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Realistic or Modern Band RP.

Becca shook her head. "I don't like to be this way with you, Nic.. I love you like a sister." She said taking her hand again. "You need to toughen up.." She said and hugged her lightly. "I'll see you out there." She said and exited the bathroom. Jim looked at her. "Everything okay?" He asked as Becca gave a nod. "Yeah.. Just a girl talk..." She said and went back to looking at bass guitars. She checked her phone and saw that Adam said that the surgery was a success. She responded. Awesome!! I'm so glad that you're okay! Do you need anything? She asked and pocketed her phone.
Sighing, Nicole left the bathroom. Henry grabbed her hand. "Is everything okay, cuteness?" He asked. She smiled at him. "Yeah, everything's just fine, babe. Becca helped me out with something." Henry squeezed her hand, kissing her head. "Okay." Nicole looked at Adam's text. "Oh hey. Adam says the surgery was a success." She said. "That's great news!" Henry said. That's amazing, Adam! How do you feel? She texted.
Jim looked over at the others. "Don't forget, hon. We're going to go to the hospital to visit Adam when we're done here. We promised him." He said as Becca gave a nod. "Yep. I didn't forget. Do you think that we should get him something?" She asked walking over to the drum section, looking at sticks. She thought about getting him some.
He didn’t answer his phone due to falling asleep again. The nurses kept coming in and out of his room to make sure everything was good.
Nicole picked up a pair of sticks. "How would we know which ones are perfect for him? Anyone a drums expert?" She asked studying them. Henry gently ran his hands over them. "They're smooth and really light in color. I think we should find a different pair. Maybe a little darker." He said. Nicole raised an eyebrow.
Jim gave a shrug. He didn't know much about drumsticks other than they were used to play drums. "You got me, Nic. When I look at them I just see sticks." He said as Becca rolled her eyes. "Way to sound like a musician, babe..." She said still annoyed from the talk that she had with Nicole. Jim looked at her confused as to why she was giving him a hard time. "Hey, I'm a guitar player.. I can tell you everything you need to know about guitars and picks. But I will happily admit that I don't know much about drums.." He said giving her a look. It seemed that the whole situation with David was threatening to affect everyone. Not just Nicole.
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Nicole looked at Becca and Jim. She sighed. "Becca, I'm sorry I upset you. And guys, there's something I have to tell you. Before we left the hotel, David called and he really got to me. Again. I was trying to play it cool so that you guys wouldn't worry, but of course, Becca saw right through me. Anyway, we were talking about it in the bathroom and I'm deciding to handle David once and for all at the trial today. I'm going to testify and put him away for good. I'm done being scared all the time, I'm Nicole Jackson for crying out loud. I never back down and I won't now. Especially since I have all of you to support me." She said.
Becca sighed and shook her head. She would believe it when she saw it. Jim groaned. Not this again... He thought to himself. "Please testify and put this jerk away. I'm getting sick of hearing about him. I should have hurt him worse when I had the chance.." He said and walked out of the place to have a cigarette. Becca follows him. Normally she would try to calm him down but this time upon getting outside she plucked the cigarette out of his mouth and lit it. Jim sighed and took out another one and lit it. "I'm so sick of this... Everyday it's something with her.." He said while exhaling.
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Nicole sat down. "Great, now they're both mad at me." She said. Henry sat beside her and put his arm around her. "Can you blame them, cuteness? I know David hurt you and possibly scarred you, but you need to move past him. I mean, you've got me now. I'm here and I'm never going anywhere. I'm never going to hurt you. Why does he always have to come back up?" He asked. Nicole looked at him. "I don't know, Henry. I just can't be rid of him. No matter how hard I try, I just can't. None of you understand how hard it is to deal with this. David has beaten me, raped me, verbally abused me, it's not easy to forget any of that." She sighed again. "But, I don't expect you to understand either." Henry cupped her cheek. "I don't understand what it's like to go through that, but I know how incredibly strong you are, Nicole. You're stronger than all of that. You just don't realize it." He said. Nicole leaned into him, closing her eyes.
Becca and Jim were both frustrated. This was ruining what should have been a good day. Becca shook her head. "I promise you if that son of a bitch doesn't go to prison for decades then I'm going to..." Jim interrupted her. "YOU are not going to do anything.. In fact you and I going to stay out of it.." He said while looking her in the eye. Becca paused for a moment then shrugged. She knew he was right. "That's a better idea.. It's time she grew a set and did something like an adult for once.." She said and took a drag from her cigarette, exhaling. "Her and I had a little chat in the bathroom.." She said in a tone.
Nicole stood. "Well, my situation's taking up all of our time. We're in New York. We have to enjoy ourselves before we leave. Come on, let's get Jim and Becca and go dancing." She said. Henry smiled. "Dancing sounds fun." Nicole pulled him outside. "Hey guys. I'm really sorry this whole thing with you-know-who is putting us in a bad mood. But, I'm gonna handle it and we'll never speak of it again. Now, let's stop all this grumpy stuff and go dancing. You can't say no because I've already decided." She said trying to cheer them up.
Jim and Becca turn to Nicole as she comes outside and mention going dancing. Becca and walked to her taking one last puff from her cigarette, exhaling. "Please go and get this over with... I hate being mean to you..." She said with a frown. "We'll go dancing. I need to loosen up anyway.." She said as she turned to Jim who gave a shrug. "Fine but you've got to grow up. I mean it.." He said looking right at her.
Nicole raised her hand and made an "X" over her chest. "I will, cross my heart and hope to die." She said with a smile and a wink. Nicole poked Jim's hip. "You're not mad, are you Jim?" She asked.
Jim sighed and turned to her. "I'm not mad.. I'm just done with all of the stuff with David. I know that everything he did to you was heinous and is very hard to forget but you can't let it rule your life and cause you to run and hide. You can't keep doing that. What do you think Mr. Douglas would think about that?" He asked. He wasn't yelling.
Nicole nodded. "I know. I'm done with that. I'll do better, I promise." She said and held her arms out. "Forgive me hug?" She asked. Nicole really wanted to make things better with the gang, so she was determined to be better.
Jim couldn't stay angry with her. She had a kind of charm that made her hard to be mad at. Jim walked over and put his arms around her, hugging her tight. "Just please promise us that you'll grow up.." He said. "I hate to keep saying that but I mean it. You're a rockstar now, Nic" Becca walked over and hugged her from behind. "Sorry.."
Nicole smiled. "I love you guys. Thank you for your help." She said. Henry joined the hug. "A guy could get used to this. Your group is surprisingly, and adorably, loving." He said.
Becca smiled. She loved Nicole and Henry like family. "We love you too but you're a brat, Nic.." She said with a light laugh. She kissed her cheek and let go as did Jim. Becca looked to Jim. Remembering something that she and Nicole discussed in the car the day they got back together. "One other thing, babe.. I never told you why I missed all of those practices.." She said as Jim looked at her with slight confusion. "I was helping my sister and my nieces. She and Rob got a divorce.." Jim shook his head. "She's better off.. He was a prick. I can't be mad at you for that.."
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Nicole rolled her eyes. "You guys can discuss how much of a prick Rob is while we walk. Let's go." She said. Nicole grabbed Henry's hand and pulled him along. "Exactly where are we going to dance?" Henry asked. Nicole paused for a moment. "We'll figure it out. Search up someplace, babe." She said.
Jim shook his head. "The adventure continues... I swear it's never a dull moment with her." He said and took Becca's hand and followed Nic and Henry. "So, when did they split?" He asked as Becca sighed. "About a month and a half before we got back together." She said giving his hand a squeeze. "The kids took it pretty hard.. The oldest especially.. The one that texted you all of the time." She said as Jim gave a half smile remembering the conversations they would have. "Yeah I remember. How are they doing? " He asked and Becca gave a shrug. "They're okay. Jenna and Becky have school and friends that come over so they aren't too depressed. Not that Becky can really register what is going on quite yet.." She said.
Nicole looked Adam's text and scoffed. "Don't need anything? We're definitely getting him something. Henry, did you find a place yet?" She asked. Henry showed her his phone. "There's a bar not far from here that has dancing. We can go there." He said. Nicole smiled. "Good job. Alright guys, Henry found a bar close by. That's where we're going." She said to Jim and Becca.
Jim gave a nod to Nicole when she called to them. "I think I'll have a soft drink today.. It's way too early to drink." Jim said and Becca giggled and kissed his cheek. "That's a wise decision, my love. It's only..." She takes out her phone to check the time. "Almost noon.. Way too early." She said while stopping them to take a selfie. She turned Jim to her and kissed him softly while taking the picture. She giggled while licking her lips. "Love you." She said with a wink. Jim smirked. "Love you too, beautiful." He looked to Nicole and Henry. "You guys aren't going to get drunk in there are you? I'm not holding your hair while you throw up, Nicole.." Jim said with a laugh.
Nicole rolled her eyes. "I can get drunk if I want to and Henry could hold my hair, but I'm not going to. I'm not even thirsty." She said. Henry chuckled. "Even if you were, I wouldn't let you get drunk. It's too early for me to deal with that." He joked. Nicole turned to Becca. "Are you gonna let them gang up on me, Bec?" She asked.

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