Battle for the Greek Gods

[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION] I don't usually check my grammar. If I need it to be editted, or spell checked just let me know. (^○^) I usually just check for run-ons and mispelled words. Is the RP started yet?


The side part, I accidently got cutoff, I mean't to say he doesn't care what side he is on. As long as he can win.
[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] yea it's started, I believe the links on the thread here, if not, then I'll put it there.
[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION] Okay! I posted it. I have an urge to use this "~" very often because on Tumblr, (my secondary RP website) we use those for romantic sentance enders. Also, since Masaomi is Japanese, I will use the prefixes -kun, -san, -chan, and maybe -senpai very often. I know how to use them, because I'm Japanese so don't worry! I don't need corrections on those.
[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] I know the song, I have it on my phone. I have listened to it, twice as many times as Kamina is manly. xD
(If you see ANY grammar errors in my posts, please do not hesitate to tell me.)

Full Name: Lucien Auveille

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: French

Looks: boywhite hair/AnimePhotoUploads/Xeenposting.jpg?o=7

Pets: (Her name is Roxanne.)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers: He employs elemental and non-elemental attacks. He also has great healing powers.

Weapons: (Lucien's Sword) (Lucien's Orb)

Wings, or other things like that: He can light travel.

Personality: Relaxed, Logical, and Dignified. He also has a great deal of pride as he does not talk about times when someone saves him. He is also quite empathetic.

Backstory: Lucien is a son of Apollo, and he is the son of a beautiful innkeeper. Along with going to school, Lucien and his mother ran one of the most talked about Inns in Paris, The Shining Hearth. He lived a wonderful life until a throng of demons attacked their inn and killed all the innkeepers and guests. Lucien and his mother were the only ones who left the destruction unscathed. "Demons will be demons, they know no change. Humans however; Humans change all the time," Lucien said that day.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Good

Theme Song: Sight for the Sore Eyes by Broken Iris

Other Skills: Lucien is also capable of healing himself without his powers.
It's makes sense that my character doesn't have a pet. He would have eaten it. Immediately. He will not hesitate attempting to devour one of your characters as well. Attempt being the key word there. Mindless rantings over. I'm going to get get carbonated beverage, and an extra large pizza. Maybe a raccoon. And a haircut. And a pineapple. Maybe I should retrieve my old cellular telephone, and hurl it into the street. Yes, I think I'll do that.
[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] I think it'll be a little hard for Kyra to not like that guy. o.0 Gah, too many of my female OC's like French accents. And also his personality is good. Unlike most others that went to help Kyra. xD
I watched the newcomer approach us, and I immediately had a chill of suspicion. First of all, he had blood all over him, and he looked like some sort of demon. I wasn't expecting these kind of people.. But instead, I was more focused on the girl sitting across the street, and with Kyra threatening her to leave.

I couldn't help but let a small smirk onto my face as Kyra ran up to the girl with a staff. This was quite amusing. But I decided to stay out of it.

"So.. Who are you supposed to be?" I asked Hunter, looking up at him.

YOu have good eyesight. He leaped from shadows about fifty feet up. I salute you.
(It looks like I hit the bull's eye, as the Englishmen say. I usually make a smart-ass, so I decided to try something different.)
My grandmother had cancer 5 seperate times, the last time dying of it this summer, cancer runs through my family like the plague, my aunt susan died of it and my grandfather also had a brain tumor derived from cancer, the only reason more havent died is because theyre to young, so quit your moaning.

Edit: Thought we were starting the rp on oct 20th
[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] You can join in when you want, and I thought your character was French. O.o ?
Full Name: Trey Greed

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Nationality: Japan, was born in the US but moved to Japan at a young age

Looks(Pic or Describe) : View attachment 7877

Pets(if any) : Robotic dog that can transform into any animal as long as there isn't a substantial change in mass.

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Powers: Fire manipulation and fire creation.

Weapons: Anything he makes with his own hands, doesn't trust anything else

Wings, or other things like that(Optional) : Nope

Personality: Gets annoyed easily, and is very aggressive when he is annoyed, but otherwise he's assertive and very cooperative towards anyone he trusts.

Backstory: Trey was a child of Hephaestus. He didn't like his father just because he was jealous that he wasn't a god himself. He's jealous of all the gods, but he doesn't dislike any of them but his father, and Athena. He doesn't like his father because it always seemed to him that his father pitied him, and he didn't like being pitied. At the age of 6, his mother was killed by another demigod, a son of Athena, and has sworn revenge on that moment. Ever since his mother died, he's survived because of one thing: His fire. He uses his fire for everything he needs to, from making food to making weapons.

Good, Bad, Neutral, Both: Neutral

Theme Song(Optional) :

Other Skills: Smithing

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