency, we'd be able to get the apartment and then have some time to get a job before rent is due for the first month. Presumably.

About 4, what if our characters do something on purpose to make themselves more recognizable to people from Aether because they WANT to be recognized? I intended to do something like this for Roland, which would lead directly into him acquiring a job.

The psychic paper you take does work on ATMs.
Well according to the lore, Aetherians don't really know much of earth past work and a currency system, they don't much know about the pound (British currency). A common thing in Britain is courtesy, if you ask for a job to a bunch of Brits working whether it be roofing or in a storez they'd be more than obliged to give you give you work, its kind of a British thing.

As far as characters being recognized, I mean would you take that chance to be recognized by an enemy and they sneak up on you and take advantage of it? I know I wouldn't want that.

That's honestly news to me. Maybe in a close knit community, like a village but I doubt you'll see that much in the capital.
Roland robbing money from ATMs is seriously going to mess with his street cred as the Hero of Light.

Paper can be used 3 times, max withdrawal is £500, so you could potentially get £1500 easily. But the paper will be used up by then
How much would like a cheap two room apartment be?

Also, what's the basic process of buying an apartment in London? Over here, if I wanted to buy an apartment, I'd likely have to pay the two months' rent up front (first and last month) and then maybe sign a lease that required me to stay there for a certain number of months before moving somewhere else and then I could move in. Once there, depending on whom I'm renting from, I might have to pay my own utilities (heat, electric, cable, internet, etc.) in addition to rent, but sometimes that's covered by the rent itself. I'd have to furnish the place myself. Same general deal over there or would I do it differently?
How much would like a cheap two room apartment be?

Also, what's the basic process of buying an apartment in London? Over here, if I wanted to buy an apartment, I'd likely have to pay the two months' rent up front (first and last month) and then maybe sign a lease that required me to stay there for a certain number of months before moving somewhere else and then I could move in. Once there, depending on whom I'm renting from, I might have to pay my own utilities (heat, electric, cable, internet, etc.) in addition to rent, but sometimes that's covered by the rent itself. I'd have to furnish the place myself. Same general deal over there or would I do it differently?

You're probably looking at a studio flat, utilities are included. I wouldn't get bogged down in too much detail, we're not looking at two weeks of characters filing tax returns.
I'm worried I'm going to write something that would be completely normal to do in New York, but would not make any sense in London.

Stuff like this. Not this exactly, but stuff I'll just assume is done a certain way 'cause it's what I'm used to and then be baffled when everyone is like, "yeah, we don't do it that way lolol."
I'm worried I'm going to write something that would be completely normal to do in New York, but would not make any sense in London.

Stuff like this. Not this exactly, but stuff I'll just assume is done a certain way 'cause it's what I'm used to and then be baffled when everyone is like, "yeah, we don't do it that way lolol."

If something is MAJORLY incorrect I'll do my best to help, but again - I'm not looking for hyper realism here.

Why do Americans not use double numbers it's so much quicker.
If something is MAJORLY incorrect I'll do my best to help, but again - I'm not looking for hyper realism here.

Why do Americans not use double numbers it's so much quicker.

Iunno, "eight-eight-four-four" seems like it should take just about as long to say out loud as "double-eight-double-four."
It can mostly be put down to characters adjusting. London is a clusterfuck to travel around

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