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Realistic or Modern Be my prince(OPEN)


The blood elf hunter
(This is my very 1st group rp idea (Lord help me) So please be kind about it. This is a 2x1 kinda a love triangle ish so if you dont like these i understand i just wanna try it. and yes this is from a game i like but the plot was just to tempting to try rp wise.You may fill in the blanks i have however you like hehe)

The story begins with a brief introduction as to what kiri will be expecting - a marriage interview as a potential bride to a prince however the problem is that two twin brothers whom are princes caught the fancy of her and want her all to themselves.

While Kiri is at work, her boss, Yosef, informs her of a parade that is being held for the two princes, who will be visiting Nobel Michel. However, she are not very interested, reasoning that her world and the princes' world differ greatly and that her priorities are set on being a great patisserie. But she heads out to take a look anyway since her boss would rant if she didn't. While there, the streets were filled with squeals from women as the princes make their appearances. She sees the princes in a fancy open car, their demeanors are the polar opposite of one another. one waves to the crowds with a smile, the other sits there with a straight face. Then, while she watches, two little boys start pushing their way through the crowds, you bend down and ask them what they were up to. They tell her that they want one of the princes autographs and head for the car before you could stop them. The bodyguards block them and reprimand them for approaching one of them finally speaks. Everyone becomes dead silent and they get out of the car, takes their pens and gives them autographs. One of them then pats the boys on their heads. She stares at this change of scenery, commenting on their kindness and suddenly he looks her way. Her eyes happen to meet and his eyes sharpen like a wolves but he turns around and reenters the car. Back at the bakery, Kiris store receives a message from the castle, apparently there had been some mistake in an order and the castle had not received their flour and asked if they could use hers. Kiri and Yosef drive to the palace but the car breaks down. Just her luck. So, the two of them decide to return to the bakery and use the truck but thankfully a car was driving by and she ask them nicely to stop. A gentleman steps out and she doesn't recognize who this man is but he does lend her a hand and drive you to the palace. In the kitchen,the head pastry chef thanks her about a million times for bringing the flour. which she embarrassingly tries to say its wasn't a problem and that she knew it was a desperate problem and she would had asked the same thing. The chef then asks for her help in decorating a cake and she helps him with pride. As she continues to work, she overhears the other chefs talking about the princes finding their potential brides. Knowing her she has no chance in hell of one noticing her. Man she was wrong. At the banquet hall, she meets one of the twin princes she saw at the parade who turned out to be the same prince that went back to get something and saw her having car trouble and discuss about the cake she had decorated..This causes jealousy amongst the female attendees and they give you piercing stares, His twin brother, calls out to him, causing even more jealousy from the other women as the two of them continue to speak to kiri. One of them then decides to take Kiri by the arm and drag her out of this situation. She now just want to leave and end up bumping into someone and splashed with wine by that person. The woman recognizes you as the pastry chef and tells you that you are obviously not a candidate, you have no idea what she means but she's silently crying. Suddenly, the hall darkens and the spotlight is now placed onto the stage where the princes are, The king then talks about Nobel Expo, to which she ask a waiter about it but before he could reply the bouquet toss begins. Thinking it this is the perfect time to leave, she begins to walk away but fate had other dark plans. As in fate was sick of her being single and being a workaholic and soon caught the bouquet... on her head..
(bump- i restarted this rp to give it a 2ed chance on life my reasons are that i noticed the title was misleading and so was my plot. if you wish to join you still can however i am only asking for 2 princes.)
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Naoko couldn't see where the bundle of flowers went and examined the crowd and he heard his younger brother's voice "Seems we found are princess." he said calmly but in his mind he was thinking Wonder if she knows you have to catch them with your hands? he thought but had a kind smile on.
kiri blinked nervously as she was 'told'..more like ordered..to dance with the princes for the night. she just wanted to finish the damn cake and leave. "J-just one dance then i have to go home.." she saw the other women give her glares or snide remarks. she was used to them when it involved her cakes but not so much here. She walked up to Naoko and his brother and nervously bows. "H-hello" she stuttered.
Toyo hummed happily "Hello. Don't be nervous, you're safe with me." he said and heard a few girls swoon over him which made him smirked to himself. He glanced at Naoko who wasn't even looking at Kiri in the first place, he caught Toyo's look and his eye twitched a bit. His brother was obviously challenging him and he knew this because of the look in Toyo's eyes. "Yes no need to fret.."
she smiled a little and danced with them.Starting with toyo she was obviously a terrible ballroom dancer."Forgive my dancing im a better dancer at my work honestly.. you should see what a baker can do in a lolita dress sometime." she said giggling "Were actually doing a music video to advertise the cafe."
"Interesting." he responded even if he wasn't following the conversation in the least. He was a bit preoccupied looking somewhere that wasn't Kiri's face. "Interesting indeed..." he said trailing off. His brother on the other hand face-palmed at his brother's in decentness "Well he'll certainly make it easier to win..." he mumbled and then two girls dragged him off.
when kiri saw them being taken away she took that as a chance to escape. One of the butlers said the princes might had regretted the dance by the way she was acting and she felt terrible. But when she got home she lays on her bed her cat next to her. "Sylvie i think i was in a dream or a nightmare. All i was asked was to finish making a cake and when i did i was 'forced' to dance with 2 hot guys because of a boquet landing on my head."Sylvie meowed and kiri had a big havit of talking to her cat. "Yes i danced with them! I had no choice at that moment. Luckily the fangirls gave me a chance to escape but theirs no way both of them like me." She sighed and tried to sleep.


But the moment the dance was over the maids were shaking nervously because the true colors of the princes involving kiri appeared. The king seperated his boys "Boys what is your problem?! you were just fine till the dance was over."
Toyo was the first to speak "But daaaad! It's not my fault Nao is such a outrageous playboy!" he said which caused Naoko to hit him in his shoulder. "Owww! Also he's violent!" he said which made his brother glare at him "Who's a playboy!? You're the one who goes and flirts with every women in the universe!" he yelled and Toyo started to wipe fake tears from his eyes "Cruel! You would think of me in such a way!? Brother!" he started to sob.
The king growled. "Enough. If both of you dont behave by morning ill pick someone else. Ill have her courtship invatation out since i believe she doesnt know our customs." He looked at his boys. "If your going to make a battle out of this to win her heart so be it. But you better know what your doing." He leaves to his office.
Naoko scoffed "Like that would ever -" his sentence was stopped in the middle by his brother "I'm in!" he yelled and grabbed his brother's shoulder "You're participating!" he ordered and left the house "I'm finding her workplace! See you later playboy!" he yelled with a wink and ran off. "Wait! Hold on! It's not going to be that easy!" he yelled and followed after him.
The next morning Kiri was walking to work because her car broke down. "Heh i guess i can call it a dream then." She said to herself. She paused at a bookstore with cookbooks on display and went in to get some. Baking is her hobby and passon along with cooking other things. She glanced up seeing a customer unaware its Naokao. "Sir were opening in 40mins. If you let me prepare i can get your order in."she said politely as she waled into the building and preps every machine amazing well.
Naoko sighed, luckily his brother was stupid enough not to ask for directions. "Don't you remember last night?" he questioned and watched her prep the machines. "My brother, who blatantly harassed you." he had to mumble that because his father would have been upset if he had mentioned Toyo's tendencies to a woman.
She glanced up realizing who it is and her eyes wided. "Ok that dream is slowly turning to a nightmare and.my dearh shall be by angry fangirls..." she handed Naoko some coffee with a cream shaped like a cat and made a small glance. "I thought royalty dont like hanging out with commoners."She said with a small bitterness. She always believed royalty never helped the poor unless it benefitted them. Kiri went back to the counter to get her coffee.

@Kira Times
Naoko didn't even glance at the coffee and continued to watch her. "I don't particularly enjoy 'hanging out' with anyone. If anything commoners are much easier since they get impressed by everything expensive." he said and added "The rich are so tedious to deal." he hadn't even drank his coffee yet. He didn't enjoy drinking coffee all that much and only ever drank it when tired but his way of rejecting it came off as a bit stuck-up.

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