Bastions of the North

Spook said:
well, spirits ruling mortals is kind of against the Immaculate teachings.  And if the Wlyd Hunt Commander is a Peleps Deled sort of fanatic, he might just send out his Hunt against the Syndics.  l
Exactly my point. Everyone in Creation must know that the Syndics rule Whitewall. How could the commander of the Wyld hunt in Cherak NOT know?

It's ridiculous.

While I've decided now that I <3 Whitewall, a few other things in that section bothered me...

Like when they refer to the year being 12 months long.

I think WW would really benefit by having a few knowledgeable players read over everything for consistency before sending books to print, rather than printing whatever some contracted author, who may or may not be familiar with canon, jots down on the page.

Could be he doesnt know because the Realm is witholding the specifics from him because they know if he found out hed go after one of the Realms tributarties, and while the fanatic, (Andi I think its actually Deled himself) May not have a real issue with that from a right/wrong perspective, he would from a losing his job perspective which would almost definitely happen if he went after Whitewall, even if he succeeeded.
Stillborn said:
Exactly my point. Everyone in Creation must know that the Syndics rule Whitewall. How could the commander of the Wyld hunt in Cherak NOT know?

It's ridiculous.

except not everyone knows that the syndics are higher ups in the Celestial Bureaucracy, which would make taking them out a bit more of a priority, then if they were just some uppity little gods.
Well if the Syndics are higher ups in the Celestial Bureaucracy then it would be to the detriment of the Bronze Faction to sic the Wyld Hunt on them anyway since it would make more allies for the Golds to exploit. Besides if Whitewall is as polite to the Realm as the books says then that's a lot of Jade flushed down the toilet just to satisfy some fanatic monk.
Even fanatics have their priorities. Considering what Yurgen Kaneko is doing in the North, something tells me that Peleps Deled is a bit more preoccupied with a bonafide Anathema than 'rogue spirits' overstepping their bounds, especially those who are technically allied with the Realm.

 It's still sloppy content editing, though.
True, though more likely the Lunars the Bull pissed off will do him in better than any Realm Legion could have. Incidentally enough did they ever come up with ammended stats for the Bull of the North and his crew? The Dawn book stats were abit spares and I am leery about messing with cannon.
About The Bull of the North

I have the book and read it all except the Gethamane chapter and I must say that there's clearly nothing about the Bull as someone else have already stated it.I'd like to have information about him in a more orderly fashion and in one package.

Other than the lack of new info about the Bull I liked the book.It really covers up good and valuable info about the northern powers.I must also admit that I smiled an evil grin when I found out that  "The Imperial Puppets" were not as puppets as one can imagine them to be :twisted: .They do value the stability and the imperial protection posed by the Realm but they would in fact make good use of any Solar willing to help- especially considering the origins of the city and stuff.After all who wouldn't? I was shocked most when I read the secret about the Syndics and the concept of city father.As far as it goes I'm pleased about the book though there doesn't seem to be an acceptable explanation about the the thing on the Wyld Hunt in Cherak and the Syndics. I did ignore it the first time I've read it.
True' date=' though more likely the Lunars the Bull pissed off will do him in better than any Realm Legion could have. Incidentally enough did they ever come up with ammended stats for the Bull of the North and his crew? The Dawn book stats were abit spares and I am leery about messing with cannon.[/quote']
Remeber, the caste books character stats reflected a starting character and since The Bull has, apparently, been active since before the Empress dissapeared you shouldn't hesitate from altering it within reason.
If you could only point out which book states that he's before the disappearance I'd be very pleased.Since Samea exalted before him it means that she's also from before the disappearance of the empress.
the timeline in kingdom of halta puts the war beginning two years before the date the Empress disappeared. And the realm enters the war mere months before the she disappears. This is using RY 763 for when she disappears as it is stated in E: DB

However, Scavenger Sons has her disappearance in RY 757.

Here is an accurate timeline based on info from the books
In short, they are both from before she vanished, I'm almost sure of it, seeing as both of them were tramping around well before the war, though their Circle...I'm not so sure. Fear Eater and the others, I dunno if they were out too or what.
After reading the posts here, does any one have an opinion on the possibility of Lookshy coming to the aid of the Haslanti League in the inevitable event that the Bull should attack?

Lookshy and the League seem to be working on a closer diplomatic and trade relationship and there certainly doesn't seem to be a lot of hurdles or conflict of interest to prevent an alliance.  

Further, Lookshy may welcome the opportunity to assist (and only assist) in a conflict against the Bull.  This would allow them to gauge the Bull's strength and methods, while not having to face him at the gates of Lookshy and without having to dedicate the full military to the endeavor.  If they can weaken the Bull's forces with only a portion of their military (relying on the Leauge to cough up the majority of the man power), they will have neutralized a potential future threat to their own autonomy.  

It would be a sort of spin on the "fight them abroad so we don't have to fight them at home" mentality.

Any thoughts?
I think that Lookshy military advisors will be more than forthcoming for the Haslanti League, at a fraction of their normal cost (or even gratis). Any actual military support in the form of troops...I can't quite see that.

 Lookshy is quite aware that sooner or later, Yurgen may will be a threat to the River Province. The idea of assisting the League against the Bull is a good one...granted that the League has a decent shot of winning. If not, Lookshy will have needlessly antagonized Yurgen. It's too much of a high-risk option for the General Staff to embrace--unless the other options are even less palatable.

 In addition, moving the troops into position to assist the League would require far too much wear and tear on Lookshy's First Age resources.

 Now, should Yurgen come after Linowa or the northern Realm satrapies, I can definitely see Lookshy making common cause with the Realm (or the Houses with vested interests in the area) against the Bull.
I was thinking something along the lines of limited advice and support (not a full force by any stretch) in exchange for access to the feather steel resources and airship information they are seeking.

Afterall, the League would hardly be giving particular advantage to Lookshy technologically speaking.  Lookshy already has superior tech as it is.

It just occurred to me that even a limited number of perhaps the greatest military in Creation could significantly alter the outcome of the Bull/ League conflict.

In my mind Whitewall would likely offer at least token support to the League as well.  Granted, they are wary of the League's expansionist drive, but the Haslanti make for far better neighbors than the Bull.

Just as an aside, can anyone conceive of a scenario or circumstance where Whitewall may actually fully join the League?  What would the ramifications be?

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