Badly Describe a Game Here

Get born, do stuff, and die.

The Game of Life includes the first two, real life also involves the third. Though in real life the middle one is optional.
Gamble away your character's life

Craft ungodly machines of death

Beat gods to death with your friends

Commit hate crimes and religious warfare.

Dungeons and Dragons
A massive world full of bad voice actors advertising food for the hungry, drink for the thirsty.

TESV: Skyrim – Re-remastered Arrowknee Edition Ultimate Plus Turbo 17
When the game time is exactly the same amount of time as irl and you can’t skip time.

animal crossing
a sibling is looking for their sibling while learning the secrets about a world the sibling couldn’t careless for and works jobs that are very very underpaid


Genshin impact.
You must find bits if yourself. And your other half while walking through a contextless zero info story in the background and try to figure out what's happening.

Unravel 2
You are trapped in a book and must cause a prison riot to escape said book

Paper Sorceror
your first day at work didn't go well and you are putting bullets in should-have-been coworkers

A princess joins up with a homunculus and a swordsman to fight a race of clank demons.

-Wild Arms
You are a dark god that must prove himself by showing true heroic traits to obtain your dark powers again

Cthulhu Saves the world + Cthulhu saves christmas
You’re the last human on earth with a talking dog. TALKING DOG! in a world full of magical beast and monsters a time long lost to time. Your goal is to stop a mad man in blue skin frozen with cold.

Adventure time: the game
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You’re the last human on earth and the world flooded. Pretend to be a pirate in the world of bizzar creatures and of course your yellow dog companion with magical powers.

Adventure time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
Slay the Spire:

A game where first you learn about defeat, then math, then your own masochism, as illustrated by cardboard rectangles.
You get these like monsters but they aren't evil and you cant kill them even if you don't feed them for months and also they sing sometimes but not all of them. Also there's like the past and also a few different dimensions and the whole thing is just bigger monsters that are in this tree behind doors and you unlock them with keys but thats all just lore and also Woolabee is the best.

- My Singing Monsters/My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
2D Minecraft whose fanbase will burn you alive if you ever suggest there's any similarity between it and Minecraft whatsoever.

Lego online but its for the gurls and the slays.

Depressed Corvid decides it's time to take on the gods themself while doing day job in the process.
Death's Door
Americans get into funny hijinks as they attempt to "Save" a foreign country from other Americans who previously trolled the inhabitants.

Spec Ops: The Line
Assorted Psychopaths battle for Gravel

Team Fortress 2
Hot robot offers cake- Throws Fat Orphan into fire pit instead

Local teen learns he can summon fancy demons to fight other people’s inner demons using a random app they found

Persona 5
Androids and machines are set in a war, machines birth 'androids' by making a weird egg. The 'androids' stalk the true androids only to come to an understanding with them in the end.

-Nier Automata, highly recommend the game, it's great

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