Back into the MADness ~ an extension of A World Gone MAD ~SU & Info~


The Ghost in your Closet
Lords, Ladies, Halflings, Furries and all far and in between, You've officially entered A World Gone MAD, (Also known as Insanistatia) You may have just arrived, or you could have been here for years. You may have even been born here, but you all have one thing in common. You are determined to get out. Dometris, the God and Creator of all things Insane has created a domain where insanity can run free and he has gone through each World and plucked people out at random. There is only one way to end the madness. You must find Dometris and kill him. But there is one problem. Dometris is everywhere. He sees all, hears all and knows all. So how do you beat the system, when the system is everything? Well my dear subjects, that is for you to decide.

That was twenty five years ago. They succeeded and now all hell has broken loose. The survivors of Lord Dometris' realm escaped and left the dying god to fall into his own crumbling world of torment and terror. Now, twenty five years on, the offspring of the escaped creatures, be they human, nymph, anthrope, demon, wereling or vampire alike, have been called to right the wrongs that occured when their parents escaped mad Dometris' clutches, an event which ripped a gaping whole in the fabric of worlds. As the world moves along a different timestream completely, what to them happened twenty five years in the past, is only just now starting to affect the fabric of reality.Time is slowed in the world of Insanistasia. It's only been three months for them. Three months of losing their own creations and gaining others. It started off small at first, a few disappearances, people, animals, objects, and then an entire building, a bicentanniel park and even the entire state of North Dakoda. The offspring were called the Weilders, and they alone can undo the mistake their parents made and restore Insanity to the realm of MADness. Something calls to them in their sleep, leaks into their dreams and unlocks the insanity that will allow them to enter Dometris' realm unharmed. There is one problem. If they restore the realm to the madness and choas it requires, then they too will be trapped. They need an escape route, something to get out without undoing all their work. Perhaps, just perhaps, they can convince His Lord and Almighty Creator of Chaos, to release them in return for saving his realm. What happens is up to you. And remember, don't get caught in a Skittle Storm.

Rolling greenfields, a blue sky, a forest to the east, jagged mountains to the left and a city in the centre of the fields. The city is bustling with people. Tall people, short people, people with hats, people with tuxedos and even people with umbrellas despite the cloudless sky. You turn on the spot taking in the bustling marketplace. With every motion and sight your eyes grow wider, your jaw dropping lower. There are people who don't even look like people at all. They have the forms of animals yet wear human clothing. Some just have aspects of the animals. One girl is something of a peculiar sight. She is tall and slender, seemingly normal but when she turns to look at you, you see that she has features resembling a cat. A light film of turquoise coloured fur covers her feline features; slanted golden eyes examine the items of the stall near her, selling articles of shimmering jewellery.

She reaches out to examine a particularly elegant piece and you eyes are drawn to the delicate hands tipped with deadly claws. She gazes longingly at the necklace before turning her back to it, hurrying on. A hoarse cry sounds out from the high bell tower, like someone being murdered and people begin pulling out umbrellas. You look about as people who don't have the umbrellas find other items to cover their heads with. Before you have a chance to react, the storm begins. You duck under an awning and gaze in shock as you realise it isn't rain but rather hard candies in all colours, with a small 's' on their coverings. Are they...Skittles?

This is what the original survivors saw. Will you experience the same or will you be a part of something else entirely? Your parents told you about a world like this in a bedtime story and you've found out that this isn't just a story, but a reality.


1. Have fun

2. Listen to the GM (me) at all times. Any questions will be answered

3. Limit yourself to four characters only. if you get tired of them, then kill them off to make new ones or whatever, i dont care, just DONT EXCEED THE LIMIT.

4. No Godmodding, bunnying or using other's characters for things without their EXPRESS permission

5. Age limits between 7-27 if you're the offspring, anywhere from 7-10 000 if anything else.

6. Romance and communication is encouraged but DO NOT limit yourself to one group of people. Try to interact with as many people as possible.

7. DONT wander around and expect people to find you. YOU find THEM. be the bigger man.

8. This isn't a fandom, so no fandom characters, nothing from Amy Pond to a freaking Moogle. I don't care, I WILL be checking. Because i'm ahardarse like that.

19. NO ONE LINERS. writers block is understandable but if it comes to that, either wait till you have got over it or just describe everything in detail to fill the post. Ask for help even.

10. If someone takes more than two days to post THATS when you harrass them, not ten minutes after YOUR post.

11. Obey the rules





Character sheet


Species: (human, vampire, lycan, furrie, halfling etc. ANYTHING GOES.. Except sparkly vampires)











Any abilities:



The capital city of Insanistatia, where the fighter's guild resides, the traders thrive and everyone has their own talent. The market place was one of the best in the whole area. It used to be a hive of activity, day or night, but now it lies dormant. Moreso than the streets of London after the bubonic plague struck. Buildings around are dishevelled, burnt, torn apart completely in some places. The safe haven is not what it once was. If there was any other way to describe the catastrophy, the people dont know it. The streets, once so full of life, business, happiness, now lie dormant and there is nothing anyone can do. They used to think Dometris was the worst thing in that world, but now they aren't so sure.

Hellsborough Forest: A mystical forest. Many creatures of darkness, as well as creatures of light, such as the Fey are rumoured to reside there. NiteRaithes hoarde in the cavorns in the forest floor, only coming out when the night air is thick with moisture, when clouds coat the sky and swaddle the moon in their embrace. The people don't go in there after dark anymore, not since objects started appearing, objects from the Other Worlds. The beasts took over that area, territorial instincts kicking in to help them survive. The forest used to be inviting but now it exudes wickedness. They say the creatures of Light have fled the forest completely because of this.

Demetris Shrine: A place of worship for the Beloved Creator. Home to the Monks and Handmaidens of the Creator. It now lays in ruins, columns lying on the ground in pieces, walls crumbling and no one taking refuge. No one prays to the Creator now, for they know that he is slowly going sane and it is causing their world to unravel.

Darmoth Dunes: A vast desert that stretches for miles. Many sand creatures live here. No one has set foot here and come out alive since the Creator's defeat. It is unstable, particularly at the edge where the Verge of Insanity and Reality resides. That is where it started, where reality began to push and shove and begin to devour the world. Strange objects appear here, off buildings not of this world. People sometimes stumble out, parched and near death but are always shunned by the natives.

Jaliston Sea: The great ocean that divides four different parts of the kingdom. Dometris still has not created the other three kingdoms. He never got the chance to, not when those mesddling outsiders and the rebellious children intervened. No one knows exactly what happened but the number of boats coming back from fishing voyages is growing smaller.


Name: Dometris, God and Creator of all things insane

Species: God


Gender: When appears in human form he is Male

Appearance: View attachment 10077

Origins: He is the Creator

Personality: More than a little psychotic, he loves his creation and is determined to make it successful. He gets angry and often has the temperament of a young child, but his temper tantrums are MUCH more violent. Not a man to mess with. now he is starting to lose his madness, making him more unstable and unwell.

History: Dometris was one of the lesser gods of the realms, having no realm of his own to look after. One day he got into an argument with his brother who said he couldn't possibly control a world of his own anyway due to his immature manner. Determined to prove his brother wrong he created Insanistatia, and he filled it with all kinds of wonderful things, even if they made no sense. He needed people so he either stole them from their own realm or created them himself and then he sat back and watched his world thrive. Then those meddling people came and interfered. He was defeated and left to watch his world fade, watchign the worlds collide and being unable to save it. he reached out to the other realms, calling for help. He doesn't know how many responded, but he used the last of his strength to bring them before him and ask for help.

Likes: Chaos, Disorder, insanity, madness, colour, darkness, platypuses (due to their wacked anatomy), his creation

Dislikes: Sanity, order, his brothers and their rules, normalcy

Strengths: His god abilities, He is strongest by day when everyone is busy and fueling his desires for chaos

Weaknesses: His wild temper tantrums and childlike demeanour. The only way he can be defeated is with his own Scythe

Any abilities: Can create and destroy anything in his realm, he controls all but he has limits.

Other: He has a soft spot for the particularly insane.
Name: Oblivion

Species: Half demon/ Half angel

Age: unknown


Appearance:View attachment 10078

Demetris Shrine

Personality: She is silent when it comes to other if they are not lucifur or god. She gets her job without any problems and extremley quick. She can be kind but if you set her off she can be mean as well.If you mess with someone she cares about it is not easy to calm her down.

History: She was one of the many offsprings of lucifur but what made her the only one different was that her mother was an angle. Being an angel's kids to the other demons was gross and frowned upon. She was shunned from them and was banned being sent to Demetris shrie.. Occasionly she would leave the shrine and walk about . She found a dragon that was different from the rest. He had black eye and his main looked as if it was set ablaze. Before Demetris shrie went to ruins the monks there told her everything abot the god and the world her created. She devoted herslef to all gods and if needed service to call upon her. Now in the ruins and everyone has gone she lies there hidden from sight waiting for her service to be needed

Likes: Her dragon, food, cahos, the seven realms of hell, any ype of fire, killing those who think she is weak

Dislikes: those who shuned her, her mother,her father

Strengths: Her strength, Her hearing, She works extremely well when she is by her dragon

Weaknesses: Seeing her mother, killing her dragon, the only way to kill her is by killing her with the knives that was forged in the forbbiedn realm and sealing her away back in hell. Begin stabbed by a gods blade or lucifur. Her heart being ripped out and burned. Eating her soul making her a lifeless doll

Any abilities:
Any type of fire, Summoner, Illusionest, pain she uses the fire , illusion, and pain most the only time she has to summon things if the sistuation really calls for it , the downfall of summoning is that her body weakens. Dpending on the summoning she will not be able to move afterwards.

Other: Her live is devoted to her father and the gods
[MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION]s accepted but can i get you to tweak her a bit? Just give her a few more weaknesses. The only godlike character is Dometris because he's the creator of Insanstatia. Also, by origins i mean, Where did they come from, not what do they do for a living. So is she from the realms of Insanistatia or what? and how does she become involved with Insanistatia. if you could add those things in it'd be appreciated

much better ghostie

Name: Abigail

Species: Human

Age: 17

Gender: female

Appearance:View attachment 10080

Origins: London

Personality: Normally cheerful and friendly, Abi's personality took a whole new turn when she lost her parents. Stricken with grief she became closed off, sensitive, cold, moody and suffers from post traumatic stress disorder

History: Abi's parents were killed in an accident barely three months ago. She believed it to be her fault, distracting her parents on a particularly dangerous stretch of road. Her father didnt see the antelope until it was too late, and he swerved and veered the car over the edge. Her parents were killed on impact and she suffered severe damage to a lot of her interal organs and a dislocated shoulder. She went to live with her aunt and uncle after the accident but was so traumatised that she didnt speak. She still hasn'tspoken, whether because of the trauma or because she blames herself for her parents no one knows. In her room theres a painting, a painting of a market place. It calls to her in her sleep, seeping into her dreams, somthing it did even as a little girl. She never fully understood what it meant until now.

Likes: quiet, music, drawing, sleeping

Dislikes: death, her aunt and uncle, her cousins, fear, cars

Strengths: stubborness, her love for her parents, knows tai kwon do

Weaknesses: the shoulder that was dislocated from the accident can easily be dislocated again. Since the accident her physical strength has waned slightly due to inactivity. Her fear of death can freeze her sometimes

Any abilities: Artistry magic, her drawings come to life for a short period of time

Other:She is a mute, communicates only through writing and her drawings
Name: Brendan

Species: Vampire

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Origins: Australia

Personality: Adventurous, a bit cocky but is willing to care for other if needed, good listener

History: Brendan lived with his mother for most of his life. She went missing after he'd turned 16. He'd been telling himself that it was because she'd left him on his independence, seeing if he could live without her for a bit. He keeps hoping that she'll come back. (The truth is his mother was shot in a horrible massacre but he hopes everyday, not knowing about that day. He went to look for her and found her tombstone. He doesn't trust people easily since then.

Likes: He likes high peaks, romance but doesn't show it,

Dislikes: Stupidity, turnips and beetroots,

Strengths: Silence, he learned judo a while back and remembers some,

Weaknesses: If someone betrays him, he'll emotionally break down,

Any abilities: He can read thoughts, he's quite good at thinking up strategies for things.

Other: None.
Accepted [MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] xD when we get a couple more people we'll start
Name: Leani Keetal

Nickname: Lea

Species: Phoenix

Age: 18 but physically looks younger and hates that she does

Gender: Female

Human form:


Phoenix form:


Origins: California

Personality: Bubbly and outgoing. She gets very protective of her friends.

History: Lea pretty much doesn't know. Her mother and father left her when she was 12, and Lea doesn't know if they are alive or dead now. She doesn't care too much though, Lea refuses to let it get her down. When she knew where they were, they never spent too much time with her, but she remembers some odd stories she heard about a place called Insanistatia. Lea always dismissed them, but recent dreams have bothered her and she wants them to stop. Dreams of places she has never even seen, but some buildings had signs saying Insanistatia on them, and she figured it was just her over-active imagination.

Likes: Pretty much everything but water and mean people.

Dislikes: Water, she hates water.

Strengths: Heat. Fire. Things like that.

Weaknesses: Cold. Water. Rain or a shower won't kill her, but she can't go swimming.

Any abilities: Control over fire, and flight. Maybe others, but she doesn't know of any others yet.

Other: She doesn't look like a bird in her phoenix form, as you can see, but she still flies. Kind of like some depictions of faeries do not have wings.
[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] absolutely accepted! If you know any others that would be interested, could you steer them our way? :P
Name: Severnus Lavrentios

Nickname: never really was around people enough to get a nickname

Species: Demi-god

Age: unknown

Gender: male


Origins: Death god's realm

Personality: Serious and intelligent, he can push people away without really trying and doesn't know what to do in social situations commonly.

History: Parents... his mother is dead and his father is the God of Death. He lived with his father for a long time, until he decided that Severnus should go help fix things in Insanistatia. After a good bit of complaining and arguing about how tedious it would be, and how he would have to be around mortals, Severnus gave in and his father sent him to (Starting place of Rp) to begin and help.

Likes: Books.

Dislikes: People(But really he just doesn't know them well enough). Ignorance.

Strengths: Darkness. Nighttime.

Weaknesses: Light. He cannot control darkness in it, and dislikes it, but it doesn't physically hurt him.

Any abilities: Control over darkness and fire.

Other: Son of the God of Death.... he really needs to get out more.
[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION], accepted xD we just need a couple more and i'll start the thread.

[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION], accepted xD we just need a couple more and i'll start the thread.
Name: Sylah

Species: Siren

Age: 25



Origins: The mad realm

personalitly: Flirty, laid back and Elegant. She has a Irish accent anyway

History: She grew up I the world so knows nothing better,normal so she never really thought anything was wrong until people and places started disappearing.

likes: kitties, puppies and cookies. Oh and flirting

dislikes: wh*res barbies and fake people

strengths: Her singing

weaknesses: puppies, and hand to hand combat

abilities: she can charm someone with her singing or looks

other: She may flirt but she isn't a wh*ore


Species: Dinosaur (reptilian shifter person)

Age: 24

Gender: male


Origins:the mad realm

personalitly: Shy quite but random

History: nothing special, he grew up here and he likes it exept for the skittle rain (those little thu he get in places they shouldnt

likes: bananas, and cats

dislikes: Fakes

strengths: swords

weaknesses: hand to hand combat

abilities: shifts I to a dinosaur

Hey Im in for this again, last time I forgot I was in and I totaly bailed it, I'll make my chara sometime today, just put me on hold xD
Name: Markus Dalmasca

Species: Human

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Origins: 12th century Europe

Personality: Quiet, but ego builds up in a battle.


Living in a quiet forest, deep inside of Poland, he lived

a happy life. He hunted for what he wanted, had seamstresses

sew what he wanted, and traded for what he wanted at the local market.

Though he wasn't wealthy, he lived like he was.

Though, the silence was broken, when his wife was found dead, after coming home from

hunting, in his bed.

Covered in her own blood, with a dagger, still fresh, laying next to her hip,

after its been stabbed into her heart. She was cold.

Markus was obviously angry, sad, and even droven off the world himself, of insanity.

Grabbing his broadsword, he sprang out of his house as fast as he could. He ran, unsure

of where to go. He took himself to the authorities in the local town, and explained the

situation. Officer Wedge, replied by saying, "We'll look for suspects in town, and a search

party in the woods." Markus began to leave the building, when he saw a man in thick, purple

armor, running from a weapon store. He was emitting a dark aura, around his whole body.

He realized, that he could be his wife's murderer. The armor was loud enough to track, as

Markus ran to chase the man. He lead him to a clearing, deep in the thick forest where he

lived. He hadn't known this about this before. Before Markus could stop the man, a round,

circular, rip in the air was made, swirling around with green and blue aura. The man dived

in, and Markus followed him.

Likes: His sword, clothing and fashion, adventuring.

Dislikes: That man, and talking too much.

Strengths: Sword/Fencing skills.

Weaknesses: Using magicks, and indirect attacks.

Any abilities: Some magic, enchanced weapons, agility and endurance.

Other: His sword is a steel-based magic reinforced blade, which slices through most objects.

He also uses 2 daggers, strapped to his waist, also inforced with magicks. They can also clip onto chains.

View attachment 10116
[MENTION=2482]BloodRedRoses[/MENTION] accepted, cant wait to see what they look like ;) [MENTION=3292]dististik[/MENTION], well im gonna make the thread today now that we have enough people so just make the charrie when you can, [MENTION=4058]Squall Leonhart[/MENTION] Accepted, he's very interesting xD i look forward too meeting him in the rp


age- 16



origins- a little cabin in hellsborough forest

personality- usually gets along with people unless they piss her off, hates anyone or anything to do with dometris, not violent unless needed or hunting, very kind hearted and fun to be around

history- she had been beat all her life, but when she was 16 it had gone too far and her father beat her to her last breaths. in the last second something strange happened and her bruises started disapperaing. next thing she knew she was a vampire. after that she killed her father when he tried to hit her again. her mom had died when she was little and she was an only child. her dad went insane and beat her for every little thing. after she killed him she was on her own. she wondered around hellsborough forest in search for food every day since her dad died.

likes-animal blood (mostly big animals), and other creatures that under stand her,

dislikes-humans but can tolerate, human blood, dometris

strengths- strongest at night and when protecting loved ones, hand to hand combat

weaknesses- weapons, fire

Ways to kill- chop of head, burn to death, and shoot with silver bullets rinsed in holey water

any abilities- visions, and strength

other- wood steaks and sun light dont kill her
[MENTION=4067]Dark Mousy[/MENTION] accepted but you need to reload the pic and give her maybe another way to die, just so there's more than just one. xD when that's done feel free to start posting
aww Ali why cant i have a sparkly vampire? xD

Name: Caroline Saria

Species: Made from Human Emotion

Age: 15

Gender: Female


View attachment 10153

Origins: A blank dimension

Personality: A constantly adapting personality due to her never being exposed to "personality" but for the most part curious and outgoing.

History: She lived in a world of nothing by herself for fifteen years. She explored this world of nothingness for hours on end every day and found nothing. Sense birth she remembered her birthday- or creation day- and remembered how old she was. And on the fifteenth "year" she found a portal. A portal that brought her to a new world. A world gone mad.

Likes: Not yet achieved

Dislikes: Sense of unfairness

Strengths: Not yet achieved

Weaknesses: Anything she's yet to fully understand

Any abilities: Can voluntarily wipe someones mind upon physical touch (i swear i wont god mod with this!)

Other: She doesnt have a lot of earthly knowladge

Name: Cortney Marsh

Species: Human

Gender: Female


View attachment 10157

Origins: From the past.

Personality: Aware, pure spirited.

History: Her parents were killed by an assassin poisoning them. She was living in the American colonies as she had these memories of the future. She began to get obsessed with these memories and visited and Indian tribe. Upon speaking to their Shaman and asking for an explanation of these memories he sent her into the future.

Likes: Childish things

Dislikes: Being called nicknames

Strengths: Perceptive

Weaknesses: Cares too much about people.

Any abilities: Has memories of the future (roleplays present)


(I made my friends make the second one
xD i changed a few things to make it sound better but it still sounds alittle noobish)
[MENTION=3292]dististik[/MENTION] welcome aboard the psycho ship. please make your post at the first stop and stick to the rules and guidelines, particularly those mentioned at the START of the rp thread
Name: selena

Species: vampire

Age: 155

Gender: female


Origins: hellsbrough forest

Personality: Selena was kind once upon a time, but her heart has gone cold from the hatered she'd encounterd throught her years, he powereful an doesn't hesitate to show it

history: she was once a beign from the human world and entered this world at a young age and truly thought she was going to die until a vampire approached her (not knowing he was then) who told her she didn't need to die and could stay here as long as she wanted, if she someday became his mistress, she would have said no but was in a trance and accepted his offer. So he turned her into a vampire. She's been living in the shadows ever since.

She's now the head of a clan that lives in hellaborough forest. She loves to hold events, and invites all creatures, and at the end sometimes a few stay behind if she think there worthy enough. She makes sure everyone comes willingly or not. Although she has one of the biggest impact in the community, her and her clan are never heard of, so no one really knows what she's thinking or more importantly planning.

Likes: dancing

Dislikes: a happy ending

Strengths: one on one combat

Weaknesses: her beating heart, and ( the only thing that could kill her) her sliver dagger of Zelda pics/SilverDagger.jpg

Any abilities: can make people think they exprienced things that they never did

Other: keeps an eye out for him, and her good old friend dometris, she wants him dead even if he is a god and now highly praised by those who obviously don't seem to understand why he was defeated in the first place.

Name: Jacqueline

species: wearwolf

Age: 22

gender: female

origins: Aramotis


Wolf form:

personality: though her usual calm demenior she's very hipper active an a very strange person most of the people she's met think she has a mental illness and is in desperate need of a specialist.

bio: she was raise up in a pretty great yet 'slightly' dis functional family being the oldest, she often tried to act responsible for her two younger brother and was even had the guy of her dreams, but one day she ran away from it all, from her family, form her pack, from her self. If only she hadn't .....

likes: anything different and messed up.

dislikes: funerals

weakness: a visit from her past and not being able to talk

abilities: nothing but she's a fast runner

other: always saying the wirdest things at the most random times.
[MENTION=3027]liz[/MENTION]zi Tik you can use Selena again ONLY if she had stayed behind and also, is she still against dometris? Origins is meant as in 'Where is she from now' it just helps figure out who's on the inside and who isn't. also, Can you put in at least one more weakness for both. We need to know ways they can be harmed.

[MENTION=3307]Jesi[/MENTION], there's always room, so long as you abide by the rules and read the beginning of the thread.
Name: Cierra Nyxson

Species: Lampades

The Lampades, infernal Nymphs, inhabit Hades. Their origins are murky: they may or may not be daughters of Nyx and/or the various river deities of Hades. The Lampades served in Hekate’s entourage: they are her lamp-bearers, servants, and companions. Their torches serve to illuminate the night. The Lampades are spirits of prophesy and justice.

Whether or not it is safe for humans to encounter or witness them is up to the Lampades to decide or subject to their whim. If the Lampades so desires, then the sight of their lit torches will drive a viewer mad. Alternatively, their torch light can reveal lost, hidden, or necessary information. They may be invoked for assistance.

Should one find oneself in trouble with the Lampades who, like many nymphs, have a teasing nature, appeal to Hekate to make them behave. They will obey her and may be venerated alongside her. They may also be venerated alongside Nyx, Artemis, Demeter, and/or Persephone

(Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes page 619)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long black hair falls in gentle waves down her back, shining faintly as light catches it. Her eyes are a dull red, touched by gold. Their expression is normally bored or distant with traces of contempt appearing regularly if she is not amused. She is slim and comely, as are all nymphs whether infernal or otherwise. Intricate runes run from her fingertips to her elbow – the coloring of these runes is normally a red, orange so faint that it could pass as scars. When she summons her lantern light, however, the runes darken to a brilliant crimson.

Origins: Born in Hellsborough Forest as a Wielder (offspring)

Personality: Childish need to be entertained . . . can be brutal if the correct mood hits. She is self-serving and enjoys causing enough mischief to keep herself entertained when none can otherwise be found.

History: It was cruel . . . power didn’t belong in the hands of one so young or inexperienced. She hadn’t known what she was doing back then . . . back then she had only been a child of thirteen years. Unfortunately, the world didn’t play to the tune of “fair” and didn’t care who it screwed over. At thirteen years old, Cierra hit puberty and her Lampades nature awoke. She toyed with the lantern light alone at first but eventually wanted to share it. Unfortunately, if not properly monitored the light of a Lampades had the power to drive men insane . . .

She lost everything on that day and barely escaped the home which she had known with her life. The others of her family fled from her in an attempt to avoid the suspicion of being like her. After all, it had only been 25 years since they had escaped from the madness . . . now, all alone, she grew colder and more twisted as the time passed. Her thoughts had turned inward and focused largely on the task of seeing herself amused to dull the ache of her abandonment.

These introspective tendencies had led her to an epiphany, however. The world was born of chaos . . . it belonged to chaos. Without the chaos that made up its very foundations there would be no law. Without chaos there was nothing . . . but she was born of chaos and would protect it with her life if she needed to.

Likes: entertainment, practical jokes, fire (more than anything she loves fire), music, and company

Dislikes: being alone, being bored, being controlled

Strengths: a strong belief that there is a possibility that anything can happen and thus success (no matter how unlikely) is still obtainable, some skill with a short sword (although she avoids fights if possible . . . they are boring and result in her time being wasted)

Weaknesses: hot headed, a rather generalized wariness about people in general (she’s terrified of being abandoned again and thus terrified of letting anyone get close enough to be cared about by her), a tendency to get into trouble if she gets to bored. She can be killed in much the same way as any normal human.

Abilities: She is a Lampades (infernal nymph) and thus can create her lantern. If the Lampades so desires, then the sight of their lit torches will drive a viewer mad. Alternatively, their torch light can reveal lost, hidden, or necessary information. (Taken from Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes page 619)
[MENTION=4074]Chaotic[/MENTION] THANK YOUUU!! you can post xD dont forget to read the message at the start of the thread
Name: Sibernius Flavorus [sib to those who know him, or flav to those close enough for him not to kill them over this]

Species: Psychic/Emotional Vampire [of the Lust variety]

Age: 482

Gender: Male


Origins: He comes from another realm altogether, but was transported here to Demetris Shrine.

Personality: He is pretty much an average man. He has many aspects to his personality and they change often. But he mainly just lives his life as he anyone else would, minus the fact that he has no need for a job and he has a major in every degree in the known universe. He is a free spirit who does what he wants when he wants. He is chivalrous to women who don't annoy him. Also he is unused to not getting what he wants. Think of him as Chaotic Neutral. He goes to whichever side of a conflict is the one that will get him what he wants.

History: He was born in the year 1530 in Great Britain, he stayed their for the first 200 years of his life until he went to the colonies in what is now the USA. He fought on both sides of the Revolutionary War, choosing to switch every time the other side offered him something better. Eventually he helped the US win the war and signed the Declaration of independence under one of his many aliases, John Hancock. Afterwards he started using his powers to seduce and blackmail many, many, many wives of important US men. He built his fortune and empire on this money and invested the rest. He also seemingly knew of every depressions happening before hand and removed his investments and such before them. He was the richest man on the entire planet where he is from. He fought in every war in the planets history from the revolutionary war onward on every side no less. He has slept with more women to date then currently live on his planet. He was surprised when he found himself teleported to another realm altogether but luckily he had a enchanted wallet that has unlimited money of whatever city currency he needs, courtesy of a very powerful sorceress he courted around 1897. So he has no worry about surviving on this planet. Wherever it is exactly.

Likes: Women, food, relaxing, and pretty much whatever his impulses randomly make him want to do; even learning.

Dislikes: Ugly people, trying to steal from him or hurt someone he cares about or feels is his.

Strengths: He can seduce nigh every creature in existence. It is not a question of whether or not your attracted to him, but whether or not he is attracted back and thus applies his power on his purpose. If he is trying to influence someone they have a difficult time resisting him. The species of a person decides how much self control you have over yourself. Humans will literally throw themselves on him, ripping their clothes off in lust. Those of vampire lineage or faerie lineage simply find it VERY hard to resist what he wants them to do. And more magical creatures simply have difficulty looking away from him. If he isn't trying to influence you, then you just look at his like "Damn he's fine." If he uses his powers he becomes faster then a car and strong enough to bend steel. Bleeding him out is a surefire way to kill him.

Weaknesses: After using his abilities he needs to feed or his mind is stuck in animal mode, he will not be able to reason whatsoever and will attack any women around him whether friend or foe and "feed". He is basically a human in all aspects besides his attractiveness unless he uses his powers. He can be contained just the same and a shot to the head will kill him the same as anyone. But unless you hit multiple vital organs he can heal back if he doesn't bleed out. Objects of true love cause him physical pain, and anyone who is in a mutual loving relationship, where they love the other person and are loved back by them, he cant touch this person without it burning him like an iron.

He feeds off of lust, the most powerful way to feed for him is sex which could kill the other person unless he tries not to on purpose. But he could just feed off of the emotion of lust if he gets others into the act. But he could also feed off of giving massages to people but it would be like sipping from a bottle of water when you are dying of thirst.
[MENTION=3218]AllHailDago[/MENTION], accepted on the condition that you don't overuse your character's ability. i like that he's able to be wounded. you can make your first post. dont forget to read the message i wrote at the start of the thread. Also, would it be too much to ask if you could be one of the bag guys of this rp? Like one of the people determined to stop the realm from being rebuilt? I need some bad guys is all. i'm making one, and I figure he could do the 'whichever offers you a better deal' thing again or whatever. he just seems like the type i could use on the evil side of things

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