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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She nodded slowly and yawned a little. “Alright. I might stay in the hotel until the show tomorrow… depends how fuzzy I am.” She told him quietly, standing when she saw nick heading to the bunk area and kissed Noah’s cheek, going after him. “Hey… did you get my text about this Ashley girl?” She asked him frowning as she’d seen posts about the same girl who had been practically stalking him before was now apparently going to a bunch of the shows on this tour. “I haven’t shown him. I don’t want him to freak out.”

He frowned and shook his head. “No but… we were in the store… you said we needed… I don’t remember.” He mumbled. “When can we go home?” He asked her frowning. “We gotta… we gotta pack for our honeymoon…. Can we… are we still gonna get to go?” He asked her frowning.
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Nick looked over at Carmen when she came over and nodded "Yeah I did see that, I'm gonna get with security at each of the venues to put her face out there." He explained giving a small smile to her "How are you both doing?"

Max swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and shook her head some "No baby we gotta stay here for a bit." She whispered before taking another deep breath
She smiled and nodded a little. “Yeah we are uh… we are good.” She told him. “It’s been nice just having peace and quiet to work through teething problems with.” She told him, leaving to go back to Noah again and yawned, sitting back on the floor with her head in his lap, watching them game.

He frowned and just looked over at the door. “But I wanna… I wanna take you on holiday.” He mumbled. “It’s okay.” He sighed as he started getting tired again. “We can go… another time.” He mumbled, starting to drift off mumbling about taking her to Europe
Max looked over at the nurse who came in shortly after he fell asleep "He's completely confused about everything. Are they going to run anything?" She asked quietly

Noah smiled softly seeing her come back "Hey beautiful." He murmured pecking her cheek gently before she sat down "You wanna watch something in the back area later? Have some us time?"
She shook her head. “I can wait til we get to the hotel.” She promised, I’m just trying to stay awake right now anyway so I don’t ruin my chance of sleep tonight.” She pointed out, standing again a little while later to go grab a drink and come sit back down next to him this time seeing they’d all stopped playing. “So if you’re happy for me to do it, I was gonna hard launch you on my instagram this week.” She smiled at him.

She shook her head and checked him over. “They’d like to keep him overnight just to be sure but the current confusion is highly likely to be from the seizure. These may start being more frequent. You probably won’t need to come in every time but there isn’t much we can do in the way of testing for him now. Unfortunately with things like this it really does become a waiting game to see how fast it happens. He will be going home tomorrow.
Noah smiled happily at her and nodded some "Yeah sure, better make sure you get my good side." He teased before wrapping his arms around her so she could take the photo.

Max nodded and thanked her quietly before letting a few tears fall as she left. She looked over at him and shook her head some just breaking down over everything that was happening.
She shook her head. “Oh no puppy, I’m taking a photo later. Listen… I know that it’s not nice to be petty. And I understand that it’s healthier to move on…. But I don’t want to.” She told him, a little glint in her eyes. “You’ll find out later.” She smiled, kissing his cheek.

He woke up again while she was still crying and frowned, reaching over to take her hand, squeezing gently. “Somethings wrong isn’t it?” He mumbled. “I don’t… I don’t know what it is… I think it might be me. But it’s okay… I’m here. I got you.” He smiled a little trying to cheer her up, tugging on her to lay with him.
Noah raised an eyebrow but chuckled softly "You do you babe, I'm here for the ride." He said sweetly before pecking her lips.

Max looked up and moved to cuddle him a bit "Its okay, everything will be okay don't worry okay?" She said quietly getting herself put together not wanting him to see her breakimg right now.
He nodded slowly and smiled at her. “You wanna watch some wrestling? That always cheers you up… I think my phone is over there. Small screen but it would work.” He told her, squeezing her hand tightly.

She smiled and nodded, just having a bit more time enjoying being around everyone again while they went for lunch and until they go to the hotel that late afternoon, going to get settled up in their room with him and yawned a little. “Are we joining the guys for dinner or going alone?” She asked him.
Max nodded some and cuddled into him before putting on the latest show she had missed. She was terrified right now, she had no clue what was in store for them and was starting to worry about him leaving much sooner than they thought.

Noah yawned as he laid on the bed giving a small shrug "Thats up to you. I'm good with either." He murmured reaching for her to come lay with him.
She nodded "I'll find us a place for dinner then. Just the two of us." She smiled, going over to lay with him for a bit, wrapping her arms around him, getting cuddled in to where her face was buried in his chest until she felt him fully relax, tilting her head up and bit down on his chin gently, moving back to rest her head on his chest like nothing had happened. "I gotta go make a phone call puppy I'll be back in a sec." She smiled, getting up to go bite the bullet and call Max.

He frowned a little and watched with her, a little confused still but trying his best to be there with her even if he could tell something was up. He lay there quietly with her for a while, eventually falling asleep after a while, looking more relaxed again now.
Noah yelped quietly when she bit him and raised an eyebrow at her. He gave a small nod letting her go to make her call eventually turning on the TV keeping it quiet as he watched whatever was on.

Max frowned some when she heard her phone rang when he fell asleep. She bit her lip hard seeing Carmen's name and answered "Hello?" She said quietly while gently moving so she didn't wake Will "Hey Carmen....long time." She murmured
She went to sit out in the hallway, even if it was only Noah, she just felt like the call needed a bit of quiet. "Hey... Yeah... Really long time.... You got time for a catch up?" She asked her quietly, taking a deep breath and nodding when she said yes. "So.... uh... since we last spoke.... We got pregnant, lost it... Lost ourselves... Noah told everybody on his twitch streams that I wasn't putting out and he wasn't happy about it. We broke up.... He had a psychotic break... He went away for help... We got back together and we haven't told the public yet but i was gonna do that tonight... Don't suppose you've had an easier time of things?" She smiled a little, "I heard you got a little boy now as well?" She told her, swallowing a little. It had been hard losing that friendship even if she did have Moriah who lived so much closer, it wasn't the same as having known Max for so many years.
Max bit her lip hard as she listened to her and gave a small nod "Oh Carmen....I'm so sorry to hear about the baby." She said quietly looked over at Will for a minute "Uh yeah....yeah we had a little boy, named him after Will." She said softly feeling a wave of new emotions start to hit her as they spoke. Loosing Carmen had been so hard for her, she had really needed her when it all went down, but from what she just told her, she had a lot going as well. She gave a heavy sigh and went into everything that had happened with Will and his health issues. "We uh....we're in the hospital again right now actually. He's not doing well, they uh.....they don't think he has much time left."
She sighed quietly and nodded as she listened, "Well... I don't know who we pissed off between us but apparently we did a number." She sighed "We uh.... We are gonna be in New Jersey next week.... About half an hour away from you actually.... I thought maybe you'd be up for me to come over and see you guys... Noah too if that was okay but if not I'm a big girl, I can come down on my own." She smiled some, glancing up when the door to their room opened and she nodded to Noah when he handed her a key card because he was gonna get in the shower, shooing him away again though
Max gave a light laugh and nodded some "Yeah I guess so." She murmured before biting her lip hard "I'd love to see the both of you, but it really is depending on how Will's head is. We just take it one day at a time. Would that be okay if we set a date and then I'll let you know?" She asked a bit hopeful that she could see them.
She nodded and smiled a little "Yeah that would be good... Trust me there is no pressure, I might even have to cancel if it's a migraine day but fingers crossed things work out? I'll leave you to it, we gotta start getting ready for dinner but I'll text you what days we are there." She smiled, hanging up eventually and headed back into the room, smiling as she watched Noah stood in the bathroom mirror doing the skincare she had been drilling back into him "Hair in a low bun would look really fuckin' hot by the way." She winked at him, stripping down to jump in a shower as well.

Will was awake when she got back into the room, laying there frowning a little. "Babe? What happened?" He mumbled, rubbing at his face a little. "My back and my jaw hurt a little but I feel alright." He sighed, reaching for her "Hey, that's a smile." He murmured, smiling back at her now and lay an arm around her once she was sat with him. He was sounding and looking a lot more back to himself again now.
Noah smiled at her a bit as she came in and nodded "Noted. You have a good chat?" He asked while she stripped down to take a shower herself.

Max gave a small smile when she saw Will awake. She laid with him and kissed his cheek "That was Carmen. We had a nice chat." She said quietly as she cuddled him into him a bit.
She nodded and smiled a little "Yeah... She uh... it's been a rough ride for them... I've said we would love to see them if they're up for it and if I'm not having a migraine... But we won't know until the day of whether Will is alright for visitors or not." She sighed a little, getting cleaned up and ready to go out for dinner, eventually stepping out into the room to see he'd put on the all black suit she'd picked out for him a long time ago. "Ugh... Make sure we don't overeat so we aren't too tired for dessert." She winked at him, getting into one of her favorite dresses and finally got him to come stand behind her so she could take a photo of them in the mirror, posting it to her instagram with the caption 'i can take your man if i want to' then turned her phone off and reached for his hand "Ready?" She smiled

Will smiled and nodded a little "Yeah? That's really good." He murmured, resting his cheek against the top of her head "Not that... Not that I want to ruin the moment.... but while it's in my head... how uh... how are we gonna tell Maya?" He asked her, feeling sick at the thought of explaining to his little girl what was going on. She probably wouldn't even understand. "Can I go home to her soon?" He asked quietly, just wanting both the kids in his arms right now. They were one of the few things that really helped to ground him
Noah let his hands roam her body as she made the post groaning quietly "Mmm why not have dessert first? You look so good." He murmured while trailing kisses down her neck and shoulder.

Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "I don't .....I don't even know." She admitted before squeezing his hand gently "We'll be going home tomorrow." She murmured before pecking his lips.
She shook her head. “Baby I got all dressed up to go get dinner.” She whined a little. “We don’t have to be out for ages I promise.” She told him, finally managing to get him off and was about to argue when her stomach growled enough to make it for her. “See? You gotta feed me…. Food.” She told him.

He nodded slowly and yawned a little. “Alright… alright. I guess we cross that bridge when we get there.” He mumbled, rubbing at his face a little. He lay with her a little while longer until they came to check on him again, getting him to walk around the room a little and finally turned to them both and asked if they’d like to go home tonight instead.
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Noah smiled softly when he sat across from her shaking his head a bit "How did I get so lucky to get a gorgeous girl like you?" He asked softly

Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "Alright." She said quietly before yawning closing her eyes to just try and rest a little.
She smiled and shook her head, reaching for him to stand up so they could get going "You're good in bed." She teased him, heading out of the room just ahead of him. "You know I'm kidding. Maybe, the very first time I saw you it was the throat tattoo that did it? But we'd be here all night long if I had to list off every reason I wanted you back." She told him, kissing his cheek once and finally went down to get a taxi to the restaurant she'd picked out.

He smiled a little and kissed her head "Have a nap babe." He murmured, laying back and using his phone to text his Mom and give her the update that they'd be coming home later but that Max needed to sleep some first. He wanted her to go get that massage and spa day in now more than ever seeing how worn out she was
Noah smiled widely as he watched her "So where did you decide to take us?" He asked happily while they made their way out keeping her hand happily in hers.

Max gave a small sigh and nodded some "Okay, that sounds good." She murmured before completely falling asleep against him
She smiled a little "French place. One of my clients recommended it a while back if I was ever in the area." She smiled "Steak and fries... And this is my treat... I'm taking you out tonight puppy." She told him, hailing a cab once they got out onto the street and got in with him, playing with his fingers. "You been chewing your nails again?" She asked quietly.

He smiled and kissed her head gently, just laying back and taking his phone to write everything he wanted to do with her and for her and the kids down so that hopefully he could remember later on. Or at least talk to his Mom about it so that she could help him out with it

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