Battle of the Guilds Sign Up (Accepting)

Guild(if in one): Hand of the Royally Divine

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): second in command of troops (If that's okay.)

Name: Meladi

Age: 21

Species: Elf

Personality/Background: Meladi was taken from her guild when she was 12 during the war, and when she escaped, both of her parents had died. To protect herself, the little elf taught herself how to fight. When Meladi was old enough, she tried to join the troops, but was turned away because she was a girl. That night, she took her frustration out on a dummy and the commander saw how good she was. Meladi came the closest anyone had to beating the commander and she was quickly accepted into the army and a year later became second in command.

She is very tough and is quite a tomboy. After losing her parents, Meladi had to grow up quickly and sometimes will be caught daydreaming when she is not training (this is believed to make up for all the years of her childhood being taken away.) She is very harsh to the troops during training but always insists that if anything is bothering them, they have her to talk to.

(Sorry the picture doesn't have pointed ears)

Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc): Power focuses on healing and attacks (a rare combination) and she has a light bow that never leaves her side.
Is there a nickname for Radehgieh? It's a lot to type out every single time. It's fine if he doesn't though.
Guild: The Scarlet Rose

Rank/Role in Guild: Dragon Rider Captain

Name: Olivia Voleran

Age: 34

Species: Human

  • On the field of battle she is a fierce warrior, backing down from no challenge. She has a heart of gold and a will to match. In her daily life she has her girlish tendencies, wearing fine dresses and trinkets.

I already posted one character sheet, this is my second.
K cool. Haha I might have to make a 3rd character to be on the Eastern Alliance since nobody is part of that guild yet. Can't say I'm not surprised though, it's not as interesting as the other guilds
Zhia, how do our powers work with the crystals? Do we have to say something or do we just make hand motions or is it something else?
I guess it can be different for every person. Use them how you think they should be used. I think I'll use mine with a word: Inferno (since my powers have to do with fire and death and hell and the like)
Guild(if in one): Thieves guild

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): Spy/Informer

Name: Rune Wood

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Human



Other: She knows Martial arts, and possesses a rugged dagger, and binoculars. As a spy, she also knows how to hide herself from sight.
Notice: For those of you who miss a lot in the rp when your not on and stuff either read what's been posted since you left or pm me and I'll help you catch up ^-^ Just saying this because i noticed it's really easy to get left behind in the rp
Character Skeleton:

Guild(if in one):N/A

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one):Rogue

Name:Godfrey Bodin



Personality/Background:Born on the edge of society his life began as a woodsman, hunting and trekking the deep woods,before the wars started, his clanfolk slain and his woods burned to ash, Godfrey set out for vengeance but didn't know where to direct it. He decided he would help the world destroy itself and freelance as tracker and ranger for the guilds. But he always searches for the identity of the guild behind it.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.9980d736e1496246893f3bfcd837547f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.9980d736e1496246893f3bfcd837547f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc):Prefers to fight with a one handed long sword, but can use a dagger, bow, or hatchet if the situation arises. He also has basic knowledge of potion mixing.

My name is Andrew snow, some know me as drew, others snow, and even some by hey you, or bastard. I am a 28 year old human in service to the royalty of The Scarlet Rose, I serve as their master at arms skilled in magic based hand to hand combat(think fairy tail's dragon slayers and you'll understand). My father was a lord of the north, my mother some wench in some whorehouse in some small town, despite this my father raised me to the age of 10 before sending me to the hand of royalty to train in the use of magic so that I may fight the war. While I was skilled in the use of magic, mine is a different sort than most are accustomed too, I use the elements yes, but I fight with my hands. My magic is one that adds the elements to my attacks, or contorts my body to perform the attack, such as my iron god slayer which changes both my arms into one massive iron long sword. At the age of 20 the hand of royalty sent me to The Scarlet Rose, my form of magic was too strange and required too much raw physical strength and talent for them to train me further, however my magic power was unquestionable. For one year I trained my body, mind, and soul to become the walking elemental melee god that I am today. I learned from the dragons, ways to mimic their techniques and make them my own, becoming a dragon knight. I know train young boys on the uses of my form of magic, as well as hand to hand combat. Always by my side is my trusted and loving wolf, duke a great hulking black beast of loving, however, one command and people run in fear as he rips out the entrails of those before me. And if you have yet to figure it out by looking at me, or unless you are blind and can not see, I stand roughly six feet, scrawny but lean with muscle, I have shoulder length black hair and sport solid green eyes, a gift of the dragons. The dragons told me, as the used magic to destroy and remake my eyes, that all dragon knights have solid green eyes, allows us to see better and sharper, much the same as the dragons.

Hope that is alright, kinda wanted to have some fun with it, all the info is in there

Sent from the dusty mountains of afghannyland
Awesome, ill post tomorrow, gotta sleep before guard duty

Sent from the dusty mountains of afghannyland
Character Skeleton:

Guild(if in one):None

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one):Mercenary

Name:Souma Kisaragi



Personality/Background: Souma was orphaned at a young age and forced to grow up in a slum where every day it was kill or be killed but thanks to that it helped him to learn how to live in a war torn world and get accustomed to battle. Personality wise he's a whimsical guy who hates being tied down to any area for an extended period of time which is the main reason he had no interest in joining a guild, he'll help them out for the right price however there are jobs he refuses to do such as killing women or children as it goes against his code. He's a bit of a flirt and loves to tease people making things always interesting when he's around.



Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc): Souma dual scimitars and is a master of kenpo.
Character Skeleton:

Guild(if in one): None~

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): None~

Name: Reito Nakima

Age: 17

Species: Human

Personality/Background: Reito has always been an observer ever since her parents abandoned her as a child. She's never had any friends and has anxiety problems because of it. She keeps to the shadows and puts her self out of the way. She prefers being outdoors and alone rather than cooped up inside with others. A wanderer at heart, she has no intentions of joining any of the guilds, for she sees the power struggle as a weakness. Despite her looks, she's very outgoing and will say something if she knows its the right thing to say and is rarely rash about things.



Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc): Black Dual Daggers are her weapon of choice, and all animals seem to adore her. Her one power would be that she can summon her companion, a large arctic wolf the size of a hummer.

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Guild: Scarlet Rose (Formerly of the Hand of the Royally Divine)

Rank/Role in Guild: Healer

Name: Sovryn Allister

Age: 22

Species: Elf/Faerie

Personality/Background: Sovryn is a very sensitive person. He's a pacifist and hates seeing other people in pain, which is part of why a lot of his focus and talent is in healing magic. He's a scholar, though, and so has studied and perfected many different magical arts, for the science of it, and is happiest when finding himself in large libraries. He's the type of person that mourns lost souls he never knew, and would heal someone even if they tried to kill him, selfless to the point of ignoring his own safety to help others. He's afraid of a lot of things, but when he needs to help someone he does whatever it takes. Case in point, there was a time that he braved the wrath of a dragon as a small child so that he could heal it, which is how he gained his friend Leer as a companion.

Sovryn came from a place ruled over by the Hand of the Royally Divine, and because he was highly skilled in magical arts he was recruited - drafted - into the army, but he's a pacifist and couldn't do it. He was rescued by an elven woman that took him under her wing and helped him run away to Scarlet Rose territory, and he and Leer have been with her ever since.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb12d377_EstRinaudo3.jpg.5fc02cb8dbc3fd6b9ee3451de5af317f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb12d377_EstRinaudo3.jpg.5fc02cb8dbc3fd6b9ee3451de5af317f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Salamence_full_818060.jpg.40222b7d90d9392d3a555fa360de7b50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Salamence_full_818060.jpg.40222b7d90d9392d3a555fa360de7b50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Because of his small stature, feminine appearance and gentle voice and tendencies, he gets mistaken for a woman often and is sensitive about the subject.


Guild: Scarlet Rose

Rank/Role in Guild: Bodyguard/a Soldier, at times/Assassin for hire

Name: Veila 'Penance' Kroe

Age: 25

Species: Elf

Personality/Background: Penance is a quiet but strong-willed person. She's extremely loyal and does what's necessary when she sees it as such, and is protective of those she lets get close to her. For the longest time, Penance was nothing more than an assassin, out of necessity, and gained her fighting skills and strength that way. When she was moving through Hand of the Royally Divine territory, just near the edge, she was attacked and helped by a boy she thought was a child, a boy that healed her and expected nothing for it. Later on, when she tried to find him to thank him, she realized he was in trouble and rescued him, taking him and his dragon friend to Scarlet Rose territory and watching over him. She spends most of her time just guarding him, because mages are valuable assets and because she cares for him and owes him her life.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Blue_riding_hood_by_Roboto_kun.jpg.e373bd084bf37ddaa0a29d557674a2e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Blue_riding_hood_by_Roboto_kun.jpg.e373bd084bf37ddaa0a29d557674a2e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: As punishment for past deeds and all the lives she's ended, she renamed herself Penance and wears the mask below to keep anyone from truly being able to know her, that is, to see her face and be able to interact with her in the way that most creatures do. She wears a hooded cloak most times to conceal herself, as women generally aren't taken seriously as warriors. She fights hand-to-hand and with knives, as well as bow and arrow, and is proficient with a sword but doesn't carry one.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Fox-Mask-2.png.f74e3fcde2e0b8a3896028a05056834d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Fox-Mask-2.png.f74e3fcde2e0b8a3896028a05056834d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hooray ^_^ Did you want to catch me up through PM or should I just read the last page or so and try to jump in? I don't mind being clueless, since my characters most likely would be anyway lol
I can catch you up if you want ^-^ A lot has happened and since your characters are part of the scarlet rose it would be important for you to know everything

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