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Fantasy Bastion, two worlds collide! (Looking for world building partners!)


Hey guys!
For those of you who aren't familiar with me I'm Foster (21 M), I've been here for quite a while and I've been concocting this little world for even longer.
That being said it's far from finished or refined and what I'm looking for is one or two people who are interested in developing this concept with me.
I've just started uni so my timetable is currently pretty full so I feel having a partner to bounce ideas off will benefit me greatly in getting this roleplay ready.
Anyway I'll post the basic overview below so you guys can get a feel for the world.


The ascendant realm is home to the celestials, god like beings that represent individual elements of the mortal world. These can range from very important things such as the sun all the way to more niche things like farming or cats. The most powerful celestials hold council over the mortal world below, with a single celestial leading a new age every billion years. This wasn’t always the case, there was a time in which they fought endlessly for control which left the world below in a state of constant turmoil. But after centuries of conflict Tempest, the Queen of the seas, rose to power and brought order to both realms. She decided that every billion years the current ruling celestial would pass the throne on willingly to a predetermined successor, ushering in a new age. For example, Tempest's age was reflected in the mortal world by vast seas that covered the majority of the planet. The celestial that followed Tempest was Solphon, Lord of the sun. His reign is the current age, very similar to the Earth we all know and love (tolerate). Problem is Solphon was never as level headed as his predecessor and as his billion years started to draw to a close he grew increasingly paranoid about passing over his crown. When the time came for his replacement he refused, resulting in a civil war between the celestials with incredibly heavy losses on both sides. As it stands only Solphon and Luneir (Lady of the moon) remain, locked in a bloody conflict with one another. So this is where our story begins. When a celestial is defeated in the ascendant realm their spirits fall to earth and are forced to find a human host to latch on to. These hosts are referred to as ‘Vessels’. Celestials will eventually find their way back to their native realm overtime but they can fast track themselves by absorbing the essence of others from the ascendant realm. This is often a messy process as it requires killing their vessels. So as it stands all the defeated celestials are racing to get back to the ascendant realm and we would be roleplaying their vessels. Vessels are granted various powers by their respective celestials which will grow stronger as they absorb more of their kin.


The majority of this rp will be taking place in Bastion, a mega city with a steampunky industrial Britain vibe going on. It’s huge, almost big enough to be its own country. It’s divided into four different sectors, Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Omega, each with their own specialties. Each sector has a ruling lord with the exception of Alpha which has a monarch who rules over the entire city and has final say over any of the other lords. Bastion is set out in a series of rings with Alpha in the middle, Gamma surrounding that, then Beta and finally Omega. The perimeter of the city is surrounded by massive walls, the only way in being provided by the network of trains that worm through the city.

The sectors are as follows:
  1. Alpha, the pinnacle of Bastion city. It’s the smallest sector but it more than makes up for it, boasting the highest quality of life amongst its citizens. It’s at the center of Bastion and is surrounded on all sides by huge walls manned with armed guards. It’s host to the majority of the upper class and high end businesses. Hurwell Keep stands proudly within, an impressive castle from which to rule all of Bastion. Citizens here are generally happy and somewhat oblivious to the general condition of the city.​
  1. Beta is the mining district and as such the majority of its population is made up of people employed by the mining and metalworking industries. The conditions are poor but a lot of people don’t have any other choice than to live here. With so many people crammed in Beta it was inevitable that it would be the home of civil unrest and as such riots occasionally break out here. In the worst areas of Beta ‘Devil’s fever’ runs wild, a plague that is proving difficult for the authorities to combat.​
  1. Gamma is what you might describe as the most average area of Bastion. It’s working/ middle class and is the largest sector. It’s primarily made up of homes and shops. Anything you want to buy, Gamma probably has it. It’s also open on one side to the coast and as such hosts the fishing industry.​
  1. Omega is the farming district. It looks more like an area of rural countryside than part of a city, if you can get past the huge walls surrounding it. It’s still connected to the rest of the city via the train system, something that contrasts heavily with the rolling fields and grazing animals.​

A few smaller things to note that don't fit quite as comfortably into defined headings

Technology is, well, steampunk. Trains, blimps and basic firearms are all hanging around. No computers or anything though. I don’t need to say any more, you guys know what steampunk means.

The process by which a vessel is formed is poorly understood. Under normal circumstances the host might not even be aware for days, maybe even weeks before the celestial begins to make their presence known. At first they are little more than a voice in the back of your head but soon enough they will be able to manifest visual representations of themselves with no physical form.

There are mythical animals in this world, dragons, unicorns, the lot. On top of that, most animals follow the ATLA format of being a combination of two normal animals.

The primary religion in Bastion is the Order of the Red Sun. It’s primarily based around the worship of the sun, they see the star as a literal god (Which of course it is).

The embodiments of life and death are far more powerful than any of the other celestials and have chosen to live on earth rather than in the ascendant realm. This is a unique ability they have, most celestials cannot appear on earth without a host. They were the first celestials and have sired many children since then. For example the celestial of disease is a child of Death. They rarely involve themselves with the other celestials and haven’t been seen for hundreds of years.

Not only celestials fell from the ascendant realm, the spirits of monsters also fell and acquired vessels. This has resulted in outbreaks of things like werewolves.

Time moves differently in the ascendant realm, it is far slower than it is on earth.

The current ruler of Alpha (And by extent all of Bastion) is a vessel for Arclaw, lady of metal. Arclaw was Solphon’s right hand during the war and is desperate to return to his side. She and her vessel (Queen Maria Hunt) are utilising all of Bastion’s resources to round up every vessel in the city.

Final notes
You've probably seen the names of Celestial's popping up here and there throughout this post and while it's true that I've got a few of them named and ready there is loads of room for you to come up with your own! Once you express an interest in this I'll share my messier notes like the unfinished celestial list and a few of the animal species I've created.

So if this seems like your kind of thing drop me a PM and we'll get to chatting! Looking forward to talking with you guys and thank you very much for reading.


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