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Fandom Baka and Test to Shoukanjuu!

Jane began pacing. "Really what'd you change did you add a new bossdidyouchagetheleveldesginaretheoutfitsdiffentthecombatdiffentmoreenemyscomeontellme!"

Jane began talking in a fast mess she had a habit in doing this when excited.
" i added the next ten dungeons with the items and the quests so far. i now await for some npc names. for later on in the game, i can't tell you it all or you would explode in excitement." he said

@Nenma Takashi
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]It took a few seconds for her to run there. "H-hey s-sup n-no-nova." She said out of breath.

"hey jane check this out" he said pushing away from his laptop in which the doc was open
{Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus..... No notifications since this morning. This new phone is already a hindrance...}

"Makes sense," Haku replied as she poked her tongue out at him. When he rested onto her lap, she smiled again and began to rub his face with both of her hands. It would've been sweet if she wasn't smiling like a five-year-old.

"Huh?" She heard his words and immediately began to blush. Her hands moved from his face to hers, muffling her voice. "I-I didn't know that.... but thank you." She was really going to have to get used to compliments.

Roth placed his hands on hers and smiled a bit "Yep, I'm surprised that you don't get compliments a lot, I mean even your hair compliments your eyes." He reached up and placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her in and kissed her "Plus you need to get used to the compliments, your face is bright red."

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Jane took the laptap and began looking at it her eyes flying from word to word almost drooling.

hey don't get drool on the laptop jane" he said laughing
"Hm...." Her eyes darted away when her hands moved. "I honestly didn't know that..."

When he pulled her down, Haku returned the kiss with an even brighter blush.

"I-I know..." she said with a small smile. "It's a work-in-progress."

Roth looked last Haku noticing that the moon was right above them now and he sat up "Now look at my hair, its like a black light." Roth had forgotten to mention that his birth marks glow against the moon light as well. "Well just as long as you can get used to the compliments eventually." Roth gently pushed Haku against the ground and laid his head on her chest listening to her heart beat that was gradually speeding up .

"Hmm...." Haku's blush wouldn't fade as she felt - and practically watched - him against her. She wasn't used to this. At all. "Y-You're definitely making it more difficult."

A small smile did manage to form when she noticed his hair. It looked nice, as if a slick black car pulled up into perfect light.

"It really is nice to look at."

"Well I didn't say it was going to be easy getting used to." Roth moved his hand up Haku side and her arm and grabbed her hand then brought it up to his face accidentally hitting one of her breast in the process and kissed it "Sorry about that Haku, I'm actually quite clumsy believe it or not."

"But that doesn't give you the right to-" Haku stopped in her statement and shrieked, feeling her breast flick at the graze. She became a flustered mess then, unable to speak a complete thought for a few seconds.

"Jeez." She looked down at him then, squeezing his face with her hand. "It's like you're doing it on purpose!"

He manages to somehow get out a muffled "I promise it wasn't on purpose" he said after grappling her hand and pulling it off and then nibbling on her fingers then looking up at her "it really was an accident, unless you would rather me turn over and grope you instead, but that's up to you."


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