Badly Describe a Game Here

Mutated people fight normal people after a war, destroy child of a war-hero in one possibility of 5th game

-Gears of War
5 year old slaughters entire community, finds out their life is controlled by someone else.
unleash your very own crimes against nature onto the galaxy and watch them develop capitalism
spore (2008)
You're basically living your life the way you probably are right now, but all the boring stuff is rebranded to drugs and other illegal items, otherwise it's the exact same capitalist grind that doesn't actually offer any meaningful gratification other than buying your way into ways to grind more efficiently and treat yourself to fancy items you'll probably never use. But they do tell anyone who sees them that you've been at this for a while.

GTA Online.
You play as a weapon and have to fight with the last people of earth against some aliens, but end up realizing you're a clone of that alien.

- Black Rock Shooter the Game
Pay all the town taxes, make a cute farm or smth, marry any oddly homosexual themed character. get killed by monsters any time you try and get materials to build an egg machine

- stardew valley <3
Lost your twin sibling to a god amidst exploring the galaxies then do every known deed possible to everyone asking for favors and not get any help to finding said sibling in return

-Genshin Impact xD
Welcome to a province. Realize that you're capable of defeating everything. Even dragons. But you can't defeat children even with your strongest tools.

-The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim

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