Bad girls and good boys RP idea


Four Thousand Club
now before you start thinking that the title is real "iffy" just look at the plot...

St Maria's college. a large campus school in the middle of "Central city" (its not FMA, its just a neutral name for a city) Has recently gone under some changes... that is to say, last year this school was an all-girls school and has now combined with "east Central boy's college" but there is something about the students in this school....

because of the severe lack of discipline in St Maria's, the girls who make up the student body have, in essence, almost all have become delinquents, girl-gangs control the grounds at all times, there are regularly fights in the hallways between these gangs, and these aren't normal "girl fights" of slapping, pulling hair ext... no, they are brutal, where baseball bats, bricks ect.. are a common sight in the hands of the gang members.

on the other hand, "east Central" has a very good record of discipline, the boys have been taught to save all fighting for their karate, judo, boxing, wrestling and krav maga clubs, this has made the boys relatively well behaved, who follow the rules, who refuse to fight in the open ect... so, why combine these 2 schools?... simple.

the schools were combined for 2 reasons, one was money, pure and simple, and second, as a social experiment from a mysterious donor who payed for the boy's dorm to be built, he wants to see what happens when these 2 groups collide.


1: Characters must be under 18.

2: Flirting and kissing/making out is a-ok, but anything that gets a bit too "close" (aka: anything sexual) should just have a "fade to black" message, then a timeskip to after it, this site doesn't support such things in detail.

3: Please try and follow the set down plot, i don't want every female character to be shy and nice because it doesn't fit, (a couple of nice & shy ones are ok) and the same is true of the male characters, i dont want all of them to be gang-leaders or something like that.

Sign up:




Basic Bio:

Gang name (if in any):



Here is mine.

Name: Marco Highland

Age: 16

Grade: 10th

Basic Bio: Born and raised in east Central, he had a typical childhood, playing with friends ect... he began attending East Central when he was 13 and since then he has been around a B- student, good at his studies but not the best, he would screw around with his friends all the time, and regularly got detention for messing around in class, when the time came to combine with St Maria's, Marco was one of the boys chosen to go there...

Gang Name: None.

Appearance: (but with green eyes)
Just tell me if the picture doesn't show up, since sometimes it doesn't > _ <

Name: Vianne Staryld

Age: 17

Grade: 10th, was sent back for one year because of her grades and skipping too much classes

Basic Bio: Vianne was about 4 years old when her parents had gotten a divorce, she actually didn't know what it meant at first but once she was dragged away from her mother and live with her father she completely understood she won't be able to see her family complete again. Once she started studying in St. Maria's she wasn't that average girl who always had good grades but a girl who would mostly slack off and ditch school since it was what she calls ' useless '. To be honest she was that serious and silent type, she never had any conversation with anyone except for the people who would annoyed her which causes a disaster. When she was younger her dad had thought her how to fight in a young age to defend herself from any people and was taught to never trust anyone around her. She had completely forgotten about her brother, she only sees him as a nuisance.

Gang name (if in any): ...i can't think of a name xDDD i'll just put none.




Name: Vincent Staryld

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Basic Bio: Vincent's parents got a divorce at the time he turned 3 on his birthday, he was kept with his mom while his sister, Vianne was with her dad. He was thought to be disciplined and well mannered like his mom showed him, he knew how to cook and live by himself when his mom died a year ago. Sometimes he would be in fights for defending his friends, he might not be the wises of them all but when it comes to sports activities he could win and handle any of his opponents. He learned how to fight with the help of his boss, he works part time in some convenient store as a clerk to work for money for his education, he barely passes any of his test but hey, all he cares was having a passing grade.

Gang name (if in any): Used to be....?


Name: Isabella River's { Bella }

Age: 16

Grade: 10th

Basic Bio: Bella was born into A Rich Family, as an Only Child. Although many would to think this would cause her to Be a Snotty B!tch, she is not. She is Kind, at Times. But since her Parent's are Richer than many Other's she believe's she Run's the School. Her Parent's Didn't really care whether she got into Fight's, all they knew is she was Their Perfect Angel.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_lz3htqJwfJ1ro5y75o1_500.jpg.b76390eb609f541e4b5438dfa300b4d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_lz3htqJwfJ1ro5y75o1_500.jpg.b76390eb609f541e4b5438dfa300b4d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gang Name: River Girlz

Name: Chelsea Stevens

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Basic Bio: When Chelsea was born, she was unwanted from the start. Her parents were drug addicts and she just happened to be an accident. They sent her off to a foster home of a single mother who is hardly ever home. Chelsea is kind and likes almost everyone but she hates bullies or when people talk about people behind their backs so when that happens, she talks back and won't back down which may lead to her being badly hurt for someone she doesn't hardly know. She's very creative and shows only smiles and doesn't like for people to see her cry which hurts her badly at times, but she'll never show it, only helping others and not herself.

Gang name: none

Appearance: Chelsea has medium length brown hair that curls slightly at the ends and misty green eyes. She has a few freckles and her cheeks are naturally rosy. She likes to wear headphones and skinny jeans and lacy shirts that aren't see through and stands at 5'2".
Name: alice smith

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Baisic bio: alice hated her parent, they tried to raise her as a young lady, but she was extremely

rebellious,and when they could no longer control her,alice's parents sent her here, in the hope that she would learn some discapline, infacet, it did the total oposite, she gets into fights quite freqntly, she also has serve bipollar disorder she's quite picky about her friends, but she is also nice when she wants to be

Appearance: alice is tall for her age, she stands at 6' and she is of average wieght, she has bright red hair and sparkling blue eyes, she dosent wear the same things as everybody else, you could call her a emo really

(Sorry if I'. Too late, and rachel.. Would you mind if alice was already friends with chelsea?, I thought like, as she is quite protective and chelsea dosent like violence she could be like, sorta a big sister?
Name: Josh Cadieth

Age: 15

Grade: 9th

Basic Bio: He was bought up with strict parents ( aswell as his school being strict) so he is always encouraged to be polite and do the right thing. He makes friends quickly.

Looks: He has dark hair that's floppy and sometimes covers his eye, which are deep brown. He is tanned and has well-build muscles.
((Hope its not to late))

Name:Ray Aburn

Age: 16

Grade: 10th

Basic Bio: She was born in a small town in New york with her mother and her four little brothers her farther was a drug dealer and an alcoholic so he was very abusive then her mother saved up enough money to send her to this school so she could get away from the chaos that was in the house. She is very rebellious but makes good grades she is funny and loyal.

Gang Name: Bloody Good Time [bGT]

[ Interesting Mind if I join in ? ]

Name: John Mayers

Age: 17

Grade: 10th

Basic Bio: He was an 'accident' by his parents and an unwanted child. They really didn't care about him, so because of that. He doesn't care about the world as well. He learned to live alone, the "hard way" . Back in his middle school, He was always getting into fights. Most of the time he would win, But he wouldn't get away with it uninjured. So all those times, He learned how to fight. Eventually he took up Kick boxing, and became the Interhigh champion.

Gang name (if in any): None, Prefers to be by himself most of the times

Name: Aloe Trinity Miller

Age: 17

Grade: Junior (11th)

Basic Bio: Aloe has always been a peacekeeper, until it was her choice to either get beat up or fit in. Even though she doesn't like fighting or hurting other people it's for her better sake. She is such a hopeless romantic with a crush on this guy that will never notice her. She was born in the area, but her parents don't give two shits a bout her. So she goes her own way as and only child with her drug and alchoal addicted parents that are barely home.

Gang name (if in any):

Appearance: She has long brown hair, straight to the middle of her back with side bangs. Her eyes are green but change color to the way shes feeling.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/ol.jpg.27c2ec87c9a9f04cef79e4ef35a9d82d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="415" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/ol.jpg.27c2ec87c9a9f04cef79e4ef35a9d82d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Sedrian Jackson (no relation to the Jackson family)

Age: 16

Grade: 10th

Basic Bio: He was brought up with abusive parents, who always told him to do whatever he desired whenever he desired it. This turned him into a sick, twisted, and demented person. He doesn't like gangs, he enjoys to give gangs hell whenever he sees them.

Looks: He has long straight black heir, he has onyx eyes, well built but pale, and he prefers to wear dark clothes often wearing a trench coat with starch in the collar so it sticks up.
Name: Naomi Cain

Age: 15

Grade: 10th

Basic Bio: Naomi has never been easily accepted. Her parents sent her to this school because it was the only one in which she would be allowed to skip a couple of grades. She is very smart, but also strong. She dislikes violence because her mother died in a shooting the year before in Chicago, and her father sent her here. She loves to wrestle and is on the varsity team. SHe does this to defend herself. Naomi is also able to be very cynical and cold, and on occasion will retreat into herself.

Gang name: NA

Appearance: semi muscular, long legs (see photo for rest)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_lhq5n7Ghht1qgl2hgo1_500.jpg.68ee68ada078211d32da23bfbe87039c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_lhq5n7Ghht1qgl2hgo1_500.jpg.68ee68ada078211d32da23bfbe87039c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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