Beach House (Inside)

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Tiffany pulled up to the beach house, butterflies of excitement in her stomach. Finally it was summer, and they had gotten everything together to come to the beach house, like they planned. The biggest worry was money, of course, and everyone doing their part, but they had scraped together enough money to rent it out.

Technically, Tiffany was the first one there, but others weren't far behind. She got out of her car, hopping around to the trunk and opening it. She took out two suitcases - which might have seemed like a lot, except one was almost entirely full of booze. She knew the others - at least some of them - would have brought alcohol as well, but her parents were rich and didn't care much if she bought alcohol. Or at least they didn't say anything if they did. So she had used the opportunity to buy as much alcohol as she could get away with, with the help of some older guys she knew. She took out her clothing suitcase, then the alcohol filled one, thumping it on the ground. "Ugh!" she grunted, it was heavy as fuck, and there were stairs up to the house. She pulled the keys to the house out of her pocket, there were two but she had been by to pick them up already.

She walked to the front door, leaving her bags behind her car. They would be fine for the moment, anyways. She unlocked the door and opened it, revealing a grand staircase. Down the hall she could see a couch and a balcony, but the rest was hidden behind walls. "Woo!" she yelled, excitement filling her. This was going to be amazing. 

((Sorry if it seems like I controlled the beginning a bit - I'm just trying to get the ball rolling)) 

Aren "Zephyr" Leigh

His taxi slowed to a stop in the driveway, another car parked ahead of them and evidently the owner was partially done unloading. Aren took a slow breath in and out as the driver put the cab into park. Several people enjoyed summer vacations in a beach house packed with people they at least knew in passing. There was no logical reason that Aren wouldn't be able to enjoy this too, and he would be expanding his boundaries.

Opening the car door, the sun immediately warming him as he stepped out, Aren went to the trunk to get his bags. He packed his laptop, a carry-on bag, three suitcases-- One for toiletries, vitamins, and food, another for clothing and linens, and the last for pastimes. Mainly books and other intellectual pursuits for the odd rainy afternoon. Aren packed for every occasion, and he frequently ended up taking most of what he owned for long-term trips.

As the cab drove away, he organized his luggage so he could get them through the door in one trip. With the food and supplies bag on top of the rolling clothing suitcase, the laptop and carry-on bag over his shoulder, and the pastime bag in his other hand, Aren stepped through the front door and started at the excited shout. The carry-on bag slid down his arm, stopping at the bag in his hand.

"Hello," he said after a quiet laugh. "I see you're excited."

((It didn't seem controlling to me at all! Thanks for checking, though.))
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Clark Blake

The rumble that only ever seemed to come from the depths of this particular Jeep echoed down the drive as a maroon beast rolled up the path, behind the well kept window smirked the sarcastic face of yours truly, Clark Blake blasting the radio. As she pulled off to the side of the car to park she, in the process whipped around a taxi on its way to the exit casually signing number one before shifting gears to park. Cutting the purring engine and music short stepping from the cab of the car to flip open the back of the 2001 Wrangler, Clark pulled from its contents a plaid Vera Bradley duffel bag and a casual heavy duty suitcase. 

Setting the roller on the ground with a muffled 'Umph' while wrapping the duffel around her carefully the girl closed the back with a loving force. "Right then." She huffed lugging the case up the walk to the door, smile renewed as she took in the overall excitement of the events to take place. This is how summer vacation should be. This, right here is what she had been waiting for-- Wait was she getting all sentimental about a building? Wow, lets fix that. She cleared her throat as she waltzed through the open doors behind the hesitant seeming boy, a smirk now replacing her giddy smile.

"Sup Bitches?"  Her voice clear ringing through the sheer space that the place provided, mellow with a hint of mixed emotions.

(Well then, this person is going to take some getting used to. Next post should be more of her personality-- )

Interacting: Everyone There
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Nyx finally arrived in a jet black Tesla, the car nearly shaking from how loud she was playing Psychosocial in there. She took out her car keys and snickered when the sound cut, knowing that someone, probably her, was going to turn the car back on and get their eardrums blasted from the volume she had it on. She hopped out of her car and closed the door, locking the car and seeing the others arrive. "Haven't seen a place like this before." She said, putting an earbud in her ear and turning on Danger Days. She grabbed her bags, the large one holding all of her clothes, disgracefully shoved in there without a care in the world, and a smaller back full of chokers and earrings and crowns and all that good stuff. Was it a little extra? Yea, a bit. But then again, so was she. 

She rolled into the house and looked around for people. Unsuccessful, she thought of ways to greet herself so that, if anyone was here, they would know someone had arrived, and that that someone was complete garbage. 

"Howdy y'all! It's Flowey! Flowey the flower!" She yelled, laughing afterwards. Yea. That should do it.
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font-family: 'Calligraffitti', cursive;

Tiffany grinned as Aren showed up in his taxi. He had three bags with him, which she probably should have suspected, but yet she was still surprised that he had packed so much - more than her, even, including all her alcohol. She wondered for a moment if he had a license, she had never seen him actually driving, she guessed, not that she could remember at least. And she had plenty of times that she couldn't remember. "Aren't you?" she said back to him, grinning widely. She was already ready to get fucked up, but she knew she needed to wait until at least they had all gotten settled in, if nothing else. Plus, what was a party if no one else was partying with you? 

Clark showed up next. Tiffany liked Clark most of the time. But occasionally Clark's attitude got the best of her, and she would go off. Hopefully that wouldn't happen here though, this was supposed to be fun! Tiffany smiled at Clark, walking into the house. "This is going to be AMAZING!" she said, over enthusiastically. She walked down the hall - past the stairs - and into the living room / kitchen. It was an open floor plan, so there wasn't much differentiating the living room and the kitchen except for the island. The balcony was behind all of that, and she opened the doors wide, walking out and looking over the pool. "This is so sick," she said, unable to stop smiling. She turned around to face the others when she heard the undeniable humor of Nyx. "We're back here!" she yelled. "I need someone to help me with my bags." 



It was a long and quiet car ride for Hannah and Jaden, well, except for the loud music that was blasting through the speakers. When she heard Jaden had no way of getting to the beach house, Hannah offered to give him a ride. He reluctantly accepted the offer, and that's how these two almost polar opposites ended up in the same car. The two barely spoke to each other the entire way there, except for the greetings and awkward 'how are you's. Hannah pulled up into the driveway of the house. As soon as she parked, Jaden was jumping out the door. Obviously looking like he wanted to get out of the car as soon as he possibly could. Hannah sighed and got out of the car as well. "You know, you could thank me for the ride" she says and Jaden just brushed her statement off with a "Yeah, yeah, thanks." He didn't sound appreciative at all. She frowned, grabbed her bag and two suitcases from the backseat of her car, and proceeded to walk to the front door of the house without Jaden. From the front door, she used her car keys to lock her car and open the trunk for Jaden to grab his things. She took one step inside and she whistled. "Nice place" she says, before spotting some familiar looking people. "Hey guys, how's it going? Am I late to the party?" she asks the group.

Jaden was looking around the outside of the house, trying to get a feel for his environment. He was mostly trying to find something he could draw. He didn't know why he was actually there to begin with. He could be at home painting, but he was here, at the beach house, where all the people are gathering to party the summer away. Getting wasted was not how we wanted to spend his summer, but he didn't have an excuse to tell to get him out of it. He was trying to make the best out of the situation by finding something he can draw or paint later. Jaden immediately took notice of the two suitcases by one of the cars. He turned to grab his own suitcases and duffel bag from the trunk of Hannah's car and walked up to the front door. Leaving his stuff by the entrance, he jogged back to go grab the lone suitcases, deciding that this was his one good deed for the day. Jaden groaned after feeling the heavy weight of one of the bags. Not wanting to back out now, he made his way back up to the front door and into the house with the two bags in hand. Moving towards the group of people he spotted, so that they could hear him complain. "Who's fucking bags are these? They were just sitting outside, asking to be stolen. And why is this one so goddamn heavy?" he says.

@Scheani @BoundByWords @CrookedCompass @JustAlexandra
Tiffany grinned as Aren showed up in his taxi. He had three bags with him, which she probably should have suspected, but yet she was still surprised that he had packed so much - more than her, even, including all her alcohol. She wondered for a moment if he had a license, she had never seen him actually driving, she guessed, not that she could remember at least. And she had plenty of times that she couldn't remember. "Aren't you?" she said back to him, grinning widely. She was already ready to get fucked up, but she knew she needed to wait until at least they had all gotten settled in, if nothing else. Plus, what was a party if no one else was partying with you? 

Clark showed up next. Tiffany liked Clark most of the time. But occasionally Clark's attitude got the best of her, and she would go off. Hopefully that wouldn't happen here though, this was supposed to be fun! Tiffany smiled at Clark, walking into the house. "This is going to be AMAZING!" she said, over enthusiastically. She walked down the hall - past the stairs - and into the living room / kitchen. It was an open floor plan, so there wasn't much differentiating the living room and the kitchen except for the island. The balcony was behind all of that, and she opened the doors wide, walking out and looking over the pool. "This is so sick," she said, unable to stop smiling. She turned around to face the others when she heard the undeniable humor of Nyx. "We're back here!" she yelled. "I need someone to help me with my bags." 



Tiffany grinned as Aren showed up in his taxi. He had three bags with him, which she probably should have suspected, but yet she was still surprised that he had packed so much - more than her, even, including all her alcohol. She wondered for a moment if he had a license, she had never seen him actually driving, she guessed, not that she could remember at least. And she had plenty of times that she couldn't remember. "Aren't you?" she said back to him, grinning widely. She was already ready to get fucked up, but she knew she needed to wait until at least they had all gotten settled in, if nothing else. Plus, what was a party if no one else was partying with you? 

Clark showed up next. Tiffany liked Clark most of the time. But occasionally Clark's attitude got the best of her, and she would go off. Hopefully that wouldn't happen here though, this was supposed to be fun! Tiffany smiled at Clark, walking into the house. "This is going to be AMAZING!" she said, over enthusiastically. She walked down the hall - past the stairs - and into the living room / kitchen. It was an open floor plan, so there wasn't much differentiating the living room and the kitchen except for the island. The balcony was behind all of that, and she opened the doors wide, walking out and looking over the pool. "This is so sick," she said, unable to stop smiling. She turned around to face the others when she heard the undeniable humor of Nyx. "We're back here!" she yelled. "I need someone to help me with my bags." 




It was a long and quiet car ride for Hannah and Jaden, well, except for the loud music that was blasting through the speakers. When she heard Jaden had no way of getting to the beach house, Hannah offered to give him a ride. He reluctantly accepted the offer, and that's how these two almost polar opposites ended up in the same car. The two barely spoke to each other the entire way there, except for the greetings and awkward 'how are you's. Hannah pulled up into the driveway of the house. As soon as she parked, Jaden was jumping out the door. Obviously looking like he wanted to get out of the car as soon as he possibly could. Hannah sighed and got out of the car as well. "You know, you could thank me for the ride" she says and Jaden just brushed her statement off with a "Yeah, yeah, thanks." He didn't sound appreciative at all. She frowned, grabbed her bag and two suitcases from the backseat of her car, and proceeded to walk to the front door of the house without Jaden. From the front door, she used her car keys to lock her car and open the trunk for Jaden to grab his things. She took one step inside and she whistled. "Nice place" she says, before spotting some familiar looking people. "Hey guys, how's it going? Am I late to the party?" she asks the group.

Jaden was looking around the outside of the house, trying to get a feel for his environment. He was mostly trying to find something he could draw. He didn't know why he was actually there to begin with. He could be at home painting, but he was here, at the beach house, where all the people are gathering to party the summer away. Getting wasted was not how we wanted to spend his summer, but he didn't have an excuse to tell to get him out of it. He was trying to make the best out of the situation by finding something he can draw or paint later. Jaden immediately took notice of the two suitcases by one of the cars. He turned to grab his own suitcases and duffel bag from the trunk of Hannah's car and walked up to the front door. Leaving his stuff by the entrance, he jogged back to go grab the lone suitcases, deciding that this was his one good deed for the day. Jaden groaned after feeling the heavy weight of one of the bags. Not wanting to back out now, he made his way back up to the front door and into the house with the two bags in hand. Moving towards the group of people he spotted, so that they could hear him complain. "Who's fucking bags are these? They were just sitting outside, asking to be stolen. And why is this one so goddamn heavy?" he says.

@Scheani @BoundByWords @CrookedCompass @JustAlexandra

Nyx headed over to where she heard the voices and walked into the kitchen, seeing Tiffany, Aren, Hannah, Jaden and...Clarke. Okay, it wasn't like she didn't like Clarke, Victoria was also known to be a little bitchy in the mornings, but all the time? That has to be tiring. Vic didn't hate her, but she wasn't best friends with her either. They were generally pretty chill around each other and Vic tried as hard as she could not to do anything stupid, that being difficult because it was another thing she was known for. 

"Heyo, I'm here, wheres ma room so I can dump my crap in there like im moving in?" She asked, gesturing to her bags.

Aren "Zephyr" Leigh

He smiled at Tiffany-- There was a charm to her carefree ways, and he had a somewhat apprehensive respect for her behavior. After all, it was something he couldn't do. "Would I be here if I wasn't?" But with thumping radios and more bags in tow, the rest of the party was arriving. This entryway was quickly becoming too crowded for his liking, but he could manage. At least for the time being, particularly with Tiffany there to do most of the talking so he could simply smile and nod in response to the various greetings. Even Clark referring to him in the blanket "Bitches" title. He understood that to be her way and a sign of at least her acquaintanceship. Yes, he was here to improve his socialization skills. That did not mean he had to throw himself at the entire group on the first night.

But at Jaden's question and Nyx's request, he found an opening he could not resist. The opportunity to help was a weakness of his. Shifting the laptop bag on his shoulder, he spoke up. "I was led to believe we'd select our own rooms. They should be comparable."  Turning to Jaden, he told him what little he knew. "And those are Tiffany's. She could explain their weight if you need a concrete answer."  He was pretty confident it was a combination of cans and bottles, but that was conjecture based only on her behavior in the past. And most likely the present if not a considerable portion of the future also. In any case, he had a room to choose and slowly began down one of the hallways. If he was mistaken, he was close enough to be prevented from taking another person's room.

@Scheani @BoundByWords @JustAlexandra @JenniPerson
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Clark Blake

The grin of a sadistic pleasure that often took residence on Clark's face  began to make its grand appearance. She recognized many right off the bat such as, Tiffany the nicy-nice girl who helped those who seemed unable to help themselves, she repressed the urge to shake her head not feeling like confusing their little brains so soon. Moving on she noticed the poor pitiful antisocial boy who tired so hard to contradict his body's natural reaction to someone with a dominant personality. There were a few others like Jaden, Hannah, Nyx-- 

Nyx? Oh the adorable try to avoid conflict child, she tries so hard, so hard to avoid me and my- Attitude. But we all know thats impossible. Made so by the sheer competitive streak over a mile wide that stuck to Clark like a sticker to a shoe. Honestly she had nothing against any one of these people, she never has, she just happened to notice a long, long time ago their reaction to her- and her personality. Lets just say that sent it spiraling out of the ballpark. As mentioned before she has nothing against these kids, honestly she enjoys them, though their reactions are far too predicable as are their intentions. But for the most part she just brushed off their judgment and gave her own batch of unrefined opinion.

Without a moments hesitation she snorted casting her gaze towards Nyx for a moment, "Lets try to keep this place... Livable. Right Hun?" Without another word she bounced up the stairs, randomly running her hand over the slow moving boys hair as she passed him up to skip further down the hall her pressed lips humming We Come Running under her breath.

Interacting: Aren, Nyx

Tags:@CrookedCompass @BoundByWords @JustAlexandra @JenniPerson
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The grin of a sadistic pleasure that often took residence on Clark's face  began to make its grand appearance. She recognized many right off the bat such as, Tiffany the nicy-nice girl who helped those who seemed unable to help themselves, she repressed the urge to shake her head not feeling like confusing their little brains so soon. Moving on she noticed the poor pitiful antisocial boy who tired so hard to contradict his body's natural reaction to someone with a dominant personality. There were a few others like Jaden, Hannah, Nyx-- 

Nyx? Oh the adorable try to avoid conflict child, she tries so hard, so hard to avoid me and my- Attitude. But we all know thats impossible. Made so by the sheer competitive streak over a mile wide that stuck to Clark like a sticker to a shoe. Honestly she had nothing against any one of these people, she never has, she just happened to notice a long, long time ago their reaction to her- and her personality. Lets just say that sent it spiraling out of the ballpark. As mentioned before she has nothing against these kids, honestly she enjoys them, though their reactions are far too predicable as are their intentions. But for the most part she just brushed off their judgment and gave her own batch of unrefined opinion.

Without a moments hesitation she snorted casting her gaze towards Nyx for a moment, "Lets try to keep this place... Livable. Right Hun?" Without another word she bounced up the stairs, randomly running her hand over the slow moving boys hair as she passed him up to skip further down the hall her pressed lips humming We Come Running under her breath.

@CrookedCompass @BoundByWords @JustAlexandra @JenniPerson

"Speak for yourself." Nyx muttered under her breath as the other girl skipped up the stairs.

 I said avoid conflict.

"Well anyway, where are the rooms? I'm ready to get this started." She said, tying her hair up into a ponytail. "And also because I need to get ready to talk to other human beings. I'm still a little off from being alone in a car for four hours, off meaning being myself. See look, im rambling. Wheres my room?" She asked, putting her hands in her face in embarrassment. How she was invited to this party, she had no idea. Acting like you're social gets you a long way in life apparently. 

"Oh, um. I brought a lot of liquor by the way. And some Mikes Hard Lemonade for those who can't handle their drink."
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(Alright, this might be a really shitty post, but its 11 pm at night, I just got off of work and I woke up at 6am, so bare with me friends) (also jesus it is hard to keep up with everyone's actions rn so bare with me on that as well if I fuck it up) (Also all your parts are so well played I can't help myself but giggle as I read your responses) 

Tiffany nodded at Aren, smiling. "I suppose not, huh?" she said, before getting distracted by Hannah and Jaden coming in. She had heard that they were coming together, and wondered what that car ride must have been like. As far as she was aware, they were not particularly similar in the slightest. "Oh, and yeah you can all pick your own rooms. They are all more or less identical," she said as she walked over to Hannah and Jaden.

"I'm so glad you brought them in! It's full of booze," she said, grinning. Tiffany shook the bag a little, and it produced a loud clinking sound. "A couple hundred dollars worth, at least, I'd say," she pulled the bag into the center of the group, or who in the group hadn't gone to look for a room at least, unaware to the little snide remarks between Nyx and Clark. She unzipped the bag and flipped the top of the suitcase open, revealing about 15 bottles of various kinds of vodka, and mismatched beers fitted into the spaces between and pockets, a few little sampler alcohol bottles could be seen as well. "I tried to make as much fit as possible," she said, smiling. "I didn't get any Mikes, so that's good," she said to Nyx. "They taste good even if you don't like alcohol." She thought that might be good for Aren. She didn't know for sure that he had never drank, at least not like her, but she had her suspicions.

@BoundByWords @Scheani @CrookedCompass @JenniPerson
Nyx nodded and jerked her head over to the direction of the car. "It's in the trunk, i'll get in in about thirty minutes to set everything up, but, for right now I am going to choose my room." She said picking up her bags and going toward where Tiffany said the rooms were. The rooms were all in the same general area, so, being her, she chose the room as far away as she could. She never knew when she would need some time alone and she would like to hear the burglar coming before he got to her room. And also partially (majorly), because she had a habit of playing her music out loud while she was alone and she didn't want to irritate anyone. As she walked in the room she saw the dark grey, almost black, bed sheets and smiled to herself. "Its like this room and I were meant to be." She said to herself with a chuckle, flopping down on the bed. 

(( I isolated her because I have something to do today and I have no idea how long it will take so I don't want to disturb the rp pr put it in lingo with an unfinished conversation))

((EDIT: I'm back so let the games begin))
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Aren "Zephyr" Leigh

[SIZE=10.5pt]He heard Clark coming up the stairs, humming as she went, but he still tensed as her hand ran over his hair and continued down the hall before he could say anything. Stopping in the spot, Aren took a breath in at last and turned to the door on his left. “This room will do,” he resigned, heart racing as he stepped inside. The decorations were sparse but tasteful— A simple painting above the bed, some decorative plants evenly distributed around the room. He set his bags down, resolving to unpack clothing and books later tonight. The food, he’d just have to bring back downstairs. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]But first… He walked over to his window, opened it slightly, and breathed deep the smell of salt, wind, and the faint smell of a beachside barbeque. He gave a small smile as his heart rate returned to normal. This would be a good summer. He would have fun, and he would grow. As a person, in any case. And he closed the window, picked up the food bag, and paused as he stepped out into the hall. Looking further down, he followed where he saw Clark skipping to last. She could possibly use the assistance, maybe that’s what her gesture was about. “Clark,” he called out, trying to figure out where she’d gone. “Where are you? Did you need something?”[/SIZE]

@Scheani ((I figured Hannah and Jaden are with Tiffany, so I'm reaching out to Clark - but her last post didn't really say where she'd gone to, haha. Let me know if you want me to re-write to say where she is now! Whatever works best for you.))
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Devon Reid - Serious.gif

~ Devon Reid ~

Devon pulled up in his gloss black Porsche 911, it wasn't the most suitable of cars for travelling with a lot of luggage but it sure looked good. He saw multiple cars already parked up and assumed quite a few people were here, he considered them to be early instead of him being late. As he parked up, Devon made sure to detach his phone from the aux cord of the car, he couldn't survive a long travel day without blaring music through the speakers. If they didn't know when Devon was going to arrive, the blasting music was a sign of saying he was here.

Devon had crammed his two large suitcases into the car, he gave himself a plethora of options for outfits and activities for if he needed some time alone, he thought it was better to be over prepared than under prepared. The suitcases were difficult to manoeuvre out of his car, he took his sweet time doing so as to not damage the expensive vehicle. He locked the car before turning and pulling along his suitcases behind him, hoping not everyone was crowded in the entranceway. 

His parents had told him to not do anything they wouldn't while he was here. They obviously needed a reality check, of course Devon was going to do everything they didn't want him to - half just out of spite to annoy them. Devon's parents worrying about him damaging their reputation even more if he went with his friends for summer had partially made up his reasoning for going in the first place. Now that he was here though, he couldn't help but be excited about the prospects in which the summer ahead held.

Devon observed his friends as soon as he strolled though the front door. He sighed in relief upon seeing they weren't all crowded around talking, being generally annoying, although he did see Tiffany, Jaden, and Hannah. Quite frankly, he couldn't be bothered to interact with them at the moment, thus he briskly pulled his suitcases past them and up the stairs. "I'd stay and talk but you seem so deep in conversation that I'll just leave you alone", he said, voice dripping with sarcasm as he passed them and not even bothering to greet them.

If only he had one of his parents bodyguards to carry his things up the tedious staircase, "Fucking hell do these people not know how to rent a place with an elevator...", Devon mumbled under his breath as he finally got both of his suitcases to the top of the stairs. He glanced down the hall and saw Aren, well he heard him shouting to Clark first but he chose to ignore it, he sauntered to the room closest to the stairs and placed his luggage outside before walking over to Aren. Devon placed a hand on his shoulder, in a mocking manner more than anything else, "Escape while you can, Clark needing something is like Tiffany drunk", he paused as he leaned against a wall, "Annoying but you can't stop it once it has started".

Interaction: @JustAlexandra @JenniPerson @CrookedCompass

Mentioned: @Scheani



Clark Blake

Having found a room that was decently placed between the rest, but rather on the opposite side of the hall from which Aren and Nyx had chosen to reside, Clark simply tossed her bag to the Cali' King. To make short a overly descriptive explanation of the room it was gorgeous to say the least. The color scheme was simple, a mix of sea-foam grey and marbled slate covered the walls, each side leading to the massive window that spanned the entire back wall facing the door, giving an amazing view both out and in. 

Having heard her name being yelled from back in the halls, the girl popped her head back out to see Aren talking with Devon, Aren still so easy to mess with was being teased by Devon. "Aren Honey, don't mind him." She called as she paced back down the hall a lazy smile once again painting her face, "He's just jealous." She shrugged coming to a stop a few feet before them, "Not that I blame you babe', I'd want me too."

Interacting: Aren, Devon

Tags:@Bowa @CrookedCompass 
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Martin Callifrey

Martin, the spoiled rich kid he is, rolled up the driveway of the beach house in a cherry red Mustang. A gift from his father when he got his license, racing the car on the long highways of California soon became his second favorite hobby after video games, despite the number of points on his driver's license he's gotten because of it. He was tempted to rev the engine to let everyone know he was there, but decided against it in case someone was sleeping for some reason. Besides, it's not like anyone knew that it would be him specifically just from the sound of the engine; he doubted that half of them even knew he owned a car. He delicately pulled the car in next to another, much more valuable car, silently admiring it as he kept an eye on the car to avoid hitting it.

He stepped out of the car, admired Devon's Porsche a bit more, then reached in his back seat for his suitcase. He had to pull one of the seats forward to get the suitcase out due to the car's two door design, and a wheel even ended up getting it wedged in the car door frame, but he eventually got it out without doing any damage to the car or the suitcase. Shutting his car door he looked up at the beach house and got lost in thought for a moment. He wondered why, of all people, he was invited; he didn't even know a handful of people he'd be staying with that summer, and a great deal of the people he did know probably only knew him as "that guy". Oh well, no use wasting time thinking about it, he thought, walking up to the front door.

At the door, he gave three solid knocks, and stepped inside. "Hello?" he called out, trying to find out who else was there.
Hannah looked over towards Devon, almost scowling at his sarcastic statement. She stared at him as he walked up the stairs. It wasn't like she hated the guy, but something about him just got under her skin. Jaden and Devon were both jerks in their own way, but Hannah would have picked Jaden over Devon any day. Honestly, if she could, she would pick neither. Maybe she liked Jaden more because he was less talkative than Devon was. She blinked rapidly, realizing that she was actually comparing the two to see who she liked more. She lightly slaps at her own cheek, trying to get rid of her thoughts. It wasn't like she was going to date either of them. Hannah was started to get chills and nauseous from her own thoughts. "So Tiffany, what's the plan for today?" she asks trying to distract herself, and hoping that whatever they were going to do would help her feel better. Hearing another voice, she turned towards the door to see another person coming in. "Oh, hi! You're, uh, Martin right?" she asks walking over to the boy at the door. Hannah practically knew the names of everyone that was coming, whether she was friends with them or not.

Not wanting to be in any kind of conversation with the three at the moment, he slung his duffel bag on his shoulder, and grabbed his two suitcases. With his bags in hand, he made his way up the stairs to go pick a room. At the top of the stairs, he stopped to take a breath, cursing at his weak body. "Fuck, I should have packed more lightly." Once he was finished catching his breath, he noticed the exchange between Clark, Devon, and Aren. Aren? He didn't really know much about, in fact, Jaden never really took the time to know him. Clark? Jaden found her annoying, but he pretty much thought most girls were annoying. He likes her straightforwardness though. Jaden thought Devon was tolerable, but he never liked his sarcasm. He walked towards them since he was planning to pick one of the rooms in the middle of the hallway. Hearing the conversation, he couldn't help, but say something. "Oh my god has it already started. You know Clark not every guy on the planet wants to get into your pants" he says, before walking into the room of his choosing. It sounded much more rude out loud, than in his head, but he just shrugged. It wasn't like he was going to go back and apologize, so he wasn't going to worry over what he said to her. He moved his suitcases to the corner, and dropped his duffel bag on the bed.

@Sizniche @JustAlexandra @Scheani @Bowa @CrookedCompass
Martin Callifrey

Martin looked at the girl who addressed him, a girl whom he didn't recognize. "Why, did my devilish charm give it away?" As he finished the sentence, he brushed his hair back in a way that intentionally made him look goofy for a moment. As he fixed his hair back into a way that didn't look ridiculous, he asked, "Yep, that's my name, but I'm not familiar with you. Who might you be?" He figured she was a friend of one of the older people in the beach house, since she was definitely a bit older than him. He was one of the youngest in the group as far as he knew, though, so he was used to hanging out with people a few years older than him. "Oh, hey, also... did Tiffany come through on the alcohol?" He felt like asking as a way of spurring a conversation, even though he knew that there was about a snowball's chance in hell that she would have forgotten.



Aren "Zephyr" Leigh


[SIZE=10.5pt]He tensed again at the hand on his shoulder, not prepared for it since he hadn’t heard the person’s approach. Turning, Aren saw Devon standing slightly over him even as he leaned against the wall. He opened his mouth and hesitated. Devon was intelligent and from a well-off family, and he was undoubtedly— aesthetically pleasant. Easy on the eyes, he believed was the common term. In any case, they hadn’t spoken often and a first impression would be important. You’ve been spoken to by him, Aren. Now speak. “I… It seems it’s already too late for me. Best save yourself, Devon.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]He raised his eyebrows at his own comment, shaking his head slightly. It was better than nothing.  “Ah, Clark,” [/SIZE]he said, a soft smile coming to his face. “There you are.” When it came to discussing jealousy and wanting someone (inside their pants or otherwise), Aren was not prepared for that conversation in the present company. He nodded to Clark and Jaden, turning to smile at Devon as well. No one reason to treat either of them differently than the other. …Only he lingered a moment too long on Devon and looked to Clark again.

[SIZE=10.5pt]“All this aside,” [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]he began, trying to change the subject, “I’m glad you all arrived safely. From the music playing in your vehicles, you’ve all come ready to celebrate.” He held the smile. That was a decent recovery, he thought.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]@Bowa @Scheani @JenniPerson[/SIZE]
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Let it be said by the gods that Gary should never, ever drive.

By the time Gary and Andy pulled up outside the summer house in a splattered four wheel drive (splattered with what, you may ask? Dirt, paint, a suspicious red looking liquid...the usual) they had defiled the roads and a few national monuments, very nearly killed multiple people (and a small dog), gotten lost 7 and a half times, outrun the police, gotten chased out of a diner by a mob, tried to outrun the police again, and ended surrounded by the police in an abandoned building, where...on second thoughts, perhaps this is a tale for another time.

Lets just say Andy would never look at food dye the same way again. Or tea leaves.

The point is, by the time they arrived at the place where the real holiday was to begin, Andy didn't feel much like partying. Not that he did usually, of course, but he didn't even think he could muster the will to say even a single word to the others in the house. He was exhausted, mentally and physically.

Gary, meanwhile, was as delightful as always.

"Come on brat," he said, kicking none-too-gently the crumpled form that was his little brother, "You can't be tired yet, we just got here!"

"I know." Andy all but wailed. He was not exited. He could barely survive a school day being surrounded by other human beings, never mind a few weeks of constant company. Which meant constant socializing, since there was no was his brother was going to let him be holed up in his room the whole time.

How had Gary talked him into this, embarrassing photo blackmail or not.

"Look, kid, just move so I can at least close the door."

Andy complied, and rolled (literally) a small way from where he had collapsed out of the car, allowing Gary to slam it closed. Gary then hoisted Andy to his feet, once again far from gently, and the two made their way towards the house.

10 minutes later (don't ask) they entered said house.

And ran straight into a conversation. The two only caught the end of a sentence, but one of the words there caught Gary's attention.

"Alcohol? There better be some bloody alcohol here, I only brought an esky full."

Andy sighed. It was going to be a loooong holiday.

@JenniPerson @JustAlexandra @Sizniche



Clark Blake

Stifling a laugh at the comments being made Clark shook her head sighing like a disappointed mother would when her son brought home some broad who was better off elsewhere, "D'awe, Jaden.." She stretched out his name in a casual friendly tone as he disappeared around the bend, "Getting into the pants is the easy part, what to do next is the part I hear some have trouble with.." She paused before adding, "I hear its mainly people with a sister complex."

Turning back to Aren and Devon Clark's smile was genuine as she read the dopey expression which was plastered over his features, was that a- Nope. Not yet. We shall play that game later. Later.. Dinner perhaps? Swallowing another laugh she shook her head, "So did anyone else want to explore this place, or was it just me ho wanted to know the good spots to hide when the horror movie kicks in?" As she spoke her hands found their way around her pale grey cardigan and into the pockets of her distressed lace shorts. "Or is it just me whos getting a Cabin in the Woods feel from this vacation."

Interacting: Devon, Aren, Jaden

Tags:@Bowa @CrookedCompass @JenniPerson
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Devon Reid - Smirk.gif

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]~ Devon Reid ~[/COLOR]

Devon didn't mind Aren, they weren't the best of friends but he wasn't as obnoxious as some people, making him bearable to be around. "It appears I'm already too far gone", he grinned as his eyes flicked towards Clark who paced towards them. Devon mentally prepared himself for her presence, she was certainly a handful.

Devon snorted at Clark's comment, "The only thing that I want about you, is for your mouth to be shut", he replied with a condescending smirk. As soon as he said that Jaden walked past the group, making sure to pitch in his own comment to Clark. Devon, despite not catching him alive admitting it, actually liked Jaden. His attitude was something he found comical to say the least.

When Jaden had entered his room, Devon's eyes lazily returned to Clark, he slowly looked her up and down, "Trust me, if I wanted you, you would know about it", he added before glancing back over to Aren. Devon rolled his eyes, the guy was almost too nice for his tastes, "We might have arrived safely but we are going to have to endure...that...", he said coolly as he tilted his head to subtly gesture towards Clark.

Turning to face Clark, he sighed, "Don't worry Clark, I'm sure if you have trouble with the next part we could find someone desperate enough to help you". Devon slapped Aren on the back before continuing, "I won't let you taint Aren though", he snickered and then folded his arms across his chest. He raised an eyebrow, intrigued at what Clark had said, now that Devon thought about it, he didn't have a clue what the place he was spending his summer at looked like. He was certainly down for exploring. "I'll join you if you promise to not try and lead me into a dark corner on my own, I don't think my little heart can take it", he responded sarcastically. However, Devon couldn't hold back a snicker at her last statement, he shook his head as he grinned. This was going to be a long summer vacation.

Interaction: @CrookedCompass @Scheani

Mentioned: @JenniPerson
Hannah laughed watching Martin slick back his hair, liking his personality already. There were definitely some people that were coming she didn't know other than by name, Martin included, so she was somewhat worried what those people were going to be like. She can try to be nice and get along with every kind of person, but that doesn't mean every person will act the same to her. "I'm Hannah Williams. People just call me Hannah" she answers, stating her last name out of habit. She knew she was one of the oldest in the group, so it wasn't a surprise that there were going to to be those who didn't know who she was. Hannah has basically been out of the high school loop for two years now. Her smile widening after seeing who had just came through the door. "Hey Gary! You finally showed up. Oh, and to answer both your questions, yes, Tiffany brought alcohol. A full suitcase worth. From what I saw, she brought vodka and beer. Nyx brought some liquor too." She turned over towards the younger Walter brother. Her motherly instincts kicking in, after seeing Andy looks so tired. "Andy? You okay? You look tired."

Jaden scoffed, hearing Clark's response from the room he just claimed. He walked back to the entrance of the room. Sticking his head out into the hallway, he raised his hand to flip her off. "Fuck. Off. You don't know me" he says emphasizing his dislike for her statement. "It's perfectly normal to love your family" he says, before going back into his room. He unzipped one of his suitcases and took out his sketchpad, pencil, eraser, and a bag of assorted candies. He opened it and reached inside, grabbing onto a cherry flavored Dum Dums lollipop. He left the room with his art neccesities in hand, not bothering to zip his suitcase back up. Jaden unwraps the candy and plops it into his mouth, walking over to the group he had spoken out to before. "If this was Cabin in the Woods, you would be Jules" he says using the lollipop to point at Clark. "I'll join in the exploration, well, until I find something more interesting, or a good place to draw."

@Sizniche @Livson @Scheani @CrookedCompass @Bowa
Martin Callifrey

"Vodka, huh?" Martin said, giving a slight grin. It was good they brought something with kick, because he hated weak alcohol. It wasn't that he needed something powerful; he was actually quite a lightweight. He just hated the taste of most alcohol, and would rather drink something small and quick than sit around futzing with eight ounces of beer or three ounces of wine when he could get the same effect out of a shot of whiskey.

"Well, I guess There was no point to me bringing my own," he said. He went over to the couch to sit down, and put his suitcase down on the floor. He unzipped the main compartment, and, after rummaging around some clothes, retrieved a paper bag. He reached into the paper bag, and pulled out a mason jar full of a caramel colored liquid, just a little bit lighter-looking than whiskey.

"Behold, Bacardi 151," he said,"Listen, I know it looks shady as hell, but trust me, there's actually a really neat story behind why I'm carrying it in a jar. Want to try a sip?" He said. He couldn't help but grin mischievously, because he knew that even a small sip would kick like a 12-gauge.



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