Bad girls and good boys RP idea

terribly sorry, i got so caught up in some RPs with Tigress and i've been SWAMPED with personal stuff for ages

ok lets see....

ok, it al looks to be in order, ALL ACCEPTED!
Name: Rosalya, Xanthene

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Gang: "Venom"

Gang Color: Purple

Gang Leader: Me

Bio: Rosalya grew up in a broken home where she was physically and mentally abused by her father and her mother

not feeling loved or accepted at only age 13 she started the Gang "Venom" mugging people to scrape by she learned martial arts and kick boxing, and she's a force to be reckoned with in a dark alley, the Symbol for Venom is a snake wrapped around a yin, yang symbol to symbolize strength in balance

Appearance:(but taller)

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