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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"What?" She downs the rest of her food and follows Loki. Some students very in the way. "Loki, excuse me, hey Loki where are you?" She looks around squeezing through the crowd.

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Loki comes behind her and lifts her onto his shoulders. "Can you see anything up there? It's hard to tell with all these students in the way." He tries to get as close to the end of the crowd as physically possible.

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"Ah. Hmph, right." She focuses her gaze past the crowd. "Oh no. There's a teacher and it looks like their unconscious. There's dust everywhere and," she gasps, "Loki, an Ursa!" She looks down at him.

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"I'm gonna toss you, I want you too dive bomb the ursa I will be right behind you." Without even a grunt Loki tosses Aires into the air and he himself dashes through the crowd. "Try to hit its back and then flip it over!" He called up to her.

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Aires does as he says flipping around and kicking the Ursa in the back. Her legs wrap around the animals neck and with her a pulse of her wings she's able to flip the ursa over. "Haha, alright!" She looks to find Loki and accidentally takes her eyes off the beast. The ursa swings at her slamming her into the wall shattering the cement.

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Loki tackles the Urea back and goes to check on her. "You alright? Stay here for a bit I have the teddy bear handled." He turns around and spins maelstrom in his hand. He raises it above his head right as the Ursa tried to smash him with its paw. He kicks it back and slams the trident into the ground. Ice shards shoot up and impale the Ursa. "Not bad If I say so myself, good thing I learned how too use dust.

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"Agh, ouch." She feels the back of her head and notices that she's bleeding. She tends to the teacher, "You'll be alright." Two other students help the teacher to the nurses office. "Nice job handling the ursa, Loki." She suddenly gets dizzy and feels her head. "Whoa. . ." Her wings flap once and she pulls herself into the air. "I'm sorry I sucked again." Quickly she flies away to her room. "Crap. . . I'm gonna pass out." She looks in the cracked mirror and watched the blood run down her face.

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Loki frowns as he follows after her. He arrives at her room an knocks. "When are you gonna let me tend to your head injury? Cause I can fix it."

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She looks up at him, "No," She says gently, "you can't just go around fixing everyone and everything." She sighs, "besides how am I supposed to be able to take care of you if I can't take care of myself?" She asks standing up quickly, "Whoa." Her she feels her head as her eyes slowly roll to the back of her head as she becomes dizzy.

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Loki sighs. "Alright I'll leave the ointment outside and go back to the statue in the middle of the school of you need me." He pulls out the ointment and sets it outside her door. Then he walks back outside and goes to sit on a bench. Where he watches the other students and takes care of Ephemeral.

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Aires frowns and punches the wall. "Ah! Darn it. Why am I such an idiot. Whatever, he's better off without me." She looks at the ointment takes it and puts it inside her drawer for safe keeping not using any of it. She opens the window and flies away blood still dripping from her head. She sees Loki with Eph and keeps flying away. "I have to get away from here. Looks like classes are out of the question today. "

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Loki watches Aires fly off and he slowly follows her. Keeping his distance, since She told him too. But he was still worried about her bleeding head, since clearly she hadn't used it. He only watched just to make sure she stayed alright.

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Loki catches her and smiles. He lays her on a bed of leaves and takes care of her head. He sits against a tree and closes his eyes.

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Aires slowly opens her eyes, "Loki? What the? How are you in sky?" She looks around, "oh because I'm on the ground I understand." She looks up at him. "Why are you smiling, silly?"

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(At the camp...)

William was standing in front of his client as the military man was shouting at him about yesterday's events. The general of the Vale military wouldn't stop talking about how the mercenary nearly caused the operation to fail and BLAH BLAH BLAH. "E.L, did you send A.D a message about my current situation?" He quietly asked his A.I as the general was talking about security procedures and how William nearly ruined them.

"A.D knows the situation and told Elinore about you being back at your job." E.L replied at a low volume, speaking from inside the armor instead of the scroll. The general was now talking about how William's payment will be affected and more BLAH BLAH BLAH, raising his hands up in frustration from the subject. When will this guy shut up already? I want to see my girlfriend you annoying bastard...
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Elinore climbed up onto the roof of the school again, her normal haunt. She sat down on the edge of the roof and laid her scroll down next to her "AD, how much longer until William's donnneeee" the girl sighed, "I'm borreedddddd....." She'd become almost accustomed to hanging out with Loki like she'd done very day sense her near death experience with death. But now he had his own female and pet snake to keep him company. And that was all good, she was happy to see her friend had found new interests, but now sh was dieing of boredom on the roof. "AD....send a message to Michael to meet me on the roof...I want to do some training." she said with a grin.
Aires looks up at Loki. She smiles, "Loki, did you fall asleep?" She asks him as she runs her fingers through his hair taking off his bandana. She looks at his face and thanks him for healing her. "I wonder what others are up to." ^^ She says crouched in front of Loki while looking off into the distance holding on to his bandana.

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Loki grumbles a little bit before running his hand through his hair. A white streak is shown as he does that. "How long have I been out." He looks at Aires and smiles faintly. "Can I have my bandana back please?"

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"Huh, oh uh nub uhh," She sticks her tongue out you'll have to catch me first. Haha

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He grabs her and lifts her over his head. "Do I win yet?" He smirks and then laughs before putting her down. "I don't really care either way. I just don't want people to see my hair... that's why I hide most of it behind the bandana."

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Giggling she hands back his bandana and kisses his cheek. "You know someone amazing once told me that I should show the world the real me. I think you should take his advice. I mean I think you're beyond amazing." ^^ Aires finished saying while tucking her hair behind her as she looks up at Loki in a shy but gentle way.

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"Oh yea what makes you say that?" He puts on his bandana but let's the white show on the side if his face. "I don't think I'm that great personally."

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"BLAH BLAH BLAH... hey?! You listening asshole?!" The general yelled as he finished talking to William, who was now sleeping on the man's desk. After kicking the mercenary off his table, the general wakes William up by smashing a wine bottle on his head before sitting back down on his chair. "As I was saying Reaper, your now in charge with transporting the relic to the LZ. So get ready to leave tommorrow morning for the mission."

William silently stares at the general for a moment with wine going down his mask, before standing up and smacking the table with his fists in shock. "Wait... WHAT?! You want me transport that across Vale for an entire week?!" William exclaimed as he gave a suprised look behind his mask. "No, we had a deal that I was only to guard your researchers. I never agreed to transport what they were here for."

"Well then you'll be one of the students going on the mission then, William Reaper." A man with a cane said as he entered the general's tent with Alex beside him. "Now get out of this tent and get prepared to leave young man. I need to talk with the general alone to discuss some things about your new assignment." After staring at the two teachers in disbelief, William straightens up and leaves the tent without another word before heading to Beacon by himself. Oh f*** me...


"I don't think Michael is available right now Elinore." A.D said as he was trying to contact the student on his scroll. "So you might have to spar with someone else it seems."
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Aires gets in his, "Listen Mister, I value your life far above mine. You're sweet and kind and loving. Plus you're strong, protective, and intelligent. You'd probably suffered a lot in life but you still smile and love." She looks deep into his teal eyes, "I believe in you, even if no one else does. You're precious to me." Realizes how close she is to his face. "Sorry, I don't mean to be all I your gave about it." She says slowly looking away.

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