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Baby Brother Now

Dean smiled and patted at Sam's face, giggling playfully. He wondered if they could tell that he had filled his diaper, or at least smelled it.
The two grinned sleepily at their little one, before they smelled the large mess Dean had made in his diaper. Changing the older Winchester, so he wouldn't get a rash; those were awful.

"The day's still long, sweetheart. What do you wanna do next?" Sam questioned fondly.
Dean just sat there, on the changing mat, looking around until an idea hit him. He crawled over to the pile of diapers, and picked one up, holding it up to Cas with a smile. He wanted Cas to play baby with him.
Brows raising, the angel complied, "Al-Alright."

Laying down on the ground, Cas had no idea what to do next, but having the diaper Dean had handed him in his hands, the blue-eyed man supposed he should...put it on? Taping around his pants, the angel wondered if he was doing this right.

Meanwhile, Sam, had left the living room before seeing all of this, opting to take a shower to wake himself up.
Blushing madly, the angel removed the diaper and then his pants, leaving him in just his underwear. The things he did for people he loved.

Putting the diaper over that, Castiel hoped this was good enough.
Dean sighed, but nodded, figuring that was good enough. Besides, it's not like Cas was going to use it anyway. Smiling, Dean picked up a toy and offered it Cas, blushing a bit.
Finishing his shower and dressing in some comfortable clothes, Sam returned to the living room and was a bit...confused by the sight before him. While it seemed Dean was giggly and happy, which was good. It also seemed Cas was...in a diaper?

Huffed a laugh, a questioning look passed over the tall man's face, "Uh...Cas? What are you doing?"

Blushing even harder, the tips of his ears burning, the angel gulped, "I-I...it's nothing, Sam. Dean just wanted to...play, I believe."
Dean looked up at Sam and nodded. "Pway! Pway!" He babbled, wanting Sam to join them. He figured Sam would react that way to seeing Cas padded.
Laughing loudly and heartily this time, Sam nodded, "Alright. Only because I love you, Deanie." Sitting down in front of the two, the taller grinned, dimples indenting his cheeks, "What do you want me to do, buddy?"
And so, the three started to play with their toys, wanting Dean to be happy and having a good time with them. Of course, they knew the former hunter almost always had a fun time with them, and was usually a gleeful little one. But the two caretakers still had their insecurities about their skills with Dean.
Dean reached up and poked Sam's nose, giggling playfully, as he crawled over to him and sat in his lap, leaning against his chest.
Thinking he was in the clear, Castiel quickly removed the diaper he "wore" and tugged his pants back on with a sigh. It felt so much better to be in his normal clothes again, the feeling of a diaper uncomfortable around him. Though the angel could understand why infants and others enjoyed it. He just wasn't one of them.
Seeing his nephew's frown, Cas' expression turned apologetic, brow furrowing, "I am sorry, Dean. But...it is rather uncomfortable for me."

"I can tell," Sam replied, smirking at their beloved friend.
Suddenly, Dean got an idea in his head, and smiled as he looked up at Sam. "Daddy....be baby?" He babbled, pouting adorably.
Knowing that would come sooner or later, Sam laughed nervously and stood up, grabbing a diaper before heading in another room to change. There was no way in hell that he was changing in front of Dean or Cas. That's just how the younger Winchester worked, he could see everything and it wouldn't faze him too much, but not the other way around.

Returning back to the living room, in only a diaper, Sam sat himself back down, wondering what Dean had in store for him.
Dean smiled and hugged Sam, nuzzling his shoulder affectionately. "Sammy....baby...too!" Dean babbled as he picked up a pacifier and shoved it into Sam's mouth.

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