Ban the person above you for any reason.

I ban Jet Valentine for banning me for banning YoungX for banning me for banning Youngx for banning me for banning YoungX for banning me for missing the timing.

I'm getting the hang of this, and that one was awesome.
I ban the first person that replied to Young on this thread.

I ban myself for being too smart for my own good and noticing that we've become Genghis Khan.

I ban Yumoto for mentioning Genghis Khan.

I ban #PuppyMonkeyBaby because, ManBearPig told me too.
I ban Jet for killing me through the laughs.

I ban any further mention of mongrels, Mongols, or monkeys from this thread.
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I ban myself for being the six-hundred and forty-seven.

And Yumoto for being the one before me.

And Young for being the one before that.

I ban Danniii for messing this up.
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I ban Demonkitten for banning Kenjin for not wanting to be his servant.

I also ban Daniii for even thinking I'm not ocd enough to count every. Single. Post.

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