Batman: No Man's Land (Actual Rp)


Three Thousand Club
Here is the sign up sheet thread

Gotham City... A cruel, unforgiving city of darkness. A city in which the darkest and most psychotic of criminals live. The streets are filled with litter, beer bottles and cans, and weapons... And blood. The worlds deadliest of assassins lurk in this city, kill after kill after kill, body after body, so much blood has been spilled in this city, and it only continues to get worse. Now an earthquake has hit Gotham, and everyone in Arkham has been set free, can anyone stop the madness?

Now the criminals fight for territory in Gotham, Joker, Penguin, and Two-Face being the heavy hitters so far, but slowly the cops have begun fighting back, and criminals have been getting captured, the Batman is back, and he isn't alone, with the help of Nightwing, Oracle, Robin(Tim Drake), and Batgirl(Stephanie Brown).
The Jackl had just got done with a long day and is looking forward to his night. He usually is out causeing havok but tonight he decided to take it a bit slower than usual besides the word around town is that batman hasint been around latly so he can do absolutly what ever he wants. but last night was hell and he figured he needed a break. "so hows my friend this... fine evening" the Jackl turned around to see a skull like figure step from the shadows it was the Black Mask the Jackl's boss...
Deathstroke returned to his hideout after another successful assassination. He walked inside to see his 5 soldiers sleeping.

'What a disgrace. If I was an enemy they world be dead right now!'

"Hey! Wake up you fools!"

Deathstroke yelled clearly upset and his men quickly woke and got in a single file line hoping that their punishment wouldn't be to severe. But Deathstroke had other things on his mind and their punishment would be severe and they would never sleep on the job again. He smiled to himself as he thought it.

A soft breeze met Chameleon's skin as she stood atop a building closer to the center of the outbreak. She had just arrived in Gotham a few hours before and carefully worked herself farther into the criminal's territories. She needed to get a handle on how bad things really were. A small group of thugs approached the street from the east side and Chameleon quickly dropped to her stomach, peeking over the ledge. She certainly didn't want to be seen, this was a surveillance trip. Her suit quickly phased to blend in with the dull grey brick.

Poison Ivy

A small vine slithered across the floor as Ivy dismissed the men in front of her. They had failed her again but they were the best she could get at the moment. "How hard can it be to get me some simple information?!" Ivy growled in frustration after they had left. The vine gently wrapped around her ankle, seemingly wanting attention as if it were a puppy. She glanced down and smiled slightly at the plant. "Hello darling..."
"well...what do you want?" the jackl new that somthing was up because the boss never showed up like this very often. "i need to ask you a favor." " a favor sounds like?.. FUN!"

"yes?... i figured you would be intresested, anyway it seems that arkham has been, affected by the earthquake last night, and i have some business that needs to be disposed of. He should be in the warhouse by the loading docks show em what your made of..."
His boots made zero noise as he stalked across the rooftops, his cape blowing in response to the wind, the breeze on his face felt nice. He stalked across the rooftops, leaping from building to building to get to his destination, on occasion he would spread his cape to resemble the form of a bat flying across the sky to instill fear in the thugs he engaged in combat. It always worked, the thugs would cower at the sight of him, those that didn't cower quickly fell to his superior strength, speed, and tactics. He was truly the only one able to handle such pressures, and he was back in Gotham, a major earthquake had it, whether it was 8.5, or 9.5 on the Richter scale he couldn't recall at the moment, he was focused on his goal, the capture and containment of all criminal activity in the area, his first target? Poison Ivy. He had found her secret hiding place in the botanical gardens of Arkham Asylum, she being the only criminal still within Arkham, Batman wandered the gardens as the vines around him followed, and pheromones were blown onto his face.
Poison Ivy

Ivy's head snapped to attention as the plants began to grow tense.

"Hm... It would seem we have a visitor..." She carefully slid her ankle out of the vine's grasp, stepping over to stand in front of the only entrance to the room. With a cold smirk, Poison Ivy recognized the silhouette of Batman immediately.

"Nice of you to drop by, Bats. I was wondering when you were going to come pay me a visit. It was beginning to look as if you'd forgotten about little old me." She mocked a pout, raising her hand to her lips and blowing pheromones his direction.


"Mmm...nothing to see here." Chameleon mumbled and stood up carefully. Her suit phased back to it's usual black as she walked across the next few rooftops, keeping a watchful eye out.
Batman approached the entrance only to be hit with another wave of pheromones, this time directly from Ivy herself making it that much harder to resist. He saw Ivy was standing in front of the only entrance. "Quite the contrary Ivy, I've been looking for you." He says coldly. He looks her over, she looked the same as she always did, dressed in hardly any clothing, the clothing being leaves that could easily fall right off at any time.
After flogging his men, Deathstroke left to get some air. While Deathstroke was outside getting his fresh air if you could call it that in Gotham, he spotted a woman changing color out of the corner of his eye.

'A camouflager? Interesting.'

Deathstroke stealthy leaped to the same rooftop as the shapeshifter. Easily making no sound.

"A little dangerous to be all alone. Especially now a days."

Deathstroke said to the woman as a warning but not in a threatening way.
So I have to dispose of a target, the Jackl thought, I havint been this antsie since... Last night. "Ha Ha Ha" the Jackle knew that he had to be quiet but he couldint help but let out a littil snicker every now and then. "so hes in a wherehouse by the loading docks, thanks for the details a**hole" he hated when people didint give him the details. after awile he came up on the loading docks. "Oh no wonder he didint give me the exact wherehouses location, he didint have to!" the Jackl looked over a scene of ten wherehouses only one of wich had a man screaming with a bonfire inside of it. "Good lets let the fun begin"
Poison Ivy

"Awww I'm flattered, Batsy. What took you so long?" Ivy grinned, crossing her arms. "There's no Arkham to send me back to now, hun. So I'm guessing this is a social call?" She raised an eyebrow and took a few steps closer to her visitor.


She quickly turned to face the stranger, obviously a bit surprised but quickly regaining her composure.

"I think I can handle myself, but I appreciate the concern." Chameleon replied while keeping a cautious eye on the man. She didn't recognize him but she was sure he wasn't good news.
"I know there's no Arkham, but I've made a containment facility in the batcave." Batman said to her matter of factly. "I'm not here to be friendly." A plant shoots more pheromones into Batman's system. He grabs his head and starts shaking it.
"Hmhmhmhm. I have no doubt that you can defend yourself. The name is Deathstroke the Terminator and you have nothing to fear from me. I came merely to make you and offer."

Deathstroke moves from the shadow of the building so that she can see him

'Hm. Never noticed that she was beautiful. Wait? Did I just think that? No stay focused.'

Deathstroke shifts uneasily clearly uncomfortable about something but keeping his presence as cool and dominant as possible.
Poison Ivy

"Oooh, a field trip? I would love to B, but I'm afraid I must decline the offer. My parents didn't sign the permission slip." She gave a shrug and slight smirk, turning away to pace the room. "Oh, I'm sorry Bats. Where are my manners? Pull up a chair, rest your wings." With a snap of her fingers, two vines came together to form somewhat of a stool near Batman.


"An offer?" Chameleon raised and eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. She felt uncomfortable out in plain sight. She was used to being the one doing the sneaking, not the one snuck up on. "What kind of offer?" She asked hesitantly.
"You see for some time now I have been searching apprentice and Chameleon I've chosen you....Congratulations."

Deathstroke said moving his face within inches of her's his helmet keeping her from seeing his face and a good thing too. Deathstroke had a huge grin on his face and he didn't know why.

'Is it this woman? Could she be making me feel this way all....mushy. No! I won't let it happen! Remember Deathstroke your here to use her powers to your will and nothing more! She smells.....No stop it! You are Deathstroke! The greatest assassin alive! Don't be a fool!'

Deathstroke leaned away reluctantly and turned around and started walking away, then stopped and looked back at Chameleon with his one good eye.

Batman just looked at the stool, Then back at Ivy. "And just why would I sit in the stool?" Batman asked her. Trying to keep a tough demeanor, but inside he wanted her badly. Very badly. He crossed his arms over his chest watching her carefully, his eyes did wander a few times though.

The invasion of her personal space startled Chameleon. She had been too focused on trying to figure out how this stranger knew her name. However, she managed to keep a straight face until he had stepped back.

'Apprentice? More like sidekick. What do I look like, some kind of meddling kid?' She thought to herself. Chameleon set her jaw as she turned over the option in her mind. 'Just do it. If you don't like it, you can split. Kind of your specialty, eh?'

She gave a slight nod and took a few strides towards Deathstroke. "Coming." 
Poison Ivy

"Gee, Bats. Tough crowd. We were only trying to be hospitable." She answered with a slight pout. The vines almost seemed to make small noises of agreement. "Then again, if you'd rather cut to the chase, you can just go ahead and try to handcuff me. I make no promises on going quietly."
Batman uncrossed his arms and approached her cautiously. "So what are you going to do?" He asks reaching slowly for a weapon from his utility belt. He keeps his eyes locked with hers, avoid the temptations of the pheromones she induced him with.
Deathstroke smiled to himself

"Look your not a side kick first off......I need someone to take my place if I die and you have great potential. Your power is an amazing gift and I want to help you use it to the best of your abilities, but I can promise only two things."

Deathstroke said trying to sound blank but he sounded flattering and impressed which he was trying to keep to himself.

"Any questions?"

Deathstroke asked looking at you with a hint of caring behind his eye.

She remained silent for a few moments before speaking again. "How do you know who I am?" She asked, watching his eyes carefully. She wasn't completely sold on the idea. After all, the whole thing could end up begin some type of trap. Then again, there was a chance that his intentions were as he said they were. Chameleon's gaze didn't falter as she awaited an answer.

Poison Ivy

"Now why would I tell you that, Batboy? I'm not going to lay all my cards on the table." She smirked, keeping her eyes on his. "So, you gonna try to take me in? Or are we going to stand here all night?"
Suddenly Ivy's vines wrap around Batman's arms and legs pulling him against the wall. One also attacked to his forehead so he was unable to move his head. One of the plants suggested to Ivy that she kiss him and finally kill Batman. Batman struggled, but the vines just tightened. He watched Ivy, unaware, but guessed at what she was going to do next. She was gonna kiss him, and the toxins would kill him.
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"It was a logical name to go with your powers. So in other words I guessed"

Deathstroke shrugged and looked her in the eye (since he only has one)

'Wow her eyes are beautiful...a man could get lost in them'

"Anything else you wanna know?"

Deathstroke asked wanting her to be able to feel comfortable around him.

"You mentioned you could only promise two things." Chameleon paused, her attitude shifting slightly. She was beginning to think that maybe she could trust him. She let her arms fall to her sides. "What are they?"
"First I will train you the best way I can and it will be difficult, second I will protect you with my life."

Deathstroke put his left arm around her shoulders in a protective a safe way.

"Ya um.... we're here."

Deathstroke takes his arm off her shoulders and opens the door for her to go first.

"Ladies first."

Her eyes seemed to soften for a moment as he spoke. This time, there was no doubt in her mind that he was being honest. The soft, night, breeze toyed with her ponytail as her eyes moved to the door. She smiled slightly and stepped inside.

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