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Realistic or Modern Be my prince(OPEN)

(Im here im just mobile) kiri gave a hostile glare for a moment and sighs. "Fine you can stay but im not calling you prince i nickname all my customers by their personalties. Everyone here calls me the baking angel and you will be.." she made a thinking pose when looking at him. She even ajusted her glasses. "The bookworm of wonderland." She smiled and drinks her coffee and glanced at her cakes.They were almost done.
" You don't even know if I enjoy reading." he said quickly. "Anyway I would of stayed even if you said I couldn't." he commented and glanced at her "What are you making anyway? Also do you have anything less bitter than coffee?" he said and looked away from her with a scowl on his face. For some reason he didn't like anyone to know he liked sweets.

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"I can tell by your eyes. And they never lie." She walked over and gently picked the cup up. "Im making a summer solstace cup cake and ill get you sweet tea." She went over to change it and an old man in a chef outfit came in. "Morning chef." She said smiling. "Ah morning my baking angel. Sorry im late one of the princes asked me for directions after he was lost for a bit.He thought the old bakery on lycan road was the new one." The chef walked over and took the coffee and looked at her cupcakes. "Ah your baking your famous cakes?" "Yes chef and the bread is already out the only one that is almost ready is all the melon pan." The old chef huffed. "There stubborn as usual to rise and bake..Go make your frosting ill handle the bread."
Naoko had completely stopped listening when he heard about his brother. In 3..2..1 as soon as he reached the end of his countdown his obnoxious brother came through the doors. "Hello older brother. The nice chef gave me directions." he said and smiled politely which made Naoko gag to show disgust of his false persona. Toyo sat next to Naoko and whispered something that his brother could only hear "So..How's the flirting going Playboy." Naoko kicked Toyo and he laughed a little. "Anyway can I get some coffee please." he said and smiled at Naoko because he knew how much he didn't like coffee.

The chef smiled "ah yes. Would you like our special?" The chef asked as kiri walked over to Nao and put a bread and tea infront of him. "Here ya go one melon pan and one sweet tea. And fair warning you will get addicted it tastes like breakfest cereal."
He glared at her "I doubt it.." he said and ate it with a scowl on his face. Toyo nodded "Yes." he replied and looked at Kiri "My apologies for last night. I don't know what came over us. Can you forgive us?"
Kiri made a thought and said "maybe. And one berry latte coming up." Kiri said prepping the latte. It was like a regular latte but she was adding cherries and strawberries. She gave it to Toyo smiling. "Here ya go. Ill bill you guys when your done."
Naoko just sat there looking completely uninterested at the things that were going on. Toyo smiled "Of course. Sit down with us for a little." he said and winked. "If your boss approves." he glanced at her boss for a moment.
Her boss shook his head. "Sorry Toyo. Due to the lil mess kiri is behind on making the melon buns for the summer solstace and of the magical wish moon." Kiri saw kids and their come in and she quickly got to work. She was making cakes and drinks. It was shown in her eyes this was her passion.the chef smiled as he looked at the boys. "I tried to tell the lil angel to settle down but she still says no. Keeps saying no boy in this country would understand her dance."
Toyo's eyes sparkled A challenge I like it! he thought and stood up. "Let me assist princess." he said and walked over to her. Naoko scoffed "Please, you've never worked a day in your entire life." Toyo glared at him and resumed his attention back on Kiri. "No time like the present! Also I need to enjoy what my future wife does." Naoko rolled his eyes. Is this seriously the girl we have to fight over? I have yet to see any redeeming qualities about her other than she seems to be good with people.he thought and drank his sweet tea slowly.

The kids gasped as a dark aura was around kiri. The old chef sighed. "He went to far. Here comes the temper." Kiris eyes looked almost demonic due to her anger and she waled over to him. "Listen playboy. I am nobodys future wife unless I SAY SO! You wanna help so bad?You wanna try aand impress me?How about you get off that high horse you call 'Prince charming' And work on all the dishes. At least your brother has points with me Dispite being an asshole he is more civil then you!" The weomen were a combo of gasping and clapping as she went back to work. The old man sighed, "Have to put a gold sticker on her chart now. Thats the 49th rejection."
Naoko had to use all the strength he had to not bust out laughing at his dumbfounded brother. He decided to ignore the asshole comment and walked over to Toyo. "It seems as if the shorty has some backbone." he commented and patted his little brother's head "They all aren't going to be a easy lay." he laughed to himself because now he could see one redeeming quality in her. Toyo smiled politely but was a bit disheartened and agitated "Yes ma'am!" he exclaimed and got to work.

Kiri tried to calm down when baking so she pulled out a cart and puts the cupcakes and the melon buns on it. "Im taking it to the festival chef.Make sure bookworm pays his $15 and Playboy bunny works off his $25."She trotted off with the cart.

The old man smiled at naoko "she must think of you as a friend if she gave you a discount."
"Great." he said sarcastically and took out forty dollars. "I'm paying for Toyo too." he walked towards his brother and lead him out. "How does rejection feel?" Toyo glanced at him and still had a smile "She's....Difficult but I believe I can take her." he said and laughed a little under his breath.
Kiri was at the festival. Their was people with telescopes preparing for it and in a cute corner where a icon of an angel was was kiri selling the cakes and smiling at the kids. She evn had her own telescope "Come get strawberry moon cupcakes!" She called out happily. "Never do science hungry!"

Then a guy walked up to her. "Hi kiri ready for our science duel for one free cupcake?" Kiri sighed and smiled "lay it on me mark i have beaten you 45 times and rejected you twice. So that makes.." I will win this time and be smarter then you!"
"Festival? Yeah of course I heard of it. What about it?" Toyo had suddenly decided to bring up the subject of the festival. Toyo smile at his brother and nudged him "Since we have to go anyway, why not check it out. It's going to be fun!" he exclaimed and his brother sighed in response "You just enjoy ditching your work. Don't you have piano lessons or something?" Toyo froze and put his finger over his own mouth. "Shhhh! Nobody needs to know I still take lessons! Also that tutor is dumb! I mean, it's not even a woman!" Naoko sighed. He shook his head "Even if I refuse you'll drag me there anyway.." Toyo giggled in response "You know me too well brother!" with that he grabbed Naoko's arm and dragged him to the location of the festival.

( I fell asleep and then my family forced me to hang out with them.)
Kiri chatted mark about the planets and he lost about one of his theories. She gave j im his cupcake and he paid his $5. When he left kiro saw her double trouble because women were staring at them.

"Hi bookworm.Hi playboy." She said smiling. They didnt earn her trust to be called by their names yet
Naoko just waved silently while his brother greeted her with words. "Hello my lady. Me and my brother decided to check out the festival but we didn't expect to see you here." Toyo didn't have the best attention or memory span when it came to things he didn't care about. "She would since she cooks things and it wouldn't be a festival without some kind of food." Toyo ignored his brother's comment completely.
"I am working here at the moment and like your brother said its not a festival without food.jeez were you a goldfish before you were human?" she prepped some cupcakes and then prepped her telescope. If your just here for the festival fine.If you wanna work you can attract some customers.Oh and Playboy workd overtime because theirs no way he cleaned all the dishes in 30 minutes." She really hated toyo for what his said and wasnt going to forgive him till he earned it. She tolerated nao only because he looked like the only sane prince but had viper venom.
"I believe so." Naoko shrugged off the comment about his younger brother and Toyo smiled. "Okay. I'll try my best." he went off to go lure some customers. Naoko faced Kiri "I paid for him already so he doesn't need to work off his bill." he then faced his eager looking younger brother who seemed to be chatting up two young ladies.

"It's pleasant talking to you two but would you mind going over there it's actually quite interesting." the two women agreed and went in the direction he pointed out. Woohoo! Two already! I am the bomb! Who knew working would be so easy. he congratulated himself but tried to not look too giddy on the outside.
Kiri would work woth them and even let nao help if he wanted to or not. When the strawberry moon was out in view she was sold out and prepping her own watch. She smiled seeing it and began writing things down.
"What are you writing my lady?" he questioned while looking at the words. Naoko smirked "You can read? Shocker.." Toyo again ignored him and focused on the list type thing Kiri was making.
"Oh just some science formulas. Besides baking i love science.When chef gives me a day off i go to my secret garden and do science things." She continued writing and was making a theory. Hm i hope the item i bought comes in." She glanced at Toyo "playboy stop breathing on me or your gonna know what a punch from a woman feels like."

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