Battle of the Guilds Sign Up (Accepting)

Okay, no prob. You can pm me the details, and I probably won't join in until late tonight anyway. I'm gonna be busy til noon and then gotta leave the house at like one to go to a grad party.
Guild(if in one): Hand of the royally divine

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): Warrior

Name: Otaro Wa've

Age: 27

Species: An Elemental Nature spirit

Personality/Background: Otaro's element is water and so he has a very cool and laid back personality. He really doesn't like the idea of war but thinks of it as one of those things you just have to deal with. Even though he fights for the hand of the royally divine he's really only on one side: his. If a situation arises where it's his life or those he's fighting for he'll choose to save his own life. He's selfish and arrogant but often he is wise.



Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc):

He likes to use his powers rather than actual weapons.

His powers deal with water and sometimes ice. He's skilled in potion making and healing as well.

He currently roams around as a rogue but is still on the side of the hand.
Guild: None

Rank/ Role In Guild: None

Name: Taryn Kreida (They call her Siren)

Age: 26

Species: Siren Dragon.

Personality/Backround: She's a sweet, non-merciful, beautiful, fast, agile, light weighted girl that is hard to kill. She was born with this... 'Disease', and has been drawing in men by the month she grows up.


((But in a smaller size, obviously.... xD ))

Other: Spends most time in a human form, and stays in an unoccupied area, that's not too close to a civilization or trade route.

((Hope this isn't TOO much, but I can change if you wish, but I like this character! ^O^))
That's cool :) Will actually be interesting because you characterhas the chance to interact with a lot of other characters. It could be like Taryn stays in the middle of the forest and since our group of characters has to travel through there... well it would be cool :) (that's if you want)

If you want a summary of recent events and a list of the main character go to this thread

otherwise just join in anytime :)
Awesome. Am on a train atm but will make sure to sort out soon enough.

Guild: Eastern Alliance (figured that coming in late will be easier when no one's in this guild!)

Rank/Role in Guild: Captain of the mercenary auxiliary regiments

Name: Emmendil Agarathi

Age: 19

Species: Half-elf

Personality/Background: Emmendil is a hardened warrior, despite his age. That is not to say he is all frowns and a joy-kill. He is quite capable of laughing at a joke and sharing stories with his drunken subordinates around a camp fire in the midst of the night. On the battlefield or the training grounds, however, Emmendil is as cold as ice, brooking no insurbordination nor cowardice from his men.

Outed from both his human father's village and from his mother's elf circle for belonging exclusively to neither, Emmendil has been forced to live a life of solitude where his survival was never assured. Emerging from those troubled years with a powerful drive to survive and succeed he rose quickly in the ranks of the Eastern Alliance and became the personal aide of the general leading the left flank and captain of the mercenary auxilaries.

Looks: Bright blue eyes which shine with a brilliance not found in a mortal's eyes. Hair so blond that it appears white in open sunlight, tied back tightly into a ponytail stretching down to between his shoulder blades. Ears slightly pointed, denoting his elf heritage but not to the point a pureblood elf's would be. Six foot tall but of very slim build, Emmendil appears to dominate most rooms despite the fact he is often the very same height of full grown men.

In battle and on the road he wears a studded green gambeson and riding leggings with thigh plates. Fingerless leather gloves with knuckled plates protect his hands and vambraces worn underneath his gambeson protect his lower arm and wrists; likewise do greaves do the same for his ankles and lower legs from lower attacks.

Other: As a half-elf Emmendil has tremendous physical strength, far out-stretching most mortal men, despite the fact that he is very slim. His speed also outmatches the average man's, to complement this his hard-won experience makes him a veritable force in combat. Favouring long range battle with a longbow taller than himself, he has perfected the art of archery. Unfortunately his skill has meant that his ability on melee is not what it could be and he must rely upon his instincts and racial strength. Armed with a longsword with two blood-channels down the centre and a plain steel crossguard and leather-wrapped handle usually scabbarded across his back with a steel-rimmed wooden shield over the top, Emmendil's melee weapons are functional and standard issue for most soldiers.
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