Beach House (Inside)



Clark Blake


Settling on the arm of the couch Clark crossed her legs tapping her fingers against her glass as she observed the people inhabiting the room. Tiffany sipping her rose colored concoction, Nyx with her random ass cocktail, Devon with his expensive ass taste, and herself with her coffee combo. It seemed that they would be the life of the party- Hopefully they don't all turn out to be prudes- Oh god no. Not the prudes..

Shaking her head Clark took another swig of the bitter beverage before stating with a smirk, "We are going to the beach right? I mean it was the plan all along?" She questioned further, pulling at her maroon tank to reveal the A line of her simple white laced one piece. "I've been waiting to go since we got here. Literally." She stated taking another sip from her diminishing glass, "Since my tires pitched onto the drive."


Interacting: Nyx, Tiffany, Devon, Jaden, Martian, Heather, ...

Tags: @Bowa @JustAlexandra @JenniPerson @BoundByWords @Sizniche @Livson 
Hannah tugged at the end of the sweater. "She barely ever wears this thing anymore. I'm sure I can get it back in her closet before she even realizes it's missing. I've done this before, so it'll be fine" she says confidently. She turns towards Martin who was sitting on the couch. She nodded, meaning she was very sure she wanted to wear it to the beach, her confidence wasn't fading. "No worries, I'm wearing a bathing suit underneath" she responds to him, lifting up the sweater to reveal her bikini. Hannah has always been confident about her body, so when she flashed her bikini it didn't really bother her. She had slender arms and legs that came along with her tall stature, and her body was proportional. She let go of the soft material, letting the end of the sweater fall back to her mid-thigh. She suddenly started thinking about what would happen after she took off the sweater to go into the water. She couldn't just leave it out on the sand. Hannah quickly dashed back up to her room and opened her second suitcase to take out the beach bag she brought with. She stuffs a towel in it and sunblock that she was going to apply once they got to the beach, and ran back downstairs. "When I go into the water, I'll put the sweater in this bag" she says.

(posting her bikini again because why not lol)

Jaden eyed Clark make her drink, then finally grabbing a glass to fill with water. He chugged the cold liquid down, some of trickled down the side of his mouth. He placed the empty glass on the kitchen counter-top, before going to join his group of peers. Hearing them talk about the beach, he walked past them to go get changed into more comfortable clothes. He was not going to wear his black skinny jeans to the beach. He won't be in the water, but he at least wants to be comfortable while he's sitting in the sand. Jaden walks back into his room, changing into his swim trunks and grabbing the beach towel he brought with him. He puts on a white v-neck shirt that hugged his upper body nicely. He wasn't exactly the most muscular guy on the planet, but his muscles were still toned. His shirt and swim trunks showed off his signature black inked skin. He had black tattoos running up both his arms, the front side of his legs, and around his neck. Jaden let's his large light blue beach towel hang on his shoulder, and with his drawing essentials in hand, he walked back down to the group going to the beach. "Are we going to the fucking beach now or what?"


Interaction: @JustAlexandra @Sizniche @Scheani @Bowa @Livson @BoundByWords
Aren "Zephyr" Leigh

[SIZE=10.5pt]It was fair reasoning, although Aren felt the need to point out that they could always put a towel down… He got the impression that would not be well received. If only due to sheer numbers, someone would surely be willing to drive to the hospital if necessary. Jaden was already entering the house anyway. Devon seemed caught up in the view from the balcony, and Aren made note of that as an interest of his. He smiled as Devon sighed, and Aren turned to the view himself. On the surface, his current company didn’t seem much like the type to enjoy a late afternoon sun sinking toward the horizon, but… It was useful information for socializing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]When he turned back again, Devon was standing by the door to the house. The challenging tone and grin with what he had to say— Aren smirked back, shooting for playful but he felt an air of nervousness about himself. “Fun” was not a word applied to him often, but the excitement at hearing it… He nodded. “I trust you will.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Nyx stepped onto the balcony next, and Aren remained quiet during their discussion. Alcohol poisoning was more likely than an untimely end from the balcony, he reminded himself. And fortunately easy to avoid with the proper caution. He followed them down the staircase and within sight of the kitchen, where nearly everyone stood in bathing suits. A trip to the beach seemed to be on the agenda. Returning to his room, he got changed into one of his preferred pair of swim trunks[/SIZE] and packed a small bag before appearing again in the kitchen. This group certainly had varying tastes in fashion from studded to lacy to bright colors. And while he was not the most attractive person among them by any stretch, Aren took care of his health. He was averagely muscular and his doctor praised him on his fitness routine. That was enough for him.



He returned not a moment too late, it seemed, as Jaden asked in his typical style if they were leaving or not. Quite a few new people had arrived while he was unpacking and exploring. Martin, yes, but also Gary, Andy, and Elizabeth (who seemed as though she’d just gotten there). Although others aside from himself were also underage, many of the group were drinking or packing drinks. The local officers surely expected this and they’d get little more than a slap on the wrist, but… He took a small breath in and sighed. It would be fine. He gathered some of the snacks from his own food bag by the large kitchen pantry closet, putting those in his bag, and picking up a bottle of water. An amused smile on his face, he stood by the island counter. “I apologize for the wait, Jaden. I didn’t realize you were so eager, but I’m ready when you are."

Interacted: Jaden, Devon

@JenniPerson @Bowa

Mentioned: Nyx, Martin, Andy, Gary, Elizabeth

@BoundByWords @Livson @Smoaki @Sizniche

Nearby: Tiffany, Hannah, Clark

Location: Kitchen (by the island counter)

((Taking advantage of an early lunch!))
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Devon Reid - 4.jpg

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]~ Devon Reid ~[/COLOR]

Devon scoffed at Tiffany's reply, "The only thing I'm scared of around here, is the possibility that you'll accidentally stab me when you're out of your mind drunk", he laughed, before accepting her invite of taking a sip from her Bloody Mary. After drinking a rather large 'sip', Devon raised a hand to his chin, feigning deep contemplation, he then brought his gaze to meet Tiffany's with a grin. "Are you sure this isn't just tomato juice?", he questioned her with a calm tone. Truthfully, the drink actually packed quite a punch but Devon couldn't give Tiffany the satisfaction of knowing that, thus, he poked at her pride by insinuating that her cocktail making skills were subpar.

Raising his glass filled with Negroni cocktail, Devon held it up for Tiffany to take a sip in return, "Try a real cocktail darling", he teased before responding to Tiffany's compliment on his swimming shorts."I always aim to impress...", Devon paused, taking a moment to look Tiffany over to add his own compliment. "I love your lack of clothing", he said nonchalantly.

In the background, Devon heard multiple people ask about just when were they going to go to the beach. Clark seemingly always had something amusing to say and Devon couldn't resist sneaking in his own comment, "Clark, we all know that you're really wearing that one piece already as to convenience the many men you plan to meet later", he jested with a matter-of-fact tone.

Nevertheless, Devon himself had been becoming increasingly impatient, if they said they were going to the beach then he expected to be at the damn beach within ten minutes. Devon ran a hand through his hair, mildly frustrated, "Tiffany, it was your idea, are we going to the beach or what?", he brushed some imaginary dust off his shoulder before he continued, "Or did you lie about that like you lied about your drinking prowess?" he finished with a look of mock disappointment.

Interaction: Tiffany, Clark

Tags: @JustAlexandra @Scheani

Clark Blake

Her snort of laughter muffled by the glass pressed to her lips, Clark rolled her eyes in amusement. "Hey, you cant blame me for being prepared." She stated shrugging nonchalantly, snickering at the comments being tossed about. She knew that the comments were simple and not aimed to inflict any damage, I mean the air was still light and frothy compared to how it could have been had someone actually meant to rip into someone. "Don't blame the girl Devon," She called leaning back on the edge of the couches backrest, "Besides we know how much you love getting ugly-drunk." Taking yet another sip she added, "She cant help it if she has some poise before the act." 

Drawing in a breath she glanced at the window, "But I will agree on one thing.." Clark's voice once again even and calm, "The beach isn't getting any closer with us flomping around the living room." With that she downed the last of her glass, once again standing to rinse (wash) and set the cup for later. "And I don't know about you, but I think I'm gonna go ahead."

Interacting: Tiffany, Devon, 

Tags: @Bowa @JustAlexandra 
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Tiffany Brawn

Tiffany smirked as Devon took a sip of her drink, ignoring his comment about stabbing him. She didn't get crazy drunk, just fun, silly, touchy drunk. Not that she hadn't gotten crazy before, she guessed, but not "stab people on accident" crazy. She knew he was just teasing her, anyways.

Her smirk faded quickly though as he called her drink "tomato juice." She frowned, playfully slapping him in the shoulder. "This is strong and you know it, don't bullshit me Devon, I see right through you," she said, looking pointedly at him while she refreshed her drink, again. All in all she had probably only had one full Bloody Mary, since she kept refreshing it in anticipation of leaving to go to the beach. 

She then fought the compulsion to slap him again as he held his drink up to her to try. She blushed at his comment, taking the drink from his hand and sipping at it. It was strong, that was a damn truth, but it wasn't as strong as hers. "This is grape juice. A drink for children," she said, giving him a mischievous look and handing his drink back to him.

Finally it seemed everyone had made it into the room, dressed and ready  to go to the beach. Pulling her sunglasses down from her head onto her eyes, she grabbed her drink, ready to go. "Alright people. I have listened to your complaints - it is now time for the BEACH!" she said, a bit over enthusiastically, making her way to the door. "If you need refills you better hurry it up because I am not waiting for anyone anymore!" she opened the back, sliding glass door to the balcony - which had a conveniently placed set of stairs. You could see the beach was close from the back door, no need to drive there. She walked down the set of stairs, leading everyone around the pool and through the gate that kept their house separated from open beach.

It was only a few steps until they were off the wooden path and their feet dug into the sand. 

@Livson @Sizniche @Scheani @Bowa @CrookedCompass @JenniPerson @BoundByWords @Smoaki 

****(You can either make your final post here or move over to the beach thread already, even if you finish up your "inside the house" bit over there, it will help to make everything make sense.

 I'll make a post over there real quick, it'll be small but it'll get us started. I' want to keep the separate threads, even though we are all moving, in case some people come back to the beach house before others,)****
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Devon Reid - Laugh.gif

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]~ Devon Reid ~[/COLOR]

Running a hand through his hair and attempting to suppress a laugh, Devon looked at Clark while shaking his head – he had to admit, the girl certainly knew how to have some banter. He tilted his head as she continued, a grin upon his face, “Oh please Clark, you know you love it when I get drunk”. Devon sighed, “Unfortunately, none of us know how you are drunk though, we all usually evacuate the area before that happens”. Devon simply nodded towards her as she announced she was going to go ahead to the beach, he would follow suit soon.

A mock pout appeared on Devon’s face as Tiffany playfully slapped him on the shoulder, a snicker escaped his lips as she called him out on his lie, “Whatever helps you sleep at night”, he shrugged – there was no chance you would get Devon admitting to a lie but she knew he was lying anyway.

Devon poked Tiffany in the forehand at her comment on his drink, “Don’t lie”, he pointed towards his drink before adding, “If that is a drink for children, then I think you won’t be the greatest of parents”, he joked with a chuckle before accepting his drink back. Devon necked it, quick and easily, sighing in satisfaction as he finished. He rinsed the cup out and placed it upside down on the drying rack, for convenient use later.

Devon had already run upstairs, grabbed two large black beach towels (one for if he went into the sea and one for sunbathing, he didn’t want to use the same one for both activities) along with a packet of cigarettes and placed them in a Nike duffel bag before Tiffany had finished her enthusiastic sentence about finally going to the beach. He had made sure to put on his sunglasses and then strolled straight out of the sliding glass doors and down the wooden path to the beach, not bothering to wait for anyone else any longer than he already had.

Devon's Sunglasses:

Blue Aviator Sunglasses.jpg

Interaction: Clark, Tiffany

Tags: @Scheani @JustAlexandra
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