Beacon Academy.

Yup, but it'll be done after my next post. The walls have eyes and sees everyones crimes...

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And that, children, is what we call careful planning for any eventuality 
So Ferlick better damn know what a dead-man's switch is 
Transport the passed out batboy to the dorm or infirmary or leave him unconscious in the hallway, I don't care, that's enough quick thinking for the night, thank you. I am going to bed
Someone care to fill me in on the goings on? I don't think anyone has the time to read through over 3700 posts.
Hello, everyone! ^^

I'm newbie here, so I need some a little advice for the game to start. I tried really hard to read but there was too much post in here that I couldn't understand the storyline. -.- (I'm from Finland so it's pretty oblivious.)
Dude, I've been here for a while and have no idea what's going on, so don't worry (:

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Beacon Academy is a very fluid RP that requires to back reading to join. You can simply just jump in any time you feel like it at the school. There's always someone hanging around in the halls or whatever. The best way to join in is to latch onto a character you like and just interact with them.

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For the current storyline-

-Alex (Beacon's Combat Training Professor), Reaper (Grimm/Human Hybird), and Markus (Member of the White Fang/drop-out student) are currently having a meeting in Markus's airship above Beacon. Elinore (Student) was suppose to be there but was left behind.

-Trey (Student) turned into a female after drinking some pink stuff in Natalya's (Beacon's school librarian) enchanted ammo box. Aeron (Student) is there with him/her.

-Elinore is heading back to the school on her bike after being ditched by Markus's drop ship.

-Ferlick (Student) is currently in the infirmary eating something, due to being injured.
Nope, in the water. So he's probably drowning in salt water right now... despite not breathing anymore.
I was going to leave one way or another, this RP is just not the style I prefer. It's been a fun ride, but I couldn't do it any more. Show of hands, how many of you guessed he was gay? How soon?

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