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Graded [Azuran City] The Party of Greed

~Amanda Steelhaven~
Human, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist

Amanda's attempts to investigate the magical device proved futile, with the volume of smoke and flames surrounding the item far too dense to properly conduct a visual inspection. With her eyes and that now starting to become overwhelmed by the inferno, Amanda's body was quickly starting to give up. Taking a few steps back toward the door, Amanda narrowly avoided her clothing catching alight though her dress dis somewhat singe near its ends. A reminder of just how dangerous the situation was becoming.

With the chefs returning in a very clumsy manner Amanda visibly grimaced with each and every sharp movement the two made near the flames. What a disastrous duo, they'd be the death of everyone if left to their own devices. Looking around the Room Amanda decided it was time for a retreat. They had held the fire back as long as they could without serious endangerment to the staff within. So long as they got the flour and grains out of the kitchen safely the fire was likely to stay contained within the stone room for long enough so that a mage could arrive and attend to it. The Mansion was after all a fortress in and of itself. Though the flooring and supports were at risk, Amanda was confident the blaze would only seriously damage the kitchen and possibly the room directly above.

With two guards soon approaching Amanda took the opportunity to issue her orders of retreat "All of you, get out of the kitchen now! Leave everything behind you and make for the garden. We've done all we can, be proud."

Turning to the Guards Amanda would cough deeply, before pointing to the chefs dancing ever so closely with death "You two help those chefs with the Flour and grains. If they catch a light we all shall perish. Understand! DO NOT LET THOSE BAGS CATCH FIRE". Moving for the door, Amanda spotted a familiar sight, Darin, the Count's Guard. Making it outside Amanda collapsed to her knees and pulled the rag from her face before heaving and taking some very deep breaths. Visibly exhausted. Still, she remained by the door awaiting the two chefs and Guards she had entrusted with the power like foodstuffs. "Ahh... damn it. I really need to study magic. If I had just known how that device worked I might have been able to slow the blaze. Tsk, how pathetic" Amanda whispered to herself.

Voider Voider Novama Novama


Interactions: Amanda ( Uasal Uasal )

Darin 256x256.png
The minutes went by, yet the demand for water only increased. While Darin carried as many buckets of water as he could as fast as he could, he couldn't tell how much it was helping, if at all. Stopping for a second to take a few deep breaths, he saw the woman that the Count was conversing with earlier -Amanda, if he correctly overheard earlier- exit the kitchen, and promptly fall to her knees. The kitchen staff began to exit as well, visibly exhausted from the fire.

As more continued to pour out, Darin decided to approach Amanda, in order to inquire about the situation. "Hmph... seems like the kitchen's being evacuated... too late to put out the fire?" He offered a hand to assist her in getting up, while staring towards the burning room.

Afterwards, he looked back to the garden, now filled with the various nobles. "I'm going to rejoin the Count now; unfortunate that it couldn't be saved." Dusting himself off and shaking his head, Darin walked to the Garden, searching for Hadi among the crowd. This had been a disaster, though luckily everyone seemed to be perfectly unharmed, and real panic hadn't took over.
Mentions: saxon saxon Speed Speed Uasal Uasal Voider Voider

Despite Amanda's directions, the guards seemed more preoccupied with the immediate safety of Amanda and following their captain's orders. Ignoring Amanda's wishes, they chose instead to ensure she was safely out of the kitchen, away from the heat and the smoke.

Back in the kitchen, the chefs, lost in their panic and haste, attempted to follow Amanda's orders to remove the loose grains. Their uncoordinated efforts, however, resulted in a catastrophe as they tripped over each other, sending the bags of grain flying through the air. There was a moment, a dreadful moment of realization as they watched the grains scatter across the kitchen, where everything seemed to hang in a terrible stillness.

Then, the world erupted.

The airborne grains, dust, and other particles, turned into a combustible cloud, catching fire, triggering a chain explosion that rocked the kitchen. The stone walls of the kitchen shook, the force of the explosions shattering any order or control left of the night and turning the chaotic scene into a deadly disaster.

Captain Marblock


After the explosion, black smoke billowed out of the kitchen thick enough to obscure all vision. From this smoke and presumed tomb, a few kitchen stuff were shoved outside. Once the chefs were clear, Marblock made his own escape, his body screaming in protest from the heat and exertion. He emerged from the kitchen into the cool night air, coughing and gasping, his uniform smudged with soot. He took a moment to regain his composure before heading towards the garden, looking for his lord and ready to report on the situation.

Count Hadi Sadek
From the garden, Count Hadi Sadek felt rather than heard the explosions. The ground shook beneath him, causing several of the gathered nobles to shriek in fear. He quickly turned to see a plume of smoke even bigger and darker than the last rising from the kitchen, the once orderly scene in the garden now a chaos of flames and destruction as little fiery cinders showered down around them.

As Count, he knew he needed to keep calm. His people were watching him, their eyes wide with fear. He took a deep breath, steeling himself before addressing the crowd. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he began, his voice loud and clear over the chaos, "we are experiencing a minor incident. Rest assured that everything is under control and you are all safe. We are a good distance from the flames and there is nothing keeping us here. I have asked the staff to start bringing carriages around to meet us on this side of the manor."

Despite his confident words, Count Hadi was far from at ease. He kept scanning the crowd, his eyes searching. He also sent for a mage and healers, knowing that the situation was far worse than a minor incident. This night, he knew, would be one for the records, and not in a good way.
~Amanda Steelhaven~
Human, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist

Amanda gratefully accepted Darin's hand in aiding her to her feet, truth be told it was some much-needed help. Wobbling a little before regaining her balance Amanda coughed deeply a number of times more before finally clearing her airways sufficently. Her rational thought and vision returned then after to a more stable state. "The fire was already raging by the time I arrived. It's unfortunate but there was likely no stopping it without a mage. The Fire itself was being spurred on by a magical cooking device, to stop it one would need to have disabled the device first. Alas, it was deeply covered in flames by the time I made it to the kitchen."

Turning to gaze back at the Kitchen Amanda continued "We should have successfully slowed the fire though. Given the thick stone walls and the heavy wooden doors, the Fire should eventually slow on its lonesome. There should be no severe damage dealt to any rooms outside the Kitchen itself. With all the grains and dust removed from the pantry, there should now be plenty of time for those skilled in fighting fires to arrive..."

Looking around Amanda failed to spot the two stumbling chefs, had they taken another exit? Eyes scanning the area Amanda was quick to notice the two guards standing close by, the very same guards who she had entrusted with aiding those blundering chefs with the very volatile materials contained within the pantry. "Oh Fu.." Boom!

The explosion that erupted within the kitchen shook the kitchen walls violently and its roar echoed through the area to terrifying effect. Moving her hands to her ears Amanda braced herself for any flying debris but thankfully escaped any harm. The majority of the chefs and kitchen staff had evacuated alongside her save for the two within that had caused the explosion. Everyone should have made it out alive. Everyone! What a senseless disaster! Eyes snapping to the two guards Amanda's glare could very well have split them in two. Unfiltered fury was extremely evident upon her features. Yet despite the obvious enraged state she was currently in, Amanda made no attempt to chastise the two.

Instead, she looked to the chefs and staff that had made it out alive. Taking a deep breath and after gritting her teeth for a few moments in an attempt to quell herself. Amanda spoke to the group "The explosion changes nothing. Trust in the walls of the mansion. Your lives are far more valuable, make for the main gate. Whomsoever holds seniority among you, I'll be leaving this task to you. Get everyone assembled out of here and when you reach the main gate ensure you take note of all who are missing. Got it? Dismissed. Darin, since You are heading that way anyway, please do look after these folk. They are brave heroes, each and every one of them. Let it be known."

Wiping some sweat from her forehead Amanda then returned her gaze to the guards. Her posture straightened and her tone shifted. With as polite a voice and demeanor as she could muster Amanda moved toward the two "Take me to your captain, please. It would appear as though I have business with him."
Novama Novama Voider Voider


Interactions: Amanda ( Uasal Uasal ), Hadi ( Novama Novama ).

Darin 256x256.pngDarin had turned around and begun walking towards the Garden shortly after talking with Amanda, glad to hear that the fire would most likely be under control.

Then an explosion sounded out.

His head snapped towards the kitchen, eyes wide as the noise echoed and black smoke billowed out. It took him a second to respond to Amanda.
"Of course, I'll make sure they all get to the gate." Darin began walking alongside the kitchen personnel, guiding them towards the main gate, and helping them where he could. He remained silent for the most part, contemplating everything that had happened today. Within minutes, it had gone from normal, to an absolute disaster.

Once they reached their destination, and the senior staff member began a rollcall to know who was missing, Darin turned back towards the garden. He quickly found the Count, who was addressing the nobles' concerns. He quickly walked up in order to notify Hadi of the situation. "The kitchen staff have evacuated to the gate; they've done all they could, but the fire was simply too much."

Darin would've done more to help if he'd the capability, but he did what he could, which is what he would live with. He had a feeling that the memory of today wouldn't flee from him for quite awhile.
Mentions: saxon saxon Speed Speed Uasal Uasal Voider Voider
OOC: this is the last round for this rp. good job sticking it out.

Captain Marblock


The guards exchanged a brief, uncertain look before one of them, a tall, broad-shouldered man with graying hair at his temples, nodded toward Amanda. "Of course, m'lady," he said, the words falling awkwardly from his mouth as if he were unaccustomed to such formality. They led her across the courtyard, towards the gardens where they saw their captain run off too just before them.

Captain Marblock looked back at their approach just long enough to halt them short, his focus seeming to be solely on the task at hand. "Not now, I need to find the Lord. Help with the other guests," he barked over his shoulder, effectively dismissing them.

The guards halted, looking slightly embarrassed, and offered an apologetic shrug to Amanda. "Apologies, m'lady," one of them said. "We've got our orders. You might want to find Count Sadek, he's over there," he suggested, pointing towards the gardens before they both hustled off to help the other guests.

Count Hadi Sadek
Count Hadi Sadec watched the guards and Amanda approach, then scatter in response to Captain Marblock's abrupt orders. He gave a slight nod to Darin in gratitude for his diligent service during the ordeal.

"Amanda," he began, his tone calm despite the chaos surrounding them. "I understand that you meant well by attempting to face the fire directly, but your actions could have ended in tragedy. You must remember, the instinct to preserve your life in a crisis is not cowardice, but wisdom. Leaders cannot afford to make reckless decisions in perilous times."

He paused, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in. "Yet, there is a certain courage in what you did - courage that could be molded into great leadership, given time and experience. I propose a solution that could aid in your maturation process."

He looked briefly towards the recovering kitchen staff. "I had initially considered other options, but I fear I may have been too swift in that judgement. Instead, I suggest you assist our counties Adventurer's Guild Clerk, Leanna. She commands her domain with impressive tenacity, and handling the daily challenges of the guild would be an excellent exercise in crisis management. Of course, the choice is yours." He smiled faintly, offering her a way forward. On the surface, the offer didn't seem particularly appealing, but the Count seemed to have other plans in mind. Meanwhile, the carriages were gradually escorting the guests away from the property to other places around the city before their eventually departure. The party was likely a bust for many.
~Amanda Steelhaven~
Human, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist

Amanda was outraged when the captain turned her away without so much as a word but her anger quickly subsided when the count addressed her. It seemed as though she had failed to meet his expectations. The words he had said were all true in their own way, Amanda might have put the blame upon the guards for ruining her planning but ultimately she should have been more thorough in carrying it out. Leaving the two chefs to the guards instead of directly supervising them herself was something only she could take the blame for. Yes, the guards had disobeyed her orders and evacuated before all the civilians ere accounted but so too had Amanda.

"I see. I will take your words to heart, my count. Not just those offered to me here and now but also your advice from earlier this evening." Offering the man a curtsy, Amanda responded to his offer with a kind tone "I thank you for the opportunity. My Lady is also an adventurer in her own right, I doubt she would be against me accepting such an offer. Alas, I am sworn to her court and as such she will have the final say on the matter.".

Straightening her posture Amanda wiped some ash from her forehead with a sigh "I was too rash. Too stubborn. I believe working with the guild would aid me as you say. Please do send my lady a proper offer by letter. I'll see to it the response is sent immediately whatever it is she may decide. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave for Caelia. There's much I'll need to both prepare and set in motion before devoting myself to a stint in the guild. I am Lady Caelia's architectural and Economical advisor after all."

With a bow, Amanda took her leave making for the carriage that had been prepared for her. Offering the count one last word of thanks before closing the door and taking off.


Interaction: Hadi ( Novama Novama )

Darin 256x256.png
After watching Amanda leave, Darin turned towards the Count. "Well, it would seem that my services as a guard are no longer applicable, nor necessary. I shall be going my own way now; farewell, it was a pleasure to meet you." With a nod to Hadi, he made his way out of the garden and to the gate.

Leaving the premises of the manor, Darin slung his firearm over his shoulder, and began walking down the street. The events of today had been unexpected, and quite sudden, but it was all over now. Well, the fire was still raging, but that was a problem that now reached beyond his capabilities or concerns, and would soon be solved.
Mentions: saxon saxon Speed Speed Uasal Uasal Voider Voider
OOC: Way to stick this out.

Count Hadi Sadek
Count Hadi Sadek watched as Amanda retreated to her awaiting carriage and Darin walked off towards the gate, each leaving in their own quiet resolve. The smoky scent of the still-smouldering kitchen mingled with the cool evening air, serving as a reminder of the chaotic events that had unfolded earlier. The tranquil scene seemed an unlikely contrast to the commotion just moments before. He let out a weary sigh, leaning against the edge of the window that overlooked the expansive gardens, now bathed in the soft light of dusk.

The night descended quickly, bringing with it a certain calm that blanketed the aftermath of the tumultuous day. The mansion echoed with a subdued quietness, a silence that spoke volumes about the resilience and courage displayed by the staff and guests, Amanda and Darin included. Their bravery and resolve had helped prevent a disaster from becoming a catastrophe. Yet, the evening had also revealed areas of growth, a mirror held up to their characters in times of crisis.

Amanda had shown both courage and tenacity, but her instinct to rush into danger without due consideration was something that required tempering. Her willingness to take on the Count's advice showed a potential for growth, a promise that she could become a stronger, more balanced individual in the face of adversity. It was Hadi's hope that her lady would accept his proposal and that Amanda's time at the guild would help nurture this potential.

Darin, on the other hand, had displayed a steadfastness that was admirable. Though somewhat detached, his dedication was evident in the way he handled the escalating situation. Despite his cool exterior, the Count could see a fire within Darin that, much like the disaster in the kitchen, was contained but ever-present.

The Count knew that the night's events would be remembered for a long time. Lessons had been learned and bonds had been forged in the crucible of crisis. The echoes of the chaotic evening would serve as reminders of the bravery, determination, and resolve shown by all. As the evening drew to a close, the Count was already looking forward to seeing what the new day would bring.

The End
Isekai Hell Grade
Novama Novama Speed Speed Uasal Uasal Voider Voider saxon saxon

Hurray for finishing rp's. The rp didn't quite go the way anyone planned, but it was finished, so good enough. This one was picked up after the narrator got called away and settled in an alternative way.

The hosting lord would have the damaged kitchen replaced and rehost the gathering another time in the future.


Novama - 7pts (partial narrator)

Amanda - 60pts (attentive student)
optional title acquired [Girl on Fire] - character is a lady a bit to passionate for her own good. Character gives of main protagonist energy but may get herself killed before she achieves her ambitions. Draws in other characters to stand with her or stand against her. Few can remain neutral in her wake.
optional asset acquired [Associate of Ryke Count] - character is on good terms with a Ryke Count which can open some doors.

Darin - 21pts
optional title acquired [Sentry] - Character excels at guard duty and is likely to be tasked with it a lot. Character inspires a sense of safety and rest-assuredness.
optional asset acquired [Associate of Ryke Count] - character is on good terms with a Ryke Count which can open some doors.

Partial Participant
Lee - 2pts
Kasumi - 18pts (partial narrator)

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