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Fantasy Badventurers

The large mansion in front of you caught into flames dwarfing the rest of the town. From the flames a large purple cloak rose and shouted sinisterly "I am the Grand Necromancer Balthazar. Your heroes are dead, I have won." The cloak now sped off faster than your eye can track it. It doesn't look like anyone made out of the fire. You've never been happier to be late.
Sergei hangs his head in respect.

"Comrades," he says, "we are all that is left. As far as we know, only we can protect our adopted home."

He flexes a prayer to the spirits of magic.
Jerron found himself leaning heavily on his staff as he watched the burning building before him. The words of Balthazar still ringing in his ears. Idly, he reached into his robe and removed a small flask, taking a drink from it.

"I think you may be right... shame the invitation never mentioned anything about a campfire. I would have brought something for it...hic."
"Of course! The one ball I'm not there to protect, and everyone dies!" Rhodes whined, panting from the one-block run from his house. "Next time they should wait for me before they start trying things for REAL adventurers like that." He regarded the others standing outside, scoffing. "I take it you all were late?"
Ragnarok had already fired three arrows, all of which missed. "I will destroy him next time. Now then, after this catastrophe we must take count of who is still with us. I am Ragnarok, son of Myrick. I am a former archer of the Daedalus clan." Ragnarok put away his bow and looked around him for survivors."
Lexx had stood petrified as Balthazar had appeared and disappeared just as fast. Once he got over the shock of what had just happened, He heard the voice of the big Orc who called himself Ragnarok. Lexx approached him to hear what he had to say. He looked strong after all.
"Where should we go?" Sergei asks. "It seems that Balthazar has fled, and we have no way of tracking." Sergei looks around himself for something to help put out the fires, or at the very least to curb the spread.

"Does anyone need help from a mighty mage and his friends?" he bellows to the surrounding area?
Jerron winced at the bellowing giant near him, he eyed the flask in hand, briefly considering tossing it at him, but thought better of that idea.

"Oy! S'no need to shout, I'm right 'ere... 'sides. Whyn't ya use magics on the campfire here, eh?"
"Oh, people have survived?" a voice called from within the fire.

"Thank goodness, I was worried I was the only survivor." And a figure stepped out of of the crumbling remains of the mansion. His clothes were badly burned, but they and the figure's golden mask still managed to cover every inch of the tall man.

The figure stopped before the group and offered a small bow. "So happy to make your acquaintance, my name is Xedris, Cleric of the Angel Laylah"
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"Greetings, brother!" Sergei goes to give him a massive hug, but not before attempting to put out the flames engulfing his new friend.
Jerron watched the scene before him with an incredulous expression on his face, mixed with drunken stupor.

"D'ya shurvive a burnin' buildin' fallin' on yoush? Wassa alla'bout? D'ya drink shomsin' good?"
"Oh there is no need to go to all that effort, young man," Xedris says uncomfortably.

"Really, I'll be fine as soon as the fire is out, no need to waste magic on me."


"Ah, armored friend, would you be so kind as to pick up that paper?"

Sergei would pick it up himself but he fears he'd fall over. He then runs over to his burning robed friend, ready to accost whoever would hurt him.

"Who did this to you? I will show them what a true Wallachian Mage can do!"
Xedris dropped to the ground and started rolling, putting the flames out.

Still smoldering, he got up.

"I fear that most healing spells don't quite agree with me, but I thank you for trying to help me"

He then noticed that during the rolling his mask had fallen off.

"Oh dear."
Sergei is quite visibly alarmed by this.

"You speak like a man, yet you have the face of a monster! Have you been cursed, friend?
"That is not a very nice thing to say about someone's face, my good sir." Xedris exclaimed indignantly.

"I've had this face for as long as I can remember, and I wouldn't trade it for any other, definitely not the weird fleshy sacks you people lump around all day. It may be old and it may scare some people, but it is mine."

He bend over, snatched the paper from the ground and handed it too Sergei.

"Here is your little paper, And A Good Day Sir!" he said and turned to leave.
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The paper read "Balthazar's dentistry offices. 42 Smaug Lane, Riverwood Liberia." Meanwhile, Ragnarok responded to Xedris wanted to leave and shouted in a booming voice. "Adventurers, this wizard has just committed murder of the highest degree. We are the only ones left with the means to stop him. Will we not take this day and avenge those fallen souls. I care not if you are undead, elven, or human. You could be a dragon of the fiercest variety, but so long as you assist me in my quest, I will protect you to my dying breath!"
"Only so far? I feel like I'm being asked to contribute more then you yourself are willing to give here."

But Xedris had stopped, and listened.
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Sergei is distraught. He hadn't meant to hurt his new friend so.

"Bony man! I am quite sorry for saying what I did. Is there anything Sergei Stroganov can do for you?"

He walks to him, offering a hand of friendship.

"Maybe if we work together, we can bring that terror to justice."

Having read the business card, Sergei has new resolve. He lets out a hearty laugh.

"A dentist, eh? I am not frightened by a silly tooth fairy!"
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Hathid howled at the top of his lungs as his mount skidded to a stop and threw him five meters through the air and skidded along the ground for another two. "Ah a good conflagration! That is so much simpler than asking for directions." Turning to his snorting Bison. "And not even a day late, best ride yet Gorrigan!" Looking around at the assortment of people standing around he asked. "So what I miss? Who's not dead yet and how much of the catering is still intact?"
StaleWhiteBread said:
"Bony man! I am quite sorry for saying what I did. Is there anything Sergei Stroganov can do for you?"

He walks to him, offering a hand of friendship.
"You just did," said Xedris as he placed his skeletal hand in Sergei's.

"A dentist, eh? I am not frightened by a silly tooth fairy!"
"You should always be mindful of dental care," Xedris said, giving Sergei a wide grin. (off course, that was kind of default for his bony head)

IG42 said:
"So what I miss? Who's not dead yet and how much of the catering is still intact?"
"I've been dead for ages. And I'm afraid everything is burned beyond recognition, except of course the dwarf bread."

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