Ban the person above you for any reason.

I ban Jet for the assumption that there is anything wrong with editing.

I ban Jet for all his pitiful 'offences' against currykind; they don't exist to and can't be defeated by mortals.

Also, if that's your final form, then I could easily do the same with a paper bag.

I ban the word 'dank' at all, you're all adolescents/adults, etc. and can think of better words, I have faith in you all.

I ban Jet for the insincere reference to Ebola, and on top of that, being awful about fish, curry, and my waifu.
I ban Jet for banning logic because that is horrible. Logic is lovely?
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I ban Amie's addiction to my nickname. Sheesh, there's enough of me to go arou- actually there isn't. ._. Well then, also, my final form is more than a paper bag, it's... 2 PAPER BAGS!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I ban Jet for that hideous waste of an evil laugh.

I ban Jet for dragging my practicality out of context (I felt it was practical to make new sentences for each ban as it looks neater and more dramatic), and making it look as if I actually want to use his name anywhere at all.

I ban Jet because back in my day final forms meant more than paper bags. They meant robots and stuff.



Not a single jetpack? Gaaaaaaaaaaaah.
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I ban Amie for having an obsession for the nickname "Jet" I'm not a fighter Jet, you know... >-> I also ban her for... having old days/back in my days. :)
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What's wrong with having old days? I was joking, I wasn't exactly born in the heyday of mecha, it's something I regret, I guess; I'm 13, I just said 'in my day' as a joke, 'my day' more meaning my viewpoint, rather than when I was younger. I'm . Humour an old soul for once?

Your name is Jet!

What shall I name you then, Edmond?
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Nope. >->

Amie said:
What's wrong with having old days? I was joking, I wasn't exactly born in the heyday of mecha, it's something I regret, I guess; I'm 13, I just said 'in my day' as a joke, 'my day' more meaning my viewpoint, rather than when I was younger. I'm . Humour an old soul for once?
Your name is Jet!

What shall I name you then, Edmond?
I ban Amie for not realizing that I didn't have old days because I live in a laboratory and every post is made by a new clone of that guy who has power beyond power, I also ban Amie for not banning me in the post I quoted.

This conspicuous sticky note has banned all who have read it, essentially breaking the rules because it bans everything after this post instead of a post before it. You have all been banned because you do not cuddle with wombats.

If you thought that was a serious post you are banned as well.

I'm definitely an extrovert in your books, then, despite joining two days ago, thank you for the label, Yumoto-kun.

Banned for calling me an extrovert and for cuddling wombats, it reminds me of a 'joke' (a not exactly useful one) I made on another forum a few months ago about unsavoury/not-suitable-for-baby-wombats content having to be vetted for baby wombats to view.

Also banned for not including a picture of said marsupial, I did, and it added more effect.

Also, Jet is banned for scaring me by prompting me to imagine a world where you have 'power beyond power', not good. AT ALL. StopitJet.
I've been typing very long, rambling and silly sounding posts for the last few pages, that were initially supposed to have real conviction, but like the rest of me, just sound ridiculous and dorky!

Also, I couldn't decipher the sarcasm with 'such imagination and creativity', if you did mean that, then, thank you!

Banned for not welcoming my supposed 'imagination and creativity' (I'm flattered if you think I have any at all) and banned if it was sarcastic for making me think, for more than a split-second that a compliment had been bestowed upon me in a forum game. What a bliss few seconds!
Banned for not using some kind of BBcode with that paragraph, and thinking that you were being complemented when the point of the game is to ban people. Your complement is that you are too good to be here. Be BANNED creative geyser!! Be banned!!!
Banned for making me feel awkward about my inability to utilise BBcode usefully or at least entertainingly, if nothing else! xD

I know the point is to ban people but a compliment was embedded!

Banned also for deeming me too good to be here, I would be flattered, but you seem to have warped the meaning of good, and I am also flattered that you called me a 'creative geyser', whatever you are trying to bring emphasis to.
Banned for saying I don't have power beyond power when that's what I was made of. I also ban Yumoto for that sticky note.I will lastly ban Amie for calling Yumoto Senpai 'Yumoto-kun' ._.
Banned for having a profile pic that reminds of the lighting that cut off my wifi and the insanely loud thunder.
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I ban Ithreal for being the 689th post since I last checked this thread.

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