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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus (IC)

Fallen Dragon would find his way to rest of the party inside. Catching the last snippets of the conversation. It didn't seem to be going well.

"What you are doing... is holding information Zodge has demanded hostage for the sake of getting his lackeys to cover your own mistakes." He said to Tarina.

"Our orders were to handle this by any means necessary. You are simply a convenience, not a necessity. He likes you Tarina, but I am sure you are as well aware as I am that such a thing only matters so long as our usefulness is apparent."

He looked to Gwen and Inula and gave each of them a nod. "The pirates are on their way now. And I doubt you have time to recruit enough people to handle them before they get here. Leaving us you in more need of us than you are letting on. After all, given the money you made from those pirates, you could have hired your own private army by now and would not need us. So you surely have money to spare, as several thousand subtly acquired pieces of gold can be spread over a long time. "

The burly tabaxi put his hands behind his back. "About seven pirates are in their way. Eight, if you include a potential traitor i have planted. If you are lucky, they will have already saw fit to join with the Vanaath family. If not, they will die. They have more in the ship but it will take them that much longer to arrive if their captain is feeling ballsy."

With a sigh, Dragon shook his head, "Captain Zodge asked we treat you nicely. And I'm sure we can do that. But doing your work for you is a gift from us, not Zodge. And you giving the information to us, which is implied as mandatory, is your job to Zodge, not us. So I think, at the very least, you owe my Mistress an apology and with an appropriate phrased "please" she would be more inclined to acquiesce."

"We aren't unreasonable, Miss Tarina. We simply do not have any desire to be lead around by the nose save by the hand of our current employer, Captain Zodge."

He turned to his moon elf employer and bowed, "Just to warn you, should they decide to attack, the pirates, I will take it as a personal offense given that it means they knowingly rejected your generosity. And I would like to remind the pirate Captain of what happens when ones decides to shun the favor of a Patriar. But if she is wise, then her and her pirates will happily offer themselves as... hired hands."

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide
Ellya Ellya Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Sherwood Sherwood Idea Idea dr xenon dr xenon D. Rex D. Rex Lioness075 Lioness075 Psychie Psychie

Several seconds of silence passed, as Tarina listened to Fallen Dragon talk. Her eyes went wide. Was it shock? Confusion? Had he shaken her to the core?

"Do you people have any idea what the word tact even means?"

No, it seemed to be frustration.

Coldly, Tarina's eyes shifted to the Tabaxi. Growing frustration lit the woman's face as her fingers idly fidgeted with the dice on the table in front of her. The more insightful of the group pretty quickly picked up that she had a lot to say right about then, in particular. "You very badly misread the situation. Fallen Dragon, is it? Allow to explain this, from the beginning, in the simplest terms possible. I could simply leave, buying myself the time necessary to recruit Guild associates to handle the problem. I do not want to do that. I want you to do it." A certain almost petty vitriol entered the woman's voice. Perhaps at Dragon's thinly veiled threats, perhaps at the continued antagonization. "Frankly, if you all die, and I escape, that is no skin off the Guild's back. Guild members dying, however... I do not need you. You are convenient. As the only reliable source of information on the Dead Three's dealings, you need me. Frankly, despite all the big talk the two of you in particular have insisted on throwing around here, despite my attempts to be civil and your own comrades’ attempts to pursue said civility, you have absolutely no leverage."

The woman drew a knife from under the table, twirling it along her fingers with deft grace as she spoke, elaborating further. "You know nothing of the favor I owe Zodge, and clearly nothing of how dangerous the people you are asking me to sell out are. I do not work for the Flaming Fist." Tarina stuck the dagger's point into the table with a loud crack of steel on wood. "The Guild does not work for the Flaming Fist. I do not answer to Zodge, and I do not answer to you. That badge is utterly meaningless to me, and anyone in my employ. I will provide this information upon receiving aid, despite the dangers it poses to the Guild and myself, because I like Zodge, and because he has helped me in the past."

The woman was clearly becoming exasperated. "If you kill or harm me in any way, not only will the Guild never let you live another peaceful day in Baldur's Gate - or anywhere for that matter- you won't get the information you need, and, even if somehow you do, you'll make Zodge an enemy of the Guild, and he will happily sell you out as reparations."

Tapping her fingers on the knife's pommel, the woman's eyes lit up when he asked for an apology and continued to push this, even if he did so while seeming to agree to help. A few moments of tense silence followed, then Tarina leaned back in her chair once more. "I am the one who attempted to be civil. Friendly, even. Lady Vannath has been nothing but antagonistic since this meeting's beginnings, only furthered by your loose-tongued, half-witted intervention, Tabaxi. If Zodge's intentions in asking you to 'treat me nicely' were for you to establish good rapport with me or the Guild on behalf of someone vying to control the Flaming Fist, you have failed miserably in that task." Very clearly attempting to control her temper, Tarina took a very deep breath before continuing to speak.

"Perhaps if that civility had been given back in kind, I would be more inclined to part with the information in exchange for nothing, but I have been antagonized and now threatened on multiple fronts, all starting for asking to play a game of dice. This meeting is becoming increasingly taxing, and you are becoming increasingly clear to be a waste of my valuable time." The anger was still definitely present in her voice, but it had become a bit more cooled. "Frankly, I have half a mind to just leave, tell Zodge my favor to him is not having him killed for this atrocity of a business meeting, and never see any of you again."
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  • fe1fc8bc635f1d4c8cb5daead7293397.png
    N i m a
    Water Genasi - Level 1 Cleric - AC 18 - HP 12/12 - Walk 30 ft - Swim 30 ft
    STR 13 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) CON 18 (+4) INT 15 (+2) WIS* 19 (+4) CHA *11 (+0)

    Nima had found her way to a position between Tarina and the rest of the group now. Grinding her teeth, she had been weighing her options while the young girl, the moon elf, Tarina and the other lackey made their cases. Apparently the two of Guin's companions were blinded by the Patriar's tricks that they were alright with blatant racism and had no clue of the world of hurt they were about to be in.

    Nima could not allow them to screw this up. This wasn't just about 200 gold anymore, this was about all of their lives right now, and the livelihood of herself in the future. She armed herself, her heavy steel mace firmly in hand and her beautiful, slightly glowing shield raised up a little.

    "Leave then. All of you." She'd made her choice. One had to be made, and if there was anyone in this city she was okay with antagonizing, it was the Patriars. Especially if that meant staying in the graces of the Guild. "You do not want to be here, and you are not welcome here." Nima took slow steps forward until she was right in front of Guinevere. "Get out of here and take your mind-mangled lackeys with you. I and the rest of the group will take care of this ourselves."

    The Genasi's eyes glared with furious anger now as she stood just a foot away from Guinevere, seeming ready to strike at a moment's notice. She lowered her voice, almost whispering. "Go on. Call me something cute again. All I need is an excuse."

    Idea Idea Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide D. Rex D. Rex

  • Inula Mallian
    Lvl 1 Dogfolk Bard

    Oh, if she stole from them, then maybe all we needed to do was pay them back? I mean, based on past experience it would probably come with some interests or something (I'd heard about it before, but the rate seemed to jump a lot from time to time, it was hard to keep track of), but that seemed like a peaceful enough solution! Yet, before I could speak up with that proposal, thing began spiraling very quickly...

    At first, the conversation between lady Vannath and Tarina only seemed to grow more and more intense. Then the patriar rejected the spy's request, which according to Tarina meant they were deserting.

    "Hung?!" I felt my whole body beginning to shake. I was going to be hung? And lady Vannath too? Even Fallen Dragon or Grond if he came along with lady Vannath? I looked side to side, hoping someone or something could help us escape this predicament. Alas, of course, there was no one who could fix this if we didn't, and no miracle cure would be found in the half-empty bottles of liquid courage or the stained walls or the dice on the table. Things didn't exactly get better once Fallen Dragon himself came upstairs and joined in too, pitting on us the urgency that the pirates were already on their way. Yes, he somehow was convinced they would be on our side, but they wanted to kill miss Tarina didn't they? On what basis did Fallen Dragon say they would be with us?

    I barely had time to think when yet another development arose, Tarina spoke all about all the things could do to us, and my throat felt stuck, my mouth agape going up and down in inches and that was before the genasi stood up fully armed and 'requesting' we leave. I couldn't keep up with any of this at all, my head hurt, it was all spinning, and no one was giving in at all. Even if I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, the tension was suffocating. I probably would have known it even if I was an actual dog of the four legged kind. Still, more than anything right now, I knew one thing:

    I didn't want to see my benefactor, or any of us, killed or having our lives ruined.

    "I'll do it! Please let me help you!" I took a step forward, hand on my chest to show sincerity. I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to kill. I'd feel sick, like I felt before, but what other choice was there? "I-I'll do what you ask, I'll help fight back against those pirates. I-If what Fallen Dragon said is true and they are going to work for him, that should solve the issue too, but... if not, if we really need to fight and kill them, then I'll do it. I won't ask for payment, I'll just leave and you don't have to tell me anything, no, no, I'll pay YOU if you would please tell the captain that lady Vannath helped too! A-and Fallen Dragon! One hundred gold pieces should be good for overlooking this much, no?"

    The situation was desperate, and she was definitely right that I didn't really have leverage. I tried getting in her good side, but clearly I failed miserably. The only way to get around this situation was to sweeten the deal as much as I reasonably could. Somewhere in me I also had to hope that lady Vannath would forgive me for going against her decision. Still, frankly, this much didn't feel like enough, was there anything else I can do?

    Now that I thought about it, Tanira seemed to get along with the genasi more than anyone else here. I wasn't sure why, but I had nothing else to go on. I turned to the heavily armored genasi, leaning a bit sideways before I regained my balance of my weakened knees.

    "I'll do what you tell me when we fight those pirates! There shouldn't be a problem if the orders are coming from you, right?"

    I fell silent, and slowly looked down.

    "And if that still isn't enough..." I muttered.

    There was only one more thing I could offer. I patted the bag hanging by the strap around my shoulder and next to my waist.

    "Would you allow the deal to proceed... if lady Vannath apologized?"


    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Hit Points: 9/9
    Hit Dice: 1d8
    Armor Class: 14
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 30 ft
    Passive Perception: 9
    Spellcasting Ability: Cha
    Spellsave DC: 15
    Spell Attack Bonus: +7

    Bardic Inspirations: 5/5

Cantrips: (2)

First Level: (4)
*Cure Wounds
*Speak With Animals [Ritual]

*Wolf Pelts Leather Armor
*Sack x5
*Common Clothes

0 PP
15 GP
37 SP
147 CP

*Calligrapher's Supplies (magical focus, has an effect which magically produces paper)
*Forgery Kit
*Disguise Kit
*Dagger x3
*Ink Pen x5
*Bottle of Ink
*Academy Uniform Robes
*Rations (7 days)
*Chalk x3
*Small Knife
*Candles x10
*Tinder Box
*Rope (silk)
*Mess Kit
*Ladder (10 ft)
*Piton x3
*Parchment x10
*Tumbling Tales of Tom Tomb (book)
*Diary of a Princess (book)
*Practical Analysis of Arcane Script Pt1 (book)

Saving Throws:
Strength: 0
Dexterity: +5
Constitution: +1
Intelligence: +3
Wisdom: -1
Charisma: +7

Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: -1
Arcana: +5
Athletics: 0
Deception: +7
History: +3
Insight: -1
Intimidation: +5
Investigation: +5
Medicine: +1
Nature: +3
Perception: +1
Performance: +5
Persuasion: +9
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: -1


Researcher- When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.

Diplomat- If you spend 1 minute talking to someone who can understand what you say, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you or your companions are fighting the creature, your check automatically fails. If your check succeeds, the target is charmed by you as long as it remains within 60 feet of you and for 1 minute thereafter.

History Check (4) To see if she knew the Patriars Tarina was talking about)

Interacting With: BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Tanira) Ellya Ellya

Mentions: Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide D. Rex D. Rex Sherwood Sherwood

Might Also Want To Read: dr xenon dr xenon
In response, Dragon gave a genuinely amused smile, "I get paid to break through things, not think through them." He responded.

He then listened. With more interest than one would if they were offended. He wasn't. "This is Baldur' Gate. I thought I exuded the core of what it means to be nice here. I didn't use vulgarity. I didn't try to rob or cheat you. I didn't lie. And I gave a backhanded offer of help. If I was any nicer, people would be thinking i was courting you."

His eyes then narrowed, "Are you stupid?" He asked.... but not at Tarina. No. His gaze was actually turned to Guinevere. "All this bad blood in the room started because of dice?" His glare was quite accusing. He had no doubt his employer was the cause of that bit. He knew Guin well enough to believe it. "We were out there already getting started on what she asked and you were whining about dice? You couldn't have tossed a single roll to get the information? " Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide

He rubbed the bridge of his nose. Really. No wonder both women were being so pissy. Both were trying to compare boob sizes. This is what he gets for giving Guin the benefit of the doubt.

Despite his annoyance at her though... as soon as the genasi thought it was wise to get so close to Guin in such a threatening way. Fallen Dragon hastily moved to his Matrons side, pushing himself in between her and the water genasi. "Threaten her again, and I will break you." He warned. Ellya Ellya

  • fe1fc8bc635f1d4c8cb5daead7293397.png
    N i m a
    Water Genasi - Level 1 Cleric - AC 18 - HP 12/12 - Walk 30 ft - Swim 30 ft
    STR 13 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) CON 18 (+4) INT 15 (+2) WIS* 19 (+4) CHA *11 (+0)

    NIma's arm was trembling as she stood in front of the Moon Elf, her gaze unwavering though. She was taking quick, short breaths. Not to much of her surprise, her two lackeys jumped in. As Inula spoke, the Genasi gave a look sideways. "This is not your fault, child. You must simply learn the ways of this world, the true world, not the one your Lady Vannath presents to you... She will not apologize. At least not sincerely. I know her kind. You may help as you wish, "

    Then, her Tabaxi companion stood in between the two. Nima looked him up and down for a second, squinting her eyes in disgust. "So quick to jump to the defense of a woman so unkind and ruthless... What spell has she put upon your mind, Tabaxi?" Her head turned back toward Guinevere. As she did, her eyes very obviously fell on the woman's scantily clad chest area, to which she raised her eyebrows and said "I suppose it's quite obvious." The Patriar's attitude, confidence, and especially her attire said more than her words ever could. This was a woman that was used to everything going her way and having everything taken care of for her.

    She pressed up against the Tabaxi a bit to get her head closer to Guinevere but made no obvious aggressive move, her heavy chainmail pushing up against the unwavering large Monk, as she spoke to the woman in Primordial. "ᛇᚩᚪ ᛒᚱᚹᚹ ᛈᚱᚠᚠ ᛇᚩᚪᚳᚠᛤᚹᚻ ᚦᚫ ᚫᛋᛤ ᚻᚱᚳᚠᚫ ᚫᛋᚳᛤᚦᚫ ᛇᚩᚪ ᚠᛤᛤ, ᛒᛋᚩᚳᛤ". The last word came out as viciously as acid, but after that she took a step back, looked over the Tabaxi and the Moon Elf once more, spit a wad of greenish-looking water on the floor, then turned around and walked back to Tanira, standing by her side without another word, but seeming very much on her guard and keeping a close eye on the trio.

    (( Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide since you speak Primordial, Nima said "You will piss yourself at the first threat you see," and then a very nasty word starting with a w and rhyming with "door" :angel3: ))

    Idea Idea D. Rex D. Rex

Name: Larassa LaFraeNicknames: Lara, Shadow
Class: RogueLevel: 1
Equipment: Shortbow & Arrows (20/20), Shortsword, 2x Daggers, Leather Armor (AC 16)

Larassa flinched when the pirate's cutlass struck the ground and slid closer to her, well within her reach if she would move forward a bit. Yet, she did not want to give away her well-concealed position and so she remained still, watching the interaction when her fellow Tabaxi brazenly approached the fallen pirate.
Larassa felt very pleased with herself that her thrown ball bearings worked so flawlessly. She had so many in her pockets, she did not worry too much at having ten less or felt any need to try and collect them from the alley ground.

The other Tabaxi was quick to intimidate the pirate and the fool seemed to be quick to turn his back on his own crew and captain. This was one of those added benefits of having spent years fine-tuning her stealthy behaviors: Larassa was far less likely to be singled out and threatened directly.
It was rather disappointing when the other Tabaxi did not seem to care for the pirate's coin purse. Larassa had started to get excited at the prospect of making easy coin during this job, but her shoulders slumped when the other Tabaxi seemed not to care about the coin purse. He easily could have made the scared pirate hand the coin over regardless of the outcome, but that was not meant to be.

When the pirate inevitably fled with his metaphorical tail between his legs, Larassa sighed to herself. She refused to break cover, which meant she could not attempt to swipe the pirate's coin purse as he ran past her.

Shortly thereafter, the other Tabaxi headed inside to warn the others and Larassa was left pondering if the pirate would actually betray his captain or if he would be slapped upside the head and reminded of his place. It was still questionable if the Tabaxi's intimidation would last long enough for that pirate to uphold his end of the bargain.

Noting that the Tiefling had not yet left, Larassa felt an increasing sense of awkwardness since she herself was not going to step out and try to hold a conversation anytime soon.
Glancing back down at the cutlass nearby, Larassa carefully and quietly set down her loaded crossbow before inching forward. She paused by the cutlass to quietly lift it up and then inched back into her hiding place, mindfully attempting to avoid anyone noticing her with these slow and quiet movements.
With the cutlass in her possession now, Larassa took off her knapsack and slid it through one of a few leather straps that she used to keep items she would procure while out and about that she was unable to fit inside of the knapsack itself. Cinching down the strap, she put her knapsack on again, satisfied with the cutlass now strapped to the side of it. At the very least, she could make some coin selling it just about anywhere in this part of town.

Rolls: N/A

Interactions: N/A
Mentions: Psychie Psychie (Axtis)
Nearby: N/A

Hafdan charsheet
Dwarf FIghter - Axe & ShieldView attachment 791496
HP: 14
AC: 16/18
  • Perception/WIS: 12
  • Investigation/INT: 9
  • Insight/WIS: 14
Battleaxe: +6, 1d8+4/1d10+4

A low, long sigh emerges from the dwarf.

"Since we seem to be getting close enough to setting the lower city on fire ..." He says resignedly.

"This didn't have to be so hard, you know? You all know that right? Seems like this Fallen Dragon feller did a good job with setting us for a fair fight that woulda put us in a good spot with Miss Farina here - but people's feelings all are mixed up in it now and is complicated."

"But we still have a job to do - and not for the 200 gold - but for trying to uncomplicate things in The Gate a little bit right now - and the Gate is sure as shite complicated to the point of burning herself down right now!"

"So can we all put our FEELINGS aside for 30 minutes and try to save the thrice damned city by doing OUR FRIGGIN JOB?!'

He looks around and adds a sincere,

She stopped in her tracks. The gall, the brass, sheer and utter impudence of this woman.
The guild this, the guild that, did she think her connection to it gave her immunity?
Some kind of plot shielding in her own little narrative?

The story of the Portyr nephew was irrelevant as far as Guinevere was converned. She knew better than to believe that the overwhelming majority in power didn't belong to the uppercity.
Neither The Watch nor The Council of Peers would stand for such a blatant act of insubordination as seeing to the death of Patriar, especially when being privy to their location.
All their little payed actors in either group would be forced to act and save face or oust themselves as racketeers.
She laughed at her talk of tact while simultaneously threatening to kill a noble in cold blood. The gall, honestly.

"To the Hells with your guild and your delusions of grandeur, you can tell your boss and your boss' boss, you can tell Nine Fingers directly for all I care, exactly what it is I think." Guinevere responded dismissively to woman at the table. "What fantasy world do you live in where you are protected to do as you want and have anyone killed whenever you so please? That is a right reserved for very few and not the likes of anyone present."

Guinevere Vannath had never been one to seek justice more than personally. Yet, this interaction had made something blatantly clear.
These cronies, The Guild, they thought themselves untouchables.
History shows no one is untouchable, especially not criminal organizations. They are crushed the moment they overstep, she would see to that day being very soon.
The worst thing for her machinations would be unchecked criminals too big for their britches becoming obstacles or inconveniences.

She was done with the rat Tarina and addressed her no further.

She then spoke quietly turning her attention to her retainers, "You know very well my intentions, I was less than willing to engage this bungler any more than absolutely necessary. You of all people should know the value of time." She whispered to Fallen Dragon as he chastised her for being difficult.
"That being said.....I admit this could have been handled better..."

Just then Nima took her turn attempting to provoke her, but the threats fell on deaf ears. Guinevere was less intimidated by her than she was Tarina. She hardly moved a muscle from behind Fallen Dragon as she attempted to get in her face.

"And you." She said accusingly to the Genasi, who seemed to dislike her even more than Tarina. "What faith are you that it would allow you to side with this heathen and her organization? Did you forget the Year Of Three Ships Sailing? You paint me as an enemy of the common man, yet I've never once raised arms against any of you."
She waved Dragon aside and stood in front of Nima more directly, crossing her arms at her.
"Judgement is to actions, not to words. You approach me with threats of violence, side with people who have used the very same to punish the citizens of the lower city for standing up to them. You are worse than any preconceptions you have of me."

Fortunately for everyone in the room. Guinevere was a scheming sort and more than capable of playing the long game if it proved to be worth her time. All too quickly she had a plan in mind, a simple plan, tried and tested.
If Tarina and her folk insisted on being nuisances then so be it.

Lady Vannath would play ball, for now, and take a keep a more brightly colored tab on the guild. Though, getting cozy with them was still a bad idea. They were criminals after all, and, contrary to the tan woman's beliefs, were not good company to keep in any capacity, especially publicly.
Having ins to a facet of the city wasn't the same as owning it.
Vannath had that something none of them would ever have; Good standing. She would be mourned by the Gate, they would not.

Guinevere addressed the room "We will not respond to intimidation, we will not engage in criminal activity on your behalf. Not myself or any of my own have signed a binding agreement." She moved to Inula's side, gentle rubbing her hand down her arm and holding her more closely, as a reassuring gesture. Desertion is the willful abandonment of an employment or duty in violation of a legal or moral obligation. Morality went out the door when she became involved and outted herself as an agent of the Guild, such accusations will hold no water in a court of law."

Hafdan's contribution to the dealings were well noted. He wasn't wrong, not by any means.
She brought her gaze back down to Tarina, pensively; thinking on a course of action.
Should she try her luck, make a play to save herself and the party the time and trouble?
She tapped her heel thoughtfully on the wooden floor.

"But...perhaps we could come to an arrangement..."

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Idea Idea Ellya Ellya D. Rex D. Rex dr xenon dr xenon
Ellya Ellya Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Sherwood Sherwood Idea Idea dr xenon dr xenon D. Rex D. Rex Lioness075 Lioness075 Psychie Psychie

Tarina's eyes settled on Inula once more. The girl's pleading and begging did little to undercut the anger in the Guild spy's eyes, but judging from the way her gaze kept cutting back to Guin, it probably wasn't really directed at her. "I don't want your money, kid. I want my problem taken care of. Right now, I really want to kill your boss though, actually." Almost absent-mindedly, Tarina's hand fell to rest on the hilt of her scimitar. At the mention of an apology, Tarina laughed heartily. "Hell, if she apologized and made me believe it, I'd pay you!" She glanced at Hafdan as the man spoke, another voice of reason in this increasingly heated room. Another almost apologetic smile broke the woman's thin-lipped angry stare. "I apologize, Master Dwarf. At this point, it's becoming almost a matter of principle that the Guild retaliate in some way."

Then Guin mentioned Nine-Fingers. A slow, sinister smile spread across the woman's face.

"As I've said before, anyone who remains to help and sees reason," Tarina nodded to Fallen Dragon, even as he was about to come to blows with Nima. He was the woman's bodyguard, no faulting him for that as far as she was concerned. "Will have a good word put in with Zodge. So far, that seems to be everyone but the Lady Vannath." Her eyes shifted back to the Moon Elf as the patriar started to speak again. Her expression settled quietly. "I live in the fantasy world were Duke Portyr's nephew's head wound up on his doorstep, and he never set foot in the Lower City again for fear of sharing his fate."

Rising to her feet, Tarina drew her scimitar, tapping the edge of its blade on the table. "I live in the fantasy world where Zodge is an old drinking buddy of mine, and if I slip him enough coin, he won't care that I killed you. I live in a fantasy world where a member of the Guild owns the building we're standing in right now, and where people all the way up to the Council of Peers owe us debts or even work directly for us. You didn't sign anything, no; you were press-ganged into military service. You seem to misread what is happening, too; if you fail in your mission or abandon it, Zodge will kill you. He'll spin it as an act for the good of the city, because you didn't have its best interests at heart. In doing so, he'll damage his relationship with the patriars, but win the support of the common people and the Fist itself- far more useful, as Ravengard would tell you, rest his soul." This was no secret; there was not a single pie in this city that the Guild did not have its fingers in. They were strongest in the Lower City, sure, but they were hardly absent elsewhere. This wasn't some petty criminal mob, it was one of the strongest and oldest criminal organizations in Faerun. A bark of laughter escaped her.

"The issue you're concerned with is legality? Do you think it's legal for the Flaming Fist to give you the right to kill whoever you want, or beat people senseless for not giving over a bribe? That the gates being closed like this to everyone is legal?" That smile crept back over her face.

"Legality didn't save Holk Thinster."
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  • fe1fc8bc635f1d4c8cb5daead7293397.png
    N i m a
    Water Genasi - Level 1 Cleric - AC 18 - HP 12/12 - Walk 30 ft - Swim 30 ft
    STR 13 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) CON 18 (+4) INT 15 (+2) WIS* 19 (+4) CHA *11 (+0)

    Things fell awkwardly silent for a second after Tarina mentioned Holk Thinster. Nima looked to the floor for a few seconds with a light frown. This had only recently happened, and while she knew that his death was of some importance, it was only confirmed when a prominent Guild member would take notice of it. She swallowed but kept silent. Her whole speech about legality wasn't any new information to the Genasi, but it wasn't comforting to her. She had accepted the state of this city, but it was never pleasant and she never got used to it. Her standings with the Guild were likely more than decent, but they still scared her.

    After a short silence, she slung her shield across her back and slipped her mace into a custom-made leather strap attached to her belt to walk toward the stairs. As she walked past Guinevere and her troop, she didn't even grant them a glance. It was time to get to business now, but somewhere in her heart, she longed to see the Patriar overstay her welcome, or cross a line.

    She took a look down the stairs. About wide enough for one person to come up. She frowned. If there were eight attackers coming, it would be quite idiotic of them to come up the stairs one by one. If they did, it would be like shooting fish in a barrel, which she wouldn't mind, but she didn't trust it. "Tarina, if you wouldn't mind moving back a bit..." Then, very casually, Nima walked over to both tables and flipped them over, clattering every remaining game piece onto the ground. The place was going to be ransacked anyway, and this would give cover to any who needed it.

    After that, she went over to all the other doors, opening them and checking each room, specifically for anyone people that might be hiding, and checking each window or other possible entryway for how easy it would be to get through. After each room was thoroughly checked, she closed the door, grabbed a chair from the center room and used it to barricade the door. "We'll cut off their points of possible entry, and they'll either have to come from the stairs, or we'll hear them coming from elsewhere..."

    Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Idea Idea D. Rex D. Rex dr xenon dr xenon

Last edited:
Ellya Ellya


You found no threats in any of the rooms you could open. In order, the southernmost room on the right appeared to be a private dining room with the head of a strange, very large, almost insect-like creature mounted on the wall. Its mandibles were close to a couple feet in length. The room to its left ((on the map)) was locked. In the room to the north on its left seemed to be another dining room, with the head of an almost panther-like creature mounted on the wall, save for its tight-drawn black skin and comparatively little fur.

To its north, the door was locked. Some shuffling could be heard inside. The remaining rooms were all locked.​

  • fe1fc8bc635f1d4c8cb5daead7293397.png
    N i m a
    Water Genasi - Level 1 Cleric - AC 18 - HP 12/12 - Walk 30 ft - Swim 30 ft
    STR 13 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) CON 18 (+4) INT 15 (+2) WIS* 19 (+4) CHA *11 (+0)

    To its north, the door was locked. Some shuffling could be heard inside.

    As Nima passed by this particular door, she raised her hand toward the rest of the group, and silently pointed towards it, then placed her finger in front of her lips, continuing the rest of her checkup and then saying, loudly enough for whoever was in there to hear: "Everything's clear, our sole focus should be the stairs..." But then quietly going back and placing her ear against the door, avoiding standing in front of both the keyhole and the small open space under the door (if there was either).

    Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Idea Idea dr xenon dr xenon D. Rex D. Rex

Ellya Ellya

You heard more footsteps, followed by the sound of someone mumbling to themself. The language was nothing you recognized, but it could have just been muffled through the door. It definitely wasn't common, whatever it was. Pressed close to the door as you were, something smelled very bad, as well. Like dirty water, more or less.​

  • fe1fc8bc635f1d4c8cb5daead7293397.png
    N i m a
    Water Genasi - Level 1 Cleric - AC 18 - HP 12/12 - Walk 30 ft - Swim 30 ft
    STR 13 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) CON 18 (+4) INT 15 (+2) WIS* 19 (+4) CHA *11 (+0)

    Nima furrowed her brow and thought for a while. Why would this person be alone in a locked room, pacing around like that? Either way, she didn't really care. Right now, they were a potential threat, and she needed them to leave.

    She placed her hand against the door and closed her eyes a moment, when suddenly a light drizzle of rain started falling, exactly 15 feet from either side of the door (a cube of 30 feet). She would await the person's reaction before dismissing the spell, not really looking to permanently damage the wooden floor or anything. If she heard him unlocking the door, she'd be ready with her shield up. If he didn't make any perceivable attempt to leave after about two minutes, she would end the spell.

    Updates Cast "Create or Destroy Water" create a consistent rain falling down in the person's room (and part of our room)

Guinevere was at a loss, Nima seemed to be more than eager to jump at the beck and call of this clearly treacherous criminal, and find herself as more at odds with someone who's worst deed to date was being aggressively opinionated.
She had ignored Guin's point, which she assumed was due to an inability to counter it and as such a yielding to it being true.
The Genasi was clearly more loyal to the oppressive Guild than whatever code she claimed to have.
Vannath well made note if this, watching her with a seething scorn as she moved about the room.

They were all locked in now, going forward with the transaction of blood for information.
She almost hoped the ordeal would come back to haunt them, just so she could rub her green nose in it.

Guin listened more than anything now. Taking in what Tarina said and how the group reacted to it.
They took what she said to be truth, wholly and truly, especially Nima.
She had to admit, the woman clearly had a way with words. It was no doubt what led her to be in the postion she was within the Guild. To manipulate the less astute with a smooth disposition.
It was impossible to know anything she said wasn't a lie, or even a half-truth, and unwise to expect anything but the worst from her. She boasted about murder and corruption, made claims no one could know for sure and people still listened.
If Guin wasn't sure the bridge was burned she would consider asking her to educate her in the ways of persuasion.

She stood by idly, as Nima worked with the Guild member to set up an ambush for pirates no one was even sure were coming.

Guinevere wasn't mad anymore, she was disappointed. It wasn't often she came across someone so similar to her and so sure that they were in a position of leverage that she was completely incapable of winning the day, especially with a crutch like the Genasi.

A humbling experience to say the least, one that would ideally help her build a better kit for....diplomatic dealings in the future. Many, no doubt, with this very Guild.

She sighed deeply, and tried to hold onto what dignity she could be afforded in the wake of the interaction.
Guinevere softened her expression as best she could, appearing as mildly amused as always, and looked to the door Nima was huddled by.

She had cast a spell into the room. Why?Vannath wasn't sure.

"If this is your building controlled by your people. Shouldn't you know what's behind that door?" She said to Tarina without looking at her.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Idea Idea Ellya Ellya D. Rex D. Rex dr xenon dr xenon Everyone Everyone else I guess
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  • Inula Mallian
    Lvl 1 Dogfolk Bard

    "Even so..." I told the Genasi "Even so, she is my benefactor! She hasn't been tricking me. I am just wrong a lot... but if I can at all, please let me help, and let that help her keep her good name!"

    Maybe it was a senseless plea, but what else could I do? I dared not even ask what she said in that strange language. Although lady Vannath continued her attempts to refute and argue with Tanira, something told me philosophy was not something she put much weight in. Maybe it was some little spark of intuition lost and abandoned in a sea of stupidity like a raft pulled away by a storm, or maybe it was the fear that had my legs shaking, my knees weak and could soon be cause for a poorly-scented stain near my groin. Specially considering what I might be about to do.

    Three things made up my mind: First, while Tarina was definitely angry, the way she spoke did seem like she was willing to forgive, or at least to overlook things, if only we cooperated with what she wanted. I couldn't guarantee she would do as I asked, but I would as she asked, and do what I could to get her to credit lady Vannath as well. Second, that name. The doctor's name made my heart skip a beat. She already knew our names. She knew a lot of things, who was to say she didn't know about that as well? If she talked, who knew what would happen, or at the very least what else she would demand. Lastly, Hafdan had pitched in saying how we should work together, and even I could tell if nothing was done that might never happen.

    "I only ask, lady Tanira, that you would overlook these matters and your justified anger, and allow lady Vannath to have some credit! I will of course cooperate to deal with the problem you wanted us to deal with! And I don't know how "sincere" I can make it, but... "

    I gulped, then gradually approached Fallen Dragon while slowly opening my purse. I leaned in closer and whispered to him:

    "I apologize in advance, but could you escort lady Vannath out of the room after I do this? I'll accept whatever punishment she comes up with, but I have to do it, and she won't be happy about it."

    Using the opportunity created by the distraction of the Genasi throwing down tables and taking her leave, I pulled out a gadget from within. It had the appearance of a square wooden box of a light beige color with the silvery remains of the now ripped off name that was once embroidered at the front. The top of the box were two large metallic scrolls, one slightly taller than the other, with what appeared to be runic patterns, in between which a single sheet of paper stuck out. I pulled the paper out, immediately causing another sheet to pop out from within the box, perfectly fitting the razor thin gap in between the scrolls. After that was the pen's turn, the feather of a crow attached to lightly dulled thin metal, both of which began glowing blue, especially the tip of the pen. I scribbled down what I had to in a hurry, leaning the paper against the closest wall, and the light seemed as though it carved similarly glowing script into said paper sheet.

    Before I missed my chance, I walked in front of lady Vannath, in between her and Tanira. I overheard the genasi saying something about the stairs, which I would have to confirm after I'd done my deed.

    "I hope you will keep your promise, lady Tanira! You must!" I raised the paper sheet in front of lady Vannath, with one large symbol at the center of the paper surrounded by the arcane script. They all glowed blue as I called out my spell. "Apologize!"


    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Hit Points: 9/9
    Hit Dice: 1d8
    Armor Class: 14
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 30 ft
    Passive Perception: 9
    Spellcasting Ability: Cha
    Spellsave DC: 15
    Spell Attack Bonus: +7

    Bardic Inspirations: 5/5

Cantrips: (2)

First Level: (4)
*Cure Wounds
*Speak With Animals [Ritual]

*Wolf Pelts Leather Armor
*Sack x5
*Common Clothes

0 PP
15 GP
37 SP
147 CP

*Calligrapher's Supplies (magical focus, has an effect which magically produces paper)
*Forgery Kit
*Disguise Kit
*Dagger x3
*Ink Pen x5
*Bottle of Ink
*Academy Uniform Robes
*Rations (7 days)
*Chalk x3
*Small Knife
*Candles x10
*Tinder Box
*Rope (silk)
*Mess Kit
*Ladder (10 ft)
*Piton x3
*Parchment x10
*Tumbling Tales of Tom Tomb (book)
*Diary of a Princess (book)
*Practical Analysis of Arcane Script Pt1 (book)

Saving Throws:
Strength: 0
Dexterity: +5
Constitution: +1
Intelligence: +3
Wisdom: -1
Charisma: +7

Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: -1
Arcana: +5
Athletics: 0
Deception: +7
History: +3
Insight: -1
Intimidation: +5
Investigation: +5
Medicine: +1
Nature: +3
Perception: +1
Performance: +5
Persuasion: +9
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: -1


Researcher- When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.

Diplomat- If you spend 1 minute talking to someone who can understand what you say, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you or your companions are fighting the creature, your check automatically fails. If your check succeeds, the target is charmed by you as long as it remains within 60 feet of you and for 1 minute thereafter.

Inula casts command on Lady Vannath

Interacting With: BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Tanira) D. Rex D. Rex Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Ellya Ellya

Mentions: dr xenon dr xenon

Might Also Want To Read: Sherwood Sherwood
Knowing that a fight was coming, Axtis would try to find a spot to be able to attack from stealth, using her ability to hide to her advantage.
Grond is going to simply ready himself for a fight, knowing that his steel has served him well to this point. He looks over at Inula and says, "I will do my best to watch your back, but don't be taking any crazy risks. I can't be everywhere."

Idea Idea
Guinevere shifted her hips to pivot more onto her other leg and noticed Inula messing around with something as out of her peripheral vision. Between noticing it and turning to look Inula was upon her shoving a piece of paper in her face.
Inula had her eccentricities and had proven to be almost unable to hurt her, so Guin didn't react to the movement outside of reeling a bit from the closeness of the glowing parchment.
Suddenly, her mind began to blur and Vannath found herself losing her vision.
She became overwhelmed with thoughts that felt foreign, imposed.
"Inula! Inul-..." She stumbled back some, as she fought to keep her wits about her.
Guinevere brought hands to her head, and held them there briefly before shaking off the umbra that tried to engulf her mind.
As she regained her resolve, she cast her eyes to Inula incredulously.
The elf almost felt betrayed, something she hadn't ever expected from girl.
Hurt would be a better word, ganged up on by someone she had thought would be on her side.

Guinevere snatched the paper out of her hand and ripped it up. She wanted to speak, but couldn't find the words. She wasn't angry, at least she didn't think she was as lashing out wasn't what came to mind.
"Unbelievable..." was all she would say before she stormed out of the room and into one of the adjacent ones.

Made a fool, by a so called friend she would think. Guin avoided everyone else as she left, she'd likely only be approachable by Dragon or someone uninvolved for the moment.

Idea Idea BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 D. Rex D. Rex Sherwood Sherwood Ellya Ellya dr xenon dr xenon
Psychie Psychie

Axtis vanished amongst the patrons. It was like she was never there. No one nearby even questioned her arrival, so subtle was her approach.

Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Lioness075 Lioness075

Assuming Guin took the time to move Nima's barricades aside, she went into the private dining room furthest west. As Nima had noticed before, the strange panther-like head mounted on the wall seemed to look over the room eerily.


Both Lara and now Guin, thanks to the windows, noticed that a fair amount of time had passed, Lara already aware of this and Guin only just. It seemed they'd been arguing in the windowless dining room for a while. If the pirates were coming, they would likely arrive soon.

Ellya Ellya Idea Idea D. Rex D. Rex Sherwood Sherwood dr xenon dr xenon

As the rain started to pour into the room, a few seconds of silence, followed by frantic scrambling and someone pounding on the door. Whoever it was shouted, loud enough everyone in the room could hear it now, but language was still indiscernible. No one in the party had ever heard it spoken before, or even knew enough of what it sounded like to wager a guess as to its nature. Whoever was inside pounded on the door again and shouted a bit more before seeming to sit down and sigh.

Otherwise, the several seconds of silence from Guinevere brought a relaxed, almost smug look to Tarina's face. Whether or not it was true that she had won, she certainly believed she had. It was all over her body language, as well. Almost casually, her scimitar returned to its scabbard at her side. Even when Guin did speak, and the question was full of bite, it didn't seem to bother the woman anymore. Moving around the table to be on the same side as the rest of the party, she leaned back against the wood. "The 'person' in there is just someone behind on their rent that won't come out, or let anyone clean the room. If this mission goes well and you actually want to earn a little coin, we can talk when we're done."

Inula's pleading brought Tarina's attention back to the girl yet again. The Guild spy didn't seem terribly convinced, though anyone watching after the girl cast a spell on her employer saw Tarina's eyes go wide and her jaw drop a little. By the time Inula turned around, Tarina had collected herself. It probably wasn't the use of magic itself, Command being a fairly basic spell. No, it was probably who she used it on that had taken her so off guard. "Well... If nothing else, that took stones, kid." Tarina clapped Inula on the shoulder. "Long as she doesn't get in the way, I'll be sure she gets a good word in too. Hell, one in eight isn't so bad; if we make it out of here, be sure to let Zodge know he's still got a friend in me, yeah?"

Turning the chair nearest to her around, Tarina took a seat once more. "But no, seriously, get comfortable, it might be a minute until they show up. I'll stay out in the open, act as bait. We'll know when they show up. You'll smell the guy in charge coming."

Watching Guin go, he turned to Inula and gave her a firm and well deserved slap to the back of her head. "Now look what have done, girl?" Fallen Dragon chided. Though that seemed to be the extent of his chastisement.

He ignored Tarina and turned back to the door, "Let's go, Inula. You do not want to involve yourself with the guild. And you still have time to apologize." Idea Idea

The monk looked at the nearby dragon born and gave him a look over. He seemed he could handle his own. "She will be safe with us. The Matron has her flaws, dragonborn, but she didn't get where she is without reason. And the city means more to her than it does to the Guild."

He leaned in closer and whispered to Grond in a hushed voice, "If you see a pirate with missing teeth and a bloody scalp. Give him a nod and tell him the Tabaxi is watching. He is willing to betray the Captain. I will be nearby outside, if you are having trouble, or too many have come, I'll lock the doors and set the tavern ablaze. This Tarina is poison. Don't risk your life for her. And if she suffers an accident in delivering you the information. Lady Vanaath will see our tracks are covered." Sherwood Sherwood

Fallen Dragon straightened and followed after Guin, motioning for the darling dog girl to come to.

  • fe1fc8bc635f1d4c8cb5daead7293397.png
    N i m a
    Water Genasi - Level 1 Cleric - AC 18 - HP 12/12 - Walk 30 ft - Swim 30 ft
    STR 13 (+1) DEX 8 (-1) CON 18 (+4) INT 15 (+2) WIS* 19 (+4) CHA *11 (+0)

    Nima gave a nod toward Tarina when she explained who the person in there was. So he wasn't a threat. Good, but slightly embarrassing. She ended her spell and with hint of a purplish hue on her cheeks, she made her way back over to Tarina.

    As she was casting the spell, she'd kept an eye on what was happening with Inula and her Patriar, the girl apparently attempting a spell on the woman. It brought a bit of a grin to Nima's face, especially when the haughty Patriar retreated. When she moved aside one of the barricades to go into the western room though, she wanted to pipe up and tell her it was a bad idea, but she didn't. If an assassin was coming that way, their presence would surely be announced with someone "keeping watch" there.

    Then the muscular Tabaxi gave a smack on the girl's back of her head. This made the Genasi roll her eyes and scoff. Apparently the three of them were leaving. This would definitely reduce their chances considerably, turning this battle potentially into an eight against four, but she didn't really care whether they helped out or not. Let them go back to the safety of their upper city.

    "What a fierce warrior, striking teenage girls from behind..." she said with a bit of a smirk, then turning and addressing Inula. "Whatever they say, you made a choice, girl. If you felt that it was the right one, don't let anyone tell you you can't do it again. You must be your own person, not a servant." After she spoke, she furrowed her brow just slightly and then went back over to the stairs. She wasn't sure if she'd said that just to spite the Tabaxi and the Moon Elf, or to actually share some wisdom with a young life. Probably mostly the first though.

    Nima then stayed in the northeast corner of the room, keeping watch down the stairs for anyone approaching, shield and mace in hand. "Anyone who does in fact care about this mission ending in our favor, I'd suggest you prepare yourselves. The only entry seems the stairs, but keep your guard up anyway.""

    Sherwood Sherwood dr xenon dr xenon D. Rex D. Rex Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Idea Idea
  • Inula Mallian
    Lvl 1 Dogfolk Bard

    How could something so heavy beat so fast? Truly, my chest felt as though it was under internal cannon fire. My entire body was stiff as stone though, just breathing felt like a monumental effort of attrition in those precious few seconds after my spell was cast, and I witness dear lady Vannath stumbling back and fighting back against it. Part of me was ready to rip my paper apart in hopes of cancelling the effect, and falling right there on my knees and beg for a forgiveness I didn't deserve. However, no such thing happened. The heart that was beating me endlessly finally took a rest and skipped a beat as my eyes widened and witnessed that rather than myself, lady Vannath took the paper from my hands and split it in pieces, which promptly set themselves ablaze and turned to ashes in the air.

    "Lady Vannath, I..." I had no excuse I could give. I knew why I did what I did, but my ears dropped once more. I had to wonder whether I made the right decision at all. There was little response from her, naught but a single word: Unbelievable.

    My gaze fell down and it honestly felt like everything else was also falling down around me. The disappointment the treachery... Truly, unbelievable. Then Fallen Dragon struck me in the head.

    "Ow." I turned to him. Honesly, it was a harsh pat, but at the same time little more than a pat. It wasn't a punishment, not yet. Rightful punishments would have to be dealt with later though. I glanced at him, but quickly my gaze drifted back away. I shook my head. "No, I can't go. I-I have a job to do. And besides... I don't think she would want to see me now. I'll apologize when this is done. Otherwise, there would have been no point."

    Maybe he too would think I was unbelievable now... But nonetheless, I walked away from Fallen Dragon. The genasi's words of comfort rung hollow, as did Tarina's complements. Well, I did still smile if only faintly when she mentioned she would put in a good word for lady Vannath as well. I had failed, but maybe some of what I did had a point. Some part of it wasn't so unbelievable.

    I headed towards Grond after that.

    "Can I come with you? I'm not the best fighter, b-but you did teach me a thing or two back then. I wonder if I'll do well in the real thing." I drew out my rapier partway, and gave him a little nervous barely-a-laugh. "I'll also prepare some spells, just in case. I can only pour so much magic to activate them, but just getting them ready to go I can do without issue."


    Proficiency Bonus: +2
    Hit Points: 9/9
    Hit Dice: 1d8
    Armor Class: 14
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 30 ft
    Passive Perception: 9
    Spellcasting Ability: Cha
    Spellsave DC: 15
    Spell Attack Bonus: +7

    Bardic Inspirations: 5/5

Cantrips: (2)

First Level: (4)
*Cure Wounds
*Speak With Animals [Ritual]

*Wolf Pelts Leather Armor
*Sack x5
*Common Clothes

0 PP
15 GP
37 SP
147 CP

*Calligrapher's Supplies (magical focus, has an effect which magically produces paper)
*Forgery Kit
*Disguise Kit
*Dagger x3
*Ink Pen x5
*Bottle of Ink
*Academy Uniform Robes
*Rations (7 days)
*Chalk x3
*Small Knife
*Candles x10
*Tinder Box
*Rope (silk)
*Mess Kit
*Ladder (10 ft)
*Piton x3
*Parchment x10
*Tumbling Tales of Tom Tomb (book)
*Diary of a Princess (book)
*Practical Analysis of Arcane Script Pt1 (book)

Saving Throws:
Strength: 0
Dexterity: +5
Constitution: +1
Intelligence: +3
Wisdom: -1
Charisma: +7

Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: -1
Arcana: +5
Athletics: 0
Deception: +7
History: +3
Insight: -1
Intimidation: +5
Investigation: +5
Medicine: +1
Nature: +3
Perception: +1
Performance: +5
Persuasion: +9
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +3
Stealth: +3
Survival: -1


Researcher- When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.

Diplomat- If you spend 1 minute talking to someone who can understand what you say, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you or your companions are fighting the creature, your check automatically fails. If your check succeeds, the target is charmed by you as long as it remains within 60 feet of you and for 1 minute thereafter.

No Actions

Interacting With: D. Rex D. Rex Sherwood Sherwood

Mentions: Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Ellya Ellya BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Tanira)

Might Also Want To Read: N/A

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