Battle of the Guilds Sign Up (Accepting)


One Thousand Club
It's been seven years since the war between the 4 guilds began and the world has become a hectic place of chaos. Innocent towns ransacked, nobles and royalty betrayed and attacked, nobody is safe and nobody can be trusted. Guilds work to hard to expand their territory by taking over cities and towns as they fight each other. Those not in a guild are liable to get attacked by anyone. Now it's everyone for themselves in a world of thievery, arson, and war.

The guilds:

The Eastern Alliance

This guild, obviously, comes from the east. It is made up of nobles and upperclassmen. They are the second richest of the guilds and have skilled archers. They are weak in hand to hand combat and especially weak in magic. It's made up of mainly humans and a few skilled creatures who they find useful.

Hand of the Royally Divine

This guild is skilled in magic and comes from the north. They don't use heavy weapons like two-handed swords, axes and hammers. They rely heavily on their powers and crystals which store magical energy but also use light swords, bows and other light weaponry. They aren't as weak in close combat as the Eastern Alliance but are more likely to lose close combat battle than the other two guilds. It's made up of mainly elves, dwarves, witches and other

The Thieves Guild

Made up of underclassmen and common outlaws thieves this guild is well experienced in trickery and hand to hand combat. They are most likely to attack the innocent, scam them out of their money and rob them. This guild is poor which is why they steal to get money. They use light weapons that are usually small and well hidden, like daggers. They come from the south and are made up of both humans and creatures.

The Scarlet Rose

This is the Royal guild. It's made up of royals (kings, queens, princes etc) and nobles and creatures who do all the fighting for them. They are the richest of the guilds and so they have some of the most skilled warriors who can fight in all types of combat. They have especially skilled swordsmen and use dragons.

The Thieves Guild is mainly enemies with the Scarlet Rose. They believe the royal powers have turned corrupt and want to enslave anyone who isn't a noble and won't serve them. The Thieves Guild is temporarily allied with the Eastern Alliance.

The Scarlet Rose's main enemy is The Eastern Alliance. This is because the Nobles there are rebelling to create their own Kingdom. The Hand of the Royally Divine is allied with them as long as they supply funds for their weapons and crystals.

Hope this isn't too complicated. You can make your character any rank(king, prince, princess, warrior,etc) or species you want as long as it fits with the guild your in. If you don't wanna be in a guild you don't have to you can be a rogue or a towns person.

Basic Rules:

No Godmoding

Don't kill off other people's characters without permission.

I honestly don't care if you give a short reply but some people are picky about it so do your best to give a detailed reply. Try to write 2-3 sentences at least please.

Romance is okay but please keep it pg 13

Hmmm..Oh yeah please be realistic, you character can't dodge every attack

Maximum characters you can have 2-3

Character Skeleton:

Guild(if in one):

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one):






Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc):


Character Skeleton:

Guild(if in one): Hand of the Royally Divine

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): High Elf, Commander of Troops

Name: Radehgieh Silverseer (Radeh for short)

Age: 24

Species: Elf

Personality/Background: Radehgieh is as socially awkward as he is cute. His expressive eyes are like two drops of wine. Don’t be fooled by his seemingly quiet personality though. When organizing, training and in battle with his troops his voice is commanding. He is a brave leader who is committed to his troops and the cause they are fighting for, he is driven and never gives up.



Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc): His magical style focuses on infernal power, specifically using it to attack enemies and create potions. He likes to use a light sword.

Guild(if in one): Scarlet Rose

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): Prince

Name: Nileriel

Age: 19

Species: Human

Personality/Background:Nileriel was spoiled as a child so he has a slightly arrogant personality. He was peaceful and actually wants nothing to do with the war, that is until his little sister Azriel was kidnapped by the Thieves Guild. He now swears to get his sister back and take down the people who took her. He’s become slightly depressed and darker but still keeps his cool and charming personality. He spends a lot of time with his dragon. (Small profile of his dragon: His name is Mindmaster - He is a mature adult dragon. He has black scales and hypnotic eyes. He is loyal and loving to Nileriel and has exceptional fighting skills.



Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc): He knows how to fight using swords and bows and arrows but doesn't go into battle because he's from the royal family and they have other creatures of lower class fight for them
Guild(if in one): Does not have one.

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): No guild

Name: Lilith Elideas Wetherhart

Age: 17

Species: Hummingbird Hybrid

Personality/Background: Lilith is mostly a very sweet, innocent, and childish young lady. She has never lost her child-like curiosity and behavior. And, she is very sweet, but is sometimes shy. Mostly around boys since she is not used to being around them, thus she is not flirty. Lilith is friendly anyways though and can be very energetic at times...mostly after eating any amount of sweets. Although, Lilith does have her flaws. She has a kind of short-temper and can be very naive with certain, sometimes important, topics. Lili is also slightly stubborn with certain things and likes doing stuff by herself, which can actually annoy people. She also stutters when she lies. So, in short, Lilith is ultimately a very sweet girl with endless amounts of curiosity and energy. She may have a bit of an attitude at times, and may not understand certain stuff, but she is still pretty likable and does her best to learn new things. Ever since the war she has been very wary and tries to stay out of it.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/hummingbird_by_lunareden-d65eu83.jpg.299d8be606f540b0df1c70b53baba0bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/hummingbird_by_lunareden-d65eu83.jpg.299d8be606f540b0df1c70b53baba0bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Drawn by LunarEden (DA) for me. Don't steal!

Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc): No weapon. She has a large, saint bernard/bloodhound mix named Toby.

Guild(if in one): The Scarlet Rose

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): General

Name: Travis

Age: 22

Species: Human

Personality/Background: No one knows where Travis came from. The only fact known about him is that from a young age he was dropped off at an orphanage in the land of The Scarlet Rose. Despite his background, Travis' intellect and ability to grow was noted by all around him, he was a child prodigy. The Royal army of The Scarlet Rose quickly took Travis under their ranks, and from then on Travis moved up the ranks within the army and before he was an adult, he established himself among harden warriors at the greatest spearmen of the guild. He joined the ranks as one of the few generals of the army under the power of The Scarlet Rose, and from then on lead his solders into battle under his guild's flag.

Travis has a very charming and manipulative personality. To be able to come up from nothing to become everything has taught Travis how to act and access against almost any situation. He has a a strong willed belief in his own kind of justice, which might be reviled later on.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/ephriam.jpg.f7dff44242168b464ffcb8df6c40804e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/ephriam.jpg.f7dff44242168b464ffcb8df6c40804e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc): Enchanted Lance called Zephyr. It is said to be blessed by the heavens, made of blade that is said to be stronger by any material.

Oooooh! Zhia I Absolutly Adoure this Idea!

Guild: ( If in One ) Scarlet Rose

Rank/Role in Guild: Noble's Child

Name: Ciel Phantomhived

Age: 15

Species: Human

Personality: Ciel is an Arrogant Younge Man. Being Raised by A Rich Family of Noble's, he is used to Fancy Food's, Guard's, and Many Lesson's of Proper Living. Ciel is in no way Shy, but very Out going, he rarely Smiles due to his past. Smiling doesn't occur often, but when he does it's small and for a brief time. Ciel is motionless, but never fearful. He doesn't get scared often, but will to new and surprising thing's. He Speak's as though he is Very Important.


Ciel was born into the Noble Family of Elizabeth and James Phantomhived. His Family is a Loyal Bounty to the King and Queen's Family. For Generation's, James and Elizabeth had hunted down Criminal's that the Royalty Family has assigned them to do so. Until one fatal night in the Phantomhived Mansion, A Criminal had broken in and attacked Elizabeth. Ciel, being merely Four or Five hid. While in hiding, James tried to protect his wife only to be brutally murdered. Elizabeth was killed too. The Criminal had searched the home for anyone left, but after not finding a soul, he lit the home on fire. Ciel huddled behind the couch, and would have perished if Ember, His nanny hadn't come home late from shopping and discovered Ciel hiding. During the fire, Ciel was struck in the face with a burning piece of metal, and scarred his left eye. He Now Wear's an Eye Patch to cover the mark.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/images-90.jpeg.85b2b47c0726f46e11e7a47d7c4f0f83.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/images-90.jpeg.85b2b47c0726f46e11e7a47d7c4f0f83.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: After Ciel's Parent's Untimly Death, He iherited his Family's Land and Wealth.

Guild: ( If in One ) Scarlet Rose

Role/Rank of Guild: Noble Nanny

Name: November Rain { Ember }

Age: 19

Species: Vampire


Ember is An Old Fashioned Lady. She is gentle and kind, but has swore to protect Ciel. Ember is a radiant Joy, She is generally hyper and love's to make other's smile. Ember is alway's smiling and laughing. She is an Outgoing girl, that loves to make friend's with other's. Ember create's quite the forst empression. Although her Sweet Ego Bloom's, she can be quite mean and bloodthirsty when somebody dare's to attack Ciel. Don't Double Cross this younge lady.


Ember was born a Peasent with great intension's. She was raised on the street's wth a poor family, barely able to make money. Although this, she had shown true smart's at such a younge age. Without any proper schooling, she had taught herself how to read. Ember was alway's a joy to be around. Until one day, Ember was nineteen, she was walking down the street when she was brutally attacked by a man with glowing red eye's. Ember went unconcious. When she woke, she had strange bite mark's on her neck and a sudden new power to her. Speed and strength. Ember decided to escape the horrible land and left to Scarlet. Here she met a man by the name of James Phantomhived. He was in search of an Nanny for his new younge boy. Ember agreed and had began to take care of Ciel while his parent's worked. Until that one horrible night, that she had rushed home after hearing rumor's. To only find the younge couple slashed. Expecting the worst, she believed Ciel had perished too. That was, until she saw his frail body and the wound on his head. After their death's, she vowed to take care of the boy.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/2e2dcadd6b0efc62.jpg.f9b346a19c95c998e297e0f5ecc5f2cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/2e2dcadd6b0efc62.jpg.f9b346a19c95c998e297e0f5ecc5f2cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: She is Exceptionally Fast and Strong.

Guild: Thieves Guild

Rank/Role in Guild: Contract Killer

Name: Vaas "Face" Kalruum

Age: Appears in his late thirties. Actual age unknown.

Species: Elvenkind

  • Vaas is calculating and cold. He has very little sympathy, tending to revel in the killing. Psychotic tendencies and violent outbursts plague his daily life making him the perfect kind of killer.
Guild(if in one): Thieves Guild

Role in Guild (if in one): Head of the Guild

Name: Black Eagle (his real name is unknown)

Age: 21 years old

Species: Human

Personality/Background: Black Eagle is calculating and silent. He is an observer and will stop at nothing to see the Scarlet Rose lose everything. He believe the group deserves repentance for being ruthless pigs who let people die while they gorge themselves and get served on diamond plates. There funding usually comes from stealing from people of the Scarlet Rose especially noble man but he won't stop at robbing anyone else, and his excuse is 'We are taking so we can build a better future.' Though his real reason is revenge. Although his guild has temporary alliance with the Eastern Guild he is very wary of them, for he thinks all nobleman are filthy pigs. Not only is Black Eagle observant but he is also sneaky and likes to lurk in the shadows. If one of his allies step one place out of line he will silently swoop down and end their life, without a trace left, and then return to the shadows. Black can get angry and when he does you better watch out. His allies have nicknamed him the unforgiving eagle was well for once you make a mistake he will kill you, he doesn't believe in second chances. Like a lot of the members in the Thieves Guild he is tricky and will use someones own actions and words against them. His glare is also said to send chills up someone spine. Not only that but he has many secrets, some of which are deadly if known by another person. He will do anything to get his way and weaken or mess with the Scarlet Rose even if that means kidnapping the princess of Scarlet Rose Azriel.



Other (weapon of choice, powers, anything you'd like us to know etc): Black Eagle has a few weapons, one is a dagger he uses for close combat


Another one is two daggers only he uses these from far away. Usually he coats the with poison and then throws them at his target from far away


His last one is a vial of a pretty violet liquid that is actually poison. He keeps it around his neck and the poison is extremely rare and deadly. It will make the prey die a very horrible, slow, and painful death. Black Rose will only use this on very special occasions

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/640x657_11277_Character_concept03_2d_anime_girl_character_warrior_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.5643efb1851d77465e767ca7c865242f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1087" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/640x657_11277_Character_concept03_2d_anime_girl_character_warrior_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.5643efb1851d77465e767ca7c865242f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild(if in one): Thief Guild

Rank/Role in Guild (if in one): Thief/Assassin/Spy

Name: Natasia Ucklov

Age: 20

Species: human

Personality/Background: Natasia grew up poor with a family that tried to do their best. Her parents associated her with the thieves so she could defend herself in times of need and know how to get things for her low class family. Natasia is a very serious, cold, and a bit crazy girl.

Looks: (above)

Other: Natasia uses small, common items as weapons. Primarily favors using throwing daggers but also uses a chain sword and darts

Name: Kaivant Ashmoor

Guild(if in one): None

Profession: Information Broker

Age: Appears in his early twenties. Actual Age unknown

Species: Vampire

  • Kaivant has no memory of his former past. Upon becoming a vampire, all of his memories had been wiped as he awoke to his new immortal life. Homeless without a purpose in life, Kaivant wandered the wilderness until he ran into certain monks who resided within the thieve's guild region. Living under their care for ten years, Kaivant learned the tricks in the trade of a thief guild member, becoming especially adept in martial arts and information gathering. During his tenth year of residence which was the year that the Guild wars began, assassins from the thieves guild slaughtered his monk family as Kaivant barely managed to escaped, narrowly escaping his own death. It wasn't until fours years later that Kaivant resurfaced into the world, relocating himself throughout all the various guild territories every so many months. Currently, he resides in a small dwelling within a small town between the Scarlet Rose and Thieves' guild territory. There he takes on the role of an information broker, providing information about any of the guilds to any customer willing to pay his price and accepted as worthy of his information.


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