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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN - OOC {Open }

I just want to say how much I appreciate everyone in this rp. I know I don't post consistently, but you've all been very patient with me and I can't thank you all enough~

I have moments when my muse is dead, am too busy, or are going through personal stuff, and a lot of people I've rp'd with think I just ghost or drop my rps. I never abandoned my rps and even when I do need to drop one, I let people know. :closedeyescryingfrown:

I think we can all safely say this RP ain't going anywhere - sure it might slow down occasionally with scattered moments of fevered activity, but we'll all be going at a comfortable pace <3
I just want to say how much I appreciate everyone in this rp. I know I don't post consistently, but you've all been very patient with me and I can't thank you all enough~

I have moments when my muse is dead, am too busy, or are going through personal stuff, and a lot of people I've rp'd with think I just ghost or drop my rps. I never abandoned my rps and even when I do need to drop one, I let people know. :closedeyescryingfrown:
Oh, don't worry, I have plenty of motivational swings for this RP. Sometimes for weeks I just don't feel like writing anything at all. :P
Oooo, to be reading it again for the first time...

what I wouldn't give.

it's very long and admittedly not for everyone, but the first book is worth trying just to see if its your cup of tea.

Hope you enjoy.
Actually, if you don't like WoT, I think you should try Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings. Starting with Assassin's Apprentice. I have a hunch you'd like that series. One of the magic systems involves talking to animals.
Give it a try! WoT or Assasin's Apprentice, you cant go wrong.

Confessions... I based Arryn's personality on that of Perrin from WoT, my favorite character. Who, incidentally, also ends up talking to animals. Wolves. I took the wolf thing out for Arryn.

Roland is kind of a mix between the main character of AA, Fitz, and his uncle, Verity.

When I'm writing, I'm basically just trying to emulate how Robert Jordan writes the former and Robin Hobb writes the latter.
Yeeeeeah, I didnt give that to Arryn because I felt I'd already copied too much of Perrin and I wanted to be at least a little original.

I left the leaping wolf engraving on his hammer, though. A little nod to his inspiration.
Okay, changing subject here
I'm writing a short story thing for the development of a certain character and for once in her life Silver is being a good influence and I don't know who's more shocked by that: her brother or herself
Do you want to read it when it's done?
(There's also a hint of eldritch monstrosity vampire queen who gives off Big Reader energy and has no clue why she has to babysit so she throws books at the child in fear.)
Do you want to read it when it's done?
(There's also a hint of eldritch monstrosity vampire queen who gives off Big Reader energy and has no clue why she has to babysit so she throws books at the child in fear.)

Funny you should mention that
Do you want to read it when it's done?
(There's also a hint of eldritch monstrosity vampire queen who gives off Big Reader energy and has no clue why she has to babysit so she throws books at the child in fear.)

Sure, send it when it's ready.

I don't know what big reader energy is, though...
She could always be an artist and a scientist and an inventor and a writer. A real renaissance woman.

If she draws some schematics for the werewolf that apparently doesnt like art, she might see some value in it...
She could always be an artist and a scientist and an inventor and a writer. A real renaissance woman.

If she draws some schematics for the werewolf that apparently doesnt like art, she might see some value in it...
The werewolf loves nothing more than just openly staring at Silver when she's drawing because honestly what a cutie
She's just grumpy and wants to make everyone else annoyed too.
I need to start using characters other than Silver for rping with
Every now and then I'll use Clarisse, and sometimes (like here) people get a two-for-one deal with Silver and Marcus
But I have like... 100+ characters
And I, being me, give them all really developed personalities and backstories then... Leave them.
Aw, I think you're a great writer. I hope you keep writing for a long time to come. Characters are some of the the biggest parts of a story. Setting is another. You don't have to go crazy or anything. Maybe just do it a little at a time. For example, where do all of these little stories take place? In someone's house? Where is the house? A city? Suburb? What's the city called? What kind of place is it? Who lives there? etc.

That kind of thing. Just little details like that. Make enough of them, and before you know it you'll be on your way to making your own fantasy universe. Worth thinking about, maybe.

If you want some tips and tricks about how to make characters or a world or a plot, check out this playlist: Brandon Sanderson - 318R - YouTube

Some lectures from Brandon Sanderson, a prominent fantasy author. Guy gives good tips on every aspect of story writing, from characters to worlds to plots to magic systems to...just about everything.

I watch them every now and then to pick up some pointers. also just out of a general interest in what makes.good stories good. Just like lifting the hood of a car just to see how all the little pieces work together to make something bigger.
Lol I hear you. I usually watch them in short bursts. Ten minutes here and there. If I'm feeling especially focused maybe I'll watch a whole one all at on ce of maybe half of one.

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