Ban the person above you for any reason.

I ban whoever mentioned bacon as that is sacrilege when curry is mentioned.

;_; Also, I've never actually tasted bacon but it smells overly fatty and salty.
I ban the notion of everyone having a gluten-free diet as not everyone would find them beneficial.
I ban Jet for being so awful and defiling and unceremoniously ghastly towards me, the curry sorceress.



I'd fire you with curry missiles but curry is for eating, not launching, so I'll eat it instead.
Yes Amie, I ban you for being related to curry and fish, you fake curry sorceress that is below average as a fish-woman of curryland, I shall defeat you and your dark forces.

Yes, It Will Start With Hate, Then You'll Not Hate Me BUT CURRY, You'll Hate Curry, Amie.
I ban Generic Gamer, because, with a name like that, I can ban you as I please, and my power is not quadratic and my magic has vanquished many a weak soul who is unenlightened in the ways of true hope for the world, curry. :)

I ban Jet for genuinely distressing me and every truth I have ever known with his uninofrmed statement. CURRY SMELLS INCREDIBLE.

I ban Jet once again, for his futile remarks can not even come close to penetrating the curry-based might I have garnered over my years of being nothing but the disciple of the great curry! I cannot claim to be any more, and I am still nothing but she who follows the great curry in search of the correct spice blend/ultimate conquering of the world.

You cannot even hope to falter my passion, as I stride in the direction of the hope this world will know! The hope that will save this world from your tainted darkness!

I know curry.

I know the secrets of the currykind, secrets that have traversed universe to universe in search of a vessel to embed their purity, their saffron-scented whispers guiding my perpetual travels.

Your darkness cannot define me.

It can be defined by curry.

I am curry, and the world is my kingdom.

Eat your curry out.
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I ban YoungX and Jet as they're clearly too intimidated by how cool my avatar is to mention it.
I ban Amie for editing, and I'll also reveal myself as... *Takes off his mask* Ultima Form: Curry Killer.

I will banish currykind into the void. *Banishes currykind into the void*

I ban Young for the fact that I made that title because I'm actually danker than him. ._.

I will also ban Amie for thinking her avatar/profile pic is cool when it's only as cool as she is, and a curry sorceress is not cool, it's actually worse than Ebola. ._.
I ban the void and make nothing into something because nothing can take so much cool and make it nothing.

I also ban Amie for probably writing the longest ban in history now against me. .-.
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