Beacon Academy.

So has anyone thought about sending people like Miles luna, or anyone who writes for RWBY a link to the first page of the RP?
so they could read the RP. I mean they are the ones who created RWBY, and hey maybe they would think it's pretty cool that someone would role play that shit.
Perhaps, so who here will do the liberty?

Not to downgrade myself, but I have no idea how to do many things involving sending or receiving links.
I have a RT account, so I send them a link about the RP on their home page. But we could also send it to them through twitter, which I don't have a account for.
well if you were to do it I would start it out by saying who I was. or maybe I could just show you what I mean.

To whomever is reading this,

Hello, my name is Jacob Kupfer. I am a fan of RWBY. I watched the first episode, like two minutes into it I was hooked. I am also a person who Role plays... I would like to just show you something that me and a couple of die hard fans have been doing for a long time. ONe member of this site started a RWBY Roleplay. I was still on that high of watching the first few episodes, so I decided to sign up and I just thought that the people who create a show in which I love would like to see what me and these friends of mine created.

(INsert link here.)

I understand your very busy in what you do, creating new and amazing content. So look at this when ever you get a chance...

Something like this. a little bit of a business letter. 
second I do have a twitter. 
I'm signed in, tell me who I should tag.
Alright I will see what I can do. 
I can do a letter, but not within 180 characters. Can anyone give me something to say?
I'll do the letter on their homepages. For twitter, write that you've been watching the show since it first appeared on YouTube or their site. Then mention how you got into a RWBY RP and post link. Something like that.
alright, I will see if that will fit. 
Heres what I said.

I'd just like to say I am a huge fan of RWBY. I watched episode 1 and fell in love. Check this out. (Link)

Part 2: I have been doing this with some good friends, and we thought you'd get a kick out of this.
Seems okay, not like we're groveling or anything.

It's a friendly request, I'm sure they'll find it quite entertaining.
Not to creepy? I would just love it if they read it. 
what about kerry shawcross?
when they read that it's going to be part one on bottom, then part two on top. They're gonna be like "What dafaq!"

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