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Baby Brother Now

Sam and Cas smiled proudly at their little one. It was nice to watch Dean slowly develop in so many ways, besides physically.

Wiping away the mess from his brother's face, Sam peppered the older's face in kisses, "That was great, baby."
Again cleaning their messy baby's face, Sam gently removed the spoon from Dean's hand, before carrying his brother to the bathroom, where Cas was running the bath.

Undressing his brother, the shaggy-haired Winchester pressed kisses to Dean's cheeks, proud of how he had been able to feed himself.
Placing his baby in the bathtub, and giving him some toys to play with, both caretakers started to wash the dirt and grime from Dean's body.
Dean picked up a toy boat and giggled as he made it move around in the water, dunking it under and then pulling it back up.

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