Beach House (Inside)

Nyx Pyran


As soon as Nyx finally got around to picking out what she wanted to listen to, finding a volume that wouldn't totally piss off everyone, and flopping down on her bed, she realized a few things. 

Quite a few more people had just showed up, meaning she had to get her alcohol out of the car, she left her charger in the car, and, she left about 10 ounces of weed under her floorboard in her car. "Ughhh. Gotta get that before it stinks up my car." She groaned, turning off her speakers and rolling off of the bed, standing up. She walked out of the room and down the hallway to hear people talking about some sort of exploration. She paused and listened in for a while, playing catch in her head of if she wanted to risk popping off to the wrong person (something she did daily because she cant just shut the fuck up) or if she wanted to be antisocial until she felt inclined to show up and get black out drunk. She checked who was there before she decided to make a decision. So there was Aren, he was sweet so that wasn't a problem. Jaden was also there, lots of people saw him as an asshole which was basically true, but, he was more of a tell it to your face asshole, not the stab you in the back asshole. She respected that so she was pretty sure that wouldn't be all that big of a deal. Clarke was there, enough said about her. Last but not least there was Devon. She had to disagree about this one, she respected how well he could dish out and receive sarcasm, since she has never really had a run in with him she thought he really wasn't all that bad. Guess she'd find out tonight if that assumption was correct or not. Eventually, she decided that she really needed to get that stuff out of the car, and if they were still there taking shots at each other she would attempt to join them. 
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Elizabeth Elliot


She slammed the door to her little, pastel green Fiat named Enzo and looked up at the house where they would be staying with a smile. By the lights and moving figures inside, she guessed that most everyone else was already inside, and she hurried up the steps with her two suitcases merrily. Always one to believe in being able to pick up and go somewhere at the drop of a hat, she always tried to pack lightly, or at least pack small. Leaving her bags near the inside of the door for now, she walked into the room and spread her arms to either side dramatically, hoping she would get a laugh out of the crowd of her friends.


"Everyone, the party can being, the queen in here!" she announced dramatically, bursting into her own laughter at her fake posh tone and probably least-royal-looking outfit.


(Sorry for the short post lovelies, I have no time whatsoever right now ;-;)
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(okay, please don't hate me but I was so behind that I just skimmed over the last few responses. If I fuck something up feel free to yell at me) 

Tiffany looked up at Hannah, "Oh, I didn't have anything particular planned. I'll probably go out to the beach at some point, if anyone wants to join me," she said, an open invitation to anyone who could hear her. Jaden wen't upstairs and Hannah seemed to get distracted with Martins arrival, so Tiffany took to placing all of her alcohol bottles on the bar - a small separate counter near the fridge. They filled up the whole thing, so she had to put some underneath it in the cabinet. Had she overdone it? Maybe. Was she going to consume most of this single handedly? There was a good possibility. 

Tiffany peeked around the corner of the kitchen as she heard someone else come in. "Gary! Andy!" she said, coming over and wrapping the two in a hug. She really liked Gary and Andy, even though they could easily be described as introverts. They were cute and something about them just made Tiffany happy. "Don't worry Gary, I have got the alcohol covered," she said, walking back to the kitchen to show off her collection. "I am sure this is not all we have, either," she smiled, pulling out a bloody mary mixer. She didn't have time to get out all the ingredients for her own. "I'm gonna make a bloody mary, get my shit upstairs, and get ready to go to the beach!" she said, throwing her hands up in the air, the mixer sloshing in the bottle. "Won't you guys come with me?" she asked innocently, giving them puppy dogs eyes. "I'll even make you a drink too," she said, shaking the bottle slightly. 

Andy blushed at the sudden motherly attention, especially from someone as intimidating as Hannah, and attempted to stutter out some sort of reply.

It didn't work.

"I...ugh-I mean..."

Thankfully he was saved from the embarrassment by the arrival of Tiffany. Both of the brothers liked her, for different reasons. Andy because she was often sweet and loyal, and fun too. Gary because she drank even more then him.

Gary smirked at her suggestion.

"F*** I will! I love Bloody Marys. And, uh, the beach too I guess..."

Andy was more reluctant, despite even the puppy dog eyes. Not wanting the be the spoilsport who reminded everyone they were literally all underage, he settled for another excuse.

"Uh, i'm actually feeling a bit tired. Maybe I'll just, you know, find my room and meet up with you guys soon."

He had zero intention of meeting up with them soon.

And so, he waved and with a quick "nice to see you all." Darted out of the room, and his brothers suspicious gaze.

Gary rolled his eyes.

"Wuss." He stated, then addressed the rest of the group.

"Let's get this part started!!"

@JustAlexandra  @JenniPerson
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Tiffany smiled and clapped her hands together, somewhat similar to a child. She waved to Andy. "Better get your nap in now, Andy, cause no ones sleeping tonight!" she said, laughing. Tiffany rummaged through the cabinets until she found one with the drink glasses, then pulled out two of the biggest she could find. "IF ANYONE WANTS A BLOODY MARY, COME NOW," she yelled to the others, grabbing a bottle of vodka from the bar. She put ice in the two glasses, then the vodka. Needless to say the drinks ended up more vodka than bloody mary mixer, but that was fine with Tiffany. 

"Here ya go," she said, handing the other Bloody Mary to Gary. She left the vodka and mixer out, just in case anyone else decided to make themselves a drink. "Alright, I'm going to get changed, be back in a sec!" she said, smiling happily as she ran upstairs with her drink in one hand and her other suitcase in the other. She tried not to spill the drink, but it still managed to run over her hands a bit, which she licked off. The taste of the vodka was strong, but she didn't mind one bit.  

She picked one of the rooms that hadn't been claimed yet, flopping her suitcase onto the floor. She took a huge gulp of her drink before sitting down next to the suitcase and unzipping it. Her clothes consisted of mostly crop tops and short shorts, with the occasional hoodie or off-shoulder sweater. She liked looking cute but she didn't want to be cold at night either. Pulling out her favorite bathing suit, she stripped a put it on quickly. Next she grabbed a cover-up to go over, and put that on. She used the term "cover up" loosely, as it really didn't cover up much. 

cover up for bikini.jpg<--- Cover up smal bikini.jpg <--- Bikini

She looked over herself in the mirror. It certainly wasn't the most scandalous bathing suit she brought, but it was still her favorite - cute, but still slightly scandalous. The cover up was what she more with most of her bathing suits - it went with everything. 

Tiffany grabbed her drink and ran down the stairs, trying to trip. "Gary?" she called out as she walked around the corner, taking another big sip. She spotted Martin sitting on the couch, holding something that looked suspiciously like alcohol. 

"Oooooh," she said, looking at it. "I'll sure as hell try a sip!" she said, handing him her bloody mary momentarily and taking the Bacardi from his hands. She opened it, giving it a sniff and wrinkled her nose. Damn, that smelled strong. But that didn't stop her from taking a swig of it. 

Tiffanys face scrunched up and she jumped quickly from one foot to the other. "Ooo take it take it!" she said, her throat on fire. "That came from satans asshole!" 

@Livson @Sizniche

(I left finding him open so that you could have Gary change - or not change, if you wanted) 
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Clark Blake


Clark having never been one easily intimidated, nor one to take things to heart mentally shrugged off their bitchass comments, "If I wanted you, you'd already be mine." She stated casually before strolling down the hall. "Fortunately for us both, I'm not big on the inexperienced." Continuing on her way her ears perked at the call for alcohol, but figuring she'd be down in a few minutes she ignored the tug of obsession to explore where she would be spending her time.

To say the least, while the place was decorated in more window than wall Clark was happy to find that yes, there were certain rooms cough bathrooms cough that had actual paint covered walls. Might it be mentioned that even though this place was modern-- modern as in hella modern, it had quite a few features that Clark found interesting. Features including a room that lead down the stairs directly to the kitchen storage, or the window wall that opened to a balcony leading to a double stair set to the pool. 

"Holy crap. This is.." She faded off her voice quiet as she took in the view, she had rare moments of calm speechlessness.

This was one of them

Interacting: Jaden, Aren, Devon

Tags: @CrookedCompass @JenniPerson @Bowa

Aren "Zephyr" Leigh

[SIZE=10.5pt]Devon rolled his eyes— At Clark, or Aren? Hard to say, and best to forget if it was inconclusive. But they were certainly being honest. If Clark wanted someone, he couldn't imagine they'd have any other choice but to yield. And if Devon wanted someone, they would certainly be highly aware of that. Such behavior was another benefit to Devon’s company… He must be receptive to Aren to speak to him as he was. And he understood the slap on his back to be a friendly gesture, which he was fortunately prepared for this time. Aren mostly caught himself with a small step forward. It was the comment on his sexual experience that caught him off guard, and he flushed a light shade of pink. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“I... I’m honored to have your protection, Devon,” [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]he said through a quiet laugh. This seemed the natural place to alert them to his orientation, which would likely benefit Aren as alcohol came into the equation (as it sounded like it was already). “But I feel the need to correct you, Clark. I'm not inexperienced, I simply... play for the other team. To put it tactfully.” That was not entirely true. Aren's experience in physical relationships was extremely limited, but he was uncomfortable to think it was so obvious... Nyx walked by in silence, likely to retrieve things from her car in a second trip. Only then did Aren realize he might have said too much. He straightened his posture, the blush fading as Jaden’s arrival changed the subject for him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“We never quite got to know Jules before she was drugged with pheromones,”[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Aren said matter-of-factly, put a hand to his chin in thought and getting lost in the logical discrepancy over the insult he missed. “Only Dana, Marty, and the facility staff are fair comparisons because they’re the only ones with enough screentime while not unknowingly under the influence of mind-altering drugs.” Lowering his hand, he came back to the situation in front of him as Clark led the way toward bathrooms, the spacious kitchen closets (where he dropped off the food bag for unpacking at a later time), and lastly to a balcony over the pool. She was immersed in the view, nearly silent in her observation. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“I believe this may be a good place to draw,” [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]he said absently, hanging back but looking over the railing to the water glistening in the sunlight. The grounds were well kept, the architecture was appealing but easily navigable... The building had some shortcomings, but it was overall a very impressive beach house.  Turning to Devon, he brought up a comment from Devon earlier that stuck with him. “I am a little surprised, Devon. Earlier, you mentioned—” No need to cover it again. He smiled, continuing. “Well, you don’t seem the type to endure company you don’t enjoy. I admit that sarcasm is not my forte, but if it’s a heated conversation you’re after, I have plenty I could discuss with you.” An intellectual debate with Devon would be fast-paced and high stakes. In other words, just the kind of debate Aren lived for even if he didn’t leave the victorious party.[/SIZE]

Interacted: Jaden, Clark, Devon

@Scheani @JenniPerson @Bowa

Mentioned: Nyx


Location: Second floor balcony overseeing the pool ((which I'm counting as inside because you'd have to go inside to get there))
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Martin Callifrey

Martin hands the Bloody Mary back to Tiffany as he accepts his mason jar full of Bacardi. "The '151' in the name is its proof; 75.5 percent alcohol. If I had a shot glass, I could light this stuff on fire. If we're going to use this, it probably wouldn't be wise to drink it straight; maybe we can spike the coffee or something every once in a while." He puts the jar on the coffee table and secures the lid on it. "My parents don't even know I have it, naturally; they think I knocked the bottle over and smashed it. To be fair, I did, but I emptied the bottle first." He looked back over to Tiffany. "Hey, Tiff, how's things?" He looked around the beach house, admiring how nice it is and how much it probably costs. "Hey, does anyone mind if I sleep on the couch?"



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Tiffany took back the Bloody Mary, using it as her chaser. Which wasn't the greatest chaser considering it was more alcohol than Bloody Mary, but it easily beat the Bacardi that Martin had brought. Someone would definitely have to hide that stuff from her later, though. Drunk Tiffany would probably think she was bad ass enough to chug it - which even she knew would be a terrible idea. 

"Yeah I would not recommend drinking it straight," she said, making a face. 

"I am good," she said, smiling at Martin. "I mean, besides that devil liquid you just allowed me to drink. I was about to head down to the beach with Gary, but I'm not sure where he went," she said, looking around. "You're free to sleep on the couch, I guess, but we have enough beds for you to sleep in a room. We might have to start doubling up, but there are a few open rooms yet," she said, taking a sip of her drink

@Sizniche @Livson 

Devon Reid - Stare.gif

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]~ Devon Reid ~[/COLOR]

Devon took Clark's comment lightheartedly, he almost saw it as a challenge to him to get her to want him. He scoffed as he did the all too familiar action of rolling his eyes, "I wouldn't be so sure of yourself Clark", he said coolly before his attention was drawn by the call of alcohol. In all honestly, Devon would have loved a refreshing beverage at that moment but he still had a bit to do upstairs, he always had later anyway - Devon was pretty sure Tiffany wouldn't stop providing the drinks as much as she was throwing them back.

After taking a few steps in the direction that Clark walked off in, Devon turned around to face Aren, "I'm not going out of my way for anyone but I will give you some advice...", he replied before lowering his voice as if he were telling a government secret, "Just don't look at Clark for too long, you just might turn into stone". He let out a small snicker before his eyes flicked to Jaden, "You might as well come along, the more people the less chance of someone annoying choosing to interact with me", he said nonchalantly. Aren suddenly corrected Clark about his sexuality, Devon just leaned against the wall, not interested in the topic at all; he simply didn't care, Aren was gay and that was that.

As Aren began to delve into the details of the film 'Cabin in the Woods', Devon just walked off, heading in the direction that Clark had gone. He took care to admire the architecture and design of the beach house on his way, despite living in a world of luxury, Devon could still appreciate the beauty of something when he saw it. Devon wondered what Clark was going on about as he wandered beside her before it seemingly hit him in the face. The view was spectacular, Devon's mouth was slightly agape as he took it in, he made a mental note to bring his camera to this spot and take some photos. "I don't think I've ever heard the Clark Blake without any words to say", he uttered as glanced to her and then back to the view.

Devon snapped back to reality when Aren began to address him, he hadn't even realised the guy had joined them hitherto. He raised an eyebrow curiously as he listened, Aren had made him an offer of having a heated conversation. Truthfully, the offer had come as a surprise, most people avoided Devon after realising what an attitude he had on him and just how sarcastic he was. "Sure, I could do with talking to someone who isn't a complete imbecile every once in a while", he said casually with a shrug of his shoulders. He took a few steps forward towards the railing of the balcony, "Who's up for jumping into the pool off the balcony with me sometime?", he asked, Devon's reckless and impulsive nature coming into play. Upon seeing that it was possible, he just couldn't resist the urge to try it when he got the chance.

Interaction: Clark, Aren, Jaden

@Scheani @CrookedCompass @JenniPerson

Location: Second floor balcony

Clark Blake

Breathing a laugh as she leaned against the thick glass railing Clark gazed out at the scenery a few moments longer before responding, "Yeah. Don't take them for granted. They tend to be few and far between." Cracking a smile calmed to a mellow attitude by the sheer beauty of the view, Clark sighed before glancing down at the pool. "Yep, I think I'll stick to cliff jumping." She stated before tapping down the steps. Of course she made no comment on Aren's sexuality, she had figured he might have been so +10 points to Gryffindor- Or would it be Slytherin. Eh. All in all she didn't really care, much like anyone else, and well thats not exactly a bad thing.

"If there is one thing I know," She stated glancing back at the view, "Is that this view would be so much better with a Black Russian, or perhaps a Four Horseman." Continuing on her way she passed through yet another glass door, lets hope either this glass is really thick or nobody gets hammered enough to fall through it, making her way for the kitchen. "Home sweet home.." She called as she viewed the different beverages available.

Interacting: Aren, Devon, Jaden (Kindaaa?), Tiffany, Martin, Gary (Why did I do that to myself. Tags are crazy tho)

Tags: @CrookedCompass @Bowa @JenniPerson @JustAlexandra @Livson @Sizniche

Location: 2nd Floor Balchony  ->Moving to Kitchen

Nyx Pyran


Every time Nyx went to open her car she had the irrational panic that she had locked her keys in. Even if her keys were in her hands. She was full of quirks and oddities, the problem was that this wasn't even the worst. She unlocked her car and let out an unneeded sigh of relief, opening up the trunk and grabbing the bag, hoisting it over her shoulder. She closed the trunk and walked to the other side of the car, lifting up the floor mat and grabbing the bag of weed, edibles or not, and tucked the bag under her arm, closing the door and locking it, walking back into the house. "Yo, where do you guys want this stuff?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen. 
Hannah watched the alcohol being passed around, not really speaking out to take one for herself. She wasn't exactly a lightweight, but she just didn't feel like getting wasted yet. There was plenty of time for her to drink the night away; however, right now, she just wants to enjoy the summer day sober. With a worried expression, she watched Andy leave the room. She wanted everyone to enjoy themselves and socialize with each other, make new friends, experience new things, and crap like that. She was actually feeling a little disappointed, but she also felt a little relieved that Andy was going to get some rest at least. Before she knew it, Tiffany had left and came back changed, ready to go to the beach. She turned towards Martin, her worried expression making it's second appearance. "But Martin, sleeping on the couch might hurt your back" she says, but her worried expression went away as soon as she spoke to Tiffany. "Oh yeah Tiffany, I want to go to the beach too, so wait for me to change okay?" she announces. Hannah picks up her suitcases and dashes up the stairs to finally go pick her room, practically forgetting that she had said something to Martin. She had decided on the room that was the second to the last room at the end of the hallway. She closed the door and opened her suitcase to take out and change into her bikini. She puts on a grey sweater dress that she "borrowed" from her older sister to cover herself up. It ended at the middle of her thighs, but it at least covered up the essentials. With her phone in hand, she prances back down the stairs to the group. "Okay, I'm back and ready to go to the beach!"


Jaden honestly zoned out, when Aren started to talk about the movie. He didn't need or cared to listen to the details about Cabin in the Woods. His insult, no matter how crappy it was, was said and done, and he wanted to move on from it. Trying to block all sounds out, he just followed wherever the group went. Walking up onto the balcony, he looked out onto the view. He nodded his head in agreement to what Aren had said. It would be a nice spot for him to draw. It currently had a nice lighting, and a pretty view. He wasn't going to be drawing his environment, that's for sure, he just needed a nice and quiet spot. Jaden just had a total look of disbelief on his face hearing Devon wanted to jump off the balcony. He wasn't really surprised. He already knew about Devon's reckless and impulsive nature. "Not me, but I'll be ready to record your death for you."

Interaction: @JustAlexandra @Sizniche @Bowa

Mentions: @Livson @CrookedCompass
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Tiffany nodded in agreement with Hannah. "Yeah, Martin. You don't want to be stuck inside all day when you hurt your back, do you?" she asked, putting a hand on her hip and giving him a look that said "You know I'm right". She smiled at Hannah as she said she wanted to go to the beach as well. "Yay!" she said enthusiastically as she watched Hannah climb the stairs. She was glad more people were coming with them, of course. But where the hell had Greg gone? "She walked over to the kitchen, but he wasn't there. Hannah came down the stairs before long. "Oh that sweater is so cute!" she said, pinching the sweaters fabric, "and soft too! But we can't go to the beach until we find Greg," she said, frowning. "He might have gone up to change," she said, tapping her chin. "Do you want to bring a Bloody Mary down with you?" she asked Hannah. 

Interaction: @JenniPerson @Sizniche

Mentioned: @Livson
Where had Gary gone indeed...

No where really, he had gone up to change, as Tiffany had guessed.

And he was down now, dragging Andy alongside him and sipping his sloshing Bloody Mary.

"Hey weenies, did I hear beach?" He asked, arms flung wide to reveal his shirlessness, "cause we are so ready for the beach."

Andy, in turn, smiled sheepishly. His brother had dragged him back after a meager few minute lie down. That had been all he needed, he though. He was back in the game...or as much in the game as he usually was.

That wasn't much.

But he likes Tiffany, as was said before, and even if he found Hannah intimidating, she had seemed nice enough. Martin, he didn't know much about...but he couldn't be that bad. This might not be so bad.

Gary's thoughts, too, were running at a mile a minute. He was calculating how many drinks he could fit in before he got too drunk. His final estimation?

Not enough.

@JustAlexandra  @JenniPerson  @Sizniche
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Martin Callifrey

Martin looked around and the girls in the group in their swimsuits and beach attire. This would probably be the point at which Martin would have wolf whistled if he could. "Don't worry about me, I'm used to sleeping on couches," Martin said to the group, "Besides, I want to make sure nobody needs to double up. Trust me, I'd be more miserable sharing a bed." He stood up from the couch, fished a pair of swim trunks out of the disorganized mess in his suitcase, and placed his suitcase against the back of the couch so that it was out of the way. "Anyways, I might as well get changed if we're going to the beach. Where's the bathroom in this place?" He hardly waited for an answer, though, before he began wandering around the beach house to look for the bathroom, heading up to the second floor. He eventually found the bathroom, changed, and came back down in a simple set of black trunks and a gray tank top.



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[SIZE= 48px]Tiffany Brawn[/SIZE]

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Tiffany cheered as Greg and Andy came down the stairs, even though Andy didn't look quite as excited as she would have liked. She didn't really think much of it though,. he would probably be a little more enthusiastic once things really started to get going. " I'm so glad you're both coming!" she smiled widely, admiring Greg's body a bit. She hoped it wasn't too obvious, it was a little early in the trip to be getting flirty with anyone. No one needed that drama on the first day, but she couldn't deny she was excited to see everyone in their swimsuits. And yes, she did mean everyone. 

"If you say so," she said in response to Martin. She sure wasn't going to make him sleep in a bed if she didn't want to. "But even if we did have to share a bed, I'm a cuddler!" she laughed. It was a joke but at the same time it wasn't really. 

As Martin went to find the bathroom, Sheila walked over to the kitchen - just a few steps away. Her Bloody Mary was half gone at this point. Luckily she wasn't a super light weight, so she wasn't really feeling it yet, but she filled it up the rest of the way. "Oh, Hannah, did you say you wanted one?" she asked, turning to look at Hannah. "We have plenty if you do, plus if we run out I can always go get more, oh and that goes for you too Martin," she said as she saw Martin come back into the room. "Want one?" she held up her Bloody Mary to him. She was nothing if she wasn't persistent on getting others to drink, that was for sure. 

Interactions: @JenniPerson @Livson @Sizniche
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Aren "Zephyr" Leigh

[SIZE=10.5pt]Well, well. Jaden received his idea positively, and Devon held his intelligence in at least a decent regard. Both things were a success, given Aren’s general awkwardness. And Devon’s expression indicated that he hadn’t expected the suggestion of Aren. So he could add that to the list of things he did this summer that were unlike himself. He nodded to Devon’s shrug, confident that this upcoming social arrangement played to his strengths.  [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]And then the suggestion to jump off the balcony into the pool. Aren eyebrows furrowed, and he put a hand on the railing to look over it toward the pool below. Clark had dismissed herself to get alcohol before Aren had answered. “I… Won’t say no,” he answered, not inspiring the most confidence. He would most likely make the jump without trouble, but there was unforgiving concrete should he miss. What’s the worst that could happen? He stepped back, sighing. He was fully aware of the worst-case scenario. Welcome to the summer of new experiences, he supposed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Looking back up to Jaden, whose incredulity at the proposal was only just fading, he smiled uncertainly. “A drive to the hospital would be more appreciated. And hopefully more fitting.” More shuffling came from indoors, and he’d assumed it was associated with further plans in the vein of a summer vacation. “But it sounds as if plans may be in motion. If either of you were interested in joining the others, now may be the best time.” [/SIZE]

Interacted: Jaden, Devon

@JenniPerson @Bowa

Mentioned: Clark


Location: Second floor balcony overseeing the pool

((Figured I'd throw this suggestion out there in case we wanted to go on the beach trip as a group and divide again once we're there-- Or some of us can stay at the house while the rest go to the beach. I can re-write the suggestion out as well if necessary!))
Hannah smiled, enjoying Tiffany's compliments for her sweater, well, it was her sister's sweater, but Hannah always liked receiving compliments just as much as giving them. Being the happy and sociable girl she was, Hannah was glad that more people were going to the beach as well. The more the merrier, she always says. More people meant more fun for her. That joy didn't stop her motherly extincts though. She felt bad that he was going to use it as his bed, even if he said he was used to it. Hearing Tiffany ask her if she wanted a Bloody Mary, Hannah just shook her head to refuse the drink. Again, she wanted to spend her day sober. Even more so now that she was in her sister's sweater. There was a big chance she wouldn't get drunk off of one Bloody Mary, but she wanted to be safe than sorry. "No thanks, I'm good. I'm wearing my sister's sweater and I need to stay sober to make sure nothing happens to it, otherwise she is going to kill me. I'll drink one later though." she says. Hannah wasn't that much of goody two shoes, but she was too afraid of what her sister might do to her if something were to happen to the sweater. Her sister's wrath was not something to take lightly. If she found out that Hannah took the sweater without permission, and ruined it, well, she would be in a whole lot of pain for the next month. It sends chills up Hannah's back just thinking about it.

"I didn't drive myself here, but if I did, someone else would have to do it because I don't fucking want blood stains in my car" he says simply. Jaden isn't such a cruel person to leave a dying person unattended, but it was true he didn't want any blood stains in his car. Besides, he was very sure someone else would have offered up their own car anyway. It didn't have to be his own. He could hear shuffling going on inside the house. Jaden turns around to head back inside feeling a little bored with the balcony and with the people there with him. "I'm gonna go somewhere more interesting than here" he announces as he left the balcony. He heard there was a beach nearby, and that was the number one place he wanted to go to the most at the moment. Jaden decided to do a little bit more exploring of the house, and hopefully finding the kitchen so that he could get something to drink. He finally stumbles across the kitchen and sees Clark there looking at all the drinks. "Fucking shit" he exclaims, groaning at the fact he ran into probably the number one person he didn't want to see.

Interactions: @JustAlexandra @CrookedCompass @Bowa @Scheani

Mentions: N/A


Clark Blake

Without a sideways glance Clark clicked her tongue as she ran her hand over the abundance of alcohol, "Back at'cha Babe'." She called absently, pulling her hair into a low bun using an elastic that magically stayed on her wrist without fail. There was so much she could make, so many concoctions, so many shots, so many- Perhaps she should drink a straight first? Or even a cocktail? Biting her lip she sighed knowing full well this vacation would not be long enough for her to share her love of the potent beverages. 

Settling with her original suggestion would have to do, start off slow but bitter- There is always time to get shitfaced later. Pulling a  [COLOR= rgb(29, 33, 41)]Vodka from the variety and a Kahlua from her suitcase that had been left in the front room. I mean what is a bitch without her flavor right? Taking a medium sized glass she began filling it with ice humming while she worked, [/COLOR][SIZE= 14px]"One cube for patience, one for the time.."[/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(29, 33, 41)] Adding quite a bit of the clear alcohol to the glass she smiled before turning the darker bottle upside down over the glass, "Thi--is should do it." She stated as she set the bottle away from the edge, [/COLOR][SIZE= 14px]"I could add Cola.. But that would just.."[/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(29, 33, 41)] She shrugged before taking a sip.[/COLOR]

[SIZE= 14px]"Right to the head."[/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(29, 33, 41)] She stated making a finger gun to her temple.[/COLOR]

Interacting: Her one true love (Alcohol), Jaden

Tags: @JenniPerson

Nyx Pyran

(I can't find my picture?)

Nyx meekly put all of her stuff in the right hand side of the kitchen, walking away toward the steps before she walked backwards back toward her stuff, stuffed a few things in her pocket and continued on with her journey. She walked up the stairs in no particular rush, thinking about hundreds of things, all flying around in her head at once. What's the meaning of the universe? What would have happened if George Washington was never alive? Did anyone bring video games? She frowned in concern for the last question, she really hoped so. Apon arriving to the top of the steps, she noticed Aren and Devon looking over the balcony, discussing something. After a one way argument in her head she decided against hiding out in her room as planned and decided to go be social. She eventually found her way over to them and nodded toward Aren, who looked a tad bit afraid, and Devon, who looked a tad bit excited. "Hey, I know life sucks and all but you don't have to hurl yourself over a balcony because of it. I mean seriously if you want to do it right go downstairs and get alcohol poisoning, its more fun that way." 

Oh good job dumbass, start with a suicide joke that's a great way to introduce yourself.

Interaction: @Bowa   @CrookedCompass

Devon Reid - Posing.gif

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]~ Devon Reid ~[/COLOR]

The view from the balcony was one that Devon saw himself never getting tired of, he simply let out a content sigh as Clark responded to him and then walked off in the direction of the kitchen - inevitably going to drink a beverage of the alcoholic kind. Her voice faded into the surroundings as Devon took one last look at the view and took a step into the direction of the kitchen to join her before he heard Jaden reply to his question, he had almost forgotten the guy was with them, "Well at least it would go viral", he said with a laugh, amused at his expression of disbelief.

Devon took another step in the direction of the kitchen, once again about to leave, but another voice spoke up; this time it was Aren, whom had just glanced over the railing and looked towards the pool. Devon turned and grinned at Aren upon hearing his response, "Ah, someone mildly fun to be around. I'm keeping you to that Aren", he spoke with a daring tone and a in his direction.

Taking Aren's last statement as his cue to leave, he didn't wait to hear Jaden's retort or see him leave, strolling down a couple of steps before hearing another voice address him. "It's not like I'm trying to leave and get started on my alcohol poisoned death right now or anything", Devon said sarcastically as he turned his head to see whom the comment came from. Nyx. He didn't expect to see her out of her room and socialising until at least 7pm. This was one of the rare times Devon saw himself proven wrong. "If you would like to join me on my mission of dying in the funnest way possible, then feel free to come along".

With that, Devon sauntered down the steps and into the kitchen, scanning over the myriad of drinks available for the taking. Then he observed the people already present discussing about drinking and going to the beach, a few already looked prepared to do so and Devon took this time while nobody noticed him to look each of them up and down. Admiring the view. He resolved that he might as well join them on their venture to the beach, it was summer after all. After running upstairs and pulling the suitcases he had almost forgotten about into his chosen room, Devon quickly snapped open his suitcase and grabbed a pair of pink Polo Ralph Lauren swimming shorts; he had the money so what was the point not spending it on some designer swimming shorts just because he could.

Swimming Trunks:

Devon Reid - Swimming Shorts.jpg

After getting changed and then putting his suitcases to one side, Devon jogged back down the stairs to the kitchen and straight over to the bar area. Devon tapped a finger on his lips as he made the hard decision of what drink he was going to have, he made his mind up on a a cocktail, a Negroni. The Negroni is deliciously bitter and is incredibly drinkable. Gin can get a bad rap, but in this cocktail it’s evenly balanced by the vermouth and Campari - and don’t forget it’s highly alcoholic. Devon wanted to start off strong.

Negroni Cocktail:

Negroni Cocktail.jpg

Devon let out a sigh of relief after he had prepared the drink and taken a long sip. Now came the task of mingling with the group. Devon once again looked over his friends, thinking whom would be the least annoying to approach. Tiffany. He guessed he could bear with the others but Tiffany always seemed up for fun. Devon walked over to Tiffany who was standing with Gary, Andy, Hannah, and Martin. His eyes glanced over them before resting on Tiffany, his gaze flicked to her drink and then back up to her eyes. "A Bloody Mary?", he said raising an eyebrow, "I'm disappointed to see you drinking something so weak", Devon joked, shaking his head slightly from side to side.

Interaction: Aren, Jaden, Nyx, Tiffany

Tags: @CrookedCompass @JenniPerson @BoundByWords @JustAlexandra

Mentioned: Clark, Gary, Andy, Hannah, Martin

Tags: @Scheani @Livson @JenniPerson @Sizniche

((Jfc my tags are next level))
font-family: 'Dancing Script', cursive;

[SIZE= 48px]Tiffany Brawn[/SIZE]

font-family: 'Calligraffitti', cursive;

Tiffany nodded at Hannah's choice. It made sense, there was plenty of time to drink later. Plus there was somewhat of a risk in taking alcoholic beverages down to the beach when they were all underage, but it was summer and the beach and frankly Tiffany could not give one shit about the police. She doubted they would stop them anyways unless things got out of hand, but that wasn't something she wanted to think about. Too much of a damper on her good time. "Oh yeah, I've heard the tales of your sister. I applaud your bravery for even taking the sweater at all," Tiffany said. Apparently, Hannah's sister could be satans reincarnate when she put her mind to it. 

Tiffany watched as Clark came down and made a drink - something with Kahlua. Now, Tiffany knew that her drink was not exactly weak, but she suddenly felt the urge to out drink Clark. She shrugged it off, she couldn't feel that way so early or she'd pass out before 9 pm. Clark wouldn't get drunk before her, surely. Tiffany frowned, considering offering shots to everyone, but brushed it out of her mind. 

Devon came down in quite possibly the pinkest pants she had ever seen on anyone, ever, girl or guy. He made himself a drink - further hurting Tiffanys confidence in the amount she was drinking - before saying "A Bloody Mary? I'm dissapointed to see you drinking something so weak." 

"Clearly you have never seen me make a Bloody Mary," she said, holding it up for him to try a sip. "Go on, if you're not scared," she dared him, sticking her tongue out to tease him. "Oh, by the way, love the pink pants," she snickered. 

Interactions: @JenniPerson @Bowa 

Mentions: @Scheani
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Nyx Pyran


Nyx nodded at Devons offer. "I'd be crazy to pass that up." She said, following him back downstairs and surprise surprise, to the counter tops full of alcohol. She couldn't even keep count on how many different types there were. There was even illegal shit like Everclear and Absinthe which she was pretty sure was banned in like four different countries. Of course that wouldn't stop her from getting some. She noticed that many people were either going hard or going light with their first drink. She usually played the light side because she had the job of videotaping everyone getting shitfaced and posting it on social media. But, today she felt like playing the middle. So she got a typical Gin and Tonic but decided to screw with it a bit. She wasn't the leading expert of what drinks you should definitely NOT mix if you want to live to see another day so she just kinds threw stuff in there that she thought wouldn't taste all too bad. Some fireball whiskey, a bit of some brown stuff that didn't have a label and a shot of Everclear to make sure it had an effect, but not too much because there was a reason it was banned in the US. She looked at her mix and realized that this was less "riding the middle" and more "jumping off of a cliff unto her imitate death"  but whats life without a little danger eh? She took a sip and shrugged to herself, wasn't all that bad. She picked up on a conversation about going to the beach and snickered quietly to herself. A bunch of drunk teenagers and a large body of water? Genius. 

Despite the snarky comments she made her way upstairs and changed into her swimsuit, that was full black with spikes and shit on it. Probably wasn't meant for swimming in, but she did it anyway.


She went back downstairs and made her way over to the group, waiting patiently for them to leave while drinking her..Whatever it is. 

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Martin Callifrey

Martin sat back down on the couch and looked at the sweater Hannah was wearing. "You sure you want to wear that to the beach at all, then?" Martin asked, "I mean, sand is quite possibly the most uncomfortable thing you could do to clothing. Believe me, I know..." as he said this, he shifted around his thighs in discomfort, as if it were happening now. "Your sister probably won't be pleased, say the least. Unless, of course, you plan to stand on the beach the entire time without getting in the water or laying out to get some sun or something, in which case be my guest." His focus then shifted to Tiffany. "Anything I'd ask for would be too small to take with; I don't do flavored drinks. Hence, the jar of satanic purge fluid you made contact with just a minute ago." Martin then stood up, gave a quick nod to the people now joining the group, and said,"Alright, anything else before we go?"



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