Ban the person above you for any reason.

I ban you for not being tortured by accent marks or a second-language teacher.

I also ban myself for claiming to be psychic and utterly failing.
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I ban you for not realizing that the Zero in the picture is merely a render, and the the background was made by me in photoshop using other renders and tricks.
I ban you for not noticing that the comment was a double-doozie, and that that particular comment reaches as far back as DreamBeat.

I ban myself for obviously having too much time on my hands.
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I ban you both for not banning me so I have to do my homework, because slacking off is so much more fun.
I ban Yumoto because I want to and he's my new senpai.

I ban Young for talking about timing.

I ban myself for being gone for 3 pages.

I ban Dream for leaving before I ate her.

I ban Yaoke for knowing what homework is.
I ban Yumoto for liking stacking.

I ban Young for having Zero as an avatar. I also ban Young for reasons unknown to men. Last but not least, I ban Young for not being fabulous.
I ban Jet because he actually wanted to ban me once in a post, but did it three times.

I ban Yumoto for expecting Little Gasmask to think you thought of hi.
I also:

Ban myself for banning YoungX for banning myself banning YoungX for banning myself banning YoungX banning me for missing the timing.

I think I got it, lost track of the bans. xD

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