Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-


kyber child
It's been several years since the Mane Six first met in Ponyville. Each filly is a mature mare, carrying on with her life just as her destiny told her. However, tension is brewing between the zebras and the ponies. Cultural differences, resources, and land have gotten between the two species. Equestria is on the brink of war.

Several more years pass, and Equestria has become a battleground. Megaspells rain down on every city, pegasi fight overheard, advanced magical weapons can be heard firing off at zebras everywhere a pony can see. Earth ponies in suits of mechanical armor march into battle while unicorns man the magic. Canterlot is under a shield spell that won't hold much longer, serving as a military headquarters for all of Equestria. Refugees wander throughout the country in search of food and shelter. Military propaganda covers every wall, every billboard, every piece of merchandise to be found. This is total war, and the ponies of Equestria have lost faith in their princesses and the Mane Six with their control over the Elements of Harmony.

The Mane Six are all lost, dead, or being held captive by zebra forces. All hope is lost. Ponies have resorted to raiding towns, selling ponies into slavery, and gambling or fighting for bits to buy food in order to survive.

How long can you survive the battle-scarred Equestria?

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Cash stepped out into the grimy, grey sunlight to inspect the area. "So this is Ponyville," she murmured to herself, scraping a dusty hoof in the ash and dirt covering the ground. Most of the buildings were dilapidated and falling to pieces, and the only signs of life were the twisted, dying trees and the occasional sound of frantic hooves running through the thick layer of ash and dust. The town had been mostly picked clean, like many other towns that hand't been hit with megaspells. Cash stretched her wings out, extending them as far as they would go to release the cramping muscles. She was aching to take to the skies, but the air in this area was so thick with dust, ash, and magic pollution that it was hard to breathe up there. She shook her matted, knotted mane and placed another hoof out from under her tiny shelter by the train station that served for the whole town before the war. She was half-starved and her saddlebags felt heavy with bits. It was time to try a little bartering, see if anypony here had anything decent and un-infected to eat.


River trotted into Ponyville, wondering if anypony here was in need of his services. The town didn't have a polluted river or a broken water talisman, as far as he was aware, but River was sure he'd be able to find some way to help somepony. His grey mane was slightly mussed and coated with grime, and he hoped he could find someplace to bathe here before moving on. It was hard to seem friendly and helpful when you looked like a ratty raider pony or an escaped slave. River felt his hooves throb from trotting for hours, but he quickly ignored the pain and cast a glance over the desolate town. He could here ponies, but he could not see any. "Hello? Is somepony there? Anypony? Hello?" he called in a bright voice, hoping for a response.
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Nightshade was just on the outskirts of Ponyville looking for the plants she needed for a couple orders she had in the next town over. She wasn't having much luck but had collected quite a bit of poison joke for a future scam. She wore a silver cloak to keep he sun out of her eyes as she worked.


Psych Ward sat up. She had been taking a quick nap. She looked around, listening again for the pony she was sure she had heard. "Hello?" she questioned.
Wrathful Mage stepped onto the grounds of Ponyville. "Hmph, looks like an utterly worthless deserted town, just like the others." Wrath sighed, and began walking down the road, clearing the dust with small drips of blood to power her magic. Her badge of office, with gold letters saying 'Royal Mage of Canterlot,' gleamed brightly in the recently-cleared streets. The rocky, trampled ground crumbling beneath her feet. Every step she took stained the soil with blood, a murderous look in her eye. She had business to do here.


Swift walked the grounds of Ponyville's outskirts. Scanning the area, he saw several souls for the taking. #1 spoke up from his bottle "Oi, Swiftie, can I have some cat food? I'm completely famished." "No," sighed Swift Reaper under his breath, almost happily, "You're dead, remember? Silly old cat..." He smiled under his skull mask, rolled his eyes, and continued to look for the souls of the dead. His scythe was floating by his side, ready to strike. He looked like a legitimate grim reaper, a terrifying sight.
Cash could hear a strange dripping sound accompanied by hoofbeats. She raised her head and trotted further out so she could see. Somepony else was also entering the town, fairly close to the train station where Cash had spent the night. The pegasus mare's blue-grey coat was so covered in dust it looked more brownish-grey than blue, and her mane was a mess, but she hoped she looked friendly. If she didn't, well, she clearly wasn't going to be the pony to lose the fight, now, was she? Unless she was up against a powerful unicorn, Cash couldn't be beat.


River perked his ears. "Yes, hello! Where are you?" he responded to the voice that had called back to him. He picked up his hooves in an upbeat trot, making his way down the center street of the town. His eyes swept back and forth, searching for the source of the 'hello'.
Wrathful Mage arrived at the center of town. She grinned, and her blood-red coat began to drip it's color, like wet paint, though not coming off entirely. She took her sacrifical knife, and cut her side slightly. Her voice now boomed out in a terrifying manner. she spoke out loudly,

"ATTENTION, CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE! Your town is now under direct control of Canterlot, by order of myself, Wrathful Mage, Royal Spellcaster of Canterlot. Upon seeing blood monsters of any kind, do not attack. These are servants of Canterlot, and disobedience will be punished under penalty of DEATH. You are to obey these blood monsters, for they are your guardians. Thank you for your time."

She then cancelled the spell and made a long gash on her side. Speaking three incantations, three blood beasts were summoned, one appearing as a dragon, the second a large bloated goat, and the third a monstrous sludge. All of theme were made of blood. She nodded to each, and they began to wander

((Sorry if this is too much 'plotty' stuff. If you want me to change the post, I'll be happy to.))
((No, it's great! I always encourage plot changes or significant events whenever anyone wants them. As long as it isn't outrageous, I say go for it.))

Cash was startled into the air. She jumped, extending her aching wings and flapping quickly in her brief flash of fear. Thankfully, she was merely a nomad rather than a citizen, so she was free to carry on if she wished. She had only come to Ponyville to barter for food, anyway. She'd find something to eat and be on her way, simple as that. Slowly her flapping, Cash flew into the heart of the town in search of this unicorn mage. Perhaps she had food, or weapons, or something to barter for. Cash certainly had plenty of bits.
((Note: The goat is called Glutton, the dragon is Letter, and the slime thing is Stain. Also, thank you. I was just making sure :D ))

Glutton began his endless task: obtain blood, deliver to Master. He began slurping up any blood on the ground, and devouring the dead, even those in graves.

Letter flew upwards, into the sky. He began killing all of the birds and dropping them down to Glutton. "Any trespassers of these skies will be fluidated!" He slurped out of his liquid mouth.

Stain slimed into the river, turning it completely red. The ground of Ponyville was mostly 50% blood, 50% dirt. He splattered blood all over the walls, as well. He was then devoured by Glutton, his task being done.
"Here," Psych Ward said, stepping out of the shadows. "It's been awhile since a new face has shown itself here," she said.


Nightshade looked up at the pony with the scythe. "Do be careful with that thing," she said. "You wouldn't want to damage the plants. There aren't many left in these parts." She didn't seem fazed by his appearance as she continued to fill her back with what little plants she could find.
((Guys, my laptop died, so I have to use my tablet. It doesn't support colored text, so yeah... Sorry!))

Swift noticed the pony talking to him. "Her name's Nightshade, she's always out here..." Said one of the souls.

"Hello Nightshade," Reaper replied in a deep, gravelly voice,
Nightshade nodded. "Hello, strange pony," she said. She found it odd that he knew her name but didn't say anything of it. She carefully picked a small patch of amethyst.

(It's okay. I use colored text out of habit.)
((Oi, Quintobrows, you still alive?))

Wrathful Mage summoned a gigantic cauldron, and had Glutton Belch up what he had so far into the hulking metal pot. After it was filled, Wrath formed monstrosity after monstrosity out of all of the blood, ending up with five Gluttons and 90 Letters, with a few Stains still in the pot.
((That's at the center of town, you're in the wrong place))

Swift Reaper spotted a Letter in the sky ad sighed a long, drawn-out sigh. "Oh S**t, not those..."

He then ran directly away from town. Gluttons swallow souls, including his. He had to get away, fast.


Wrathful Mage grinned as she drank all of the leftover blood. It had an extremely acquired taste, but she loved it. Satisfied with her fill, she began wandering the town. She had always enjoyed the looks of fear in the eyes of the peasants.

((Also, please PM Quintobrows about this?))
(Sure. I'm going to bed now though. I'll message them in the morning.)

Nightshade shrugged as he left but went back to her plant searching. A wealthy client in Phillydelphia had requested a love potion. She had no idea what use it would be these days but she didn't ask.
((I'm here, I'm here. I was trying to give the other person who joined an opportunity to reply, but it doesn't look like that's happening.))

Cash looked around the sky briefly. In a matter of minutes, the town had been covered in blood. Cash was vaguely familiar with the idea of blood magic, but she had always thought it was exclusive to zebras. No longer wanting to be up high with those creatures, she settled for hovering slightly above the dirty, bloody ground. She didn't want blood on her hooves, not after she was so sure she was done scraping the dried red stains off in the days between fights. Curiosity began to get the better of her, as it always seemed to do, as Cash flapped carefully over the ground after the mysterious unicorn who had cast the blood spells and started down another street.


River lifted his eyes further to look at the pony who had greeted him. "Hello. My name is Roarin' River, but most call me River. Are you the only pony living here?" he asked, looking around. With a start, he realized the ground had been covered in sticky red liquid. It smelled of iron. Blood, he thought. But how?
Wrathful Mage turned around immediately and spotted a Pegasus hovering above the ground. The other pony appears to have been following her. This could not be allowed.

Without a word, Wrath cast a spell on the pegasus, causing the pony to be attracted to blood like a magnet, and then said, "Letter 73, take care of this trash."

She then walked away happily.

Meanwhile, a Letter landed right behind Cash, its hulking liquid body hitting the ground with ground-shaking force.
Cash was jerked to the ground roughly, the impact causing pain to shoot up her hooves. She grunted, struggled, flapping harder and bigger. Even the massive strength of her wings could not pull her hooves off the ground. She was glued to the spot, finding she could only slid her hooves through the bloody dirt rather than lifting them up. Cash felt something thunder into the dirt behind her. Her eyes widened and she shuffled her blue-grey hooves around to get a look. Great, she thought to herself, now this thing is gonna kill me, and I can't even use the air to fight it. I'm lost.
Reaper ran back, having stored his souls in a secret location. He charged directly into Ponyville, scythe at the ready floating by his side. He jumped up high, and sung the scythe with all his might at the nearest Letter. He chopped it's head right off, only to find it grew a new one. There was a pegasus standing nearby, apparently in shock, who obviously couldnt help. He realized that he could take it's soul right out of the body, but it needed to be close. Very close.

He stood with his guard open, allowing the thing to lunge. As it did so, the blood flopped onto the ground. Of course, now he had a problem: Gluttons were approaching, along with more Letters. 
((Also, the spell probably wore off))
Cash snapped back into focus. A dark-looking pony had come to her rescue. Upon trying to lift her hooves again, she found whatever had rooted her to the spot had gone away. In a moment of triumph, she gave a massive downstroke of her wings and shot into the air. She hovered high for a moment before she realized whomever had rescued her was now in deeper trouble than she was. Tucking her dirt-and-blood-covered wings, Cash dove back toward the ground and slammed into one of the gooey red creatures. She immediately fell to the ground in a heavy pool of sticky red blood. Getting to her hooves, she shook her coat and wings, sending blood droplets flying everywhere.
A glutton had just been scattered, and it would take seeral minutes for it to reform. Reaper grabbed its soul and bucked a Letter, kicking a hole right through its leg. The grounded Letter was then chopped to pieces by a scythe and had its soul stolen. Releasing a soul and using its energy, Swift Reaper used his signature battle move: Soulerang. He sent the soul out, which grabbed the Glutton's soul, and then he took both souls back. Piece of cake.

At this point, Wrathful Mage felt something was off.
Cash whirled around, leaping into the air again. She swooped down, kicking out with her hind hooves as she went. Another one of the blood monsters exploded into a wave of blood. She hoped it would stay that way, but she figured there was a chance it would reform. Wasting no time, Cash darted into the air again and loaded her sniper battle saddle with armor-piercing magic bullets. She squeezed the trigger in her teeth, a double shot ringing out and cutting into another monster.
Wrath teleported back to Canterlot, finding her room disgusting and bloody, as usual. She began scrying for the situation. It would take a while

Reaper took the soul out of both monsters destroyed by the pegasus. He heard another explode, and took that one, too. He chopped up another, and released all of his souls, killing the rest of the Gluttons and 10 Letters.

Remaining Enemies:

0 Gluttons

24 Letters
Cash reloaded and fired again, and three more twin shots rang out. Three more of the creatures had holes blown through them, but they didn't collapse the same way. In a flurry, Cash switched to her magical energy bullets. They were rare, expensive, and dangerous to use. If one hit you, you'd turn to a pile of sparkling pink ash, tainted with foul magic. Cash had swiped the bullet cartridges from a stockpile outside Appleloosa. She squeezed her trigger, ripping into another blood monster. It exploded into pink and purple flames before collapsing into magic-tainted ash.
Swift began a magic that he had only tried once: Metamorphosis. He began turning into a Letter, through the Letter's soul. The monstrosity his form now was was completely black. He let his form flow wild, infecting 15 of the Letters with his essence. He was now the hivemind of 15 Letters, rendering them harmless.

Foes remaining:

12 Letters
Cash reloaded her magic energy bullets and fired off four more rounds. Okay, eight more to go. Cash reloaded again, the use of some of her magic energy cartridges making her uneasy. They were dangerous and rare, and she didn't want to waste them.
"I don't know," Psych Ward shook her head. She frowned at the smell. She looked down to find her long sweater sleeves soiled with blood.


Nightshade grimaced as she realized the blood on the ground. "Disgusting!" Nightshade frowned. Deciding she had enough plants, she started into town.

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