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Realistic or Modern Be my prince(OPEN)

Toyo backed up but was still smiling. "If it's anything like my brother hands out, I'll pass.." it's not like he couldn't fight, he just decided that beating up a women in public would not look good. Naoko looked at her list and smirked "Such simple things...It's to be expected though." he said and sighed "Much more things are in the castle brewery."
Sje smiled and decided to give them a test. "So guys their is a cat show im attending with my cat and i was hopeing you guys would attend however toyo might scare my sylvie and i heard a rumor nao is allergic to cats.Shame too. Sylvie would had liked you. You smell like her favorite flower that i grow in the summer." When it was over she packed her tgings the other bakers said they would handle tje tent and she began walking home. She glanced over. "Okay boys you can come for the night just no silly stuff."
Toyo looked at Naoko in confusion "They have a cat show? And you're allergic?" Naoko glanced at his clearly confused sibling and sighed. He shrugged "If I was, you would certainly not be hearing about it. You would just find a way to use it against me." he said and started to glare daggers at his now smiling brother. "Maybe.. But I'm not scary! Also a cat show is lame. Why not a dog show or better yet a monkey show." Naoko shook his head "That's extremely dumb." Toyo shrugged in response to his brother's insult. "Well...who cares! Wait up my lady." Toyo followed after Kiri and Naoko followed after a few seconds.
"A cat show is not 'dumb' like any pet show cats are judged on agility, poise, and breed. Sylvannas is a calico saimese to mutt standards but is noticed as a color point mostly. Its just really rare for a black saimese with gold eyes instead of blue.." when they get there a flash of gold eyes were in a closed in padio gate and kiri smiled."Syl syl sorry im late for dinner i had issues."
Toyo looked at the cat and turned to his brother "Nao! Why don't we have anything like this in the castle?" Toyo whined while his brother didn't even glance at him. After awhile he paid his brother some attention "We do...We just hide it from you." at that Toyo whined even more "Wah? Since when I've never seen a single animal in there!" Naoko and Toyo started to argue. They were siblings so they argued about the most trivial things.
"She goes inside letting them argue "takes your shoes off before you come in or else your scrubbing my floor." Sylvie mews and began moving about an obsticle course on the patio with hoops,tunnels and a rampa timer was going on as she ran and when she went through a cat door to the kitchen the timer stopped and.kiri looked at it."two minutes. New record girl. Ill make your dinner."
"Yes. And let's pretend you could actually make us scrub your floors." he replied but took off his shoes anyway to be polite. Toyo didn't hear her and stepped in but backed up when he realized what she said "Oops...Sorry my lady..." he said nervously and removed his shoes. Naoko scoffed "You're still keeping up the princely act?" Toyo didn't reply and Naoko hit him in the back of his head "Answer."
she glared coldly at the let's pretend you could actually make us scrub your floors part and walked over to naos face. "Listen i went a little easy on you because i thought you were cuter then your brother. heck i even assumed i would share some of my secret cupcakes or even ask you on a date but guess what, that date part and possibly everything else is out the window because i have a small crush on a sarcastic ashole that thinks a chore is a problem!and maybe doesnt even like me because of my sasstude."She takes a breath to calm down after standing up to the hottest guy in the kingdom and tried to make some tea. "Y-you guys can sit in the dining room ill make you guys something."
Naoko had this half angry and half thoroughly confused. Toyo dragged him away and whispered to him "That's unfair! She likes someone like you!? I've always said you being a ass to everyone would keep you from getting a lover but she likes the jackasses! Is she some kind of masochist?" Naoko smiled "I'm not exactly jumping off the walls but I'm happy she hasn't fallen for you." the two whispered among themselves with occasional punches being thrown and snickering.
Sylvie, her cat hopped on the table and was eating her food. She glanced up at the other humans. Kiri looked up."Aw sylvie likes you. Just dont pet her yet. Shes getting to know your smell. She hates people who smelled like my ex boyfriend."
Toyo backed up quickly "With my luck I'll end up smelling like your ex.." Naoko however didn't even flinch and he just started glaring at the cat like it was a menace to society "This is why I dislike animals. To clingy and affectionate for their own good."
"If you wear axe then yes sylvie turned her butt at the boys showing the same attitude her owner has and kiri put down the power juice and some black bean noodles with some kimchi and rice. "Here you go guys. careful the kimchi is spicy.she sat a small distance from them because what they said hurt her feelings a little but hid it by working on a baking recipe she was making for a plaid cake. "Okay if i do this..then do a darker version of this color...then add the black.." She tilted her head thinking she figured it out.
Toyo looked at his brother questioningly "Do I wear axe?" Toyo never paid attention to brands or titles so he wouldn't know if he did. Naoko glared at him "I don't know and why do you think I care!" he frowned up as Toyo began to pout. "Jeez! You don't have to be rude about it." he shrugged. Toyo then focused his attention on Kiri "What ya making? A potion or something?"
she looked up.. "No a plaid cake. theirs a new baker in topwn trying to shut down mine..." She decided to put it in 'royal laymen terms.' "Okay in your version of English. If i dont make this cake by monday their will be no Angelic sweets meaning none of my stuff and i might move to another country or worse be ruled by a evil french overlord!" sylvie hissed and began scratching a picture of the french chef in the paper. "Sylvie i know you hate him too. He hates me more because i got to help the royals. He said i dont have what it takes to serve royalty."Sylvie even peed on his face making her laugh. "Sylvie!" she got up and quickly cleaned the mess. "Luckily this was not the crosswords."
Toyo gave a mostly blank stare as she explained but soon the apparent urgentness of the situation hit him "Really? That sounds serious! If you're going to be in that much trouble then you could just get us t-" Naoko slapped him in the back of his head before he could finish his sentence. "Idiot. Pay attention to things that don't sound so much like fantasy. Also don't go offer are services to any apparent ''maiden in distress''. I'm sure she doesn't need you of all people to help."  Toyo glared at him before mumbling a few insults at him but Naoko could care less about the pouting of his brother " So this guy is owner of a competing  bakery, correct? "

kiri nodded when almost done with her layering blueprints. she began figuring out what tupe of chocolate to use. her sketchbook of recipies was open and it showed all of her recipes and one of them being her homemade jaffa cakes.
Toyo leaned over the girl's shoulder, just being nosy, like always. Naoko on the other hand was disinterested in what she was doing and just watched to make sure his brother wasn't going to do anything stupid. "So do ya enjoy baking Ms. Princess?"
"Yes it makes me happy but its not the only thing i like. I like creating crafts i use around the home other then that baking is my true passion." she gently pushed Toyo away "And i think you should gig your brother a chance to court me playboy. he hasnt given me his best shot yet except his mysterious cold eyes."

(she asked for it)

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