Beacon Academy.

All I did was point out how Gavin's character conflicts with possible romance. I am intrigued with how far off topic this discussion was dragged.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/1401407221136.png.dfbe254b6b4e4a2a94d3f1af14d69dad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/1401407221136.png.dfbe254b6b4e4a2a94d3f1af14d69dad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 1401407221136.png
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It's my one and only trait -3- I take pride in my randomness, thank you

The ratio of sheep to people in New Zealand is 12:1

they also have this amazing bird called the Kakapo. Go look it up 0^0

Facts about countries: GO!
That's a big bird...


Attack on New Zealand

Now we probably understand how Elinore works xD

See's something she wants -> gets it. Danger level high? It will be hers 0^0

Wants nom sheep? Will nom sheep. Sheep try to kill everything? It will be nomed 0^0
You cannot eat sheep pleasantly unless you eat it immediately after slaughtering its young and donning its fleece as an article of clothing while they watch. Only then will the feelings of sorrow and agony create an inner spice to its meat which creates a slightly eastern style to it.
Wait... what?!


"There's only one thing left to do..."



Ahem, please excuse this shameless advertising, but it was recommended by the author of another roleplay and I (As the lord and master of bowing down to those with higher authority) have come to leave a link to the Outlast: Whistleblower roleplay. For those of you who would rather not, simply ignore this shameless advertising and continue on with your day
Shameless Advertisement: Don't be afraid to drop all you're doing and sign up. I totally understand. 
Will, that post looks like it was begging for it to end up like something out of a horror movie.

Shameless advertising: Why not try some true horror here Outlast Whistleblower? It's linked straight to the sign up sheet so get in there and make a character who's completetly defenseless save for being able to hide from characters who are able to be labeled as chasers.

Let's not forget the full immersion you'll get since you can get up close and personal with some of your favorite characters like: Chris Walker, Doctor Trager, and our local ladies' man: Eddie Gluskin.

Of course famous Chasers will be unkillable NPCs that are mainly used as content and plot development items. But they're there for those who always wanted to be chased.

So join now! I'll be leaving another link down here in case you missed the other one due to uncontrollable excitement.
Page 542, Post #5413. Dakup started a mission to infiltrate a W.F base to destroy Freckles MK-II (which is the Elysian Paladin from the recent episode of RWBY). Your team's job should be in that post, Mint. For now, people are getting ready for the mission and eating lunch before they go.
Sorry for taking this long to post. Was in the city and didn't have any time to actually post. My bad everyone. -_- ;

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