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Realistic or Modern ▌バキューン !!! ▌ ▌ʙᴀᴋʏᴜ▬ɴ

[QUOTE="x x x swagK1NG]... -coughcough-

I hate to tell you you might want to think up another character...but you might want to think up another character.

You saaay this, but with there being an entire school that's for "elite status" characters, being rich and a bitch is allowed to be more common.

You just gotta make it your own, and that's definitely what Fancie does~

Fluffyscrublord said:
Hahaha, the whole point of Marika is how freakin' weak she is. Despite being surprising nice as she is, she is also probably going to not be respected by many delinquents cause she is so weak and willing to help out. xD She is kind of an odd ball. She doesn't belong in the school she is in. She can be nice and will cheer, but her optimism is not share at all. She will be bullied.
[/looks at Akemi, then Marika, then back at Akemi]

... Hm... Recalculating...

>inb4 makes profiles for Akemi AND Fancie
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Mm~ Fancie's that gal who waves around her father's name and money and expects people to treat her special, and who usually has an entourage of less-rich-than-her individuals that do things for her.

She also thinks wearing sunglasses all the time is completely okay.

My biggest challenge with her is gonna be figuring out her Resolve. Usually she just buys something custom a la Power of Money, but I wanna do more with her this time.

[/starts picking through the Superpower Wiki]
Hi Mayhem! I'm interested in this if you're still accepting. I might join the school with the least amount of students to try and even out the numbers.

For now.... I shall study.

... I was thinking of making a temp Discord server for the time being. Seems like peeps are out of the loop and shit with some things. For the time being, I think it'd be easier to get answers out quick and correlate while I set up shit for the opening of this thread (YES! I HAVE DISCUSSED THIS WITH SOME PEEPS! LET'S TALK ABOUT IT). PM me if you're interested in joining the server.
Lol yeah I got a rich bitch too, Yuuki is a sheltered spoiled princess. (Who is probably gonna end up duping someone into being her bodyguard until she is strong enough to stand on her own)
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]
... I was thinking of making a temp Discord server for the time being. Seems like peeps are out of the loop and shit with some things. For the time being, I think it'd be easier to get answers out quick and correlate while I set up shit for the opening of this thread (YES! I HAVE DISCUSSED THIS WITH SOME PEEPS! LET'S TALK ABOUT IT). PM me if you're interested in joining the server.

I am interested ( I haven't been here for 24 hours yet so I can't PM people yet)
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@mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y

For Fancie, I was thinking something along the lines of controlling some kind of precious metal.

'Cause the idea of her ripping jewelry off of all the dressed up individuals at Kigiku would be

Caaan't decide between gold or platinum though...

Or titanium for the sake of quoting the song at some point.[/i]
@Suzuki Mine

Do it! WAIT... I'll toss it... :I This lady can control diamonds or fucking platinum... because platinum is in everything.

Means my punk as kinetic rail shooter is a go.
xD Also, I posted an announcement earlier if you wanna check it out.
Should i buff Naruko's resolve to also affect other Resolves? Meaning that, along with sapping their strength, her strikes also weakens their resolve and Resolve to a point where it seems like they are weak enough to barely scratch her, or make meaningful contributions to a fight.

Or is that just too much?

in case you think im going too far with the resolve, it is an actual thing in a game, and its the most annoying thing ever because your tank might suddenly end up with 0 defense, and your damage dealer with 0 magic or strength. Par the fire emblem pain train course, your own units dont get this skill.
simj22 said:
Should i buff Naruko's resolve to also affect other Resolves? Meaning that, along with sapping their strength, her strikes also weakens their resolve and Resolve to a point where it seems like they are weak enough to barely scratch her, or make meaningful contributions to a fight.
While I personally dunno if I could call it too much (she wouldn't be the first power negator), in my opinion it sorta goes against the idea of Resolve being a willpower-based thing if it could be broken by just being hit a bunch of times.

Mayhem's idea below is an interesting idea too; could open up a big can of worms if she legit teamed up with Ryuji given his own powers.

BTW you should check out the discord ;p
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I did take a look at her resolve, and I feel like she needs a specialty and what not since her powers blends in with everyone else. Though, I like the idea of a debuffer/stat lowering thing for her. Like, she has the power to drop their powerlevel to her's or something. Take their power level to strengthen herself for a short period of time... if she gets close enough.

EDIT: Not negating powers since we got 2, but making their resolves not as strong for temp time while taking their chi energy and shit.
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[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]specialty

Hm? What do you mean by speshultee?
What makes snowflakes amazing. :U

EDIT:: On a serious note, just a power that makes them stand out. I have a power list of what's been taken and what not that you should check out and shit.
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