Battle for the Greek Gods


A Ghost of RpN's Past
( Link for the actual RP )

Now if you where in "The Crew" Then, well, this is the redo of it.

The plot line is this. For the Good Guys, The Crew, they have gotten a email(If you are a good guy you must include getting this email) from their leader, Kyra Fate. Then they have to get to her in London in whatever way. After that, their main goal is to stop the villains from succeeding, and whatever side plots may occur, as well. There may be one to where the characters who do not know their past are trying to figure that out.

For the Villains, they have to all meet up, having received something from the main villain, and then they go to meet up in their location. Then their goal is to take down the Greek Gods, and then destroy the world.

Now, as for side plots, don't bring Christian angels and such into it. Only Greek Angels and Demons are allowed. It's a Greek Mythology centered RP.



You are allowed a maximum of three characters. You can make more for me to look at, but I'll be accepting the ones I like.

If you can shadow travel, you cannot go like, half way across the World with it. There are exceptions, and those are when your character is like, well, going all bad*** for a little bit.

ShapeShifting, I've seen it before. I will not allow it from sight only, it must be from sight, touch, and smell. But that does not grant your character the right to know every secret of who you've shifted into. Nor does it give you their powers. Not by a long shot will I accept that.

You must have 5 lines per character. I'll warn you once on that if you have less, second time, you're out.

I'm a Grammar Nazi, and I can't stand when people can't spell, or use grammar. I will only warn you once, and that's right now. Use correct spelling and grammar, or you're out, it's that simple. It's like a book, I'm pretty sure the only times grammar and spelling and messed up are typos.

You must be a human, cat, or dog. Be all three if you wish.

I want things to vary. Be a child of Aphrodite who only cares about their looks! Be a child of Ares, the God of War, heck, be a child of a God I haven't even heard of! I mean that. You can also be a human, a mortal, who just stumbles into the RP! No Valkyries. I don't want anyone to be an Angel .Don't bring Angels into the RP. The only Angels I WILL accept are, Angels of Darkness(Children of Hades), Angels of the Skies(Children of Zeus), and Angels of the Seas(Children of Poseidon)

If you are a child of Hades, that doesn't mean you have to be a bad guy. Kyra, the main protagonist(Heroine), is a daughter of Hades.

Now, the Percy Jackson novels, and God of War game series are things to be excluded.

One last thing. No sex scenes. It's a site rule, and my rule. The most I shall allow with stuff like that, is kissing, but not in extremes. And if your characters really have to, then, well, save it for the PMs. We really don't need that.

And along with that. Honestly, your characters can have any sexuality. I'm not against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. I allow that when I know there's people who won't. But please, not into the extremes.

And also, if your character is a pervert, it must be three posts between every perverted thing about them. I find perverts to be degrading.

As for the Gods, I am Hades, and that's final. First come first serve for the other Gods.

There are some Gods I forget, or don't know of that may be added to this, by the way.

Hades: @TheFallOfitAll

Athena: @StealthNinja115











Hera is control only no one is her child. :

Pallas - God of warfare.

Eos - Goddess of dawn and sister of Selene and Helios

Helios - God of the sun and brother of Selene and Eos

Selene - Goddess of the moon and sister of Helios and Eos

Ariadne - goddess of passion and mazes (was a mortal princess engaged to Theseus but was abandoned and married to the god Dionysus and made Immortal.)

Aeolus - god of winds (at birth was mortal made Immortal)

Asclepius - god of medicine.

Bia - Goddess of force.

Cratos - God of strength and power.

Deimos - Personification of terror; brother of Phobos.

Eris - Goddess of discord.

Eros - God of love

Psyche goddess of compassion

Geras - God of old age.

Ganymede cupbearer of the Olympians.

Harmonia - Goddess of harmony.

Hebe - Goddess of youth.

Hecate - Goddess of magic, witchcraft, necromancy and crossroads.

Hestia - Goddess of the hearth, fireside, family, and home, was one of the Olympians until she gave up her throne on for Dionysus, occupies fire on Olympus.

Hypnos - God of sleep.

Janus - God of doors, gates and new beginnings.

Chione - Goddess of snow (her father is one of the gods of the winds).

Leto - mother of Artemis and Apollo.

Metis - mother of Athena

Enyo - goddesses of war and peacekeeping

Eileithyia - goddesses of childbirth

Momus- God of blame.

Moros - God of Doom.

Nemisis - Goddess of consequences and revenge.

Nike - Goddess of victory.

Persephone - Goddess of spring and flowers and wife of Hades, hence queen of the Underworld.

Phobos - God of Phobias and fear in general; brother of Deimos.

Thanatos- God of peaceful death.

The Erinyes - Otherwise known as The Furies. Goddesses of revenge.

The Horae - Actually two groups of separate goddesses worshiped in different periods: the first three were goddesses of the seasons, the second generation were goddesses of law, justice and order.

Tyche - Goddess of luck, destiny and fortune.

Zelus - God of dedication.

The Moirae: Klotho, Lachesis and Atropos - Controllers of life and destiny.

The Muses - Representatives of the arts, sciences and songs.

The Oneiroi: Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos - Personifications of dreams and sons of Hypnos.

Pan - God of the Wild.

Iris - Goddess of the rainbow.

Triton - god of ships, prince of Atlantis

Paean - doctor of the gods.

The Keres goddesses of violent Death.

The Charites - goddesses of charm, beauty, human creativity, and fertility.

Pallas - god of warfare

Melinoe - goddess of ghosts

Other Gods That I didn't mention or don't know of, you will say them, and if you wanna control them, I gotta make sure they are legit.


Power Limits:

I've already said for shadow traveling, and shapeshifting.

You can't teleport too far.

If you have wings for whatever reason, the max you can fly is just above 9 hours. And the maximum speed, unless you just happen to be Maximum Ride, unlikely saying as this is not including her, is about 75 miles an hour.

If one of your powers is to run fast, I will only allow you to be as fast as a cheetah. That's 100 miles an hour.

Now, there's also the fact that if you're a child of Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades, you can't use too much of your powers at once, it can kill you. Only them.

The Demigods I shall allow to have wings, for various reasons: Zeus' children. That one's obvious. Hades' Children, and only Raven wings, or wings that seem to fit, more, dark people. And Hermes, that's because he's the Messenger God, and has flying shoes.

I will allow this as well. You're character's father can be a God, or Goddess, and so can their grandparent. But, with that, you may only have one of the grandparent's power, instead of the normal. Like for instance. James Monroe, son of Zeus, has all the powers with that, grandfather is Poseidon, with that, he only breathes underwater.

For sic for GG, you must chose a number between 1 and 100. For villain leader, or second in command(let me know what you want), 1-50.

Hero Leader: Kyra Fate

Hero Second: Aiden

Villain leader: Scarlette

Villain Second: Nedia

Character Sheets:

Full Name:




Looks(Pic or Describe) :

Pets(if any) :




Wings, or other things like that(Optional) :



Good, Bad, Neutral, Both:

Theme Song(Optional) :

Other Skills:

Full Name: Kyra Noelle Fate

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Nationality: She was born in London, England

Looks(Pic or Describe) : View attachment 7702View attachment 7703

Pets(if any) : None

Sexuality: Heterosexual(Straight)

Powers: She can shadow travel, but not too far. Control fire and the shadows, and if needed, pull you into Hades with the shadows

Weapons: A Unique Hanbo Staff that can be on fire that Kyra controls

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : 13 foot wingspan of Raven wings

Personality: She's a little like Maximum Ride, and will assert her domanence. She's not afraid of anything, and loves her father. Isn't afraid to fight, but unless she has no other option, she will not kill.

Backstory: She was born to a rather, well, not to respectful mother, who didn't last long. She would have grown up alone, if her father, the Greek God of The Underworld, Hades, hadn't guided her. She normally hangs around graveyards.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: She's the main heroine.

Theme Song(Optional) :

Other Skills: She's a really good hacker, and can woop any and all kinds of butt with her hanbo. She's also skilled in streetfighting, as in, pull hair, and roundhouse, anything goes for her.
Full Name: Aiden Greave

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: German (Speaks fluent English but is German)

Looks(Pic or Describe) : View attachment 7697

Pets(if any) : None

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Powers: He can control three swords with his mind, but only within a certain range around him, they can't go around the world. He also cannot touch the swords with his hands.

Weapons: His swords (lightning infused)

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : Bird-like grey wings

Personality: Serious and always on task, rarely jokes

Backstory: Aiden lived in seclusion for years and couldn't remember anything before the age of 14, the only people he ever made a connection with that he can remember, were killed in front of him. He doesn't even want to make a connection with anyone because he's scared they will die too. The one thing he does know is, he is the son of Athena and Zeus, explaining his wings and lighting infused in his sword

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Good (63)


Full Name: Nedia

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: Not loyal to any country

Looks(Pic or Describe) : View attachment 7698

Pets(if any) : Detearia (His Raven, like in pic, but black)

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Powers: Mind manipulation (physical) and over-average strength (Only a little), and extreme acrobatic skills

Weapons: Dual 9mm and Raven

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : His Raven can pick him up

Personality: Takes everything as a joke

Backstory: He's barely been seen and not much is known about him.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Bad (13 for sic, not leader)

[MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION] Accepted, and I like how Athena is their mother. It's different. Also, for right now, Nedia would be the main villain. As his number is rather close. But, Aiden's is off.
Full Name: Nenden Ilon

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Nationality: Canada

Looks(Pic or Describe) : 6ft tall, a large coat that goes down to his knees.

Pets(if any) : A ferret named timothy. Found him as a baby, raised him as his own, knew somethings different about him from his intelligence but doesn't care, the ferret is smart enough to take commands and be a total bro

Sexuality: Intrested in women.

Powers: Supernaturally good aim. If angered or he triggers it (Rarely ever) Will go into a berserkers rage, becoming super human for a small time, but utterly exhausting him (Sort of like the dragon ball Z kyo ken.)

Weapons: 2 XD9 handguns attatched to his belt, a large rifle of unknown origin, and two combat knives in his boots. A backpack with materials to make special bullets he chooses, includes cases and asplosives.

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : None

Personality: Cheery, never gives up, likes everybody, gives everyone a second chance. Doesn't generally care, everythings a game.

Backstory: He was raised normally, then some people broke into his house, killing his father, in his blind rage he disarmed one of the assaulters and put bullets in the other two faster then they could raise their guns, hes gone from home to home since then, practicing his aim with an xD -9 he eventually got another one when he was 18 and went out on the road, looking for adventure, he made many friends including a fallen angel with a certain vendetta, he traveled the land helping strangers and looking for work, he found not so much, eventually he found out that his grandfather was pallas, the god of warfare, which explained his power, he recieved an email from a girl, and decided that because he had nothing better to do, he'd check it out.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Neutral, doesn't care, at all.

Theme Song(Optional) : Glasglow - David Guetta nothing but the beat

Other Skills: Fumbles a guitar, can't play it well, and can also create bullets out of random things he finds.

He smokes, threatens to stab anyone who doesn't buy him cigarettes.
Full Name/Nickname: Christina White

Age: 16

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Bad

Powers: Mind reading and suggestion

Looks(Pic or description) :

Wings or such: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Finnish, German

Weapon(s) of choice: Duel blades

Backstory: Christina was without a home or family, and suddenly just showed up in a small town where things were rough and sterile. Being a diamond in dust, they believed her to be an angel with her beauty, wonderful stories and kind nature. Though Christina was far from an angel. She is a demon with powers to manipulate the though of others, and make them believe her stories. She is not a wicked person herself, just more of a prankster without the feeling of sorrow for another person. Charming the leader of the establishment, the family without an heir adopted her as their own yet died mysteriously a few days later. Nobody questioned why, because they were under her spell. Eventually, she got tired of the boring old town and left, taking the poor peoples' riches with her.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: N/A

Personality: Doesn't care for others, fun and reckless, ambitious, adventurous.

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Flexibility and agility

Them Song(Optional) : This little girl ~ Cady Groves

Full Name/Nickname: Melanie Harr

Age: 15

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good

Powers: Ice, freezing things with her touch

Looks(Pic or description) :

Wings or such: N/A

Sexuality: Pansexual

Nationality: Irish

Weapon(s) of choice: Razor sharp ice forming over her fingers like claws

Backstory: Melanie was a normal mortal until one night with her ex-boyfriend, they had gone snowboarding down a long mountain. Melanie was scared and wouldn't move, so her boyfriend gave her a slight nudge in the direction of the slope. Being surprised of the sudden force, her weight fell forward and she tumbled down the mountain, breaking several of her limbs including her neck, and finally falling into a lake freezing over. SHe was already dead, and her boyfriend quickly fled the scene. Months later, when the lake thawed out, she climbed out of the lake unscathed. She lightly touched a branch above her head while thinking about how she was alive, and it quickly froze over. Afraid of being a freak of science and shunned by her family, she didn't bother going home. Melanie ran away.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: N/A

Personality: Fiery temper, Stubborn, clumsy and bored

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Mending, drawing and building.

Them Song(Optional) : Just the way I am ~ Skye Sweetnam

Full Name/Nickname: Alice Everglade

Age: 16

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Both

Powers: Shapeshifting into a member of the cat family (No matter which it is, it's pure black fur and with green eyes)

Looks(Pic or description) :

Wings or such: None unless she's a griffin or something

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Italian

Weapon(s) of choice: Her fangs and claws (in shapeshifted form)

Backstory: Alice is a witch's daughter and has been used as a test subject her whole life. One day when the witch was trying to mess with her pet cat, it had jumped on Alice while the witch had casted the spell and fused the feline DNA into her's. While the witch had angerly stormed off to find the cat, ALice took this time to run out of the house and wander around the village. She had wandered too far into the mountains, and saw three pairs of eyes staring at her in the darkness. In a panic, she fell backward and transformed into a small black cat, then sat up, transformed back to a girl and then into a panther. the eyes backed away from her quickly as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Instead of going back to the witch, she left the mountain.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: None

Personality: Elegant, Sly, Crafty and preceptive.

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Fearlessness not combined with recklessness. (Can do things like scale high building in ways that she knows she will not get harmed or die. "Nine lives" in a way.)

Them Song(Optional) : Cannibal ~ Ke$ha
Hes gonna be angry, fall has made a nonwritten no energy direction ability, and he might not like the way some of your characters are set up
It's alright, Kolt. My characters were previously approved, I just re-posted my character sheets for future reference.
Full Name: Scarlette Crimson, her nickname is Slim Scar, because she's ALWAYS got a Slim Jim in her mouth, like Clint Eastwood had a cigar in the Dollars Trilogy, and also because she only listens to Eminem.

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Nationality: Northern United States

Looks(Pic or Describe) : View attachment 7720

Pets(if any) : None

Sexuality: Bisexual, she wants to be loved, no matter who from. She just doesn't seem to think she has time for it. But maybe a little love could tame this wild child.

Powers: Powers a child of Zeus would have. But any and all electricity is red. And when she causes lightning to strike it's red.

Weapons: A Custom Desert Eagle that shoots electrified bullets. A red sword that can hold electricity. And a red dagger.

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : Crimson Eagle wings.

Personality: An all rounds ***** at times, at others, she's the nicest person you'll meet. She's also a little insane. If you get in her way for goals, she will kill you. She hates being called a ginger. Hates overly perverted people.

Backstory: She was born in the slums, to a lay-around and abusive mother. She got mad enough one day, that she stabbed her mother, and sent lightning into the house, burning it and everything inside to dust and ashes. She blames the abuse on her father, Zeus, and wants revenge.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Bad, but she has her own motives.

Theme Song(Optional) :

Other Skills: She's very agile, and flexible, and she can jump really good.
Full Name: Hunter Johannes (My actual name is Hunter, and I like the Hunter. Deal with it.)

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Nationality: Unknown

Looks: View attachment 7727

Pets: None

Sexuality: Straight

Powers: Enhanced condition, wall crawling

Weapons:Razor sharp teeth, clawed hands

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : None

Personality: Violent, dark, manipulative

Backstory: His parents were Deimos and one of the Keres. He wasn't "born" in the natural sense of the word. He was CREATED. Unspeakable deities of darkness took the void, and twisted him, changing his very being into that of evil, combining him with a very good model of a human being in peak physical condition. He feeds off of living creatures, mostly animals, but the occasional human.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Bad

Theme Song: Silence, screams, the sound of death.

Other Skills: IF you take the time to read all of his enhanced condition, you would know them all. Everything physical about him is enhanced, just NOT his intelligence. He is about as intelligent as your average adult male.
[MENTION=1750]The Bounty Hunter[/MENTION] accepted, even though it's basically the hunter from L4D. I love that game, so you get away with it.
So, any idea when the IC thread shall be posted? This seems as though it could last for a long time, if people put enough effort into it.
[MENTION=1750]The Bounty Hunter[/MENTION] It'll be posted after October 20th, because on the 15th, 16th, and 17th, I'll be nowhere near a computer, and also, for the third time, one of my family members has been diagnosed with cancer.
(I'm making a new charrie instead of my last one from The Crew lol)

Full Name: Evangeline Rosewood.

Age: 19 years old.

Gender: Female.

Nationality: Italian (She speaks fluent Italian.)


View attachment 7768

Pets: She has a shark named Okus given to her by her Father, but she can only see him when near by an ocean.


Sexuality: Straight.

Powers: She is able to turn almost anything she touches into water, even herself. But she can only do this if near a water source. If she was in the middle of a desert, her power would be useless.

Weapons: A medium sized golden trident, two spiked throwing axes, and one blue katana.

Wings, or other things like that: She has no wings of any sort.

Personality: Evangeline is extremely fierce, and isn't afraid to accept a challenge. She practices using her weapons daily for three hours, making sure she stays active. You can usually find her practicing her water powers by a nearby lake or stream.

Even though she may seem like a ruthless girl, she has a soft side once you get to know her, and is also quite intelligent.

Back-story: Ever since she was a little girl, she always knew Poseidon was her Father. He disappeared when she was born, but her Mother told her about him when she turned 15 years old. She hasn't met him yet, but she's seen him in dreams, telling her things she needed to know like how to control her powers. Her Mother is a normal human, so she has a human edge to her as well. Most people wouldn't suspect she was Poseidon's daughter at first glance, but once she uses her water powers, it's pretty obvious.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Good.

Theme Song: None.

Other Skills: Evangeline has extreme agility and flexibility skills.
Full Name:(has no name)



Nationality:Does not know but was raised and taught on an island with him mentor

Looks(Pic or Describe) :View attachment 7773

Pets(if any) : none

Sexuality: Prefers to be alone

Powers: Enlightened twirl, Healing thoughts, Shield empower, Battle cry, Enlightenment

Weapons: A huge sword and shield enchanted by the gods

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : Can travel on light either natural or made

Personality:Quiet and strong. Hard willed, flexible in nature but also caring

Back story: In his village his mother gave birth to a blinded son who was foretold by the gods to be born. A rival clan that heard of this glimpse by the gods destroyed the village to prevent this boy from being born but hey were to late to stop the birth. Once his parents heard the news they prayed to the god of healing and enlightenment to save their son. They heard the plea and lifted the boy to the top of mount Olympus. The god Phoebus took in the boy to his island home. Everyday they practiced meditating and sparing. The boy was finally 19 when the god decided he was fit for the world and was able to avenge the god hating clan. When he arose out of the island it had only been 10 or so years, but in the mortal world centuries had passed. He was now roaming the world trying to find his place and his revenge. His thought proceses is yet unknown

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Good

Theme Song(Optional) :Libera me from hell - Theme from Gurren Lagann

Other Skills:
[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] You need to do better with grammar and spelling. I like the idea though! Work on spelling and grammar, but you're otherwise accepted.
I may have skim-read too fast, but can you make sure they post atleast FIVE sentances per post? I apologize for anime, if you don't like it. I'm an anime geek, and tend to only post my favorite anime characters as the pictures. If you want me to change it, just let me know! I have a problem with typing up these really long posts sometimes and then these really short posts when they give me nothing to reply to also.... I'm a problematic roleplayer ^^;

If you need a picture/charry piece to be editted please state exactly what needs to be changed.


"Let's go get some food together~ We can eat while I drag you into the web of l-o-v-e!"

Full Name: Masaomi Tonnerre or Masii (mas-E)

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Nationality: Japanese

View attachment 7775

View attachment 7777

Pet(s): N/A

Sexuality: Bisexual, Masaomi doesn't really care about others, just himself.

Powers: "Does seductivity count? Because I get all the girls!" Perhaps seductive looks and any magical powers a child of Eros would have, he doesn't exactly use them very often.

Weapons: A small, simple pocket knife. Nothing special, a child of Eros couldn't really fight, just apply makeup and pick up some girls. He may use a bow and arrow at rare times, sometimes out of habit use some love arrows.

Additional Physical Features: "Beautiful, dashing looks?" He does have white angel wings, that can extend and disappear at him bidding. Although he has angel wings, he is not an angel.

Personality: A son of the (Roman...) god Eros, and a son of a wealthy Japanese woman. He is a seductive, loving, yet childish boy who loves picking up the 'chicks' that come by his passage. Even picking up the girls in his family, not minding if they are bothered by it. On the inside, he doesn't think love as a tremendous thing, just a simple figurine of life. Something pointless, that inspires people to move on. He is a small pervert at times, to tease his friends (Slim) and to pick up girls. On his perverted side, he likes to talk about boobies (aka breasts) and taking a 'poke' at the big ones.

Backstory: He didn't really know who his father was, he had met him a couple of times, but never remembered his face. His mother, she was a wealthy anime empire owner. She was the director of the famous Japanese TV cartoons and never spent time with him as often. Masaomi had a life of his own, attending highschool, picking up girls, then school once more.

Side: Neutral, he doesn't care as long as what side he's on wins.
@Forks. I like Anime, my picture is for Scarlette is anime, and my profile pic is Kamina from Gurren Lagann. And Accepted, just, well, I understand writer's block and such, but try to use correct grammar and spelling, I'm a grammar nazi.

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