Bastions of the North

Can't.  Exalted doesn't get distributed down here.  Best I could do is a .pdf, and that requires someone else buying it and scanning it before putting up on random websites and ptp programs.  Blergh.
Considering as I'm going to be staging a long running story set in the North, I should probably buy it.... right now.

My shop screwed up, we were supposed to get it Wednesday, and now we won't get it until next Wednesday. :roll:
I bought it yesterday, but haven't gotten a chance to read it, except to skim the Whitewall section for stuff about the road.

i've gotten it, it's a great read so far.  not a single charm or artifact it the book.  i'ld guess they dont want to put something in and invalidate it in febuary with second edition. oh well.  still very pleased i've gotten the book.
I doubt that's their reasoning Djalan, especially considering how long we've knwon about Second Edition.  With that criteria, they wouldn't have realeased, for example, Cult of the Illuminated.
got it, read most of it.  

ignoring the Bull, check

White-Wall, check

possible orgin of the Bishop, check

random ruined city thousands of miles from Whitewall in the Whitewall section, check

too much Vodak, check

explanation of Gethemane's crazy priests, check

Two types of Haslanti airboats, check

WWII style gliders, check

Essence 8 Unshaped Fair Folk pretending to be a  city while hiding from the Realm Defense Grid, check

a fun OWoD connection (if you want it to be) in Swar, check

and if you do like the conection you have the extra fun of evidence for the Unshaped being able to transcend into Primordials, check
Swar is a city in the Underworld Tempest (like Stygia) of Wraith.  It pretends to an Indian (India Indians) paradise, full of riches and comfort for all who enter.  Outside the city gates there is a huge camp of wraiths just waiting in line for their turn to enter paradise.

What know one knows it that the city is self aware and eventually soulforges those who entr into the cities riches and comforts, or just up and eats them.  

Just before the 6th Great Maelstrom the gates of Swar were opened to all, insuring Swar could wait out the end of Creation with a full stomach.
I was a bit puzzled by the Lunar references in the Swar adventure.

In the section dealing with Lunar PCs it states that Lunars are immune to the Wyld...which is wrong. The Lunar tatoos only make a Lunar immune to a forced physical transformation, which incidentally include Wyld mutations.

The author also draws the conclusion that they are immune to a Raksha's shaping attacks, I suppose based on his previous error of Wyld immunity. This is wrong too since the Fair Folk book actually uses a Lunar in one of its examples. A shaping attack couldn't force the Lunar to appear as something else but it could still include him within its story.

Unless there is a rules change I'm not aware of.
In the section dealing with Lunar PCs it states that Lunars are immune to the Wyld...which is wrong. The Lunar tatoos only make a Lunar immune to a forced physical transformation' date=' which incidentally include Wyld mutations.[/quote']
I think you have that backwards. The Lunar tattoos protect a Lunar from the Wyld, and only incidentally protect them from other types of shaping.

The whole reason the Lunars developed the tattooing rituals was to protect against the Wyld.

Regardless, you seem to be nitpicking here, since both amount to the same thing, and Lunars are effectively immunt to the Wyld -- at least physically.

Stillborn said:
I think you have that backwards. The Lunar tattoos protect a Lunar from the Wyld, and only incidentally protect them from other types of shaping.
The whole reason the Lunars developed the tattooing rituals was to protect against the Wyld.

Regardless, you seem to be nitpicking here, since both amount to the same thing, and Lunars are effectively immunt to the Wyld -- at least physically.
The tattoos are a perfect defense against physical transformation attacks. The source of the attack is incidental since all sources are blocked equally. The fact that the Lunars built the things for a defense against the Wyld isn't nearly as important as which Wyld effects it blocks in-game.

In any case I don't think its a nitpick since the author is assuming that since Lunars are immune to the Wyld (false...they are immune to Wyld induced physical mutation) they are immune to all sorts of Wyld based attacks (again false since the attack has to be transformative). This is just bad research that should of never made it into a published adventure.
If the writer of the Swar section has decent Exalted background, then he/she really made a mistake. If not, it's quite understandable...

Writer: Hmm, the background material says that Lunars are immune to anything that alters their shape. It also says that the Fair Folk use shaping attacks when in the Wyld... <Image of a lightbulb going on above writer's head, then exploding> Okay, so Lunars are immune to shaping attacks...

 While the strictest reading of the Lunar tattoos and their defense against the Wyld would be that of mutation prevention, that's not the entire story. There are some mental protections as well:

Lunars, p. 82:  Lilith was tattooed just in time for her to retain her sanity. Strong implication that the tattoos have some preventative effect against Wyld-based mental attacks.

Lunars, p. 206: A Lunar's sanity is protected, along with its shape, when in the Wyld. Similar implication.


Lunars, p. 206-207: Tattooed Lunars are clearly capable of acquiring Wyld addiction.

 Therefore, if the tattoos grant more Wyld protection than just mutation prevention, it's definitely not all-encompassing like the effects of Chaos-Repelling Pattern and similar charms.
I'm reading through the Whitewall section, and while I think it's really cool, something stuck me as making little sense:

On page 18, under the heading of "The Syndics", it says, " is clear that the rulers are gods..."

Then, on page 23, under the section on Cherak, it says, "[The leader of the Wyld Hunt] is known as a raging zealot, and it is unknown what actions he might take should he hear that Whitewall is guided by three powerful spirits."

If the Syndics have been ruling Whitewall openly for many centuries, how could the news NOT have reached the Wyld hunt in Cherak? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Am I missing something?

Yeah, rereading the fae book, lunars aren't immune to being shaped against, just shaping attacks that would alter their forms, that's all.
Stillborn said:
Why should that matter to the Hunt?
well, spirits ruling mortals is kind of against the Immaculate teachings.  And if the Wlyd Hunt Commander is a Peleps Deled sort of fanatic, he might just send out his Hunt against the Syndics.  l

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