Beacon Academy.


Cursed Undead.
Spectra0110 submitted a new role play. @Spectra0110, please edit this post to include the sign-up information. Wait for either Me or RushWing Accepts you before you post.

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Race:(Human or Faunus.)



Weapon:(Can use pictures.)




Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)
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Dahlia De'Luna







Doll Face



Dahlia was born to a family of Faunus. She lived with her mother, father and two fraternal-twin, younger siblings in a little Japanese style home surrounded by nature and beauty. She grew up in a tribe or clan of sorts; all of her family lived together in a stretch of forest on the outskirts of a peaceful town. Both humans and rabbit faunus alike compose her family.

Her parents were traditional and conservative. They taught her the ways of the world, they taught her the history of her race as a Faunus. They helped shape Dhalia into a dignified young lady. They taught her to never be shy, and never be ignorant. Most importantly, they raised her to be proud of her heritage.

She was exposed to discrimination when she entered school for the first time. Throughout her school life, she was picked on because of her race. There were days when she would run to her parents in tears, wishing and praying that one day her ears would just fall off. Somedays she was even tempted to cut them off herself. During some very dark times when she was around 12 years old, things got so bad that she tried to take her own life three times, but failed every time.

Her parents were very concerned. They tried to surround her with positive influences, and even put her on home instruction for a while. It did help, but as soon as she got back into the real world, things became rocky again.

Dahlia very desperately wanted to be a human, so she would sometimes go off to school wearing hats and scarves to cover her ears even though it hurt to do so. She thought that if she appeased humans, they would like and accept her. But she was wrong. She realized that she was hurting herself. Wishing to be something she wasn’t did nothing for her. She saw that everyone she became friends with did not accept her, but an idealized version of herself. It wasn’t until she got older that she truly understood this.

When she entered high school at 14, she finally got it. She did away with the hats for good, and displayed her ears for the world to see. She was picked on of course, But after what she’d been through in the past, with all her emotional trauma and identity crises that she endured for 8 excruciating years, she decided that no amount of bullying was ever worth going back. She braved through discrimination (from people who were not just students), treating her enemies with kindness and respect to the best of her ability (aside from the occasional Dahl-zilla moments). She won some over, but couldn’t change others. The new confidence she was finding helped turn her back slowly into the Dahlia that she is now, However when things got violent with school bullies (she got everything from hate letters to death threats because people thought she was apart of the White Fang), that’s when she decided that she needed to get serious about protecting herself.

She had not given any thought about becoming a huntress in her younger days. When she was 4, her mother taught her fan-dancing and martial arts. Dahlia didn’t take martial arts seriously during her early days because she thought it wasn’t “ladylike”. But at 14, she begged her mother to teach her again. She trained with one of her young uncles as well, and started to brush up on her fan dancing. It was the mix of dance and martial arts that gave Dahlia her unique and graceful fighting style. Originally, she was using this ability to protect herself, not to kill. But her history teacher, who just so happened to work as a martial artist master as a side-job, saw incredible potential in her when he watched her completely annihilate one very persistent bully on the school roof when she thought he wasn’t watching. He asked her if she knew how to fight because she wanted to be a huntress. It was the first time she’d ever thought about being one herself, but she wasn’t against the idea.

After 7 months of careful decision, Dahlia decided to pursue being a huntress as a career. She transferred into Signal Academy that same year, with full support of her friends and family. Her whole life, she’d gone to regular schools, so Signal was a huge adjustment for her!

At Signal, Dahlia met other Faunus who were as driven as she was. One of them ended up becoming a very close friend. He gave her the inspiration for her weapon – the fan blade. Two blades that could be disguised as common fans, and use gravity manipulation technology to be thrown and swung around like boomerangs. It allowed her to keep her style of dance/martial arts with little adjustments. She also met a very special human boy who totally changed the way she thought of herself. His name was Ericson. He told Dahlia that she thought she was pretty, and from that day on, Dahlia's confidence in herself only grew.

When she was 16, Ericson was killed in a showdown with a Grimm. Although he and Dahlia were very close, he always had his head blown up about his abilities since he came from a long line of hunters and huntresses. He ran head first into a fight he couldn’t win and was killed before help could arrive. Dahlia has never been able to forget it.

At 17, she applied to Beacon Academy and was accepted. She still struggles at times with her own self-confidence, but she is reaching new heights. And becoming the best she can be.



Dahlia's weapon is a pair of fanblades named "Tiaowu de Yue Guang" (Dancing Moonlight). They are very simple since her family is traditional.

They have only two forms: Regular fan and fanblade. And they also utilize "dust discs". Dahlia uses Dust in its particle form and its physical form to switch up her strategies. The particle form is mostly used so she can fan it away.

Despite its deceptive appearance, Dahlia's weapons are primarily ranged. The fans are more like fanblade/boomerangs that get distance depending on how hard she throws them. However they always come back to her facing the non-lethal way because of the magnetic bracelets around her wrist.

She can use them in close range, but it's difficult to do so because of the way they are made.


Explains in Weapon pic above.


Dahlia is a polite and reserved young lady. She treats everyone around her with respect and speaks with formality. She knows her manners and follows them. She has exceptional patience, and is wise and mature for her age. Dahlia likes stability and consistency, but she’s flexible, to the point of almost being a pushover.

Dahlia is sweet to everyone, even towards people that are not friendly back. Even if she doesn’t like someone, she makes an effort to at least treat them with respect. For her, the Golden Rule is a lifestyle. That and karma. Dahlia is socially refined. She can strike up a conversation with anyone, from the ruler of a country to a homeless person. She is educated and eloquent. She even has a way of tuning in to a person’s psyche in order to extract their emotions and communicate on a personal level.

She has an obsession with cleanliness. The sight of dirt makes her skin crawl. Dahlia always carries hand sanitizer with her and refuses to bring her shoes into her room. She hates cities because they’re usually crawling with dirt and germs, and seeing too much mess at one time pushes her into a meltdown. In addition, she wipes her clothes down after every battle and cleans her blades with anti-bacterial wipes if there’s time. She’s also quick to point out shortcomings in others. She has a habit of telling others to “fix their skirt” or “brush down their hair” In order to preserve her own sanity.

Although her level of patience is enviably high, the one thing she has zero tolerance for
period, is racism and discrimination. It’s the quickest way to incur the wrath of Dahl-zilla. When she’s extremely p*ssed off like that, she scares everyone. She’s not herself anymore! Dahl-zilla is prone to violence, rage, a 360 in tone of voice, and even swearing at times. She understands that rage is not the way to get her point across, but when she’s blinded like so, she cannot help herself. Dahl-zilla can also come out when she’s absolutely had it with a Grimm, when there’s so much mess that she cannot take it anymore, or when she’s just plain mad. However she seldom reaches this level of anger.

Dahlia will inconvenience herself for the people she cares about, as well as the people who are not close to her. She’s like an open book with nothing to hide. She’ll help with homework or fix a hungry athlete a snack, or help a teacher grade papers after school. A lot of people will take advantage of that kindness, and Dhalia will often need a third party to get her to open her eyes. If she realizes that she’s been betrayed, she is very forgiving and quick to hand out second-chances so as long as the person is sincere.

She is also a very loyal, dependable, True friend. She’s a wonderful addition to her team.





Name: Irigitsu Sunohara

Gender: Male

Race:(Human or Faunus.) Human

Nickname:(Optional): Iri

Story: Irigitsu was little when his parents were killed. His father, Maru Sunohara, and his mother, Shia Ikatu, were both graduates of the Beacon Academy. One day their house was attacked by a monster who had tracked them after they failed to kill it. Little Irigitsu, probably 8, was told to run, and that's all he's done for the rest of his life, what his parents told him to do. Run.

He ran through school, a constant target for bullying and a constant friend for any outcast, faunus or human. He got into fights, and protected his only family his friends, and had to deal with living on the streets.

He ran through highschool that went quite the same yet he lived with a different person now, Erina, a human girl he had meant on the first day of school who were eachothers only friends for their entire highschool life.

Then he had to run from the reality of her death as her father was a politician who fought back at the White Fang with his facts, who was assassinated with his family not too long ago.

He had to run from depression, and the crimes he began to commit...

So Irigitsu ran, from the death of his parents and Erina's, to the street life, to the random invitation to Beacon that fell in his lap after he had signed up hoping to avenge his parents.

Irigitsu was reluctant at first but eventually decided he would come. But this got him thinking, was it worth it?

And Irigitsu ran...

On the first day of school Irigitsu was already being talked about. "Quiet, loner, weak", were all the subjects of the rumors. Most thought he was just some random street thug chosen just because he stood out amongst the other brutes, whilst others considered the possibility that he had simply snuck unto the ship to Beacon. Either way Irigitsu was not accepted by the Social people of Beacon but seemed not effected at all.

But he finally found a place to stay...

Weapon:(Can use pictures.): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/blood_gunblade_by_dragothique-d5d31wp.jpg.9adc420c31db8fbea64660602b190d74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/blood_gunblade_by_dragothique-d5d31wp.jpg.9adc420c31db8fbea64660602b190d74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A Custom Gunblade, highpowered sawed off and dust bomb launcher, and a rexite bastard sword. Irigitsu can pull down the blade when he presses a hidden button with his hand on his hilt and fire with another button that will push up once the blade is down. The shots are powerful enough to blow a hole straight through a car and through the parallel side and he has the ability to load four shots, shoot them individually or all at once.

His blade is made of hard yet sharp rexite and he is a master in using it. However he is more efficient using his inventions, such as his goggles and various kinds of explosives.

Dust:(Optional.): He uses it to power his devices. (Usually his gunblade, exosuit, or explosives)

Personality: Iri is quiet, unsociable, but tends to speak up for those outcasted such as faunus or simply bullied people. He tends to mention that he sees faunus and humans as simply people and only that, and he is quite popular with the rebels of the school. He does like to talk to other people outcasted by society however, but still remains quiet and silent most of the time.

Team: I dunno.

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec7beda8_images(17).jpg.9e2b8f9bd56f7bfaad03df363298d730.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13479" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec7beda8_images(17).jpg.9e2b8f9bd56f7bfaad03df363298d730.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Fredrick Chiv.



Nickname:Fred or Freddie or Rick

Story:He was a simple boy caught in a war. When he was 7, Fredrick had lost his parents in war between the humans and the faunus. When he turn 10, he already dealt with the death of his parents and tried to make a faunus friend, but every kid started picking on him because he was talking to the fauneses. When he went to high school he found a nice bear faunus by the name of Spectra. He and Spectra became great friends, but both were bullied and they got into a lot of fights. In there second year Spectra got push down the stairs and hit a part of the head, he was in aa coma for 5 months. Fredrick took it very hard because Spectra was the closes thing to a brother, Fredrick then got into more fights and started many enemies. On the 5th month. Spectra woke up and saw Fredrick, but Spectra didn't recognize him. Spectra just push him aside and they never talk to each other again, but still saw each other. After graduation, Fredrick didn't want to give up on Spectra, so they both got into Beacon and Fredrick ask Spectra if he wanted to be friends. Spectra said sure and went to Beacon as not just friends, but as rivals.

Weapon:A High Powered Shotgun that transforms into a Battle Ax. When a button is press at the trigger, the next shot will flip the Shot gun and Fredrick will grab the nozzle and the gun will transform into a Ax.

Dust:Fredrick always like lighting stuff on fire so he uses the Red Dust to give his shots or his Ax a burning experience.

Personality:Fredrick is a calm guy, but he dos become a hothead when someone is piking on a Faunus or him. He always likes tinkering with weapons of many kinds. He daydreams a lot and doesn't focus that much either. Fredrick had a love for fire and Pyro tech so he tends to get blown up in little explosions. He is sweat when he wants to or can be very deadly if provoked.

Team:(I'm open to join any team.)

Name: Dead Rose

Gender: Male


Nickname: Jack Skelington

Story: As a young boy his parents were killed in a devastating war. As he grew older he invented his weapon The Sniper Scythe Rifle. When he was 16 he sneaked his in. Going unnoticed he managed to climb aboard the ship to the Beacon Academy. He stayed at the Beacon Academy for two years incognito, in an old shack outside of the school. He slipped swiftly into the classroom lectures and learned about "Dust". After learning about Dust he got his hands on the Beacon Academy Application and lied about his information. After the acceptance of this application, he was a student at the Beacon Academy.

Weapon: Sniper Rifle Scythe

Dust: Fire Dust

Personality: Shy, Punk, Independent, Friendly towards Faunus race, ignorant

Team: Dead

Appearance: Eye color : Crimson red, Hair color: Crimson, Black trench coat, black shirt with skull, black jeans with chains.
Name: Sandra Smith

Gender: Female

Race:(Human or Faunus.) Human

Story's: Sandra was a very confident child....until the incident. All of her family was murdered by an assassin ordered by the King. After that Sandra was very aggressive. She always took a lot of time to trust a person.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.)


This is a weapon given by her father before he died. It is a sort of like a reloaded hand gun, but instead of bullets it is knives. Can kill one person with one shot.

Dust:(Optional.) None-I think

Personality: Takes a lot of courage to trust someone. Very funny when she trusts you.

Team: Not sure?

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)

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Name: William Reaper

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Nickname: Willy, Will


During his early childhood, William was 5 years old when him and many other children were kidnapped from their homes by Underworld criminals, being sent into child slavery. They were sent to mine "dust" at one of the Underworld's private mines, its location unknown. William was stuck in this situation for a few months, until the mine was being raided by a group of mercenaries sent to destroy the mine and the people running it. After the destruction of the mine, the mercenaries decided to take William and several other slaves with them when they discover they had potential auras/semblances in them. Willy was then adopted by a faunus mercenary named "Reaper" and became his new son/apprentice.

Willy spent the next 10 years fighting and learning from his new father/master, learning how to become more deadlier on the battlefield every single day. He was also learning how to use his lightning semblance during his jobs and lessons from Reaper, trying to learn new ways to use it in his fighting style. He took jobs with and without Reaper, learning about the good and bad side of life in his travels. His personality was shaped by these jobs and helped him discover his true potential as a young mercenary. One of these jobs made a huge impact during the middle of his career though, where him and several other mercenaries were sent to collect a huge bounty on a Underworld information broker in one of the kingdoms of Remnant. One of the mercenaries decided to betray the group by leading them into a trap and forced them to surrender early in the battle. This only caused Willy to go into a rampage on the enemy, destroying the ambushers and traitor while taking out the bounty by himself. This resulted with Willy becoming more cold to other people, making him always wear a mask/helmet when around others and trusted only those who proved their true personality to him during jobs.

Reaper was not only Willy's father/master who enjoyed being a mercenary, but he had a hobby of crafting new weapons and armors to use in the battlefield. He also created and installed an A.I in his armor called "A.D", something he made to help him in battle a few years after meeting his son/apprentice. Reaper begun teaching Willy how to craft his own weapons and armors when he became 14, so Willy can make one that he permanently use later when he grows older. This ended with an unexpected result from the training. Willy created a power armor that had dual blades installed in them, but was mainly created to control and enhance his lightning semblance, which proved to be deadly when used in several future jobs. Though this new celebration ended quickly, since Reaper got seriously injured during an escort job where a dangerous Grimm attacked the group and nearly destroyed them. This ended Reaper's career as a fighting mercenary instantly.

Despite the sad event that occurred and several months of rehabilitation later, Reaper decided to make his own weapon/armor crafting business in the City of Vale. After hearing about Beacon Academy, he decided to use several connections to get Willy inside the academy without any formal training/education from Signal Academy, so Willy can get a more honest job where he gets to destroy the Grimm and gain respect for that. Despite the arguments they had about going to Beacon Academy, Reaper finally managed to convince Willy to go there. As a way make Willy feel more comfortable about going, Reaper transfers A.D into Willy's armor, which upgraded the armor in many ways and made Willy and A.D become partners. Despite his past and previous experience with other people, Willy knew this would be best for him and tied up a few loose ends before he was to go to the academy and learned how to use A.D more efficiently, despite how noisy A.D was. When the time finally came for him to go, Willy (now 16 years old) went on the airship that would not only lead him his future career but also to his new destiny.

Weapon: Archdeath

It is a power armor that assists the user in both offense and defense. The armor is made out of a unknown metal that gives great protection, while being lightweight. It contains technology that assists the user in combat, while containing an A.I named A.D that controls the systems in the suit. It doesn't enhance the user's physical abilities though, but it gains combat benefits from their semblance (which is the suit's main power source). Uses semblance to paralyze the enemy by shooting lightning at them effectively, or by enhancing his armor to add shock damage and a barrier defense in CQC. Contains dual blades in the back of the suit (actually part of the armor itself/can also be powered up), which can turn into a greatsword if put together. But he tends to use martial arts against foes first, only using the swords if the situation calls for them.


Able to wield the power of lightning without the need of dust or glyphs, while being able to produce it from the body alone. Used for offensive and defensive tactics. Causes grayish/white aura to show when used, depending on how much power is used. Semblance can become unstable if not properly controlled and maintained.


Known to be very intimidating, decisive, and serious in combat, which also seems to be the same case in social situations. William doesn't seem to carry a moral code around with him, sometimes using force to win an argument. But he tries to be more passive and kind with others, only acting like he is due to a mysterious childhood. Only talks to people he can trust/care about, usually being sarcastic but reliable around them. Doesn't tolerate betrayal or early surrender though. Has a strong attachment to Archdeath and usually talks with A.D a lot, almost as if he never parts with his armor at all. Allows A.D and other close acquaintances to call him "Willy", but only shows his face to his closest friends when no one's watching.

Team: WABE


Black hair, Gray/White Eyes, Tan Skin, Average build and height. Always wears his helmet/mask on and has a scroll installed in his left wrist.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befa6b8d1_William2.png.01085b3a6f30315a3318bd50676566b4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15486" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befa6b8d1_William2.png.01085b3a6f30315a3318bd50676566b4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Drawing by RP user noalaniwolf - Thanks for making it for me! ^_^



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Name: Astro Star

Gender: Male

Race:(Human or Faunus.)is it okay if i am a Human/monster hybrid

Nickname:(Optional.) Reaper

Story: nothing is known about Reaper from the humans but the monsters praise him as a huntsman/huntress killer and is the best at killing them but other than that hes unknown.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.)Starfang

Dust:(Optional.)darkness (if thats okay)

Personality: evil, malicious, brutal, twisted, hates humans, loves cats, powerful (is it okay if im one of the bad guys?)

Team: none

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.) human form

Monster form
I really wanna join so bad right now.
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Race:(Human or Faunus.)Human


Story:Misty'Mist' has no history she doesn't have family but she thought herself to fight. She hopes one day she can find out about her past and why she is nicknamed Mist.

Weapon:(Can use pictures.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.9005c6a99c308337c9237f6f689acfae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13736" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.9005c6a99c308337c9237f6f689acfae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(Same girl just look at what she is holding

Dust:(Optional.) Lightning dust

Personality:Misty'Mist' is a quiet shy defensive girl when she gets to know new people she is more open funny a little bit of a smart Alec as well as very protective.

Team:any team don't matter

Appearance:(Optional. Can use Picture.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.9005c6a99c308337c9237f6f689acfae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13736" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.9005c6a99c308337c9237f6f689acfae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Derrick Ronan

Gender: Male.

Race: Faunus.

Nickname: Rick.

Story: He was born in a faunus family who were involved in dust trade. They had a great business once, but after the people started to hate them, their stocks slowly descended into nothingness. None were too happy about the segregation they've been exposed to, even before he came to life. His birth didn't change anything but make what they were fighting for worthwhile ; For their rights. His uncle had died before, and they were all infuriated that this one would be restrained for the same racial and bigoted reasons.

As a child, he has been exposed to protests, anarchist, fires, violence. He didn't think much of it but cry when it got too loud.

Then when he turned 12, his parents were discovered to be in the White Fang. They were active, trying to sabotage any equipment of the ones against the war, and the ones that didn't do anything to help them. And then, they started to include him too.

As early as that, he got involved in the politics, trained as a soldier, sent to meet the other trainees...He had been thought that the others were bad, very bad, and that he should be against them in any case. And for that, he was raised to be hateful against any who discriminated him, and began severely beating up people just because of that.

While after time, he started to be more accepting of their differences, his family are always involved with the White Fang. Though, because of his odd past, he has been isolated from his peers, being in their opinions, too dangerous. He is actively trying to be a better person.

Weapon: He has two knives that can transform into two dust powered guns and knuckles.



Dust: Fire dust.

Personality: He never refuses a fight; it is the first thing that you should know about him, if you ever challenge him into a fight. Even if he looks calm, acts friendly, smiles often and is very sweet, he loves to brawl, which is not a bad characteristic if you take in his rational stance on certain things. Derrick is quite an upbeat character; He glomps on people and can appear quite ditzy sometimes, which is due to his dense mind, that can border on innocence or ignorance. That part of his initial personality can be contradicted by his vivid intelligence and blunt way of speaking. He really hates to lie, after all. He hates, of all his heart, people who judge him because he is Faunus, and will try to be as rational as he can be unless you press him for too long.

Team: He doesn't know yet.

Appearance: ((He has dog ears))


Name: Elinore "Luna/Lulu" Laluna

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nickname:Luna or Lulu

Story: Elinore came to the academy after growing an acute fascination with monsters after her family was killed by an ursa while she was away from home. After her family was killed she was trained by a old friend in fighting up until she was accepted. She intends to become the best Huntress out there.


A battleaxe with two triggers on the handle to shoot grenades out from either side depending on the trigger pulled.

Dust: Fire Dust

Fire Semblance- An aura that sets the user on fire, comparable to Yang's

Personality: Never the social type, Elinore usually sticks to herself or maybe a small team. She has the tendency to seemingly come out of nowhere.

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Name: Spectra Kuma

Gender: Male

Race:Bear Faunus. Has bear ears.


Story:Spectra was a simple faunus boy playing with his older brother. One day when Spectra was 9 years old, his father gave Spectra his first weapon, dual claw gauntlets, for three years he has been trained how to fight along side his brother. At the age of 12, Spectra went to one of the Faunus boycott with his family, but the boycott was attacked by a group of people. One of the people killed Spectra's parents and left Spectra and his brother to hide in the forest. When the two got back, Spectra found someone who knew the people responsible for the attack, they said that the Boss of the Shnee Dust company. Spectra's goal is to get revenge for the death of his parents, so Spectra joined the white fang for a year and found nothing on the Shnee family, but he did find what the powers of dust has, so he upgraded his weapon that his father gave him and added Fire dust. Four years later Spectra got his hands on a Beacon application sheet and filled in some of the information that he has. He was able to get in and is going to train how to be a hunter and find anyone who knows where Mr.Shnee is.

Weapon:Dual claw gauntlets that has Dust to add a burning slash.

Dust:Fire dust.

Personality:Spectra is a kind soul, but he will go berserk if you really piss him off. He sometimes talks to other faunus and might consider talking to humans if he has to. Always loved seafood, especially Salmon.

Team:(Will join any team if they have a Faunus.)

Appearance:Hides his ears with a hoodie and has little bear fangs inside his mouth.
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Name: Sasha Grimm

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nickname: Mags

Story: During Sasha's time at the Beacon Academy she kept doing her normal class's. Little did she know that her Boyfriend was in her class. Dead Rose. She shares many commonality's with him as well as a choice in weapons. She comes from a family of interesting mysterious people like Dead Rose him self. Word has it that they never do the work for school, but outside of school their a team of great fighters.



Dust: Ice

Personality: Shy, Punk, Independent, hostile towards Faunus race, ignorant

Team: Dead


Name:Markus Tulious


Race: faunus

Nickname: Tilious

Story: "What, you wanna know about me? Then why don't we start from the begininning. It all started when I was about 3. A few humans broke into our house. I can hardly remember it. But I remember the fear that I felt, and the anger in my heart. I couldn't help but feel anger when I see a human. They sicken me, and yet I am here. Where we learn to defend each other."

"When I first entered these schools. I wouldn't speak to anyone, my kin, the faunus, or them. As I grew up I became more and more angry, my strength grew, and I became a warrior. My hatred fueled my ability to fight. And I alone trusted only myself. I asked nothing for help from no one, and gave none when asked."


Excluding the scope.

that transforms into a


Dust:Dark green

Personality: Hates humans, very angry, and quiet. He has a monkey tail, and the agility to go with it. He is a little bit cold, and distent. He is strong and quick

Team : N/A


but with a tail.
Name: Sopportare Kuma

Gender: Male

Race: Faunus (Has a bear tail).

Nickname: Soppo

Story: When Soppo was 5, he got a new brother named Spectra. At age 9, Soppo got his first weapon, he always loved a sport named Lacrosse so his father mad him a custom lacrosse stick that is equip with blades that come out in the side and a grenade deposit at the end so he can fling a grenade with the net. Soppo trained with his father until he was 16, then he got into Beacon and trained for a year. When he was 17, his family went to a boycott, but half way through, the boycott was attacked by humans. They killed every Faunus there, except for him and Spectra, Soppo didn't talk to anyone at Beacon after that, he only talked to his brother. He graduated Beacon and went to work for the white fang, he was 21, Soppo visits Spectra every once and a while in the forest to see how hes doing, he saw that Spectra got into Beacon and was happy, but he felt that Spectra's goal was doing something to him. Soppo continues to watch Spectra today.

Except with a Lacrosse net in the middle.

Dust: Ice

Personality: After graduating, he became more open and cheerful, but he does go berserk just like Spectra, he tends be a ladies man and tell jokes. He always like sweet things like honey.

Team: (Graduated)

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Name: Michael Ford

Gender: male

Race:Human and demon body timeshare

Nickname: oni

Story: just a country boy who descends from a long line of paladins (studying to be a lawyer) who was sent to beacon academy seemingly by mistake(will add to) and appears to be inhabited by a demon who inhabits his combat familiarity and escalates the situation till the beast is forced out

Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/20111120113807!PTRS_41.jpg.f6eec46f3b47cfc65899fd1bc0574014.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/20111120113807!PTRS_41.jpg.f6eec46f3b47cfc65899fd1bc0574014.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/LM-CFVB-00.jpg.6f13eae4c9fe65c681fb0f146c3f3076.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/LM-CFVB-00.jpg.6f13eae4c9fe65c681fb0f146c3f3076.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dust: an assortment favors lighting and fire.

Personality:kind, calculating, respectful, cheerful crafty. possessed by a demon


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-6_16-46-42.png.ee230c390ad978e7460102733a6256d1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14163" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-6_16-46-42.png.ee230c390ad978e7460102733a6256d1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Alexander 'Reaper' Regit


Race: Faunus

Nickname: Alex

Story: Back then, Alex was known to be one of the world's most dangerous mercenaries, always doing jobs most people wouldn't do. During his career though, he took in a young boy as his student after he discovered he had potential as a fighter. For the next 10 years, he would act as a father/master to his pupil, helping him learn how to fight properly with some skills of his own. Loves to craft all types of weapons and armors, which lead him to open his own armory store at the City of Vale after doing a mission where a strange Grimm nearly killed him and had him hospitalized for a few months. Despite being a faunus store owner, no one tries to mess with Alex since he would usually hunt down any offenders before torturing them with his tools. After teaching them a lesson in torture, he would usually send them to the police department himself with no complaints from anyone.

Weapon: Bluntfire

Blunt War Bat/ Flamethrower

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Kanabo.jpg.6ddc60c65ef23f09f7f23148775f61bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14175" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Kanabo.jpg.6ddc60c65ef23f09f7f23148775f61bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/rockdavinci-flame-thrower-concept2_2048.jpg.cfc074cf82566a5e8509697e115dfa0a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/rockdavinci-flame-thrower-concept2_2048.jpg.cfc074cf82566a5e8509697e115dfa0a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dust: Fire

Personality: Sarcastic, Serious, Outrageous at times, loves the ladies, loves to torture his pupil a lot

Team: I'm too old for school if you haven't noticed yet, but thanks for thinking I'm young people. Really appreciate that.

Appearance: Only with Tiger ears and a tail, with orange hair (not yellow!) With brown eyes too!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/blonde-man.jpg.619c9519d3576dc629f7fba2ec92c021.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/blonde-man.jpg.619c9519d3576dc629f7fba2ec92c021.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Magnolia Grey

Gender: Female

Race: Raccoon Faunus

Nickname: Mags

Story: Magnolia's earliest memory was of her mother's voice saying stay here, we'll be back. She remembered hiding in the bush just like her mother said and the howls that became louder and louder. She saw her mother run just as the black creatures came zooming past her little hiding place. Magnolia waited and waited, but noone came to get her. When she thought that she was going to die alone in the woods, a young man carrying a large axe came strolling by and found her. The man was a weaponsmith for hunters and huntresses. He was kind enough to take her in and teach her the basics of combat. When she was 12, she decided to go off on her own to become a huntress and one day find her mother if she was still alive. The man gave her a big smile and handed her the weapon that she would use till this day. "You will need this then," he said. A few years later, she was accepted into Beacon Academy, but somehow fell off of the airship on the way to school and landed in the forest. After cutting through many Beowolves and Ursas, she finally finds her way to the school

Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed8a0568_Blitzkriegstage1.jpg.19349dd600d17f421281cde40820d423.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed8a0568_Blitzkriegstage1.jpg.19349dd600d17f421281cde40820d423.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> stage 1 <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed8a89fa_Blitzkriegstage2.jpg.4e07032316fab495ca84f4a5224316e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed8a89fa_Blitzkriegstage2.jpg.4e07032316fab495ca84f4a5224316e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> stage 2

Blitzkrieg = halberd + sword

Dust: Lightning dust. Dust is put into a cartridge by the base of the blade. Dust is used when in sword form.

Personality: Appears cold and shy at first, but warms up to those who she can trust. Loves sweets and junk food. Tendency to get lost.

Team: not yet

Appearance: Light brown hair with brown eyes. Wears a beige coat. Grey and black tail.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed8ae676_Racconfaunus.jpg.26d858db095b6eeb1ac7e064065d3518.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed8ae676_Racconfaunus.jpg.26d858db095b6eeb1ac7e064065d3518.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (sorry for bad picture quality)



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  • Name: Walt Vermillion

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human


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